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cyborgbiker t1_iqxfrnp wrote

looks like more hat than cattle...


Gael459 t1_iqxgd9g wrote

Not at all. Impractical and dumb the opposite of truck owners in actual rural places like NH.


roundeye2020 t1_iqxoqwd wrote

I heard it's a jeep thing. You would not understand.


RevanF t1_iqxqyu5 wrote

It's on the small dick energies spectrum.


ultimatelycats t1_iqxr43v wrote

This is so Texas that it's almost Florida


akmjolnir t1_iqxtszx wrote

Jeep owners are so dumb.


jwc8985 t1_iqxwjgw wrote

I lived in Texas for 37 years (mostly rural/suburban) and only saw longhorns on a car twice. This feels more Oklahoma or Wyoming, personally.


LeverTech t1_iqy56n8 wrote

Why are they backwards?


CDogNH t1_iqyadu8 wrote

It's not.


slayermcb t1_iqylm4b wrote

Thats some yee haw shit right there.


nh3gungeek t1_iqyqgbf wrote

To be proper TX it need to be on a big-ass jacked up F350 dually with 24” knobby tires roaring down I35 from Ft. Worth. This feels more like…..Arkansas.


teeeray t1_iqz037y wrote

Doug Dimmadome?


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_iqzeokt wrote

On a scale of masshole to highway liquor store, how much does this belong here?


downvotepleazzz t1_iqzxnqp wrote

Id give it a rating of “flavored whiskey nips on the side of the highway”


Gatsby1923 t1_ir0aj87 wrote

I don't know anymore, we got a lot of people flying confederate flags and we fought those guys from 1861-1865... 4,341 New Hampshire Residents died in that war.. That's 1.3% of the population... That's more people than in WW2...


CaptServo t1_ir0b8b6 wrote

Arkansas point West Virginia


Whynotyours t1_ir0n8i0 wrote

Depends if there’s truck Nutz on the other end.


pbsolaris t1_ir0v0zg wrote

I'd give it a yee haw kehd.


Jay_Derkin t1_ir1v6s0 wrote

The nilight bar is the most NH thing about this image.


jilly_b7007 t1_ir23vnl wrote

That’s full Texas. You never go full Texas.


maat922 t1_ir29ap9 wrote

The thing I like about war is that it weeds from the gene pool those who will fight them. And in the case of the civil war, the North was, in fact, the aggressor. All the South tried to do was walk away from an abusive relationship.


maat922 t1_ir2po72 wrote

I just assume they're all either dirtbags, or stupid. Either way, people fellate the dirtbags all day. Joe Biden throws tax money at wars like few others before him. He loves it. And Americans consider it "patriotic" to pay the taxes that pay for it. And somehow, the extremely anti-war "libertarians are crazy".


Beneficial-Hand4310 t1_ir3qp8a wrote

This is a cowardly comment.

Listen, I dug through your comment/post history and I get the whole libertarian angle...even agree with some of it. But you should respect the sacrifices veterans have made (many drafted) to protect the freedoms you enjoy on a daily basis (like the 1st amendment which protects your right to spew bitch made trash like this comment).

Another thing i noticed about your account...10 years old and negative karma...

Sometimes the whole world stinks...but sometimes you just have dogshit in your mustache. You sir have dogshit in your mustache motherfucker.