johnsolomon t1_j7tpmu1 wrote
Feels like some kind of analogy for full-time employment
__Shake__ t1_j7tqrv0 wrote
this is brilliant... i love the mushiness of it
jambox888 t1_j7ts0pl wrote
I was going to say "average HR department"
Perpetual_Doubt t1_j7tskh6 wrote
Like chicken, but without the goo
Cuemaster t1_j7tuxbj wrote
This reminds me that my Range Rover is due for a service and new timing belt...
Pachyderm_Powertrip t1_j7twzze wrote
This would be a cool art installation. I imagine stretch armstrong like dolls you could drop into the mixer. I'm still not sure if all the dolls should look the same or if they could be allowed to be personalized somehow by the user before dropping in.
Captnlunch t1_j7tz74e wrote
Is this what the KKK fear is happening to the ‘white race’?
FLCyclist t1_j7u0rit wrote
Next episode of How It's Made: Soylent Green
cuddle_enthusiast t1_j7u0tgb wrote
Rip your wallet
plafki t1_j7u1fn5 wrote
You surely need different skin colors for it to be impacting/provoking
Noreaster0 t1_j7u1s1c wrote
“Workers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your serpentine belt!”
Telephonic81 t1_j7u23lz wrote
Squid game new season?
pazapaza t1_j7u2c7w wrote
Is this what happens at all those social mixers I never go to?
Cuemaster t1_j7u2ry5 wrote
It's ok just the regular "body off" service /s
DisgruntledDidgerido t1_j7u3sky wrote
Just working through some stuff right now, huh? Good for you man
Eskimo_Brothers t1_j7u515v wrote
For capitalism....
nhbruh t1_j7u672s wrote
Could we not afford more pixels? I cannot see the anguish on their faces
tangcameo t1_j7u7014 wrote
I think Charlie Chaplin would sue
pushplaystoprewind t1_j7u73tn wrote
Reminds me of work
ReplyisFutile t1_j7u844x wrote
But they refer to us as cogs
Bryce_cp10 t1_j7uba90 wrote
Anybody wanna link the original?
fpgt72 t1_j7ucq1s wrote
Soylent step in the WEF. Is this their proof of concept?
Deatheturtle t1_j7uesbo wrote
"So i was at business mixer the other day..."
Melvinironfist t1_j7ufjqd wrote
Soylent Green is people!!
sdlhak t1_j7uhuwc wrote
This is basically a representation of humans being processed by Social Media.
Cordealio t1_j7uiktl wrote
“Just mingle” they said. “It’ll be fun!”
alfman1977 t1_j7uj1dm wrote
Thanks… I hate it.
Hobbs512 t1_j7uke07 wrote
Pick one out and see if you can track it. It's like playing shell game!
puahaha t1_j7ulevn wrote
It looked like shredded chicken from a distance.
yanbag609 t1_j7um3dt wrote
industrial orgy
Imprettystrong t1_j7un1ee wrote
This is a very accurate representation of how it feels to work today ngl, the machine used to be well oiled and functioning, now it’s just mashed full and jam packed with workers doing pretty much useless things all day until there are too many and then the CEO making 45 million dollars a year comes in and cleans out the gears.
DontTreadOnBigfoot t1_j7unq6c wrote
Hmm...I should probably check the condition of my serpentine belt...
dread_deimos t1_j7uolar wrote
Ah, yes, a cross-section of the russian war machine!
Slurm818 t1_j7uosax wrote
Most unsettling part is the movement of the conveyors and gears…not the product being moved
amaJarAMA t1_j7upcg6 wrote
I'm the one on the bottom left who keeps getting caught by himself pinned against the corner
AppleSlacks t1_j7upmbc wrote
A behind the scenes look at the Soylent Green Factory.
the_jak t1_j7upofy wrote
is this an art piece representing corporate america?
Wilfnstein t1_j7upoq0 wrote
Is this Grinder?
TheFrontierzman t1_j7uq86l wrote
GoldenPants1234 t1_j7uqcbl wrote
Just another cog in the machine?
sofakingWTD t1_j7uqn8n wrote
OMG I have been trying to find this gif again for like a year! Thank you! You don't happen to know the original source/artist do you?
Parsiuk t1_j7ur21y wrote
Thnx, I hate it.
DJnotaRealDJ t1_j7urwof wrote
I just thought of the people getting eaten by Jean Jacket in Nope and instantly felt dread
Alexstarfire t1_j7ushqv wrote
Is this what people mean when they say they are part of the grind?
Joyjmb t1_j7usi8s wrote
When a little arm pokes out of the track...
Rtrnofdmax t1_j7usm96 wrote
Is this a blender project?
tone2099 t1_j7utiw0 wrote
First glance, I thought it was tuna fish
halo2030 t1_j7utn6u wrote
Thats cool
wildherb15 t1_j7uu2aw wrote
Diversity and Inclusion
DenikaMae t1_j7uudvr wrote
Oh look it's the U.S. Criminal Justice System.
ambermage t1_j7uun2k wrote
"You should do more yoga."
-HR Probably
The-Good-Good t1_j7uuvsc wrote
Made me think of Severance immediately
EdEnsHAzArD t1_j7uvocz wrote
Spoonbills t1_j7uvy7z wrote
When was it ever well oiled and functioning?
schenitz t1_j7uwo9g wrote
How I expect things to go when I decide to try and make friends
infinitechopin t1_j7uxi5m wrote
I was surprised no one mentioned this earlier, I could definitely see this in the intro. Little Adam Scott figurines lol
sixfourtykilo t1_j7uxmac wrote
Browncoat765 t1_j7uxvuh wrote
This is the visualization of working at a large corporation
YourPlot t1_j7uyi6z wrote
It immediately reminded me of the scene in Modern Times where Charlie Chaplin is swallowed whole and chewed up by factory machine cogs as an allegory to the drudgery of capitalist employment.
[deleted] t1_j7uzn49 wrote
King_of_Castamere t1_j7v083k wrote
You should watch Severance, it conveys the same message and has a similar artstyle in the opening credits.
bill__sussman t1_j7v0ia2 wrote
u/ooMEAToo time to go outside pal. Mom’s basement is getting a smell
John5247 t1_j7v1y60 wrote
Is that soylent green in the background?
pandasareblack t1_j7v3664 wrote
It needs a soundtrack of people screaming.
Natereater t1_j7v3laa wrote
That scene in Nope.
[deleted] t1_j7v4b65 wrote
draculamilktoast t1_j7v7fc2 wrote
> CEO making 45 million dollars a year comes in and cleans out the gears
The CEO making 90 million dollars a month apologizes profusely that the gears aren't grinding people painfully enough and then has somebody else randomly fire 10% of the workers, the gear cleaners being the first to go.
BenLaramie t1_j7vaepv wrote
Visual representation of working retail
BeachesBeTripin t1_j7vaq4o wrote
It's a rough approximation of how a child is conceived in a heavy metal mosh pit .
BatteredWalrus t1_j7vbpgm wrote
ThE fUtUrE nEtFliX wAnTs
Trips-Over-Tail t1_j7vdolv wrote
Ah, Bumble.
haxic t1_j7vdpnk wrote
Only whiteys, such racism
Canilickyourfeet t1_j7vic50 wrote
Imma need you to never do this again.
Any of this.
infoclub88 t1_j7vn7ou wrote
This is what happens when the UFO in Nope eats you
ExtraNoise t1_j7vnyah wrote
"Pizza party this Friday in the break room!"
EIOT t1_j7vqxh4 wrote
Yo homie you don't gotta do that.
newbies13 t1_j7vudsy wrote
I can tell Netflix had nothing to do with this vision of what 'people' look like.
[deleted] t1_j7vv3jz wrote
it’s a new mixup strategy
FalseFrosting9 t1_j7vxwt1 wrote
Pink Floyd possibly sang "Welcome To The Machine"
mikemason1965 t1_j7w222p wrote
"Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!"""""
[deleted] t1_j7w59hm wrote
gsohyeah t1_j7w7b6b wrote
The economy in a nutshell.
ron-swansons-anus t1_j7wa7bq wrote
There's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot
Cy41995 t1_j7waphr wrote
Look, a customer service job!
Jakester42 t1_j7win5j wrote
We don’t need no education…
SethikTollin7 t1_j7wjdq9 wrote
Watch this on early reality speed Salvia breakthrough-ish ;)
callingallcomas t1_j7wx8hu wrote
Music festival simulator
Darthnet t1_j7wzsc7 wrote
At this company we are all family
peach_dragon t1_j7x0jka wrote
I would watch an hour of this
Let_Me_Get_Back_To_U t1_j7xi3ah wrote
I'm up & down on this.
alx924 t1_j7xjnhi wrote
And Protein Bricks from Snowpiercer
Wobbuet t1_j7xq87y wrote
This is ideal
Juswavs t1_j7xs4d3 wrote
This is how some jobs feel
TildaTinker t1_j7xw469 wrote
You don't often see a top down view of an Amazon warehouse.
Temporary-Careless t1_j7ya6pv wrote
What dating site is yhis?
0-Give-a-fucks t1_j7yf9sf wrote
It has a wild but gruesome beauty to it.
[deleted] t1_j7yjm3g wrote
paperfett t1_j83l9nl wrote
This is so cool. That's a really neat setup they came up with too.
Icy_Interaction4385 t1_j87nhpi wrote
But they are all white so technically not mixed 😉
knightopusdei t1_j9pozhz wrote
Or you could build a massive replica and use actual people inside against their will
Licalottapuss t1_ja7h64s wrote
What my day feels like if each of the people were different problems within myself I actually should deal with so that I could have what I believe is a normal life.
Deferon-VS t1_j7tp63i wrote
I have mixed feelings on this gif.