Submitted by Thedobby22 t3_1275dc7 in movies

I've always been a movie lover and I still enjoy going to the movies. There's something about a big spectacle popcorn event that I can go to with the family and enjoy the show. My problem right now is that there is nothing coming up to really look forward to.

Marvel is slowly dying off for me. The last time I absolutely HAD to go to a Marvel movie was Endgame. Since then I've been disappointed in every one of them and now I just try to catch the newer movies on Disney+. The last Star Wars movie I loved was Rogue 1. I was really excited for TLJ, didn't like it, and suffered through whatever the last movie was called. And I watch the series without any real energy. Even Andor, the best of the lot, seemed to have some strange plotting choices with the heist followed by the prison. And then it just kind of ended. In the 2000s, I had a Harry Potter movie to look forward to every year.

In late 2014 I saw the trailer for The Force Awakens and COULDN'T WAIT to see it the next year. In 2016 I watched Captain America: Civil War and absolutely loved it. But now, in 2023, the only thing I'm kind of looking forward to is the Dune sequel. But, really, it's not the same thing.

What is the next franchise that will get me counting down the days until the next movie comes out? Because right now I couldn't even tell you what's in line for the summer.



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SuperNntendoChlmers t1_jecncnr wrote

I mean for me it's the John Wick franchise and I have chapter 4 to look forward to seeing.

There's the fifth indiana jones movie coming out also which im eager to see.

Otherwise, as far as standalone Marvel movies, Guardians of the galaxy I have high expectations, always been my favorite of the marvel movies.


MathGamer28 t1_jecnrd8 wrote

John Wick and Mission Impossible say hello


urgasmic t1_jecnt9v wrote

I mean john wick and dungeons and dragons are pretty well received. Spiderverse sequel this year and next, guardians of the galaxy 3 will be great i bet, transformers comeback? Indiana jones, mission impossible two parter


PruneObjective401 t1_jeco116 wrote

I feel this way frequently, but then a spinoff/sequel/prequel will randomly get announced that makes me excited all over again.


LackingInPatience t1_jecogln wrote

I saw the Mission Impossible trailer before my screening for John Wick 4 and it had me hyped.

Guardians 3 will decide if there is a superhero film fatigue or it's just that every movie post-Endgame have been a bit meh.

Joker 2, The Batman sequel, Indiana Jones 5, Captain America etc.

There are tons of franchise movies to be excited for, it's just about if they live up to expectations.


Ninjalikestoast t1_jecpceo wrote

If I take the whole family to a movie now, it’s going to run me 200$

I’ll just rent it at home for 6$ or whatever.


lol8lo t1_jecpecg wrote

I don't know how you'll feel about it, but I loved the new Dungeons and Dragons movie, and that will likely become a franchise.


DrRexMorman t1_jecq6n1 wrote

> What is the next franchise that will get me counting down the days until the next movie comes out?

It’s not too late for Buckaroo Banzai 2.


SeagullsStopItNowz t1_jecr1ns wrote

The Mission Impossible franchise is still delivering epic action with no signs of wearing thin.


callmemacready t1_jecr9tm wrote

Next Mission Impossible looks great the series gets better and better. Plus Rebecca Ferguson wearing an eye patch is definitely worth getting excited for


TimeTravelMishap t1_jecs3bn wrote

He is the public face of a religion that kills the pets of rape victims to try to get them to drop charges against other scientologists. He is the public face of a religion that right now right this second is operating an illegal prison here in the United States. These are just two things off the top of my head there are many other Crimes by the Church of Scientology.

He may not be directly involved in these things but by remaining the public face of Scientology he is declaring to the world he finds these things morally acceptable. That is who Tom Cruise is. A man who thinks it's perfectly okay to murder the pet of a rape victim.


Citizensssnips t1_jecvdgw wrote

>Since then I've been disappointed in every one of them

All of them? I get dumping on the MCU is all the rage right now but Shang Chi, No Way Home, Wakanda Forever and even Dr Strange 2 were all positively received films. This "everything since endgame sucks" narrative is getting out of hand.

>Even Andor, the best of the lot, seemed to have some strange plotting choices with the heist followed by the prison

This especially just paints you as a contrarian.


BlakRainbow1991 t1_jecw9qg wrote

Why must things become a franchise now though? Why can't find just stand alone? If you want deeper, longer, more developed stories then films aren't your medium, tv shows are.


BillyThe_Kid97 t1_jecwkve wrote

The Flash is reportedly great (assuming you can get past the Ezra bullshit).


Juan-Claudio t1_jed19pg wrote

No, just no. Look, i don't mean to defend scientology (or any religion or cult) but you can't use arguments like this. Because some scientologist murdered a pet doesn't mean every scientologist approves of this. Same as when some Christian priest abuses a child it doesn't mean that every Christian approves of this.

It is of course your free choice to watch Tom Cruise movies or not.


TimeTravelMishap t1_jed2tmo wrote

That would be fine and dandy if he was some random member of Scientology but he's literally the public face of the cult. And by remaining the public face of Scientology he approves of these things it's as simple as that. Tom Cruise is a human being who 100% thinks it's morally acceptable to kill the pet of a rape victim to get her to shut up.

That's for the rest of what you said honestly? I agree and I do condemn them. But that's a whole other bag of worms. I personally was actually molested by a priest myself. From ages 7 to 9. And I personally find every single fucking Catholic on this planet to be a disgusting human being who approves of me being molested. Every last one of them.


[deleted] t1_jed2wia wrote

The New Batman Franchise ?? Matt Reeves trilogy


StreetMysticCosmic t1_jed3cp0 wrote

> What is the next franchise that will get me counting down the days until the next movie comes out?

DC is about to reboot. John Wick and Mission: Impossible are great current action series. The Ghostbusters series is back I guess? Halloween and Jurassic Park's reboot trilogies are done but Scream is back and going strong. Then there's Avatar.


Pal__Pacino t1_jed5i21 wrote

Watch non-franchise movies. Some pretty good ones out there, if you can believe it.


Saar13 t1_jed7hq1 wrote

Traditional studios don't have the money anymore. It's obvious that these studios (Disney, Warner, Paramount, Universal and Lionsgate) are going to bet everything on popular franchises, whether in cinema or TV. Originality will drop sharply at these companies and we don't know how long boutique studios like A24 will be able to keep original films at low grosses. Seriously, I hate expanded universes, franchises, and all that bullshit.

If there's one piece of good news that came out this week, it's Apple deciding to invest in theatrical releases. They have infinite money and seem, at least for now, more concerned with building prestige than making money. Apple is going to be an A24 (with 2.5 trillion in market value) and should give some artistic freedom. At least until they already have the prestige they seek so much.


outroindigo t1_jed7w45 wrote

yeah i understand how you feel. there was ALWAYS something to look forward to years ago; something to talk about, theorize, and get excited for but now it feels like there’s not much to look forward to. that being said, the only films that i’m genuinely looking forward to is gotg 3, the batman trilogy, and barbie (2023). some of our franchises will sadly never feel the same and i wish i could watch all of them for the first time again, but hopefully we can find more films that bring back all of those emotions.


Ok_Magazine_1569 t1_jedeg5e wrote

That’s what happens when Hollywood decides to pump out repetitive IP blockbusters instead of developing both real talent and the medium itself. Things become stagnant, tired, and stale.

When money is all it’s about, then the only things we’ll see in the culture are things that make massive amounts of money.


josheyua t1_jedjga7 wrote

Maybe we should get DC comics to start something??? Or some book series


djprojexion t1_jee7m88 wrote

Very much looking forward to Furiosa in 2024.


The_Meemeli t1_jeegbiz wrote

Instead of following franchises and getting excited about new films in them, maybe start following your favorite directors, and getting excited about new films from them?


Masethelah t1_jeek81r wrote

Personally im excited about Mad Max, Dune and Joker. Its always fun to see what James cameron will do with the Avatar films imo


therikermanouver t1_jefu7pa wrote

I'm in the same boat. Star wars and Star Trek marvel used to be my go to franchises but I can't stomach anything star wars has done since rogue 1 other than season 1 and 2 of Mando. No interest in andor. Star trek has produced almost exclusively garbage since 2005. Marvel I jumped off at endgame fearing that they'd end up in the same boat. I'll have to start looking into more non franchise stuff but scifi and fantasy are my go favorite genres and too much of it is connected to JJ Abrams and his friends whose filmmaking styles I can't stand. I hate that mystery box story telling style I want Jedi in my star wars. Post return of the Jedi with Luke being space Dumbledore while the next generation goes off on adventures. That shouldn't be too difficult but here we are.

I love John wick and can't wait to see part 4 and I've been getting into mission impossible after avoiding it for decades. It's better than I expected! I'm excited for dune part 2. and Pattinson's batman really impressed me as someone who didn't see it in theaters because I didn't like Pattinson. His performance on that film and the lighthouse really changed my opinion of him. Special shout-out to spider verse for being way better than I expected!


golfmonk t1_jeg4llf wrote

I'm not looking forward to any new Star Trek or Star Wars movies. IHMO, most of the streaming shows from both franchises are hit or miss...