Submitted by t3_yfghz9 in movies

Which movie has good overall tactics and firearm techniques, Room clearing, weapon reloads, weapon safety, team dynamics….

For example I appreciated the weapon reload on john Wick when he has a pistol between his thigh and lower leg/foot when he’s kneeling down. I think this was in the fight with common, it might have been in the cave when he was being shot at… i forgot.

In the movie old guard, when they were in the building toward the end, they moved pretty well as a team, not sure how realistic it was to digest the bullets though.

Which movie has overall realism when it comes to handling firearms , tactics, and ending the threat either solo or as a team?

Not looking for unreal weapon handling



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t1_iu3c0id wrote

THe first expendables where Terry Crews walks down a hallway with an automatic shotgun.


t1_iu3cgne wrote

Not a movie, but my all-time favorite comes from Narcos when the special forces raid Pablo's compound.


t1_iu3ci86 wrote

I've seen a few different "operators" on you tube say that the first Sicario is very accurate.

BTW The tactical gun style you're describing from John Wick and which Is so popular now is called Center Axis Relock and was developed by a British police officer called Paul Castle.

The idea is to ha e your gun close enough to your face so you can use it with both eyes open (the sights at the same distance that you'd hold a book you were reading) and to "maximise weapons retention" which is effectively saying make it as hard as possible to take my weapon from me.. Apparently most gunfights are at less than 8ft distance from the other person, so the idea was to develop a gun use style than worked in that scenario.


t1_iu3cjnr wrote

Yeah, Sicario.

Also "Zero Dark Thirty". When the Seals enter Osamas House is absolutely terrifing and precise. And also very accurate how it really happened.


t1_iu3d7l6 wrote

A good movie with squad tactics is Sabotage.

Street Kings has a house clearing scene and it's a Keanu movie.

Edit: Changed my mind about Equilibrium.


t1_iu3futt wrote

The trick of Equilibrium's gunplay was to sell something every bit as if not more unrealistic than John Woo's shootouts, as something that feels sciency and clinically realistic. It's great style and it works but it is entirely unrealistic.


OP t1_iu3j8j2 wrote

Thanks for the info. But i was really talking about the reload. I’ll have to find the scene. He bends down and clutches the gun just below the knee, with the pistol sitting tightly between his thigh and calf area. He then reloads with one hand. The technique is one hand reloading if the other hand is injured. I can’t remember where or how he used the technique.

Thanks for the gun style mentioned above. Interesting read


t1_iu3k719 wrote

When working with fiction there is only so much that can be believed. So you're best bet isovie versions of real life stories. Can I ask why movies? YouTube or other video share sites probably have actual police and military training videos. Are you wanting to learn or looking for entertainment that doesn't break immersion?


OP t1_iu3l3un wrote

It will take me some time to find, but I’ll find it. I’ve saved your comment, not that you care, but ib like to go full circle on discussions. Yeah the one handed chamber check is impressive. I first saw it and my brain exploded into 17 pieces


OP t1_iu3lv4v wrote

I’m looking for movies (or TV shows) where they spent some time researching proper handling of firearms. I’m not looking for training on YouTube.

There are movies with some fantastical entertainment, then there are movies with a high level of realism. I love both, just looking to find the latter.

Something like “shoot em up” is entertaining, but a stretch from reality


t1_iu3q3ve wrote

Act of Valor. With the exception of the river-sniping rescue, you can expect proper room clearing and team movement from a cast of active duty SEALs.

HEAT has an incredible, and continued to be used as an example, returning fire while retreating scene. It’s my understanding that the marines still use that scene as an example to this day before teaching the booters.


t1_iu49od2 wrote

Just as a warning for Valor. The acting is going to be atrocious. The dialogue is gonna flimsy at best. But if you’re watching it for the fun shit they do, it’s a great watch. There is a glorious SWCC hot extract they do that really made me regret not going that route.


t1_iu49tyw wrote

Easily Anthropoid (2016)

The close quarters combat in the building scene (trying not to spoil anything) is phenomenal


t1_iu4bdbb wrote

Special Warfare Combat-Craft crewmen. They go through SEAL training called BUD/S along with those wanting to be a SEAL and once they complete it they go off to do their own specific training. They are the ones who operate the small boats primarily in a support role for SEAL’s. But still just as deadly.

Here’s an abbreviated segment of the scene.


t1_iu4p4ki wrote

oh its 100 percent a joke. The movie is definitely worth a watch though, because it's just so hilariously bad. Seagal is so goddamn fat that his body armor in that movie covers like the top half of his man titties.


t1_iu5vk3o wrote

True Detective Season 2 has a crazy gunfight that is pure chaos. It's interesting to watch them try to take control of the situation when there's multiple fronts and unknowns.


t1_iu7olet wrote

Sabotage (2014) - amazing room clearing.

Special shout out to Way of the Gun. First time I ever saw anyone use tactics and work as a team.