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garvierloon t1_j1dux15 wrote

As someone who has never had a drop of alcohol in my life for very personal reasons I’d be absolutely infuriated to have to sit in traffic and then get interrogated by a fucking cop


YourPlot t1_j1e5jj7 wrote

I think they’ve also been shown to have absolutely no impact on drunk driving. It’s just an exercise of police collecting overtime and getting to wag their dicks around.


Crayonbreaking t1_j1flf8v wrote

It’s terrorism. It’s disgusting that it’s acceptable terrorism.


plawwell t1_j1e7n2c wrote

You don't need to have consumed any alcohol to be charged for DUI.


Direct-Pressure-7452 t1_j1do296 wrote

State police announce we will all be collecting overtime while on this detail and we wont even have to lie about it


Icy_Abies552 t1_j1e5evf wrote

Too many people on here distracted with easy targets sitting right in the open and missing things like the Umass basketball coach on state payroll for over $1,000,000 dollars a year. That statie making 40k in OT is hardly the worst of the waste and corruption.


Direct-Pressure-7452 t1_j1e5rry wrote

I dont mind that they get OT, as long as they are actually doing the OT and just committing fraud


invalid404 t1_j1ee7aj wrote

A good basketball coach brings money into the program and fills seats at games which fund other things (remember the '95-96 UMASS basketball team?). This is a poor example if you're trying to point out waste. Ticket sales from games bring in more than this not counting TV revenue and merchandise.

I don't mind them paying this for good coaches, but I do mind the relatively poor results they've had since Calipari left (he makes over $8 million a year now, btw). This isn't high-school basketball. You're not going to get a coach that can compete for $80k a year, nor would you be able to recruit good players.

I'm guessing you neither care for sports or understand the revenue they bring in.


BasicDesignAdvice t1_j1equfk wrote

The coach is overpaid, not corrupt. The police are corrupt. There is a difference.

That is literally the going rate of a coach for that level of play. Or for a college that wants to elevate their play. Many colleges pay outrageous coach salaries. You can blame the investments in college athletics for the ridiculous salaries. Consumers are driving that, not corruption.

I am much much much more concerned with corruption in the police than I am a basketball team. Since police actually matter and basketball does not. A cop getting cheating $50k is much more dis-concerning to me than someone who is overpaid. That is the difference here.


RevengencerAlf t1_j1fihwz wrote

Here's a tip my man... you can have the biggest bootleather licking fetish in the world and you can live your whole life just... not telling anybody about it like you just did.


Icy_Abies552 t1_j1ftpff wrote

you're scared arnt you honey?


RevengencerAlf t1_j1ftvz1 wrote

Scared? No. Creeped the fuck out? Sure. You have a very rapey "I'm missing all my teeth and I have a body hidden back at the trailer park" vibes.


warlocc_ t1_j1ehtrj wrote

Generally speaking, school sports coaches actually contribute to their school and community. Seems perfectly acceptable to me that they get paid more than cops.


greymaresinspace t1_j1dqiif wrote

we had these in Maine forever, it can encourage some very creative evasive driving methodologies

edit: i am not encouraging such things- - that gap between the shrubbery and the guard rail... is NOT always wide enough for your Outback

best option: don't drive shitfaced


LrdHabsburg t1_j1dnkcy wrote

I've had to drive route 24 for work lately and it seems like there are more drunk drivers (or at least, very erratic drivers) than normal. I'm sure the checkpoints will be a clusterfuck that doesn't help anything but it does seem to be a legit problem


noodle-face t1_j1e30w7 wrote

Yeah I drive 24 pretty much everyday. Around the holidays it is super noticable. It doesn't help that state troopers never seem to be there when you need them


ExpatJundi t1_j1eszqw wrote

Like almost every police force in Massachusetts, the State Police are way short on manpower now. Last year they were taking people out of the detective units (homicide and drugs) and sending them back to the road. That has only gotten worse.


Steltek t1_j1evd91 wrote

It's a sobering realization that the troopers that are leaving are not the ones people are worried about. They're the ones that have the skills to leave and apply themselves to other careers.

Lack of substantial reform that gets results is going to drain police forces of capable people and leave us with the dregs that can't make it anywhere else. I suppose after further suffering, corruption, and overall loss of trust, we'll get there but it's the long way around.


ExpatJundi t1_j1evz5a wrote

They aren't really leaving, it's more that they aren't being replaced in sustainable numbers. It's also not a great agency to work for and a bunch of city departments pay more and have a better culture.


Visible-Education-98 t1_j1eyoob wrote

Even MORE of a reason why they shouldn't have fired the ones who filed for religious exemption to the vaccine mandate!


justweazel t1_j1hovca wrote

They just force the drunks to take backroads and slam into poles and other cars


Sir_Fluffernutting t1_j1dl8bi wrote

Friendly reminder you're under no legal obligation to answer any questions at checkpoints


Mnemon-TORreport t1_j1dqtf7 wrote

>Friendly reminder you're under no legal obligation to answer any questions at checkpoints

Certainly true but also a great way to make sure you get pulled over to the side of the road and subjected to a field sobriety test.


BozoDidtheW t1_j1dungv wrote

Sound like a violation of constitutional rights ngl


SheeEttin t1_j1e23iq wrote

You don't have a constitutional right to drive. You can walk through and just wave.


JaesopPop t1_j1e5vy9 wrote

They didn’t say they had a constitutional right to drive.


SheeEttin t1_j1e6fec wrote

Is there a scenario other than driving where you'd hit one of these checkpoints and get pulled over?


JaesopPop t1_j1e6mxa wrote

Than driving? No, but that doesn’t mean that person was saying anyone had a constitutional right to drive lmao


SheeEttin t1_j1e9zib wrote

What constitutional right would it violate, then?


JaesopPop t1_j1ecias wrote

You can re-read their comment and engage with them if you’re confused I’m just informing you that they didn’t say anyone had a constitutional right to drive


alongfield t1_j1ecp8l wrote

The 4th.

Sobriety checkpoints only get away with being constitutional if they stop every single vehicle. If cops use any discretion about which car to stop, then it's illegal.


LackingUtility OP t1_j1epviw wrote

Yep. Technically, random stops work too - every 4th car, or "we flip a coin", or something similar, as long as the cops aren't using their discretion.


Local_Stuff_Acct t1_j1gbmuw wrote

As a matter of fact, you have a constitutional right to do anything not prohibited by law.

You also continue to have a variety of other constitutional rights while driving and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures is one of them.


SheeEttin t1_j1gi8bb wrote

SCOTUS ruled that a DUI checkpoint and brief questioning was not an unreasonable search and seizure. If questioning produces probable cause, then out comes the breathalyzer.


LackingUtility OP t1_j1e2a40 wrote

>Friendly reminder you're under no legal obligation to answer any questions at checkpoints
>Certainly true but also a great way to make sure you get pulled over to the side of the road and subjected to a field sobriety test.

Friendly reminder you're under no legal obligation to perform a field sobriety test (i.e. the 'dance like a monkey', 'recite the alphabet backwards', 'stand on one leg while singing My Country 'Tis of Thee' tests), and should never do so. You are required to take a breathalyzer or give a blood sample and can temporarily lose your license for refusing, but that does not apply to the sit and spin tests.


Sir_Fluffernutting t1_j1dyjcu wrote

You have no legal requirement to perform FSTs either


RawDoggRamen t1_j1e0txp wrote

Refusing a FST can result in a 6 month license suspension.


Sir_Fluffernutting t1_j1e11y9 wrote

No. You mean breath test


RawDoggRamen t1_j1e1g3z wrote

I've had 3 in my life, and had to do both every time. They are pretty much one in the same. And unless you have a 10k dollar attorney on retainer, it's gonna be treated the same.

Mostly, cops can and will do whatever the fuck they want on the side of the road. As we see daily in videos posted on reddit.


PakkyT t1_j1efib4 wrote

>I've had 3 in my life, and had to do both every time. They are pretty much one in the same.

Except they are not. A FST is optional and there is zero penalty to refusing one. This is different than a breathalyzer test which you can also refuse but there is also a penalty associated with it. That is how they are different.


Sir_Fluffernutting t1_j1e24bw wrote

You didn't "have to" perform FSTs or a breath test. You chose to.


RawDoggRamen t1_j1e2ug9 wrote

Again, when you refuse a breathalyzer. You are liable to lose your license for 6 months.


Sir_Fluffernutting t1_j1e35tn wrote

Right. Which I've already said in multiple other comments. You still have the choice to take a breath test or not.


RawDoggRamen t1_j1e39lz wrote

Yeah. I guess..... I don't really see losing your license for 6 months as much of an option.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1e49y3 wrote

Refusing the field tests isn't itself a crime. But if you refuse to do it, you'll almost certainly be asked to do a chemical test. Refusing that is a crime that carries a mandatory license suspension.


PakkyT t1_j1efo1g wrote

Refusing a breathalyzer is not a crime despite there being a penalty for refusing. Different things.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1f9032 wrote

gotcha - yeah, i was thinking of RI where it still involves court and all that jazz.


Odds are, you're probably still being charged for a DUI if it happens in MA. You just might beat the rap for it.


RawDoggRamen t1_j1e4kk8 wrote

If you refuse a breathalyzer. There is a suspension that follows.

And that suspension is 180 days.


MrDelicious84 t1_j1ecugv wrote

1st time 180 days 2nd time 3 years 3rd time 5 years etc

Also wanted to clarify that refusing the breath test isn’t a crime per se. You won’t get a ticket or get charged with anything.


RawDoggRamen t1_j1ehu27 wrote

Correct. But they will cut your license up on the side of the road and or bring you into the drunk tank for the night. It's weird I'm getting downvotes for stating that refusing a breathalyzer and sobriety test will result in a suspension. I guess because the guys point is that it's still a choice? Yeah I guess, but it still has consequences.


LackingUtility OP t1_j1fxi8w wrote

The downvotes are because you’re not distinguishing between the breath test, which is mandatory and can result in a license suspension for refusal, and the field sobriety test, which is entirely optional, has no penalty for refusing, and should not be performed by anyone.


RawDoggRamen t1_j1fxosd wrote

Yeah but I mean, when you are in the position, saying no to an officer isn't really the greatest idea.


LackingUtility OP t1_j1fyeeg wrote

Okay, Officer, I suppose people should just confess to murder or heroin possession or whatever false accusation you want too, just because “saying no to an officer isn’t the greatest idea”?

No. Sorry if that’s the first time you’ve heard that in a while. But the right to refuse FSTs and the right to refuse to answer questions are so clearly established that there would be no qualified immunity to civil suit if a cop were to arrest someone for refusing.


MXC-GuyLedouche t1_j1e8kju wrote

It can but then you can fight that to. When you get pulled over illegally then get told to do things you don't have to with zero probable cause they will often give you your license back because they want you to go to work. This may require a lawyer though which ain't cheap


RawDoggRamen t1_j1ehzig wrote

Yeah my neighbor is going through this exact thing right now. 12 grand it's cost him and he's been without a license for 5 months.


TreeEleben t1_j1e4ean wrote

If you don't answer, they'll pull you out of the car, make you do an FST, fail you, and arrest you. Cops have no accountability, and they know that even a false DUI arrest will likely result in the person losing their job and being forced to spend thousands of dollars to avoid conviction.


plawwell t1_j1e86gt wrote

Never do these tests. They're there as supplemental evidence not to prove you're not drunk.


Personal-Walrus3076 t1_j1ek5yo wrote

Yes, at that point they've already decided to arrest you. You're roadside performance will be used against you in court


Crayonbreaking t1_j1flkyj wrote

The faster you are in the cell the faster you can get the case dismissed and sue for illegal incarceration.


JIM78559 t1_j1egng5 wrote

Whats that old saying?

"You can beat the wrap but you can't beat the ride."

Yeah, Ill just have to comply if I want to get home.

Fuck them still though.


ExpatJundi t1_j1et5a5 wrote

Friendly reminder that drunk driving causes a shitload of deaths every year and if you don't do it you don't have to worry about sobriety checkpoints.


RevengencerAlf t1_j1fjfb6 wrote

It's entirely possible to be against drunk driving and also be against shitty, unproductive methods that violate civil liberties, cause traffic jams, cost absurd amounts of money and have never been able to demonstrate any reduction in drunk driving or drunk driving crashes.


Sir_Fluffernutting t1_j1etdhh wrote

The fuck does that have to do with my comment?

Also, you do understand sober drivers end up going through and being inconvenienced by these roadblocks as well, correct?


ExpatJundi t1_j1etxui wrote

God forbid you be slightly inconvenienced. Happy motoring.


Crayonbreaking t1_j1fm3gg wrote

So government enforced terrorism is acceptable in your world because there is. 1% chance of catching someone driving drunk.


ExpatJundi t1_j1foj33 wrote

I think that's a tiny bit of overstatement.


majoroutage t1_j1gnk8l wrote

Innocent until proven otherwise, motherfucker. Don't stop me unless you actually have some kind of evidence I have broken the law.


ExpatJundi t1_j1gnzq0 wrote

Technically you're driving up to them. You seem angry. Everything okay?


majoroutage t1_j1gopl1 wrote

Technically they are obstructing traffic and unlawfully detaining drivers while interrogating them. Merely driving down a road is not probable cause to effect a traffic stop.

And, yes, people who don't care about the rights of lawful citizens do annoy me.

Amazingly, also, other countries with less enumerated rights can somehow even pull this off more efficiently than our cops can.


ExpatJundi t1_j1gr7c7 wrote

Technically they're doing neither because this has been litigated and ruled completely permissible under Mass law. You may disagree with it, but your opinion has no impact on the facts.

I care very much about the rights of both lawful citizens and anyone else residing here, all of whom have equal protection under our laws.

I don't know which countries you're referring to but I think the most reasonable countries to compare us to as far as legal systems would be the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

For instance, in the UK the police don't need any reason to pull you over at all, unlike here in Massachusetts.,if%20you%20do%20not%20stop.

In Australia, the police can ask anyone who is driving, is about to drive or has recently driven a car to take a breath test, and it's a criminal offense to refuse. The Australian BAC limit is also .05, lower than our .08.,seat%20of%20a%20stationary%20vehicle.


majoroutage t1_j1grnh0 wrote

>In Australia, the police can ask anyone who is driving, is about to drive or has recently driven a car to take a breath test, and it's a criminal offense to refuse.

And it takes them far less time to do so. The cops have handheld breathalyzers. How are you today, may I see your license, please breathe into the tube. None of this bullshit trying to talk you into providing subjective evidence against yourself with field sobriety tests and whatnot.


ExpatJundi t1_j1gtcjl wrote

I don't want to put words in your mouth but are you saying you'd have less of an objection to an automatic mandatory breathalyzer for every driver coming through the checkpoint than you do with our system where the officer has to be able to articulate why they think you're impaired before they can ask you to step out and perform field sobriety tests and/or submit to a breathalyzer? In other words, going straight to a chemical documentation of how much alcohol you've ingested without first seeing signs that you're physically impaired? That seems a little unfair to me.

I don't mean to insult you but that position seems to be inconsistent with what you said above and I suspect you're just being argumentative because your previous comment about how other countries do it turned out to be inaccurate because the legal protections in other Anglosphere countries are actually much more limited than the US of A.


majoroutage t1_j1guf49 wrote

DUI checkpoints are already a presumption of guilt by stopping you, despite us having rights to the contrary. I was just pointing out the irony that countries with less rights have no problem handling the situation more efficiently than we do.


jp_jellyroll t1_j1e16zu wrote

That is not true. Commonwealth v. Shields. MA has ruled that sobriety checkpoints are constitutionally legal. If you enter one, you are obligated to speak with authorities and answer questions. If you refuse, you may be subjected to a field sobriety test. If you refuse that, you will lose your license automatically.

EDIT: Lol, go ahead and try it. I hope you enjoy spending all your time wrapped in court, meeting with lawyers, taking time off work, etc.


LackingUtility OP t1_j1e2p6d wrote

>That is not true. Commonwealth v. Shields. MA has ruled that sobriety checkpoints are constitutionally legal.

Yes. Here's the case for anyone interested.


>If you enter one, you are obligated to speak with authorities and answer questions. If you refuse, you may be subjected to a field sobriety test. If you refuse that, you will lose your license automatically.

No, no, no, no, 100% no. You are never obligated to speak with authorities and answer questions. You are never obligated to perform a field sobriety test (the stand on one leg, recite the alphabet, poke your finger in your eye, etc.). You can be subjected to a breathalyzer or blood test, and refusing those will result in loss of license, but that does not apply to not answering questions or refusing to dance like a monkey for some cop's amusement.

"Obligated to speak with authorities and answer questions"? Sheesh. This is why cops need more than 6 weeks of training. What are the first 7 words of a Miranda warning?


Personal-Walrus3076 t1_j1en47z wrote

Technically correct but unless you comply and answer their questions you're going to find out that you can beat the charges but you can never beat the ride


jp_jellyroll t1_j1i5zko wrote

You aren’t being arrested so you don’t get Mirandized.


LackingUtility OP t1_j1ibvxd wrote

Then what do they do when you refuse to speak with authorities or answer questions, like you said you are "obligated to"? Do they say "oh, gosh, you got us," and walk away? Or do they arrest you? At which point, aren't the first seven words they say "you have the right to remain silent"?

Do you think that we don't have the right to remain silent until we're arrested? Like, the Constitution says "the government can compel your speech as long as you haven't actually been arrested yet"?


Sir_Fluffernutting t1_j1e1s82 wrote

That's pure bullshit, aside from checkpoints being deemed constitutionally legal.

You have no responsibility of helping officers investigate their stop. You provide id/registration and your legal obligations as a motorist are complete.

You can never be forced to engage in FSTs, despite what cops may tell you. In fact, refusing the test is inadmissible in court as evidence against you.

Refusing a breath test is an auto 6 month suspension, if charged.


Personal-Walrus3076 t1_j1elqbt wrote

That's all true but unless you submit completely you risk spending your holiday in a cage regardless.


plawwell t1_j1e7z2k wrote

You're not obligated beyond saying you are taking the Fifth and you do not consent to any search of your person or car.


Personal-Walrus3076 t1_j1emag6 wrote

Go ahead and do that. You'll be pulled out of your car and summarily arrested. After they've held you for the maximum, they will release you with no charges. Now you can Uber to the impound lot to get your car. Be sure to stop at the ATM cuz they don't take credit cards.


plawwell t1_j1etg1c wrote

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."


Crayonbreaking t1_j1fmc4u wrote

And then you win a lawsuit for a lot of money.


jp_jellyroll t1_j1i6ce9 wrote

Then go do it. I mean all these people saying how simple it is yet I don’t see any news stories of a heroic Redditor actually DOING it.

It’s all bullshit Reddit fake-law degree talk.


Crayonbreaking t1_j1i7mu9 wrote

Sane people intend to avoid checkpoints at all costs. There are tons of lawsuits won for wrongful arrest to the point there is a cottage industry around it.


jp_jellyroll t1_j1i8gny wrote

But if it’s such an easy-win payday… why wouldn’t you do it? If someone said I could make $50k for a day’s work, I’d do it.

Maybe because it’s a gigantic pain in the ass and much more time & money than a day’s work. And you know it.


warlocc_ t1_j1eieft wrote

"You have the right to remain silent".

Remember that one?


RevengencerAlf t1_j1fjqcl wrote

You are never, ever, absolutely ever, obligated to tell a police officer anything other than your name (even that is iffy) and that you are asserting your 5th amendment rights to silence and an attorney.

You have to physically comply with breath tests but you absolutely do not have to do a field sobriety test or answer any questions.


Nobel6skull t1_j1dy1c9 wrote

Police checkpoints should be banned completely.


Sbatio t1_j1ed2p8 wrote

I did not know that this was legal in Massachusetts!

We need to organize and change this law right fucking now! I’ve seen these in PA and it is just a way to harass everyone (sometimes minorities specifically), to pad cops overtime, and to intimidate the public.

Fuck this shit, call your elected officials


Personal-Walrus3076 t1_j1eksoo wrote

it's completely legal sadly. Don't waste your time opposing this. Your elected officials all fully support DUI checkpoints. No elected official is interested in being painted is pro drunk driver which is exactly what would happen to them if they stood up to this.


Sbatio t1_j1ey8xc wrote

I’ve been told in another thread that it went to the Supreme Court in the 90’s and was upheld as a legal activity


sir_mrej t1_j1eo4wd wrote

I'm pretty sure they're not legal in PA. I saw one once, but that's it.


Sbatio t1_j1eyxf7 wrote

They do them in rural areas to catch undocumented workers. I’ve driven through a few with my friend there who is a lawyer.

Basically he explained in PA as long as the police post that the check point is ahead and people can turn off to avoid it then its legal.

Ive also heard that if you are within 100 miles of an international border(which includes international airports so it covers most of the country) our rights are limited too.

Then in another thread it was pointed out that checkpoints were challenged in the Supreme Court and upheld as lawful activity for the police.

So I think we are pretty stuck with them from a legal perspective. But there can still be pressure on elected officials to limit them I guess


sir_mrej t1_j1fe6k5 wrote

I have heard the 100 miles thing and I REALLY want someone to challenge it. Because that's like 90% of the US population (or something). Yeesh.

Did some googling.....dang. You're 100% right. I totally thought they weren't legal, as they were a warrant less search in my opinion. Sigh :(


majoroutage t1_j1fywnl wrote

>Ive also heard that if you are within 100 miles of an international border

The 100 miles things gives federal law enforcement authority they would not normally have unless authorized by the state.


PakkyT t1_j1fi8sd wrote

>They do them in rural areas to catch undocumented workers. I’ve driven through a few with my friend there who is a lawyer.

No they don't. Local cops don't care about undocumented workers because being in the country undocumented is not a criminal offense, it is a civil offense, so just ike when you have a dispute with your neighbor and the police have no interest in your civil affairs dispute, they have no interest in undocumented workers if they are not actually committing a criminal act.


Sbatio t1_j1fwx0w wrote

OK. I have driven through them in PA but you must remember better than I do. /s


MechanicalBirbs t1_j1eymz9 wrote

…do you not want cops to catch drunk drivers?


Sbatio t1_j1f06ds wrote

No. Not with checkpoints that screen all people regardless of any evidence of a crime.

I get that it is legal for the cops to do it but it is in direct conflict with people being secure in their person and effects.

The police should only be allowed to stop you or anyone if they witness you doing something illegal or that would reasonably cause a person to suspect you of a crime.

In the case of DUI, the driver can’t maintain speed or position inside their lane, or they repeatedly break hard, or improper use of lights and signals, failure to fully stop 🛑, etc.

So many things are sufficient to trigger a stop, it is unreasonable to check everyone proactively.


majoroutage t1_j1fym7w wrote

This guy gets it. DUI checkpoints are a presumption of guilt.


Crayonbreaking t1_j1fmnvd wrote

No I don’t. Not with terrorism. This is terrorism. This is everything the USA was founded to protect against.


ratbas t1_j1hoqsb wrote

What's the difference between this and them going door-to-door going through everybody's house? Do you not want them to catch serial killers?


oneMadRssn t1_j1e42rb wrote

This is a real fuck-everyone-involved situation. On the one hand, ACAB. On the other hand, fuck drunk drivers.


majoroutage t1_j1ep69v wrote

Cops are perfectly capable of catching reckless drivers without interrogating every single one.


oneMadRssn t1_j1f4df6 wrote

Clearly not because there still far far too many reckless drivers.


majoroutage t1_j1f54j7 wrote

I said they were capable, I didn't say they were willing. God forbid, though, they should be expected to do their jobs properly.

So, yeah, fuck them and their "prove you're not really a criminal" checkpoints.


Mastac123 t1_j1dszgh wrote

Spotted the Sobriety Checkpoint RV on Rt 6 in Dartmouth yesterday. So, there is a good chance that's where it will be


TheFlabbs t1_j1ege24 wrote

This is going to become more common as time goes on. State-funded gang is all they are


HaElfParagon t1_j1dldfn wrote

Where is this checkpoint being set up?


MrMcSwifty t1_j1dmnhf wrote

They typically don't tell you where exactly, just the county its being conducted in.


HaElfParagon t1_j1dnann wrote

Gross. I have to drive all over bristol county for christmas this year, and will be on a super fucking tight schedule. If it's on a major higheway/throughway it's going to be a pain in my ass.


BostonUniStudent t1_j1dpl39 wrote

🚓👮🏻‍♂️Papers please! 🚔


Crayonbreaking t1_j1fmswf wrote

Just like the nazi’s.


BostonUniStudent t1_j1fp1lm wrote

Meanwhile, I've been seeing people drive wrong ways all over the place. Completely unsafe lane changes right in front of police. But there's not as much money in those cases, so they seem to all get away with it.

I live near the Sullivan Square Boston rotary and I've seen at least two cars going the way in the last few months.

And after they saw those two problems, maybe they could do something about after-market muffler modifiers on Hondas that make them so loud. Shit violates several noise codes.


[deleted] t1_j1dphnt wrote



majoroutage t1_j1gnc9i wrote

6 and 44 are both US Routes and they definitely love to set up checkpoints on em.


jessep34 t1_j1elp41 wrote

Maybe Waze will add a button to report them?


OddWar6668 t1_j1egq0c wrote

I have seen the bristol county one many times on 44 in seekonk, they usually right at the state line and have all their cruiser and cans in the dollar general lot


majoroutage t1_j1epk1v wrote

My man. And if Mass isn't there, it's RI cops by the park-and-ride.


SkiZer0 t1_j1e3n86 wrote

This shit should be fucking illegal.


plawwell t1_j1e6wxh wrote

These are illegal under the constitution.


warlocc_ t1_j1eio83 wrote

A couple things in this state are, but somehow we still have state laws supporting them.


_kaetee t1_j1eejcs wrote

I guess at least this is a sign that they’re starting to explore methods of reducing OUIs without fucking over bars, clubs, restaurants, and anyone who wants to go to those places late at night- but we all know how MA staties are. They are going to abuse this.


Crayonbreaking t1_j1fmxj1 wrote

They don’t need to do this. Catching drunk drivers is easy. They can’t drive. But that would mean cops would actually have to patrol. I guess that is too hard for them.


majoroutage t1_j1eono6 wrote

'Tis the season for guilty until proven innocent.


Crayonbreaking t1_j1fl5t7 wrote

Needs to be made illegal. It’s treason.


uncle_freshflow t1_j1go64p wrote

Crazy to me that this is legal to do. Random searches of law abiding citizens should be illegal.


JAK2222 t1_j1fdb36 wrote

Not sure if it was this but there was a ‘special something unit’ car on RT 6 in Seekonk near Cumberland farms earlier today.


ZaphodG t1_j1htbgg wrote

I encountered the sobriety checkpoint at the southern end of 140 in New Bedford once. I recall it went like: “Have you been drinking?” “No” “Your eyes look bloodshot.” “It’s 11:00. I’m tired and going home to bed. Am I free to leave?”

That was the end of it. I don’t like the fact that roadblocks exist but the courts have ruled them legal as long as they stop everyone. It would be a good ballot initiative to amend the state constitution.


bobroscopcoltrane t1_j1eqcfx wrote

This “article” reminded me of this John Oliver segment which addresses how news organizations “report” on the police. It was eye-opening for me, yet unsurprising.


hdjunkie t1_j1e37vz wrote

Unconstitutional bullshit. ACAB


Wolfdogpump66 t1_j1homp2 wrote

Dont they have better things to do…🙄🙄


haystackofneedles t1_j1eoobz wrote

Their body, their choice. Don't let the government tell you when you can and can't drive!! /S
