Submitted by t3_11aquau in headphones

Looking for advice with a purchase or help troubleshooting a problem? This is the place. This post will be refreshed and replaced when it is 4 days old.

Purchase Advice

  • Consider searching r/HeadphoneAdvice or making a post there before asking your question.
  • Please make use of this template, it helps others answer your question. Questions without enough detail will often remain unanswered.
  • Remember that the more specific you are, the better quality the responses you are likely to receive.

What kind of questions are considered Tech Support:

  • How can I fix issue X (e.g.: buzzing / hissing) on my equipment Y
  • Have I damaged my equipment by doing X, or will I damage my equipment if I do X?
  • What does equipment X do, or do I really need equipment Y?
  • Can my amplifier X drive my headphones Y?
  • What's the meaning of specification X (e.g.: Output Impedance / Vrms / Sensitivity)?
  • How should I connect and set up my system hardware or software?

Common problems, questions and their solutions are answered in the DAC & Amplifier FAQ

  • What is a DAC? What is an Amp? Do I need that and how do I know if my amplifier is powerful enough?
  • How can I fix noise and sound issues?
  • How should I setup my system?
  • What is impedance? What is sensitivity? Why do these things matter?

After asking a question, please be patient since volunteers may not always be immediately available.



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t1_j9tznrf wrote

When someone says “x headphones are difficult to drive - we recommend this $2000 amp to drive them properly” but then I see the wattage output at all ohm levels and its less than my $300 schitt amp, what exactly else could they mean other than maybe the tonal changes a tube amp or something else it might introduce? Is there any reason a cheaper solid state amp like a Schitt or a Topping or a Monolith THX that put out 6W at 32ohm wouldn’t be sufficient enough to drive anything but the most very demanding headphones?


t1_j9u00a9 wrote

Hello everyone. So. I was in a dire need of a new pair of headphones. Some GOOD ones. I made the enormous and honestly quite embarrassing blunder of buying the amazing audio-technica ath r70x. Problem is i only use wireless connection to my smartphone. Stupid I know, I know! I was too excited... Anyways. Do any of you guys have a work-around via some other equipment of sorts (what kind i have simply no idea - it's only I bought thisbpair so it's a bit of a shame to return them) or is it simply best to just get a new pair?

If that is so, would any kind person recommend a fantasticular pair for me headphone needs? I'm somewhat lost in this sea of information and apparently noticeable differences between headphones I never knew existed. I'm not an audiophile but I do appreciate and recognize high quality.

Thanks for any reply to this, i need to remedy this situation and good day.


t1_j9u8crc wrote

I’m wanting to compare a couple sets of headphones (Koss Pro4S and AKG K702) and I had been using a Samsung tablet with a Creative SXFI amp, but I’d rather use my LG monitor (as I can use a splitter with it plus ya know, big screen). The only thing is I’ve literally no idea how capable a monitor’s headphone jack is. Is there a standard power output for them or is it dependent on the model?

My model is a LG 32UN650 if anyone happens to have any experience with it. Thanks


t1_j9u9sen wrote

I'm currently looking for a budget-friendly headphone amp to pair with a Schiit Mani, and they're well over a dozen Magni 3+ units on closeout currently through Schiit's website. Would the price of the Magni 3+ be worth the discount ($79), or would I better served spending $30 more for the regular Magni+? If it's of any relevance or assistance, I'm currently using Sennheiser HD 380 pros and everything will be connected to my Fluance RT82 turntable.

I appreciate any help, and thank you!


t1_j9uidyr wrote

Hi mam thanks for the reply. Hm maybe I wasn't that clear. Call it sleep deprived with 2 kids I don't know but what i meant to say was. I can not use headphones with a cable. It has to be wireless. It is way to impractical since I can't sit down stationary style during the day and night. So a more pronounced question wouæe be, is there some nifty workaround where I can keep the headphones so they somehow can receive sound from the headphone, or is that just total bollocks. Hope that clarifies some stuff. If not let me know.


t1_j9uis64 wrote

I was wanting headphones for listening to music and editing but also be good for gaming I really hate all the headphones listed for gaming.


t1_j9ujwe3 wrote

I guess I haven't honestly thought of that. The cable will still be a pain practically speaking. Will have to decide if that's worth "the hassle".. Will there be a loss of sound quality, do you know? If it's "too much" i think it'd be a shame to use such headphones, maybe.


t1_j9unf6d wrote

Hello everyone! I am a beginner audiophile and I have little experience in choosing headphones, so I ask you to help me. I want to purchase shouer singer, but in the reviews they have poor sound quality. Can you recommend bullet shaped headphones like singer? Budget: $70-80 Platform for buying: AliExpress, eBay, idlefish (china) Headphones I have: qkz vk4, moondop SSP sources: hifiman 601, shanling ua1pro.


t1_j9ur07h wrote

Ahh okay. I just looked and unfortunately that headphones has a cable into each cup doesn’t it. I’m guessing you don’t want to have the cable wrapped around your neck and plugged into a Bluetooth adapter. So it may be worth seeing if they make a shorter cable for that headphone, and then you could buy a Bluetooth adapter/dongle that you’d plug the cable into


t1_j9urx1e wrote

Hello everyone, my Razer kraken TE is a little bit broken(sometimes I hear only on 1 side) and I am looking for a replacement. I saw Logitech g pro x renewed for 85$ and I think its a very good deal. my biggest preference is comfortability, I don't really care about bass and all that. I already have a microphone so that is not a concern either. Do you have any alternatives I can consider with a budget of 150$ MAX(very max) that may also be wireless?
Thank you:)


t1_j9us3yr wrote

I have zen can sig, I got speakers connected to the rear balanced output
over 4.4mm to XLR and headphones to the front output. Both are playing.
How do I make the speakers not play when headphones are in, except
plugging out the cable?


t1_j9uu0i9 wrote


I use these AKG K702 cans as my daily driver for work and media. But since morning i am experiencing this issue that whenever a sound stops, a hear a crackle/pop in the left ear, and it only happens mostly at lower volumes. While a music plays, I hear no crackles or pops, but when the volume goes down, for example, I hit a piano key, after the note ends, i hear that crackle/pop.

What could be the reason? It's very annoying.


t1_j9uugaw wrote

Holy macaroni all those spelling mistakes. I apologize. I'm glad you got the jist of it. That is a solution you have there and yeah you did guess right. I like to jam out with my music while I go around and do stuff A LOT so a cable just seems like a matter of time before it turns into a noose that will turn my head blue if I'm not careful haha. But thanks man I'll think about it.


t1_j9v2kjo wrote

>Is there any reason a cheaper solid state amp like a Schitt or a Topping or a Monolith THX that put out 6W at 32ohm wouldn’t be sufficient enough to drive anything but the most very demanding headphones?

No. It's bullshit. Clean power is clean power. Anyone telling you that you need a $2,000 amp to drive anything is either a marketer or has drank the marketer's Kool-Aid.


t1_j9v3quv wrote

Shweet. I'm ordering a Monolith THX 887. 8.8w at 16o, 6w at 32o for only $240 is rediculous. What planar/dynamic drive can would even struggle with that much power? I've been looking for the best value per wattage and it seems like you have to spend $1000+ for 10w+ 16o.


t1_j9vb5rq wrote

Hi all,
I'm a beginner audio guy and have a Modi+/Magni Schiit stack with Sennheiser HD 660S.
I am looking for more information on if you can use an in ear monitor with my current Modi+ and Magni setup. Im not looking for anything expensive just functional for using as an alternative to the over ear's during video calls.
I was looking at the BASN in-Ear Monitors, Bmaster Triple Driver and cant figure out if they will work with the setup.
Be gentle, I don't know all the lingo and terminology and could potentially be committing audio sacrilege


t1_j9vceoz wrote

SHP9500 channel imbalance

The right driver slowly gets quieter until the channel imbalance gets super obvious and then it completely shuts off. Maybe it has to do with the 3.5mm connector as when you move it a bit or you plug it in it affects the imbalance. I tried this with multiple cables, they're not the issue.

Sometimes when I plug in the headphones the right driver doesnt work at all. I've found a few (temporary) fixes: plug the cable in and out until it works, jiggle the cable a bit or shake the headphones. Have you any idea what the issue may be?


t1_j9vdi76 wrote

Can I get recommendations for a balanced cable for my iems (Tforce Yuan Li)?

I want a soft cable without that plastic molding around the ear part, my skin behind my ears is sensitive and the default cable is causing me irritation


t1_j9vdopo wrote

AirPods Pro Vs Moondrop Blessing 2

I currently have some AirPods Pro, and I really want to hear some nicer sounding hifi earbuds. Are the Moondrop blessing 2s a big upgrade in sound quality? My budget is around $200 and I know you can get the B2s for around that much second hand. Is that my best option for a hifi listening experience? Thanks.


t1_j9ve9q8 wrote

Yeah they should work just fine. Only potential issue is that on the earlier Magnis without the negative gain mode you're going to have very little useful range on the volume knob with sensitive IEMs, but you can just reduce the volume a bit on your computer.


t1_j9veaej wrote

Does anybody know if earpads that would fit a sennheiser hd598 or hd599 would fit a pc38x headset?


t1_j9vn22l wrote

Most usually not from a power perspective, and there's a lot of misunderstandings going around. Watts are voltage × current, and some headphones need proportionally more of one or the other. That's one of the reasons why it is generally good to leave some headroom when specing a setup just based on wattage. Then some people take this argument way too far and draw the wrong conclusions.

Depending on who you ask, and there are credible people on both sides of the argument, some headphones may sound nicer on certain amps. But then we get into the weeds of equipment that don't claim full transparency to the source and do introduce colourations. Also, you might need to consider the question of whether or not it's good to listen to recordings using equipment more perfect than what it was originally made with. Yadda yadda... We can go on forever.

Fundamentally, if your idea of listening is to replicate the source file as accurately as possible (according to current standards of analysis), then a THX amp is all you'll need for everything apart from the most ridiculously demanding headphones.


t1_j9vnxgt wrote

are my new DT 770 Pro 80 ohm broken?
whenever i listen to music and turn up the volume the bass gets really distorted (example of song mumford and sons - woman). same results on both my integrated audio soundcard (some Asus Supreme Fx thingy) or my focusrite solo 3rd gen.
the onboard soundcard should power headphones up to 600 ohms and focusrite up to 200 ohms if i'm not mistaken, so what might be the cause?
do i need an amp/dac for it?


t1_j9vyi9g wrote

Is there any way to repair an iem driver? I have an aurisonics asg-1 plus and the left bud plays at a way lower volume than the right one. Is there anything I can do to salvage it? I've tried everything, from sucking on it, cleaning it with isopropyl alcohol, to open it, switching one for the other etc. I can't really describe it with audiophile terms, so the only thing I can say it is that one is at a lower volume than the other.


t1_j9w02p0 wrote

Ok im having issue with my sml c200. First its randomly switches off, like loses signal through usb for no reason, and only random buttom presses might get back to where it suppose to be.

Second its having weird popping sound before playing audio, whenver i open new tab or play new video or anyhting there be initall small pop before playing audio properly.

I never had switching problem or any audio pop on o2 mayflower dac/amp. Sound quality wise there is no issue with c200.

I have speakers krk r7 connected to sml c200 taht are active, not passive so I doubt its power issue.

Any ideas? Or should I just return the unit.


t1_j9w4sxz wrote

What's a closed back headphone that has the same sound profile as the Turtle Beach Recon 200 Gen 2(with the bass boost feature turned off) that is 100$~


t1_j9w64ov wrote

I have been daily driving HD558's for the last 6 years. I see that the HD600s that I had been eyeing are finally on sale. If most of the music I listen to in the office is just high-quality spotify, do you think I would notice enough of a difference switching up only my headphones and not my listening habits?


t1_j9wdkvr wrote

I have a Sony MDR-EX650AP it only has one button for pausing songs. I bought a Baseus Type-C convertor to use it. The thing is whenever I move cable in some way it just sends random signals to phone to stop song or increase volume etc.

Maybe this isn't exactly the right place to ask this but is there any app out there to at least override controlling songs through headphone?


t1_j9x36ic wrote

Abigail dongle doesn't work. Bought one to boost my SHP 9500 a bit because I use APO EQ (harman curve setting) (I use the oratory setting). The dongle arrived today, tried it, and it doesn't do anything to it. Help, what should I do?


t1_j9xb3bj wrote

I've been having issues with my mic where its all static-sounding from my headset mic, like whenever I speak it's only static, and there's background noise from the fan under my laptop so it doesn't overheat when gaming when using the built-in mic and idk how to cut that noise out. I'm looking for a decent headset that isn't too expensive and won't pick up too much background noise from my family. If it's possible, under $80 USD would be good since I'm trying to save for a car and college currently, with an income of roughly $100 to $150 per week currently since I work close to minimum wage in my state and can only work weekends due to school. I don't remember what I have currently unfortunately since I ordered them awhile ago. If there's anyway I may be able to fix it for cheaper instead of buying a new pair that would be great. Thank you for any help, and I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this.


t1_j9xe89z wrote

AKG 955 eartips don’t reach far enough to make a seal. Any suggestions on alternative/longer tips? I have no idea what to search for on AliExpress


t1_j9xmqy5 wrote

My HD650s are finally starting to give out, so I am looking for something that might be an upgrade from them, I want something that is open back for that soundstage, but with punch bass so that stuff I listen to sounds enjoyable (anime music, metal, alt rock), neutrality is important too but so is a fun sound signature. Budget is around half a thousand bucks?


t1_j9yblth wrote

I am looking to start my audiophile journy, I am planing to buy TempoTec V6 with few IEM with
4.4mm balanced plug.
So far, I have chosen TRUTHEAR x Crinacle ZERO, 7Hz Salnotes Zero with Type C and 4.4mm to 0.78 cable.
For my third pair I am torn between KZ PR1 Pro and Letshuoer S12 PRO.
The KZ I think I will like the frequency response but it's 80$ plus I will need another upgrade cable, 4.4mm to 0.75, which will bring the cost close to 100$, at that price hmight be better options.
Letshuoer S12 PRO looks great with the swappable plug cable thus I won't need to buy any upgrade cable for 3 IEMs but I am little bit sensitive to treble.
From what I have read, they have a bit too much treble.
Which pair of of planar IEM should I buy for under 150$?


t1_j9yem52 wrote

Is it possible to get new filters for the Salnotes Zero without buying new earphones altogether? Saw that the Diokos have a replacement kit, but it’s not sold in Canada


t1_j9ypat9 wrote

I’m looking for tubes for my Vali 2+ amp to accompany my HD6XX headphones. Does anyone have some good recommendations beyond the stock amp?


t1_j9z34ug wrote

Just got a Topping DX3 Pro+ and it seems like I'm not able to get the Loudness Equalizer option in Windows anymore (under speaker properties, advanced tab) like I was with my old Schiit DAC / Amp stack. Any idea if it's a drivers issue or something else? Thanks


t1_j9zflqw wrote

You mentioned you like metal/rock and I love my Anandas for certain bands/albums in those genres.

Like Coheed and Cambria, Muse, and Rush all sound super epic on the Anandas because of how tall the soundstage is and I think they deal with really busy tracks pretty well with great separation.

However, for other artists like Arctic Monkeys, Foo Fighters, or Circa Survive I think there are better headphones around that price point (I personally prefer my DT 1990’s for those artists).

I don’t think you can go wrong with an Edition XS or an Ananda but if you’re only buying one headphone I might do a little more research.


t1_j9zq3wm wrote

Looking for good wireless headphones, don’t have to be top of the line. My budget is around $80, if anyone has any advice hmu


t1_j9zwsvb wrote


I have the opportunity to buy a pair of cheap (£270) 250ohm beyer dt1990 pros. One of the drivers has been replaced with one from a dt 1770 pro - will there be a noticeable difference? Is it worth it?

Thank you x


t1_j9zyxel wrote

Hey guys so I had focal clear headphones that worked great on my laptop. Sold them to a local who paired it with a Denon PMA 1600 AMP and now they’re telling me if they turn up the volume high there’s a pop or it feels like the speakers are loose when at like 20hz / when the drums hit. Works fine at normal volume. Any idea what could be wrong? He did try different cables.

Thank you


t1_j9zzan5 wrote

I own a JDS Atom amp, and I was wondering if I could lower the computer’s volume to lets say 50 to prevent clipping, and just boost the volume on the Amp. The JDS is quite powerful, for which even the 12 position was uncomfortably loud at 50% computer volume.

Would doing this have any consequences?

Thanks in advance!


t1_ja064nj wrote

Focals have been known to have problems with driver excursion when bass is played at high volumes. The diaphragm basically hits its end-stop. Tell him to stop blowing out his ears with ridiculous volume and stop worrying. The headphones are most likely completely fine.


t1_ja0a97v wrote

Thank you. I sent him your reply and he’s telling me it’s not that loud. Apparently his other headphones get much louder. He’s an older man though so I’m not sure if he’s accurate lol. He thinks I’m scamming him which sucks.


t1_ja0dew4 wrote

Looking for this style of headphone in Bluetooth form (pic).

The wired versions are called the Sony MDR-AS210 Sports In-Ear Splashproof Headphones. I used to love these and similar Sony headphones where it is in your ear but not as far as a bud goes because buds tend to irritate me. I’ve never been able to find this kind of style in Bluetooth.

Anyone seen one in Bluetooth or can think of any search keywords I should try for this style?


t1_ja0kpdt wrote

Bluetooth 5.2/5.3 DACs?

Can anyone suggest a DAC with at least Bluetooth 5.2 and if possible with aptX?


t1_ja0nftp wrote

My MH751s just broke, and I am now in the market for a new pair of headsets. I really liked the MH751s, and might even get them again, but since it was a while ago since I looked at Headsets. Are there any Headsets that beat the MH751s? I mainly play games where surround sound isn't important, and I would much rather have a nice sound quality and a decent mic. My budget is about 80 - 120$. Any recommendations are welcome!


t1_ja0nm42 wrote

Hi there! I am currently using a ATH-R70x with a FiiO K7 using an adapter that converts the 3.5mm to a 6.35mm. I read a few places online that told me that the 4.4 balanced output from the FiiO K7 is more powerful than the 6.35 output. I also think the cable that came with the R70x is extremely long. In your opinion, should I be thinking about picking up a R70x cable outputting to 4.4? Should I pick up just a shorter 3.5 output cable and continue using the 3.5 to 6.35 adapter?


t1_ja0p37x wrote

My FiiO KA3 usb dac tends to not play the beginning of audio after silence. Very obvious when using windows's test sound when choosing a format. It sometimes fails to play short sound effects or music at all after silence. I have access to the FiiO Control App to change settings. I've tried disabling the hardware mute switch and dynamic power policy, still at the default low impedance and high gain. What else should I try?
EDIT: It's very similar to this but the dac doesn't talk to the PC app
Exactly this issue, where the only idea is to return the device
My B550 motherboard is updated to the latest bios from August 2022.


t1_ja0ubea wrote

Hey there looking to get a solid pair of in ear monitor ear buds, wanting maximum comfort for prolonged use, solid noise isolation, and hopefully for a okay price. Tried to follow the required information recommended guide but if I am missing something please reach out

  • No budget but hopefully under 250
  • Wired, going to be used for phone, gaming controllers, air planes
  • I would like as much isolation or noise cancellation as possible but not my first concern
  • I would use these headphones in public but do not care the style, look, color, etc
  • IEM’s only
  • Looking for a more balanced type of tone
  • Only previous headphone have been the apple AirPod pros and razor kraken over the ear gaming head phones, didn’t love anything about either but the template recommended to state this portion so here I am
  • Generally listen to rap, rock, house, techno, more current musics style expect American pop
  • Live in the US

t1_ja0uzaa wrote

I bought Sony wf-c500 Bluetooth headphones yesterday. And it makes a wind-like noise. When I searched it up, I found it is called Hissing sound, static sound, or white noise. I have tried to fix it for 6 hours and I am out of ideas. How can I fix this issue?

Also, I have read a lot of people have the same problem, and not all wireless headphones have white noise. So, if you don't have a solution or any idea about fixing it, can you give me suggestions for new wireless headphones? Because I am planning to return those tomorrow.


t1_ja1jj8i wrote

I just bought a used Mr. Speaker/Dan Clark Aeon Open and a Schiit Fulla 2 and at slightly higher volumes, the headphones completely stop playing, and I hear an electric shock sound.

I have to unplug and replug the amp for the music to start playing or just lower the amp completely and slowly turn up the volume again for it to work.

I wonder if this is because of the amp or the headphones. These headphones are in a pretty used condition but still look great.


t1_ja23sm5 wrote

I've read many posts about the Sennheiser Momentum 4 not working correctly. Decided to buy one anyway.

So far, I've never had any trouble with the connection itself. But in 'settings' in the smart control app, it often says 'no audio codec', and I get no sound. I have to reconnect a few times until it, for some reason, decides to select 'SBC', and then it works fine.

In the developer settings on my phone (Nokia 6), 'bluetooth audio codec' option is on 'force SBC'. The smart control app just shows the audio codec it's using, but you can't change it. Is there any way to always connect using the SBC codec?


t1_ja273pw wrote

I suggest installing an equalizerAPO on your computer and setting the preamp in the equalizer to -10 dbs (depending on how much lower you wish the volume to be) while keeping the computer volume at maximum.

This would help to achieve the more control room you wish to have on JDS amp, while not sacrificing dynamic range.


t1_ja27oei wrote

People can hear my game audio when I’m muted I have watched videos and I can’t get the enchantment tab to pop up


t1_ja27qwa wrote

Ananda is a rather old model and extremely good (in my experience) at handling female vocals, Japanese sweet girl vocals especially. However, it might not be that good for all the rock genres you mentioned.

If all-roundedness is a factor, I would definitely get editions, for it's cheaper and an upgrade to Ananda in my opinion.


t1_ja282io wrote

I have the oportunity to buy what it looks to me a good starting point in the audiophile world with this set up:

  • Sennheiser HD 650
  • ifi Zen CAN Signature 6xx
  • ifi Zen DAC v2
  • unknown balanced cables

All for 550€ Used but in good condition.

Is this any good option?


t1_ja2d5cu wrote

Hiya, I'm looking for recommendations of (both in one) dac/amps for the akg k702s-

I live in the UK and will be buying second hand

They would need to work via an iphone lightning->usb dongle as well as my laptop

I would like it to be portable i.e u don't have to plug it into a wall and ideally not a battery either

I would like to spend no more than £100

I have heard that despite the relatively low impedance of the k702 they really require a solid dac/amp to get the full potential out of them

My research trawling through all of the similar previous threads has lead me to the likes of the audioquest dragonfly red and the fiio e10k, however I'm fairly inexperienced and not feeling confident that these are the best for my specific situation!

Thanks for any advice :^)


t1_ja2gxci wrote

How can I fix my TWS S2 Earbuds, right one doesn't work

My right S2 Earbud has randomly stopped working. The light on it is still active and it does still connect via Bluetooth but there is no sound played. The left earbud seems to work fine

I already tried turning them on/off, reconnecting them to each other etc. But nothing seems to have worked so far. User Manual also doesn't help.

Any advice would be highly appreciated


t1_ja2kp8x wrote

I personally love the 6XX/650 but I can't speak for these amps. If you can, try before you buy. I wouldn't even see the 6XX/650 as a startingpoint, because, depending on your needs, it might as well be endgame already. Having heard the HD800 I still have no desire to move on. I plan on getting something from ZMF one day, but the 6XX will be at my side until it stops working and once that happens I will buy a 650 or 6XX again.

I would say go for it if you like non fatiguing, laid back sound. 500ish € would be about the same price I had to pay to import my 6XX and purchase the FiiO K5 pro. Probably on par with what is listed for you, so definitely more than worth it.

If the pads of the 650's are flat, I can definitely recommend that you replace them with either stock pads or ZMF suede pads.


t1_ja2kwgw wrote

What mic are you using? If it's the modmic then I guess it's the terrible mute slider of it, it's basically broken.

Can recommend to simply set a hotkey for muting yourself inside of whatever software you're using instead of using mute buttons. Worked for me and transitioning over to these settings just takes a bit to get used to.


t1_ja2ll11 wrote

as said, the Clears are known to have this issue. I would try to send him a screenshot of a reliable source confirming exactly that. some elderly people love listening very loudly. My gf's dad basically blows his earsdrums out to mask his tinnitus when using his HD800. It's absolutely nuts. When I gave him my Hexa to try IEMs he literally maxed out my phones volume. I listen at half volume.

If that person continues to be super annoying I would say go there and simply take them back to spare yourself from the annoyance and sell them to someone else. Clears are popular, I think it's not too difficult to get rid of them and it would make yours and the dude's life much easier I guess.


t1_ja2nwng wrote

I need some advice, I like to play FPS games but have decided that I don't want to use a headset. Is there any way around this? does surround sound work for gaming? is it affordable? any recommendations would be appreciated greatly!


t1_ja2q5c2 wrote

Yeah, kinda. I'm not a fan of the Zen series for a few reasons, but they aren't bad. Do you know the seller?

You could get an HD650/600 for 200 euros, and I don't think the Zen stuff is worth 350 unless you really want the fixed EQ presets. If you'll be listening from a PC then you can do the same adjustments for free.


t1_ja2t69o wrote

Almost all DACs and amps in this price range are almost perfectly transparent to the source. You don't really have to worry about optimising or synergy. A K5 Pro would do the job quite well. I like the JDS Atom stuff, but it will be more expensive due to import charges.

Also, I'd go for the HD600 if given a choice. It's very similar but has a tiny bit more treble clarity.


t1_ja306eu wrote

Hello, I'm looking for alternatives to Beyerdynamic DT 990 Edition. I used to have Superlux HD681s and with EQ and changing stock pads to velour I managed to tame the treble and make them sound good to my ears. After a problem with the cable, I purchased the DT 990 Edition 32 ohms two days ago. Unfortunately, even with EQ, sometimes the treble is too harsh. I don't know if it's worth to wait or send them back while I can.I thought about getting DT 880 Edition 32 ohms instead, or Fidelio X2HR as alternatives. I am searching for low impedance headphones that can be driven from portable devices without an amp, over ear, open back or semi open. I mostly like to hear bass and mids, I don't mind highs as long as the treble isn't too harsh. Balanced all around would be nice too. Same budget of the DT 990 Edition 32 ohm or less than 200€. I live in Europe / Italy.


t1_ja33oqb wrote

Thank you so much for answering. I had considered it, my only concern is, would I need an amp? If I'm not mistaken, the impedance is 120 ohms but has high sensibility. Would I be able to enjoy it without needing anything else, from a laptop? Or should I look for an amp for it?


t1_ja35oru wrote

Hi guys i don't know if it's a common question but I don't know how to word it, so i might as well just ask

I've been thinking about buying a new earphone/headphones, and my friends recommend Blon or Moondrop, but both are IEMs and i notice that they can be disconnected from the cable

Does that mean that they can be wireless when disconnected or do i need to buy a wireless adapter for it? It's not that i necessarily want a wireless headset, but if it was it would be a bonus

thanks, and sorry if it sounds like a dumb question


t1_ja36e27 wrote


I'm strongly considering buying a FiiO KA3 to pair with my AKG K702's, however I'm worried that the unbalanced 3.5mm 130mW@32R output will not be enough to power them -

Thanks for any thoughts/advice!


t1_ja37gkb wrote

Is the fiio x3ii enough to drive the hifiman he400se? What about e07k? And what about a dongle?


t1_ja3cqiw wrote

Sony WF-C500, the left earbud when removed from the case loops on the startup phase. It goes “Power o-“ and then starts to loop and shuts down. Then it starts and happens again, until I put it back in the case. Do I need to change them or a repair could be sufficient?


t1_ja3czmw wrote

Hello. I have a problem where my headphones switches to mono when connected to audio interface through 6, 3mm jack. It works fine when I use 3, 5mm jack with 6, 5mm adapter. But for some reason when I use 6, 5mm wire, ?which was included with headphones, it doesn't work in stereo. I have: Sennheiser hd 569 headphones, Behringer UMC202HD interface, OS linux


t1_ja3g6p7 wrote

Skullcandy Hesh Evo, Soundcore Q30, or JBL Live 500BT?

I recently returned my JBL Tune 710BT because it had a defect with it's headband, as well the right ear cup being loose whenever you hold it by the headband. The build quality was okay but I wasn't really satisfied with the bass although the sound of the headphones were really clean and even. Unfortunately, I bought a case for the headphones but since I returned them, I'm stuck with a case that was only used for a short amount of time. Basically, I'm interested in a pair of headphones that has atleast more than 30hrs of battery and multipoint pairing however it's alright if it doesn't have those features. I'm also not really particular about ANC.

So, I researched a bit on headphones that were budget friendly or atleast mid-range ones. I was able to come to a conclusion with these headphones.

Skullcandy Hesh Evo, Soundcore Q30, JBL Live 500BT (I would put the Sony WH-CH720n here but they aren't out yet so I don't know much about the model)

However, I am also quite interested with the Sony XB-910n and Skullcandy Crusher Evo's however they are out of my budget.

I'm currently into metal at the moment and I'm also a bit of a bass head so I do want to find a pair of headphones that has decent bass and mids/treble. I also wear glasses so good/decent earpads are a must for me. I don't mind a tight clamping force although it can't be too tight because of my glasses and at the same time it can't be too loose since I move around a lot.

I've heard a lot of pros and cons with the headphones mentioned above however I will just point out my concerns for each model.

Skullcandy Hesh Evo: I heard that it had connectivity issues as well as charging issues, along with the concern about it's build quality.

Soundcore Q30: I heard that it had less clamping force and that there was a specific area at it's headband that is prone to snapping.

JBL Live 500BT: I heard that it had issues with it's earpads crumbling/breaking easily, although I wasn't able to research more about the issues of this model.

I'm not in a rush really, I'm still waiting to receive my money back from the refund, however I do want to have a choice in mind in case I plan to buy a pair of headphones soon.

TL;DR: Should I buy the Skullcandy Hesh Evo, Soundcore Q30, or JBL Live 500BT?


t1_ja3mx7o wrote

Budget - 200 - 400€

Source - Elgato Wave XLR or a dac

Requirements for Isolation - not really. only used at home. Shouldnt be heard when using a mic, but I dont use my headphones at 100dB :D

Will you be using these Headphones in Public? Nope

Preferred Type of Headphone - Full - Sized over ear

Preferred tonal balance - Balanced and suitable for my needs, I dont need bass boosted like Beats for instance.

Past headphones - DT 770 Pro 250Ohm, MMX 300 and Hörluchs HL5210

Preferred Music - Electronic Music and Metal most of the time

What would you like to improve on from your set-up - My MMX 300 are only used for work and I dont want to wear IEM all the time.

My DT770 Pro are kinda broke after many years of usage, so I need a new allround Headphone for Music, Voice stuff and also Gaming.

Took a look at the DT 700 Pro X and 900 Pro X as well as the Hifiman Sundara, but I cannot try them out nearby, so I need kinda advice for new daily drivers.


I am located in Germany, so EU Availability would be kinda nice.


t1_ja3teee wrote

I recently switched from Samsung Galaxy to Google Pixel. Problem is that the Pixel - unlike galaxy devices - does not have Dolby Atmos support. My question is: Are there any Dolby enabled DAC's ouy there that can help me play Dolby content, and thus bypassing the Pixel's lack of Dolby support? In other words: Does the Dolby encoding happen to the signal before it gets sent to the DAC for conversion or does it happen on the device first, and then gets sent to the DAC?


t1_ja45p9m wrote

The DT700 doesn't have a lot of strong competitors. The AKG K371 and Shure SRH840 aren't as well built. I might consider the Sennheiser HD560s a value contender to the DT900. Although, if you have a larger head, the DT900 might be better overall.


t1_ja467nl wrote

I have a pretty large head tbh :D

Never had open headphones though, but read, that some like them more for gaming, because they hear steps more.

How does the Sundara compare here? Thats available for around 300€ at Amazon.


t1_ja4dtqe wrote

Wanting to try out some entry level IEMs for gaming. Mostly for Discord or gaming while my wife watches TV next to me. I've gotten to where earphones hurt my eat after awhile, just wanting something to pop in and get clear sounds.

Prefer something under the $100 mark, but willing to spend a bit more if necessary. Right now I'm debating between Moondrop Aria or Shure Aonic 215. Any advice on which are better or recommendations? Thanks in advance!


t1_ja4eubd wrote

Hi and thanks for any advice. I ordered a pair of DT 1990 Pro. I planned on listening through my Scarlett 2i2. Should this be ok?

Also, I currently have Sennheiser 560s and 599se.

Do you think I will notice a significant upgrade?

As you can tell I’m not an audiophile but really love music and want to experience it better.


t1_ja4hbpq wrote

Don't know much about the Shure, but I'd skip the Aria. It has very widespread problems with moisture causing channel imbalances after you wear them for a while (and the paint chipping after a while).

I'd take a look at the tangzu wan'er/truthear hola/kiwiear cadenza instead. They are all cheap, tuned pretty similarly to the Aria and each other (mildly bass-boosted warm neutral), and I haven't really heard any reliability horror stories about them.


t1_ja4lc5k wrote

Any good wireless headphones for under $250-300? I just want a good pair of headphones for gaming, streaming and work.


t1_ja5rikj wrote

I’m close to giving up on my JBL live pro 2 earbuds. As far as features and sound they are great but the one issue I’ve has was with sound cutting out briefly/randomly. In troubleshooting I tried switching from video mode to audio mode, turning off auto play and pause, and having both buds in since often I’m only using one. In about an hour I’ve had zero dropouts. Has anyone had a similar experience or am I experiencing a fluke?


t1_ja5ua3n wrote

I just recently picked up a pair of HIFIMAN Edition XS. I was looking for a little more bass over the HIFIMAN Sundara which I've been using for the past 2 years. I'm liking them so far but am noticing a squeak in the padding because of my glasses. Taking off my glasses removes this squeak completely so I know that's the problem (not with the audio).

Any advice on how to resolve this? I've seen the Dekoni pads but wasn't sure which one to go with or if I even should, since this will add another ~$100 to the cost, maybe I just look at the Anandas while in the return window? I'm mostly gaming with these and some music listening while working from home.

Aside from that, I'm using a TOPPING DX3 Pro+ is this sufficient for my use case? I'm new to higher end audio equipment and wasn't really looking to break the bank. I use the BT 5.1 feature for my OLED TV/Monitor setup for movies which is nice. USB for everything on the PC.


t1_ja5wacf wrote

Recently got into bone conduction headphones as earbuds just don't fit my weird ears. (Unless I get cone shaped tips like ear plugs, but that's a long story) Saw the Shokz headphones and they look perfect except for that stupid proprietary cable, but I love how the Openrun model is IP67 water resistant.

Question is that, are there bone conduction headphones that are water resistant, USB-C, and have decent battery life? (Looking for 7+ hours of use) I may consider the Openrun if there's not much else. Especially if they're more expensive.


t1_ja6uhzh wrote

I bought seinheisser 458bt headphones yesterday. They’re pretty good, slightly uncomfortable, but I can deal with it. The main problem I have is whenever I open a camera or send a message, mainly in Snapchat, the music just cuts out and the headphones go into this dumb transparency mode, that I can only disable by going into Spotify, pausing, and replaying the music. Every time I send a message or open a camera this happens. I have sidetone disabled in the app, and I’ve looked everywhere and there’s no settings to disable it. I just wanna listen to music, I don’t want a dumb transparency mode. Thanks for any help.


t1_ja75gvk wrote

Hi, I don't know if this is the right place, although I have a simple question.

I listen to music on a Pixel 6a through some CCA C10 pro, connected with a Samsung usb c to jack 3.5 cable.

Now the cable has broken, and I bought an Apple one because I couldn't find a Samsung one. The volume seems much lower, is there a way to increase it? I already use Wavelet and it doesn't help much.

Are there any other good usb c to jack cables that I can quickly buy on Amazon in Europe for 10-15€? Right now it looks like there is a shortage of Samsung ones, I cannot find them around where I live in a short time.


t1_ja76ltg wrote

Hello all, I am very new to this space.

I currently have a focusrite 2i2, 3rd gen for my microphone. I have come across a few threads that seem pretty old (3-8 years) some suggesting these can drive reasonably high impedance headphones if you don't crank the volume, while others suggesting a different amp altogether. I am seeking headphones at my PC for a general music listening experience across a wide range of genres - nothing for professional work/monitoring. At a budget of $200-400 USD what would you recommend as the most practical listening experience? I would prefer not adding an additional amp, but if the listening experience is materially better I don't mind having some additional hardware.

Would I be better off with either:

A) Lower impedance headphones with my focusrite 2i2 such as

  • 80 ohm DT 700/DT770s
  • HD 598s
  • any other low impedance over ear headphones


B) higher impedence headphones + a more powerful amp such as

  • HD 600s + magni 2
  • Some other combination (please suggest)

Thank you for your input in advance


t1_ja7d0kn wrote

Hi, I finally bought a little Dot MK2 for my HD650 and a Topping D10s as a DAC. My problem now is that when I turn it up to over ~20% I can hear a buzzing that get's louder the higher I go. The buzzing stops when I disconnect the RCA cable from either DAC or Amp even when the little Dot is turned to the max. Does that mean that the signal coming from the DAC is the problem?

I'm guessing I should get a DAC with a power source that is not the USB connection. If you think that is my problem what DAC would you recommend for around 150€ or less (more only if absolutely necessary).

And while I'm at it, would an optical cable be better than USB?

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.


t1_ja7fp1f wrote

Hi, I’ m planning on buying a HD600 for mixing.

My current DAC is UMC202HD (behringer) which I heard would not be enough to get the best out of good headphones bc it doesn’t have an external power supply.

So my question is : would a HD600 benefit more from Schiit Magni+ than from a UAD Volt 2 ? Talking about sound quality only

I can get the volt for under 100$ so dont bother about the price difference, just want to know if it would sound better with a dedicated amp.


t1_ja7fpmz wrote

Looking for IEM recommendations.

Budget - <50 CAD ideally.
Source - Field recorder.
Isolation is a must.
Tonal balance doesn't matter much, though neutral is better.

Looking for a combination of rugged AND cheap, ideally. They need to withstand all weathers. In particular, Canadian cold (that means drastic changes in temperature that may be hard on the wire as well as condensation on the drivers.) I don't want to have to babysit them, so cheap is the first criteria, rugged 2nd.


t1_ja7i300 wrote

I keep that in mind, if its not fine and import one of these then :) (they seem to be not available in Europe)

Edit: Just saw its 170 US Dollars with shipping. Would a Zen DAC do the same?


The JDS would be over 200 Euros with taxes here ^^"


t1_ja7jwzy wrote

Recently bought Fiio FD5s and wanted to get some comply tips for them. Does anyone know which size fits on the regular, wider tube? Comply's official website doesn't have the FD5 listed anywhere and they don't list the inner diameters.


t1_ja8bxsx wrote

Best over ear noise cancelling headphone for large head?


I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations for over ear noise-cancelling headphones for someone with a large head/glasses wearer.

I just got back from a long (9+ hour) flight and I was borrowing a set of Beats over ear headphones and within an hour I could hardly put them on my head, the ear/head pain was unbearable. I had the same issue with PlayStation over ear headphones, after an hour or so they are so painful I need to wait a day to use them again.

Anyone else have these issues? I’m trying to find a good set of noise canceling headphones for flights that are comfortable enough to wear for several hours or more. Does my large head cost me use of headphones like this? Do I need to use in-ear only? I’ve never found in-ear noise cancellation to be great, but after sitting on that flight yesterday in silence because I couldn’t watch a movie it was terrible.

Thank you kindly!


t1_ja9ah2b wrote

The Volt 2 should be fine. Its output impedance is a little high at 10ohms (according to Julian Krause's measurements on youtube) so you might get some amp-induced frequency response shift with some low-impedance headphones, but this won't really be an issue with the HD600s. It performs well otherwise, comfortably among the better audio interface HP outs.


t1_ja9gmug wrote

This might be the wrong thread but has anyone had any trouble with shipping delays for KZ IEMs? I submitted my order on the 14th of Feb and USPS is still awaiting the package. I tried emailing customer support but they have yet to respond.


t1_ja9kto3 wrote

My CRA CCA mesh filters (earwax protectors?) started falling out. Seems like the 15$ only gives you so much durability (~6mo).

Any suggestions of how I could replace them? Does anyone know how essential the original materials are for sound?


t1_ja9zhp8 wrote

I have a Tomahawk x570 wifi board with HD Audio with Audio Boost(Realtek® ALC1200-VD1)
I also have a Xonar Essence STX soundcard which is pretty old now.

Which would be better to drive my PC38x headset?


t1_jaaanvv wrote

I had fallen down and now my left side doesn't work. What are possible reasons for this ? I have a jbl tune 760nc


t1_jaafwy6 wrote

Problem with CCA BTX: Only the left bud is playing music

Both buds are synced. The right pod can also play system sounds like "pairing" and "connected" no sweat. However, when I start playing music, only the left side plays.

I have tested it on multiple devices and saw the same result. I also made sure that the battery charge was not the problem by charging both pods. I also tried factory resetting the pods. I tried pairing only the right bud to the phone. All the same.

I'm worried that this is an internal problem with the device's circuitry. Anything I can do or should I go straight to warranty?


t1_jaajyy5 wrote

Are the pads on the Edition XS and the Arya Stealth the same? I'm using the Edition XS but the pads squeak with my glasses and was looking at maybe buying the Arya Stealth but was concerned the pads would squeak as well. I had no issues with the Sundara.


t1_jab1ro6 wrote

I have a DAC with a usb mini input, I want to use it with my Mac & iPhone should I:

  • get an adapter: male USB mini to USB-C adapter
  • Get a usb mini - usb a cable, with a dual dongle with lightning and type C male
  • Get a usb mini - usb c cable, with a lightning male - usb mini adapter

Or something else entirely.


t1_jabd3nx wrote

Is it worth it to upgrade from a Corsair HS70 PRO wireless headphone?


I'll have some extra money next month and I'm looking on where to spend it.
I've always wanted to get a nicer headset after hearing so many bad things about gaming headsets.
I like my HS70, I've had it for almost 2 years now and it's still fully functional and the only thing that broke was the battery but that was a $20 fix, so I'm wondering if it's really worth it to upgrade to something else, Ive been looking at the following: DT770, HD 569, HE4XX, ATH-AD700, X2HR, and the Monolith M565C. I am willing to accept any suggestion. I would prefer something with good sound isolation in and out as it gets fairly loud around here. Around the 100-200 USD mark in terms of price would be ideal. Over ear would be nice as i use them for long sessions and i have glasses.
I'll plug them into my PC, I don't know if impedance would be much of a problem. My ASUS motherboard says "With two op-amps onboard you're able to pump exceptional audio to your favorite cans, with 32-600Ω-headphone impedance for great flexibility." 600 seems like a lot but i don't know too much
-Main usage: Movies, and music
Thank you!


t1_jabdhcw wrote

Are there any simple mods out there to improve DT 770 pro clamping force or sound isolation? My head is rather small, so the sound isolation isn't as good due to the cuppings not really pressing hard enough against my head at the moment.


t1_jabqcli wrote

Are the [KZ ZSN PRO X's ](http://KZ ZSN Pro X in Ear Monitor Earphone 1BA 1DD Wired Earphone HiFi Sport Gaming Earbuds Headphones Compatibility for Phone Computer Tablet and the samson SR850's a good paring with my razer Blackshark v2 x's gaming headset I want to start to get into higher forms of audio and music listening


t1_jac3vhp wrote

What's the best wireless earbuds I can get with (preferably) 50$? I'm willing to go up to 65$.

I'll mostly be using it when I go to the gym or for a jog connected to my phone(Samsung Galaxy A52s) so something that doesn't fall out would be preferred.

Am currently using a Soundcore Life Q30 for most of the things I do but I'd like to get a pair of wireless earbuds as well.

Just looking for something with standard good sound and decent ANC. Would not like sticks.


t1_jad174c wrote

So I am currently trying the HD560S and the 900 Pro X.

First impression is, that the 900 Pro X sounds much ... deeper .. and with richer sound.

Excited to hear, if its suitable for the step locating task in EFT as well :D Music related I am very pleased.


t1_jae1k7w wrote

Kinda, yes. It's hearsay, but it's probably due to power noise. Sadly, the D10 can't take a dedicated power supply. You could try using one of those USB filter adapter things.

The D10 isn't broken, so you could sell it and get a DAC that comes with a PSU. The JDS Atom DAC would be my choice.