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AyeYoYoYO t1_ixq8ou0 wrote

These look like a combination of:

Sci-Fi weapon

Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000

AKG K812

Can’t wait to see their FR charts !


AyeYoYoYO t1_ixq8we5 wrote

Price is indeed rather steep lol

For that price, they should have a perfect-target-curve FR and other quantifiables, with no customization required to peak.

Please everyone, post here when you find your first reputable source for a FR graph on these ! Thanks !


lexicalsatire t1_ixqjejk wrote

"An optional XLR cable (the HXC-SC020) which doesn’t come bundled in will meanwhile set you back a hefty $900 / £749 / AU$1350."


InFortunaWeLust t1_ixqosa9 wrote

I think they are just testing the waters with this. "Hahaha, lets make it 10 thousand dollars, and see if someone will buy it MuaHAhahAhHAh"


heyyoudvd t1_ixqw0w1 wrote


That’s in Susvara territory. Good luck.

Edit: I just saw this sentence:

> An optional XLR cable (the HXC-SC020) which doesn’t come bundled in will meanwhile set you back a hefty $900 / £749 / AU$1350.



TheFrator t1_ixqyexf wrote

If you want perfect (or near perfect) frequency response adherence then get the DCA Expanse.

Remember that Harman curve is a smoothed curve. So it’s an average and is not going to be for everyone.


kazuviking t1_ixr15c2 wrote

Every time a headphone have peaky treble between 8-10kHz the reviewers always call them very detailed and alive. The LCD-5 have no peaks around 8-10kHz only at 17kHz and since there is barely anything in music there it doesn't count.

EDIT: typos.


sausages_ t1_ixrgqm8 wrote

I was excited for this thing but that pricing is absurd even taking into account summit-fi inflation IMO


Fwellimort t1_ixrosbn wrote

Part of me questions Yamaha but the other part of me realizes this is the very company that released EPH100 back in the day for IEMs and that IEM was some of the best for that price range at the time.

Still, seeing so many company shift more and more towards 4~5 figure ranges suck. And I am already a victim of a 4 figure IEM...


MrBrogath t1_ixrr1qt wrote

I love Yamaha's flagship bluetooth headphones compared to most others on the market, so this caught my attention... then promptly lost most of my attention with that price tag... then outright obliterated my remaining interest with the $900 cable. That's plain insulting.


Ticonderogue t1_ixru8tw wrote

My reasonable human ears cannot hear beyond $1000.


TheFrator t1_ixs03q9 wrote

Same with the bass in Harman. I just don’t know if perfect target adherence is the optimal metric headphone manufacturers should aim for. Obviously competent tonal balance is important but I don’t want to live in a world where every headphone is tuned to Harman.


infinit9 t1_ixs0az5 wrote

Mind-blowingly high.


TheFrator t1_ixs0igb wrote

I think that’s more of a misnomer in audiophilia in general. I really am trying to get more information about where “resolution” comes from. Because on my experience, brightness and/or peaky treble does not result in detail.

I opened a thread on ASR about it last weak but haven’t gotten much traction on understanding wtf resolution is


kazuviking t1_ixs3a3y wrote

From ASR

>I think resolution is easy to address: person focuses on the music and hears more individual notes and says that is higher resolution. In reality this is one's perception changing because they were comparing things and so started to focus on small details. A blind test make them appear in both pieces of gear but audiophiles don't go there.


shadowpapi9890 t1_ixs4qub wrote

Clear like you can hear breathing? Nah I pass


SneakyNoob t1_ixs6427 wrote

Almost everything in Yamaha's umbrella offers great price-to-performance. What the hell is this?


AyeYoYoYO t1_ixs6he4 wrote

Word. The consumer market right now is almost all slightly too bass heavy.

There are many different target curves, some for each taste. I find the Harman nearly perfect in the upper bass, mids, and lower treble.

Bass & sub a little too heavy, far upper treble barely too dim.


TheFrator t1_ixs6znw wrote

I’d be interested in a blind test for sure of different headphones but it’d kind of tough amongst headphone users because of the pad feeling i.e. you can tell a more expensive headphone by a pad like if it has leather on it. So it’d have to be a true true blind test amongst inexperienced headphone users.

But there’s a difference in the resolution between my 660s, DT1990s, and LCD-5. And I hope you get to experience it one day. I’ve heard a lot of speaker systems too and there’s only been one that had better acoustical resolution than the 5. And that system was in a perfectly treated room with near optimal dimensions.


TheFrator t1_ixs7sr2 wrote

It’s funny. I remember a thread last week where someone was complaining about not enough bass in Harman. Discontinuities like this make me think there will never be the one true target curve.

Mid treble harman messes with me because I’m a little bitch when it comes to treble. I love dark headphones.


kazuviking t1_ixsabli wrote

My endgame hp would be the DT1990(expensive af here) with elite velour pads and the passive filter from diyaudio.
I created some cardboard speakers for the tv and damn they sounded good. It was just a simple dual 2 way(bass+lower mids/upper mids+treble) built from cheap local parts.


AyeYoYoYO t1_ixsehfo wrote

There definitley shouldn’t be ONE.

Multiple target curves, for a wide range of tastes and applications, is best.

Headphone tuning from the factory, should be able to please several different curves, with multiple pad options to customize it.

This is the real future of open back high end headphones. Flagship models capable of competently delivering several different target curves, on the same model with quick swaps any user can easily do.


StanKukin t1_ixsf9a3 wrote

Theres of course no testing/impression reports on these yet but for this price these either: missed the mark completely (if the performance proves to be on par with utopias, expanse, etc.), or these will be an amazing deal (if they compare well against the likes of susvara, which I doubt, but hey…) Exciting !


StanKukin t1_ixsfp8i wrote

Also, that article sucks. “…bring back the planar magnetic…” it ain’t gone. There are other brands that successfully use it and if the author meant bringing the tech to the masses, well, not with that kind of price…


TheFrator t1_ixshjvb wrote

Nice- I have the 1990s with velour pads and they were my daily driver for a longtime. I still use them for video games most of the time. They’re also the most comfortable headphone I own (but this might not be the case with you). I’ll look into the passive filters!

Building a speaker is next on my to-do list! Glad to hear you got some great results. What did you use for the crossover? There’s a place here in the US called PartsExpress that has most of the DIY audio equipment for sale.


kazuviking t1_ixsl1pz wrote

It was the cheapest crossover made here(no longer being made) with meh build quality but did its job. I sadly no longer have my creation since my cats took a liking to playing with the drivers.


kellustzall t1_ixt0akl wrote

People here are really ignorant, you calling yourself "headphone lovers" but can't even find out why companies are blowing the price tags? Yes, not everyone can afford this kind of price but this is where companies can show off their games, people have to get paid for doing ultra novel concepts that potentially make them go bank rupt too? And do you guys think selling this kind of shit is as easy as selling 100 million iPhone a day? Especially when this hobby is already a hella hermetic circle?


richants t1_ixt95da wrote

But does it have AM radio


JSoppenheimer t1_ixx4fm8 wrote

Even the study behind Harman target very clearly noted that it is not optimal for everyone’s preferences, it’s just what the majority prefer.

So as it is, aiming for it is generally a safe bet for headphone manufacturers, and if you had to create one set of headphones to please the maximum number of people, Harman target it is. But of course, in reality we have to remember that people buying headphones are a diverse bunch, and if everyone else is aiming for Harman target, it actually might be better to aim for a different sound signature to please the people who would prefer some other tuning over Harman.

So, I wouldn’t be too worried about everything becoming the same, there are good market reasons to keep offerings more diverse even if Harman becomes more popular.