Submitted by chemistrynerd1994 t3_10ttvzc in gifs
b1happyman t1_j78rcyf wrote
LineChef t1_j78t59y wrote
Shark: ah my food moved, it moved!
cookiewookiewoo t1_j78wfms wrote
Like biting into an apple a a worm pops out.
Gmd88 t1_j78wteb wrote
LineChef t1_j790gwk wrote
halfanothersdozen t1_j798iuv wrote
Slow-mo all you want that's not some beautiful brush with nature. That thing swam up trying to decide if that human was food, then it decided that the human is not food. For now.
They only exist to kill.
xLisbethSalander t1_j79budm wrote
what a shit comment, they only exist to kill? shut up. They are animals. Yes they are predators and can be extremely dangerous too but "only exist to kill" is such a dumb way of phrasing it.
tangcameo t1_j79izoq wrote
So booping the shark prevents you from being eaten?
bradland t1_j79jzhv wrote
Get rotated.
fitzmagic_1200 t1_j79l63s wrote
Obviously not hungry
Sun_Stealer t1_j79ldix wrote
I’ve only read a bit into it. But sharks will explore things with its nose/mouth. It was coming in at low speed to do that. You can gently move their snout away from you like so when they do
chirs5757 t1_j79lzyv wrote
Great white = you ded
XYPH0ID t1_j79m9fx wrote
Is that a tiger shark?
isisis t1_j79mkzl wrote
Sometimes. Sharks have sensitive electrical receptors on the head. Many have them just under the snout, though I believe tiger sharks (what this is) have more receptors on the sides of the head. Touching the receptors can overload them enough that they kind of just stop whatever it is they're doing. If I'm incorrect, hopefully someone can help me out here.
isisis t1_j79mluu wrote
isisis t1_j79mo41 wrote
All animals gotta eat. Sharks are not mindless killers. Read a book sometime.
thebestyoucan t1_j79nkum wrote
I’ve always read that the nerves on the underside of their head trigger a bite reflex while on top they do not. Which is why they always touch them on top of the nose and never give them chin scritches in these videos.
fuzzytradr t1_j79nom6 wrote
Had that great white been positioned even fifty feet directly below her this might have been posted in a different sub.
JustSomeApparition t1_j79o4ym wrote
isisis t1_j79oi8w wrote
I've never heard of chin receptors. That's interesting!
Any-Patient-68 t1_j79oioe wrote
It's a big fluffy puppy dog with bad teeth
thebestyoucan t1_j79pc77 wrote
Tbh I could be full of shit, I am just some guy on the internet after all, but it’s what I’ve read from some other person on the internet.
smartguy05 t1_j79ra4x wrote
From what I understand you're essentially correct. The shark comes up to investigate because she kind of looks like a seal from underneath but the shark isn't sure. As the shark comes up she touches the shark which makes the shark go "WTF was that? It touched me!" Then nope out.
[deleted] t1_j79v712 wrote
boing757 t1_j79x50e wrote
Where was the diving ?
shoddy_craftmanship t1_j79y071 wrote
For what it's worth, that's not a great white. It appears to be a tiger shark (you can even see the slight striping under some of the lighting conditions.) Still very dangerous though.
Donvack t1_j79zhqo wrote
Hawaii most likely. Tiger sharks are native to that area.
bagsofcandy t1_j7a1sqo wrote
Evasive action!! Success.
th3_pund1t t1_j7a23d8 wrote
No. That’s a diver.
ppface t1_j7a31ev wrote
plk7 t1_j7a33ni wrote
That’s a big Tiger!
Chiinoe t1_j7a55tj wrote
This guy looks kinda cute. Great Whites on the other hand are scary af
GoodGoodGoody t1_j7a5maf wrote
Dorsal has a black tip so I assumed it was a BTS but yup, clear tiger stripes.
rockstar450rox t1_j7a65u6 wrote
That idiot just got rotated
OBlove t1_j7a6uk5 wrote
I would rather hold one of those huntsman spiders getting posted all over recently. As long as I don’t actually go back to any of those posts and look at the photos, I can say with certainty I’d rather hold the spider. Maybe.
jawshoeaw t1_j7a6wg3 wrote
Is this like that video with a vulture and a hang glider where it turns out to be the dudes pet? That shark looks way to friendly
janzeera t1_j7a7j6c wrote
Had it been me it would have read: “Man Imitates Squid with Ink Cloud”…
JustSomeApparition t1_j7a7op3 wrote
Wow. Hahaha. Fair
Britoz t1_j7a82qb wrote
Bull sharks are less inclined to gently test. Tiger sharks aren't as aggressive, but they'll still enjoy eating you if it's easy enough.
We've got so many shark attacks and sightings locally that I'm legit considering not even going in the shallows of the river or ocean anymore. One that happened yesterday:
smilesatflowers t1_j7aa3yc wrote
so after watching extensive footage on the internet, all you have to do is boop them in the snout and all disaster is averted.
navywater t1_j7ah4s0 wrote
I love how the best way to deal with a shark that wants to eat you is to politely say no thankyou
hiirnoivl t1_j7ah70n wrote
Get rotated idiot!
Positive_Mud952 t1_j7ahvwm wrote
Arms are nuclear weapons.
slimejumper t1_j7aj46i wrote
maybe a well fed shark
Beliriel t1_j7ajp1z wrote
Aren't Tiger sharks actually more dangerous than Great Whites because they're faster, more nimble and more aggressive?
medhatsniper t1_j7ala0s wrote
Fucken sharkjutsu
dabiird t1_j7amssc wrote
Ouch.. missed opportunity to mount it, ride it and call it yours. So close
Amasterclass t1_j7anoww wrote
100% a tiger
KiritoSAO95 t1_j7aovwa wrote
Get finessed nerd.
SKULL1138 t1_j7ar842 wrote
Well they are less fussy eaters, however you’ve more chance of surviving a bite and taste experiment with a tiger. That’s not to be said you will survive it, just a tiny bit more likely due to how they both differ in attack strategy.
Tigers are a fairly aggressive species, but frankly, the king of the don’t fuck with me sharks is the Bull, partly that’s due to proximity to humans, but also due to how aggressive they are and how they can hunt in packs.
Humans have swum with all three of these species without aid of cages, however one could get away with wearing a chain mail suit in the case of Bull or Tiger, that likely doesn’t help with a Whitey as your insides will be crushed anyway.
By far though, the most risky free dive is with a White, if something goes wrong, it’s over. With the other two there’s a slim chance you survive, especially with other divers there to help you. They couldn’t help you at all if a shark really decides it’s feeding on you though. It’s goodnight and crap fight.
Unless you are a highly trained diver with years of experience diving with the same sharks you’ve got to know well in terms of temperament, then it’s a silly, needless risk with any of large predatory shark.
I mean I’ve swam with nurse sharks, that’s about as risky as petting animals in a handling zoo.
SKULL1138 t1_j7arkyd wrote
I’ve had a nurse shark sitting on my lap and I’ve fed it from above. Rule number one, never ever put your hand underneath the nose of the shark or it’s bitten. The second good drops below the snout it’s gone in a flash. Now that’s Nurse sharks who are very docile, I am going to assume this is relatively common in how they’ve evolved those senses.
SKULL1138 t1_j7arz8b wrote
I know this doesn’t help with phobias but if we are talking risk factors then your choice is by far the wisest.
If that shark turns into attack mode, that diver is dead 95/100. Okay it might not attack but the risk is still high.
With a Huntsman the risk is basically zero, even if the one you picked up was the nastiest Huntsman on the planet all it could do is scare the shit out of you and give you a few bee stings. By which point you could rip it in half with the strength it would take you rip a plastic bag.
However fear is fear.
BHTrix t1_j7auyqm wrote
did that person not see jaws??
samwstew t1_j7ax98q wrote
HereWeGoAgain-77 t1_j7axo54 wrote
It's a Tiger
HereWeGoAgain-77 t1_j7axpaq wrote
Good thing it's a tiger... but your odds won't be much better.
HereWeGoAgain-77 t1_j7axqgf wrote
Just not Jaws.
Jefffahfffah t1_j7b0ust wrote
Good kitty
IndigoFenix t1_j7b2wh6 wrote
Prey does not boop snoots. Therefore if you boop snoot you are not prey.
SubmarineThrowaway22 t1_j7b5cph wrote
I just avoid the ocean entirely. The sharks don't wander the streets, I'll extend them the same courtesy and not go to where they live.
SubmarineThrowaway22 t1_j7b5t5t wrote
I think I'll just keep admiring sharks from a good safe distance.
They're cool as hell, but you don't simply stop evolving unless you're already perfect, and sharks haven't really changed in the last million or so years. I guess being nothing but teeth and muscle is about as good as you can get in the ocean.
Km2930 t1_j7b6e3u wrote
Do you know the old adage:
If you stay still, get ready for the kill
If you boop the snout, you might get out… alive
Serikan t1_j7b6n7x wrote
Avatar 2 deleted scene
TheGazelle t1_j7b96mq wrote
Coca_Cola_for_blood t1_j7b9uqf wrote
If you boop the snout, you will stay about.
This only works for Canadians.
nitzo83 t1_j7bagpa wrote
SubmarineThrowaway22 t1_j7bbfwq wrote
What is it with the nostalgia bombs today? It's like every thread I go into, it's happening.
I had all the toys from that show as a kid.
M4dcap t1_j7bf00v wrote
Yes. They probably have more human attacks than great whites.
After some Google searching... great white is number 1 for human attacks. Followed by the tiger.
TheGazelle t1_j7bfmuh wrote
I think I might've had one. I also remember having a Biker Mice From Mars toy that was super rad.
mitchcumstein13 t1_j7bglhe wrote
cilantno t1_j7bm9pj wrote
hockeyfan608 t1_j7bn1ji wrote
Great whites out here proving that intelligence correlates with a greater capacity to be a dick
Thendofreason t1_j7boqo3 wrote
Is this the girl that the internet hates for swimming and bothering endangered species? Honestly cant tell. Scuba gear all look the same.
ReeseBY t1_j7bp27n wrote
What kind of shark is that?
Juran_Alde t1_j7bq6tz wrote
Especially considering tiger sharks don’t discriminate with what they eat.
hazie t1_j7bq885 wrote
The friendly kind.
hazie t1_j7bqbsl wrote
That's why he said "on the other hand"
axyz77 t1_j7bras6 wrote
For me it would be
Man magically changes water color to yellow and brown, Shark Mesmerized
riicccii t1_j7brcc5 wrote
ArenSteele t1_j7bry43 wrote
If you do any dives around Hawaii in the tourist spots, there’s a good chance to see Grey Reef Sharks. Usually about 4-5 feet long and really have a classic shark “look” but aren’t that aggressive with humans.
cantpickanane t1_j7bs25c wrote
I wonder if the diver tries really fast to orient herself on the top side if the sharks head?
Rivetingcactus t1_j7btb5q wrote
Food? Food? Food? Not food.
Jfrog1 t1_j7bvvrq wrote
They are kinda like puppies of the sea, they are super curious and like to chew on things
HarioDinio t1_j7bw7ef wrote
One smooth shark
Sens-eh t1_j7bx7lc wrote
fuji_appl t1_j7byle0 wrote
Sharks hate this one simple trick!
JustBoredIsAll t1_j7byu1s wrote
Steve Irwin: jumps on crocodiles and wrestles them into submission. Harasses and gets bit by snakes.
Internet: "We love him!!💓💓"
Ocean Ramsay: gently swims with sharks people have been afraid of for centuries and gives them boops.
Internet: "What a stupid bitch!"
SubmarineThrowaway22 t1_j7c0ixm wrote
Not planning on it anytime ever, but good to know.
chev327fox t1_j7c4s7u wrote
Now with a Great White.
toshgiles t1_j7c4tfq wrote
Ocean Ramsey, who I believe this to be, and Juan Oliphant are experts at this.
Chiinoe t1_j7c4ylf wrote
It's clearly a shark.
Easy_Kill t1_j7c6hkf wrote
Boop the snoot and stay aboot?
Omnizoom t1_j7c6l7d wrote
Wow look at that Apex predator , a very fine specimen indeed
The shark is neat too
Easy_Kill t1_j7c7ecb wrote
Tigers are found all over the world
twoinvenice t1_j7c8ei3 wrote
Diving with sharks is really amazing, they really are beautiful and want absolutely nothing to do with divers. Getting good pictures is really difficult.
I’ve done cage diving with great whites (which was absolutely fucking increasingly), and lots of non cage diving where I’ve seen all manner of reef sharks, silky, galapagos, lemon sharks, threshers, wobbegongs, and whale sharks.
Still have managed to get blanked on bulls, tigers, and hammerheads but I know that if I do a dive trip to the Galápagos Islands I can cross that one off.
twoinvenice t1_j7c90pb wrote
That plus she didn’t act like prey. Sharks aren’t used to stuff that swims at them and they like to keep their distance. Touching them while holding ground just increases the determination that you aren’t food and kicks in their instinct to move away from something they don’t understand.
Meanderingversion t1_j7ccb1z wrote
ITT: Did anyone else not poop their pants either!! Yay! Total win!!!! I'll...BRB.
SubmarineThrowaway22 t1_j7cdced wrote
I'll live that kind of moment vicariously through you.
I prefer to be above the ocean, not in it.
Noreaster0 t1_j7ce1zm wrote
Notice the pre strike eye rollback just before the boop?
Hamms_Bear t1_j7cfmvi wrote
I am not the meal you are looking for
IndianaGeoff t1_j7cm84f wrote
The ever useful Three Stooges defense. Nuk, nuk, nuk
siriushendrix t1_j7cpjlb wrote
They’re equally polite about it. Like “oh shit. my bad bro. I’ll swim on over there now”
bronky_charles t1_j7cx9mm wrote
Lookout for Pt. 2, Diving in a shark
SS_TTZZYY t1_j7eu4v8 wrote
I was today years old when I found out a shark can blink cool reaction from the critter
ellisnarr t1_j7fbwfb wrote
Well this went as well as it possibly could've
ellisnarr t1_j7fbzfk wrote
Shark incoming? It's finnee just adjust it's angle with a BOOP
Uh-Oh-Raggy t1_j7fks4p wrote
Watched this several times over and over not just because it is cool to watch how curious the shark is but the blink that it gives as she touches the top of its snout makes me imagine a big smile on its face lol
bigfishwende t1_j7ftlja wrote
-Enrique_Shockwave- t1_j7fwzyo wrote
Now that you say this I’m not sure my body would allow me to hold the spider. Like if I had no choice here my family was going to die if I didn’t do one or the other. I think I’d have to pick the shark because that one you’re in the water waiting for it to happen and if you don’t roll the shark you probably die, so hopefully instinct kicks in and you just do it. I truly don’t think I’d be able to hold my hands out and either let someone drop that spider on there or willingly pick it up. Really I think my body would just say no.
JustBoredIsAll t1_j7g5qox wrote
She's done that too.
Pajama_Strangler t1_j7g5x59 wrote
It’s a tiger shark
Pajama_Strangler t1_j7g655r wrote
Love sharks, wouldn’t mess with em but absolutely beautiful animals
One-Pepper-6993 t1_j7g78pg wrote
I’d rather swim with sharks, than rapey dolphins
hyperlite135 t1_j7h3ycf wrote
A hungry shark that size will eat us 100% of the time. How do you see those 5/100 panning out?
[deleted] t1_j7h6mrk wrote
NAhere t1_j7hvu6e wrote
Well, are they smooth or rough?
ElRALT t1_j7hyghr wrote
He was just coming in for a cuddle
[deleted] t1_j7jbgbw wrote
[deleted] t1_j7jbnaz wrote
AJHear t1_j7jumi7 wrote
Fuck that's a big bugga!
Marooner-Martin t1_j8cd3m5 wrote
Ha. Get fucked nerd.
JustSomeApparition t1_j78pkrr wrote
Had that been me in the water this would have been entitled - "How man magically walks on water to get away from shark!"