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Ilanaspax t1_jasb4fi wrote

They should focus on making public transit enticing and affordable so people feel comfortable going car free.

When people demand JC residents give up their cars it shows there is such a huge blind spot for the rest of the city’s limited public transit access. You’re asking people to voluntarily make their lives more difficult and just trust JC to eventually improve public transit options when we can’t even trust them to keep roads functional.


down_up__left_right t1_jat0hvu wrote

To be clear this issue happened here That's a 7 minute walk to a lightrail stop and a 6 minute walk to a path stop. It'd be pretty silly to try to say anyone needed to drive to this location unless they were the ones transporting the coffin. People getting to this location can always drive to a lightrail or path stop that does have a ton of parking like the LSP light rail stop or the Harrison path stop.

Of course parking in actual spots in lots by those stations is going to cost more than just leaving cars in the center of the street for free.


Ilanaspax t1_jat1svu wrote

It is indeed silly to think I’m only talking about public transit access as it pertains to this one individual situation when my comment is replying to someone demanding all cars be banned from downtown forever.


down_up__left_right t1_jat2fjy wrote

>when my comment is replying to someone demanding all cars be banned from downtown forever.

Actually what he said was:

>Jersey City needs a congestion fee for out of town drivers. They need to increase the cost for a permit to drive more people to get rid of the cars that they don’t need and use public transportation (we obviously need better public transportation as well). They need to increase parking fines and increase the number of cars that are towed.

No where in his post is he arguing for banning cars.

Not sure why you would lie about that when the post is right there for me to scroll back up and see.


JerseyCityGeordie t1_jaswhc0 wrote

Your lives are already difficult from what it sounds like. If you’re not complaining about public transportation, you’re complaining about parking. When more people regularly take public transportation (not just during rush hour), public trans will have more $$ to make it better.


Ilanaspax t1_jat2tfd wrote

Awww it’s cute that you really believe anyone in charge is working on improving public transit instead of slowly chipping away at it :)


JerseyCityGeordie t1_jat4wom wrote

You’re quite the fucking moron aren’t you? Do you think anyone is working on improving the road or parking situation? You could be the dumbest person on Reddit. Please fuck off to Florida or Texas where you belong.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_jasl7be wrote

Or you could move to the suburbs (or better yet, Ohio, where there is plenty of land for driving and parking) and quit whining about people wanting to improve the environment, tackle climate change, and allow easy emergency vehicle access. You will be happier in the suburbs. You will be happier in Ohio.
