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ergonaut t1_iy6of88 wrote



complexton t1_iy6p2vf wrote

I’m about to get my daily calcium 🤤


flannelmaster9 t1_iy6pkpl wrote

Seems sus as fuck. Half a gallon of shampoo for $4?


yatzhie04 t1_iy6q7x8 wrote

More like r/whatcouldgowrong


Shoto-Scrub t1_iy6qnqq wrote

How many doves did they have to milk for a 1/2 gallon?! Doves are tiny!


MamboNumber5Guy OP t1_iy6rkei wrote

$4 Canadian. The store my wife got it from is called big box outlet. They sell all sorts of shit, a lot of it is overstock and returns and stuff from places like Costco, Amazon and even commercial suppliers. Who knows where this milk jug of shampoo came from, but it is sealed at least.


Corg505 t1_iy6rs14 wrote

I only use 2% Dove, sorry.


flannelmaster9 t1_iy6rz5y wrote

I'd shop the shit out of that store. There's a random "liquidation store" near me that sells all kinds of misc crap from bathtubs to wedding dresses. My brother buys tools from them and sells em on eBay or craiglist


redct t1_iy6sbo3 wrote

"Big Box Outlet" sounds like a generic store name you'd see in a TV show


PLEASEHIREZ t1_iy6u5ud wrote

If this is real and safe, I would like to purchase this.


TheCoyoteDreams t1_iy6u95b wrote

Just put that in the fridge next to the milk and wait for the hilarity to ensue.


Fartingonyoursocks t1_iy6uzkv wrote

I believe this is called “off-spec”. My papaw used to get these before he passed away. It’s on brand but something was wrong with it that it didn’t pass inspection. It may have been slightly off in color, or smelled slightly different, too much of 1 ingredient/not enough of one ingredient etc. so instead of throwing it out or donating it, the company sells it at a lesser price so they don’t loose there whole dollar amount on the product. He would specifically get tide and downy. Gallon jugs for 9 dollars. Not sure where he got them from.


Echelion77 t1_iy6vtnw wrote

Wow only 3.99.... they charge 8.99 for the small bottle with the pictures and colors...


MTonmyMind t1_iy6vvox wrote

Someone is going to have really clean cereal in the morning.


Hydqjuliilq27 t1_iy6vyze wrote

“What’s in the jar with the skull and crossbones?”

“Milk, that’s a decoy”

“And the milk jug?”


“You mean I’ve been putting shampoo in my cereal?”

“If you’re using the milk jug, yeah.”


Taniwha_NZ t1_iy6w75b wrote

Wow, we are really stretching the meaning of 'mildly' to the absolute limit here.


arirosi t1_iy6xpgk wrote

This is a disaster in the making


active_reload t1_iy6xz30 wrote

I’ve seen these as growlers at a brewery but this is a new one for me 😂


Juancho511 t1_iy6y4t9 wrote

Just made me crave a bowl of cereal.


-pilot37- t1_iy6ytg5 wrote

This is mildly interesting. Good post


Fallenbringer t1_iy6zbfa wrote

If you remove the label and drink it does it taste like milk?


MonchichiSalt t1_iy6zkeu wrote

Why is the poo always a sham?

And why would anyone want to use real poo?


I guess getting a quart of dove poo could be ethical, as long as it's free range and locally sourced? As well as a fairly easy scooping job. Not sure why anyone would buy it though. That would provide an income without harm.

I continue to question why anyone would buy this product. Much more so, why there is such a need for big corporations to create a sham version of it.




Bo_Bat t1_iy71xid wrote

The dislike is STRONG for this

Gotta ick and yuck and frown at the same time


karlmch t1_iy722mf wrote

Makes a terrible cup of tea!


Earl_Dolphins t1_iy72cnn wrote

Seems they have acquired the milk from a male cow named "dove" how lovely


alice_austen t1_iy73qzr wrote

But how do you even go about milking a dove??


Kazori t1_iy7462u wrote

Forbidden milk


mbht246 t1_iy75kbp wrote

Plays song : "Swallowed shampoo

Prob'ly gonna die

It smelled like fruit

That was a lie

Called the number on the bottle

Spoke to a guy

He said, "Vomit"

I said, "Why?"

He said, "Poison"

I said, "Goodbye"

I look at my finger

I look at my life

It wasn't that much

I'll probably be fine

I swallowed shampoo

I'm prob'ly gonna die

It smelled like fruit

That was a lie

I swallowed shampoo

I'm prob'ly gonna die

It smelled like fruit

That was a lie

I swallowed shampoo

I'm prob'ly gonna die

It smelled like fruit

That was a lie

Here lies the dipshit who drank shampoo

Even though the bottle had a warning not to

I swallowed shampoo

I'm prob'ly gonna die

It smelled like fruit

That was a lie

I swallowed shampoo

I'm prob'ly gonna die

It smelled like fruit

That, that was, uh, not what it tasted like"

Sorry for the layout I'm on mobile.


thornedcrystal t1_iy75qfs wrote

I'm the asshole who would put in the refrigerator.


catpunch_ t1_iy75s3d wrote

I like this because the person didn’t realize they were eating (drinking?) shampoo until they were told. Like they didn’t recognize it was thicker and smelled like perfume and probably tasted like poison


maddamleblanc t1_iy75xyt wrote

I buy gallon jugs a few times a year so I don't have to keep buying shampoo. My hair is also down to almost my thighs


_alelia_ t1_iy763ue wrote

where do you get it?


NoWayNotThisAgain t1_iy768aj wrote

Good. A bigger and thinner container means less plastic per oz of shampoo.


KnooBoat t1_iy76akg wrote

that looks like something i would drink as a kid ask what it is recieve the "thats shampoo what are you doing?" and keep chuging more


Birdinmotion t1_iy76ju2 wrote

Is this r/mildlyterrifying for anyone else?


azamimatsuri t1_iy76zjg wrote

Quite a few Japanese hair, body and skincare products come in bags used to refill the original container (I’ve seen some shampoo containers where you put the pump in the actual bag and switch it out when you’re done)


lumpthefoff t1_iy782l0 wrote

It looks like the Soymilk in the chinese supermarket.


lucysucks t1_iy784xw wrote

“big box outlet” sounds fake


ialo3 t1_iy7apxf wrote

replace someone's moisturizer


etnom22000 t1_iy7b4g5 wrote

Put it in the fridge and watch the chaos unfold.


rubyreignxo t1_iy7bhh7 wrote

That will be fun to pour during your shower


frozenrainbow t1_iy7cec5 wrote

This is a perfect example of how important branding and packaging is for a product


KihiraLove t1_iy7cpr1 wrote

Now that's exactly what I need. I just hate the normal bottles, so hard to open every time I want to chug on some shampoo


Official_Griffin t1_iy7daid wrote

With my luck I’d think this is milk and start to pour a glass


haku_81 t1_iy7e0gz wrote

Oh thank gods I thought it was somehow dove milk, which confused me immensely.


GlitteryCakeHuman t1_iy7f3lo wrote

I’d prefer this. I empty shampoo bottles and shower soap into big pump containers anyway.


RedditCank t1_iy7fz97 wrote

Triple fake out, if it wasn’t labeled.


Bmw-invader t1_iy7gr39 wrote

Your shower milk made my stomach hurt😞


n3u7r1n0 t1_iy7imv7 wrote

Um that’s a typo it’s supposed to say Dave. It’s Dave’s love bucket.


tcrompton t1_iy7knj1 wrote

Those that know me know I certainly don’t need that much shampoo, but I’d like know where I can find the nearest Big Box Outlet? Asking for a friend in Sacramento CA.


santathe1 t1_iy7o6t8 wrote

Before reading the title, I read the label as dove (past tense of dive).


Closehangerabortions t1_iy7orii wrote

Swallowed shampoo. Probably gonna die. Smelled like fruit, that was a lie. I SWALLOWED SHAMPOO. PROBABLY GONNA DIE. AHHHHHHH


RhymeTymes t1_iy7qwid wrote

And everyone thought I was crazy for keeping my shampoo in the fridge. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?


cooieslayer t1_iy7qxwj wrote

This reminds of the time i drank goat milk shampoo because I thought it was goat milk


Plane-Sentence-1917 t1_iy7u70c wrote

Idk if I’d believe it’s actually Dove in that bottle, but nonetheless that’s a great price for a big ass bottle of shampoo!! Lol


Dazzling_Ad5338 t1_iy7vbug wrote

Dove shampoo is like £2 for 400ml in its branded bottles. This seems sus as f*ck. This costs like £2.50


DolDarian t1_iy7yhyr wrote

Remove the tag, leave it in the fridge and wait. Unless you live alone.


TheRIPwagon t1_iy7z9di wrote

"You're telling I've been putting shampoo on my sandwiches?" "If you've been using the mayonnaise, then yeah, probably"


LordBammith t1_iy7zb2x wrote

sigh I’ll got find the poison control phone number…


drklunk t1_iy84afd wrote

Keep it in the fridge for undesirable guests to use as creamer


pepipo3132 t1_iy85hxk wrote

Aand how will u use it? 🙂


HumpieDouglas t1_iy86d9k wrote

Mmm nothing like a plate of Oreos and a tall glass of cold Dove in the afternoon.


ChangeFlashy t1_iy87yuz wrote

reminded me of my friend who kept a whole bucket of semen in his basement, we never spoke a word again, due to that experience.


Card_Zero t1_iy8hq8i wrote

I'm interested that this picture elicits a disgust reaction in me. I must have been conditioned.


AlexandrinaIsHere t1_iy8jzd3 wrote

Poking around on Google, there are multiple gallon jug options of dove shampoo. If I had to guess, this could even be a simple problem of Dove not having the correct jug present for branding. They were able to rig up a sticker printer to do the ingredients list, which is legally needed, but that sticker might be intended for shipping labels and such.


IlIIlllIIIIll t1_iy8z14i wrote

They sold hand sanitizer in their hairspray bottles, this doesn’t surprise me


Kemerd t1_iy98sxd wrote

Forbidden Hair Milk


Ass0rted t1_iy998dc wrote

At the resort that I work at they come in 5 gallon paint buckets


H2oPAPA t1_iyac3l1 wrote

The forbidden milk.


elkyia t1_iyad9mz wrote

would drink


Alex-theGr3at t1_iyb7q0x wrote

"Honey, what's the expiration date of this milk?"

Edit: Spelling mistake