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Snopes1 t1_iykqg8o wrote

Suffolk University had this policy too - until they outsourced all of their HVAC, facilities, and food services staff and cut the benefit to the incoming staff.

Pulling the ladder out from under the working class one rung at a time.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_iyksfxv wrote

Most schools have this policy. Some think it’s “elitist” but it’s a huge benefit to employees like this man and to say no one should have it because you think only professors work at a university is a tragedy.


RedditSkippy t1_iyku1yh wrote

When I was in college, employees got a tuition benefit. One of my profs said that there were a lot of overqualified people working all kinds of low-level jobs at the school so their kids could go there.

It’s a testament to that father’s emphasis on education that all his kids got into BC and graduated.


ClarissaDarjeeling t1_iykv8et wrote

UVM does this, too.

It's also why they never hire overqualified, 40-something-year-old janitorial applicants...lots of white collar dads thinking they can save a buck by working as a janitor for 6 years haha


WorseBlitzNA t1_iykvrhn wrote

A lot of Universities offer this but the stipulation is you need to be employed for "x" amount of years.


mememan12332 t1_iykwgct wrote

My dad came out of retirement to be a custodian at my university. Saved 75% in tuition 💪


SheeEttin t1_iyl3izy wrote

I'm pretty sure everyone contracts out janitorial services.

And you'd probably make more working your white-collar job and paying regular tuition than working as a janitor and getting discount tuition.


Tara_is_a_Potato t1_iylstb9 wrote

A friend's dad was a janitor at Tuft's so she and her brother went there for nothing.


jennyandteddie t1_iylvdrc wrote

When I was in college two of the students in my class had their dad's work at the college so tuition was free for them.


Nan8Boleyn t1_iym6305 wrote

This is crazy that this blew up so hard on such a big subreddit. This guy lives in my neighborhood! Really nice guy, very helpful. We call him the king of the neighborhood, haha. His kids are all very successful, FYI. He’s still a janitor @ BC, though all his kids have graduated and moved out — and he lives good. He drives nice cars and owns a small vacation home elsewhere in New England.

I gotta say, I’m sorta bothered by the comments that suggest that, “this guy gave up opportunities to do this for his family!” — it’s not an easy job by any means, but this guy takes pride in his work. If the benefits are there (which in this case, they are), this kind of work is nothing to sneeze at. Plus being a janitor directly benefits the community, unlike many jobs with a degree. He provided for his family and lives a wonderful life.


pep_c_queen t1_iym7jn9 wrote

Some universities have deals with other schools nationwide where children of employees can pick a school off a list and get tuition reimbursement if they get accepted to the school.


tutle_nuts t1_iyma2i8 wrote

This is a very common policy, idk if it's true for all, but i know 2 guys from highschool who went to colleges their parents worked at and it was free


Mnemon-TORreport t1_iymi6mk wrote

Most colleges have this policy or one close to it. Had a buddy at Northeastern who was there for free because his dad worked on the grounds/landscaping team.


Cgr86 t1_iymi8j9 wrote

I was fortunate to reap this benefit at BU as my father is a custodian there for over 20 years.


_kb t1_iymjw1u wrote

Harvard does not have this benefit lol. They have $40 Harvard Extension School classes for employees instead


shunanuhgins t1_iymkod2 wrote

What is being phrased as a feel-good story actually is disgusting because college should not be dependent on some relatives employment status at the college. This shit should be free.


CTdadof5 t1_iymvtlp wrote

Blah, blah, blah. Until college is free this is a great outcome for a working class family with 5 kids that were able to attend a top university without incurring 100s of thousands of dollars in debt.


sightlab t1_iynbopy wrote

I went to Deerfield Academy, one of the most exclusive, elitist private prep schools in the country. The current king of Jordan was one of my classmates. Mom worked in the alumni outreach office, I had a full tuition pass even though we were distinctly lower middle class.
Which, fat side note, most of my peers looked down upon with palpable disdain. I got in on potential and talent, so many of them were legacy acceptances.


chaoticnormal t1_iyndnph wrote

The college I work at has this. One woman put her triplets and a daughter through. $45k a year each. I only started there for this benefit. My son dropped out first semester when I was making$12/HR as a cook, now I'm a janitor making a little more. hoping my daughter goes but she's got ADHD and isn't a good full time student. She goes to CCRI and will probably do coding which you don't need a ton of college for anyway. Oh and my school also has hundreds ofsister schools all over the country so you can use your $45k towards tuition at any of those schools. One guy's son went to PC for $5k a year.


bylviapylvia t1_iynje12 wrote

There was a point that they were talking about outsourcing janitorial services and they haven’t been adding many tenure track professors. Most adjuncts and lecturers don’t qualify because they are part time.


JSchecter11 t1_iynjt62 wrote

Most schools have this policy, and some will even offer partial tuition if your kid goes to another school.


massgirl1 t1_iynp1nm wrote

Its how I got my MBA at Northeastern University for a grand total of $15k.


thspimpolds t1_iynzxen wrote

And who doesn’t? Harvard. That’s who


-Horatio_Alger_Jr- t1_iyof0xq wrote

>What is being phrased as a feel-good story actually is disgusting because college should not be dependent on some relatives employment status at the college. This shit should be free.

You should talk to the people that make every aspect of a college function and convince them to work for free.


Se7enTWOThr3e t1_iyoiz80 wrote

I guess I know my career change when it’s time for mine to go to school


sunnydi32 t1_iyojnq8 wrote

My father worked at BC for 35 years, and my brother went there tuition free and graduated with a business degree! They only had to pay room and board


Snafu55 t1_iyouygi wrote

All the umass’s do this including to the point where if you work at one your children can go to any of the umass’s for free


ohmyashleyy t1_iyozyc3 wrote

It’s not free. My mom worked for UMass for 40 years. When I graduated HS, it was the same benefit as the John and Abigail Adam’s scholarship based off the MCAS - free tuition, but when I went to UMass Amherst, tuition was $1700/yr. Academic fees were an additional 15k, plus room and board on top of that. Only the $1700 was covered. My mom didn’t even bother with the paperwork and I just took my MCAS scholarship. She used it for my brother and sister though.

I think they’ve since adjusted how tuition and fees work (I believe tuition used to be frozen, hence the high fees) so maybe it’s a better deal than 15 years ago, but not free.


Snafu55 t1_iyp2uht wrote

You pay per credit for tuition now (excluding fees) but they will cover you and your dependents taking classes. I know because I used to help process the tuition waivers for one of the umass’s for full time employees. Considering tuition tends to be above 15k in state now. Spouses of a full time worker will only get half off per credit though (I’m not sure if there’s a credit limit per semester though). At the start of each semester so many employees would send over their tuition waivers for them or their kids. Quite a lot of full time employees used it to get online degrees.

Of course room and board and fees are not a part of that. But it was still a wonderful deal for full time staff and families.


shunanuhgins t1_iypz7un wrote

Ok I'll waste my time and say that if you think that's how free college works then you're a goddamn moron. I want my taxes to pay for it. I want an educated populace and I'm more than happy to have my taxes pay for it, rather than overfunded police departments and a bloated military. Somehow a lot of major European countries manage to do this so it's totally feasible. It's all in where we choose our taxes to be allocated.