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BlueLynxce t1_jad8533 wrote

Y'all tweaking if you think alcohol, cigars and marijuana should be in the same category


Synbeard t1_jad959n wrote

Justifications for overconsumption...

"My Dr. prescribed this."

"I only drink at social events."

"It's a Vape."

I have said all of these at one point and probably will again at some point. No judgement, just reflecting.


RiverVoice10 t1_jad96hw wrote

Casual drinking? That’s not an addiction…. If you’re able to pick up and put down any of these 3 substances easily that doesn’t constitute as a “problem”


BlueLynxce t1_jadaa36 wrote

Oh boy, the level of harm/dependency of weed them are nowhere near cigars, alcohol or even coffee.

I've smoked marijuana for years and never had a problem with stopping, no withdrawals symptoms, no craving, that happened to my friends as well.

Only thing that made me come back was food tasting better, music sounding better, feeling better and making life more bearable. And even so, had no problems at stopping from 3-4+ joints a day everyday to none at all.

It even helped with my depression and anxiety.


Defiant-Revolution11 t1_jadamwp wrote

True. It's on you to learn limits, either you do or you don't. All are vices, all can have bad effects on health, weed catches the worst of it and it's justified because it's not completely legal. The other two have had a century worth of marketing and advertising telling you it's 🆒 😎. Kinda a weird standoff to have but someones got to do it.


AdeptInept69 t1_jaddadi wrote

People say I've got a drinkin' problem

That ain't no reason to stop

People sayin' that I've hit rock bottom

Just 'cause I'm livin' on the rocks

It's a broken-hearted thinkin' problem

So pull that bottle off the wall

People say I've got a drinkin' problem

But I got no problem drinkin' at all


BlueLynxce t1_jaddtwf wrote

Not with all the drugs, the addiction to the high comes when the substance steals the pleasure from what you get from reality.

I can still enjoying and appreciate things without the substance, it even taught me how to appreciate more what the world is and has to offer and how beautiful it can actually be, even without the substance.

Drugs like heroin, alcohol, cocaine, coffee, cigs (just listing a few) are the ones that physically hook and steals the pleasure you get from reality, they even make real life feel like shit, painful and miserable and that's what brings you back to it, the release you get from using them


Tinted-Glass-2031 t1_jadembx wrote

I never even saw the differences in the costumes on this meme until I played Marvel' Spider Man (2018)...


Rawesome16 t1_jadfj99 wrote

Just how dumb are you? I'm a casual drinker. I've had 3 glasses of wine in the last 6 days, 4 of which were snow days in my neck of the woods. How exactly is that bad?


Rawesome16 t1_jadg1uj wrote

With drugs like cocaine or heroine it effects your brain fat stronger. Those drugs help you produce dopamine or others chemicals our brand naturally produce to make us happy. Eventually your body depends on the drugs to be happy and no longer makes it naturally.

Marijuana does not do this. It is mentally addicting but not physically


grillmoretacomeats t1_jadg60c wrote

Hey I talked to a friend about the AA program and he told me that the people there don't believe in stopping addiction without the program. He told me they believe you are going to start using again its only when, and that the program is the only way to really recover. Anyone else seen this response? He and I quit smoking for a year for him and 6 months for me. He also told me that when you fall off the program once its like becoming an outcast in the group. Im sure it helps people but he made it sound more like a click and it's ment to get good with God first then overcome your demons.


Wide_Frosting7951 t1_jadhers wrote

Dying young is my whole entire retirement plan in these troubled times. I'm gonna have fun until then.


jaredmgMTL t1_jadhzdd wrote

Comparing medical marijuana patients to alcohol and nicotine consumers is the stupidest lamest simpest sht I’ve seen in a long time


That1KidWithDynamite t1_jadkail wrote

Nicotine users more akin to hard liquor day drinkers, and spice stoners


willsmithsrightpalm t1_jadl62r wrote

My cousin had his license revoked for 5 years for a DUI and went to AA for drinking. He says the same shit. But he also thinks he's gonna get rich on metaverse land, believes all sorts of whacky conspiracies, is too good to ride a moped, chain smoke cigs and weed all day, hemorrhages my demented grandma's funds for his cigs and redbull, and literally lives in my grandma's basement for free. He's 31 btw.

He's only relapsed with alcohol once in the past couple years since his DUI that I'm aware of tho. So yeah putting it all in god's hands works! /s

I think what keeps him from drinking is actually fear of the even more terrible human he becomes, fears of getting arrested again, and/or fears of getting his ass kicked because he pissed someone off at a bar again.


TheFormidableMulk t1_jadlv6w wrote

OP is prob some minor/virgin that can't participate in said "addictions" anyway. All that's left is to try and shame the rest of us?! -takes hit from from bong-


NOT_RETR0_115 t1_jado3ie wrote

Ive stopped now been a few months and all it took was just going ‘i don’t want to do this anymore’ and not once have I thought about doing it again.

I know some may have a different experience then this but for me its a lot easier then its marketed as


Striking_Reindeer_2k t1_jadoh60 wrote

How many people die from Pot, Drinking, or Cigs each year? THAT is where focus should be.


willsmithsrightpalm t1_jadomwp wrote

Thanks. It definitely borders (probably crosses the line at times) on abuse but she has caretakers who know about his problems and my parents live next door. The caretakers tell my mom everything so my mom and dad have to put him in his place every now and then.

He is an only child and sees me as the closest thing he has to a brother, so he lets his guard down and tells me everything. When he told me he was smoking/dealing weed with one of the caretakers I told my mom and got her ass fired immediately. If they're cool with him there's a chance they cover for him at the expense of my grandma's mental state, and if I have any control of the situation I will absolutely take action.

Kinda shady of me to act like I'm on his side to gather intel but it's in the best interest of my grandma. She is well looked after.


tnttyler t1_jadr27p wrote

I really hope this isn’t against weed at all honestly these are all things that used responsibly can be fun and no worse for you than occasional junk food etc


creamonbretonbussy t1_jadrekg wrote

Alcohol and nicotine/tobacco products can lead to chemical addictions. Marijuana on the other hand, just like every single other thing in life, has the potential for a psychological addiction.

So it's completely disingenuous to make a blanket statement that they all have the potential to lead to addiction.


smurfsmasher024 t1_jadtu6q wrote

Dude just cause you cant control your usage or do t like the stuff doesnt make others have and issue.

Pro tip: focus on your own shit not other peoples.


IronSavage3 t1_jadtyq7 wrote

No one in their right mind thinks medical marijuana is a problem on par with nicotine or drinking, even if it’s “casual”.


SlightlyBrokenKettle t1_jadvmm8 wrote

Me on my 4th cup of coffee: Yea, what the heck? These people clearly have an addiction!


beltalowda_oye t1_jadxpq6 wrote

Some cannabis users absolutely get to a rather depressing state of themselves. But in no way should you be comparing medical cannabis patients to people who drink alcohol or smoke/vape nicotine. This is just blatant ignorance and part of the reefer madness culture still alive here if you categorize them in the same group.


Anonymous_2952 t1_jady099 wrote

Tell me you’re under the legal age, without telling me…


Bannon9k t1_jady9ee wrote

Yep I've got a problem. It's called Multiple Sclerosis and the ONLY thing that lets me feel my right arm and leg is medical cannabis.


Marco45_0 t1_jae0dmk wrote

I think you misunderstood the "medical" in "medical marijuana" if you think one wouldn't need it.


wjs5 t1_jae0k5x wrote

Should add coffee


Scrambled_Juice t1_jae19uk wrote

Alcohol is a solution

It's also an answer to my life's problems


VarissianThot t1_jae1hfl wrote

...the commonality in all of these is they're relatively harmless behaviors that make life a lot more tolerable for some people that are mercilessly shamed. Yeah maybe don't smoke in public/enclosed spaces but if you're concerned about someone you know having a "problem" like this...mind your business. None of these habits are wholly healthy. But smoking weed helps control seizures, and even if the only thing nicotine helps is your anxiety/mood that's still a valid reason to use it. People are miserable enough without being judged for the small unhealthy habits they have. Same thing goes for fat people, everybody knows none of these are healthy things, but if it improves your quality of life then they have no business making you feel like shit for coping.


Erisiandog05 t1_jae1wkn wrote

Gotta add caffeine and refined sugar as well.


ostangestar t1_jae2vct wrote

I dont think ive met a single person that uses nicotine that isnt addicted. Im not saying it isn't possible but that shit is so addictive its nearly impossible not to be addicted to it if you use it


onlineredditalias t1_jae6kl0 wrote

Having a couple beers with the bois on Friday isn’t an addiction…


Takkeyami t1_jae6n0e wrote

Me with porn addiction: You ALL have a problem


spicyhotcocoa t1_jaegi80 wrote

… medical marijuana is not an addiction, it wouldn’t be allowed if it would harm the patients. It is not even in the same category and nicotine and alcohol which are both toxic to the body whereas mmj has been proven to alleviate a myriad of symptoms


Zonizthefrog t1_jaeiqo0 wrote

Medical marijuana is prescribed for people who have actual problems so I don't understand what you're trying to say at all


Wizards_Reddit t1_jaejdxo wrote

I think nicotine is probably the worst, mainly because of the products it's used in causing serious harm, as well as it not having any good side effects and being super addictive


Glistening_Death t1_jaeluvr wrote

My family purely drinks alcohol for the taste, not to get drunk. No one in my family is addicted, nor has any medical problems that resulted from alcohol.


HighKiteSoaring t1_jaerjej wrote

Unpopular opinion maybe

But you can pick up any drug and do it casually

Booze, weed, cocaine, ketamine, psychedelics, doesn't matter

A drug doesn't make the addict it's a combination of lack of self control, poor impulse control and nothing to live for

Setting ground rules and sticking to them you can do anything


ToastyRybread t1_jaes5k3 wrote

Mix all three and you’re in for a great night


bigreidsy t1_jaev76t wrote

I know, and don't care to stop


B4dg3r5 t1_jaew8hq wrote

Theres more things wrong with this post than OP has brain cells.


HighKiteSoaring t1_jaezo92 wrote

I agree there

I have done plenty of drugs

There's some I wouldn't touch and will swear people off of

Like opiates for example. They're nowhere near as recreational as say MDMA or Mushrooms or Weed. However they are so addictive you'll sell your grandma for a hit

But.. I know 2x people personally and multiple people online who have shot up heroin once for a laugh and never went back


Locustzxy t1_jaf0jcb wrote

If it's "medical marijuana", they indeed have problem and that's why the doctor recommended CBD, no?


Witch_King_ t1_jaf0n9w wrote

Those are just the lucky ones. Some people can take a hit without getting addicted, but I'm pretty sure after a second or even third, anyone would become addicted. And many people get hooked after just one.


HighKiteSoaring t1_jaf227k wrote

It's not luck, it's fortitude

Some people can try every drug and never look back

Other people should never try any drug due to their lack of control

Which is why you should start small

If you get addicted to "weaker" drugs then draw a line in the sand and go no further


Frostlord3 t1_jaf3rp6 wrote

Casually drinking or smoking pot is fine, if you do it once in a while and not habitually then you’re fine. If you can’t go a day without a drink or a joint then that’s a little more than casual