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FineAd7610 t1_j8g7vrx wrote

Dude people are pieces of shit, fuck theifs man smh.


RobynZombie t1_j8ggryc wrote

My guess is that she had it hanging from her rear view mirror so that her dad “can be with her” while she drives. As far as the tips/cash, yes she should have taken that out, but ffs why can’t people just leave other people’s stuff alone??


xwalk t1_j8gjun2 wrote

Also mention something like a no questions asked return


sje46 t1_j8gpspu wrote

Well the comment is more saying she's doing something risky by putting her phone number and place of work on the flier.

Which I guess I can see that but I think people greatly exaggerate the danger of having a number out there. Like if I put my address's just one of many, many addresses out there. It's only a problem if someone feels the need to target me in particular.

It's also possible that the phone number belongs to a friend or something.


kookoomelon t1_j8h7vn3 wrote

Someone needs to remind dirtbags that break into peoples cars and steal their stuff not only makes them a shitty human being but is also illegal. Not saying it’s their fault they’re being a shitty person but, oh yeah actually I am saying that 🤷🏼‍♀️


bangharder t1_j8hmlbe wrote

At least she got a pic of the thief, jk


nowhereman1223 t1_j8hywya wrote

This is awful, and I hope they get the necklace back.

Why was cash and anything of value left in the car overnight?


heyhelloyuyu t1_j8i4fhu wrote

This is a “problem” with NH being so safe… people forget common sense. Really you should be emptying your car every time you leave it - including in your own driveway. But I know plenty of friends who just leave their whole purse in the car if they don’t feel like carrying it in, I try to tell them at least throw a jacket over it or put it obscured from view but I get the “oh it’s fine nothings ever happened to me!!!” (Which is true but it’s a bad habit to get into!)


WWDubz t1_j8i90pi wrote

The best solution to help solve this is paying people a living wage. If we do that, allllll the bullshit starts going down.

If we stagnate wages for another 5 decades, well…we’ll see


kells938 t1_j8id815 wrote

How does this have anything to do with wages. I would bet that the thief doesn't have a job. Not saying that wages don't have to increase but your grasping at straws that aren't even there.


jwiggler t1_j8ie5wx wrote

I think it has more to do with drugs and street living than with wages. But I think the general sentiment is the same -- if the government provided a reliable and easy way out of that life through programs, this would be less of a problem.

Obviously that's a contentious issue though, especially in this state and in this subreddit. It's difficult to define what that reliable and easy way out is, and how much it costs, and whether it actually works, etc.


slayermcb t1_j8ie7bb wrote

It's not a monetary thing, but a thrill. I've known guys who were pretty set, getting shoplifting charges for bs low value items.

In a general sense I get your point. I just don't believe that most crime is committed by people trying to get by honestly.


WWDubz t1_j8if13e wrote

There are entire shelves of books written on the subject: here’s the first google result:

Among other conclusions, it found that “the average minimum wage increase of 8% reduces the probability that men and women return to prison within 1 year by 2%.” It also found that “results suggest that the wages of crime are on average higher than comparable opportunities for low-skilled labor in the legal labor ...Mar 3, 2021 › mi... Could Raising the Minimum Wage Impact the Criminal Justice System?


bp67293 t1_j8ifgea wrote

Oh shit, we should start a new hope program called “print more money and petty theft will stop”. That should usher our civilization into the next era


spokydoky420 t1_j8ihijs wrote

This is so sad. I live and work in Plymouth and will keep an eye out.


nowhereman1223 t1_j8ik8hj wrote

I lock the cars in my locked garage.

And the keys aren't in the garage. They are in a separate location in the house.

It is exactly what happens here because it is so "Safe"

The place is ripe for the picking by theives.


kells938 t1_j8ikxp2 wrote

There are so many programs as is. WIC, housing assistance, free rehabs, etc. more programs unfortunately doesnt necessarily mean the problems will be fixed. I would 100% agree that more than likely drugs and mental health are a factor, but unfortunately forcing people to get help doesn't work.


Solid_Information_66 t1_j8imt52 wrote

I will never understand why people leave valuable stuff like this sitting out in their car.


eyeoxe t1_j8ixe3h wrote

Also going forward, when deciding on a future ride: get a truck/car that has autolocking features (doors that lock on their own after a certain time with no action). It won't lock if your keys are already inside too, so if its not locking, you forgot your keys!


BobbySwiggey t1_j8j1h07 wrote

These days folks breaking into cars are most likely addicts with scrambled brains - it's not something most would be doing if they were clean. Trying to solve it with just a living wage would be futile since they would have to be "functional" addicts to hold down a job AND properly budget for their habit... and that's not what happens in most cases lol.

Not sure if anyone is familiar with the ward at the Portsmouth Hospital, but it's just a constant stream of addicts detoxing and then being sent to longer rehab programs. I spoke with a girl there who was given 22 grand in cash from Social Security back payments, and she vented to me now that she was clean and thinking clearly, "holy shit, how can they just give $22k to an addict? What do you think I did with it?"

Drug use like this is a sign that a lot of folks are being overlooked in our communities, and we've all been paying for it in one form or another. Given what I've seen of the culture and lifestyle, it almost always starts in childhood too. 40% of children in Belknap county grow up being exposed to some form of abuse, and those stats are probably very similar in other areas. This is the real issue we should be focusing on - how to prevent this behavior from happening in the first place. Money alone doesn't address cultural problems.


Connect_Stay_137 t1_j8jkklt wrote

Hate to be that person. But why the fuck did they keep money in their car.


JayBisky t1_j8jy32f wrote

What a sad world where thrives and drug addicts have to steal spare change from a car


mowitmanfrontier t1_j8jy7ib wrote

Sorry for you lose, I have lived in nh my whole life but have also traveled a lot. When traveling you have a uneasy feeling and have your head on swivel because you just don't know. People value life differently in different places. Killing someone over 50 bucks with 99 percent chance you won't get caught is a mindset for some.. Unfortunately those feeling I would have in foreign countries i am now starting to have here in New England. Fuck drugs. (Weed not a drug)


Bluenotefly t1_j8kh3p1 wrote

>Friday 2/3/24

Futurecrime, despicable...