Submitted by deadpeasant2 t3_y7b3fk in newhampshire

I know that several rhinovirus strains circulate each year, so there is some subjectivity here, but whatever I caught this past week was absolutely evil.

By comparison--had Covid over the summer and it was like a freight train...came and went in three days (however I am double boosted, so it makes sense).

This thing though? A slow, insidious burn. Whatever it was...I had to go on antibiotics for a sinus infection. Excessive amounts of mucus, bedridden for three days.

For some demographic context, I'm a 31 year old male with a healthy weight and immune system.



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-Typh1osion- t1_isthnk4 wrote

Yup. Me and my family all have rhinovirus and adenovirus and it's been kicking our asses for a week. Everything you described is exactly what we're experiencing. All my kids are on antibiotics for ear infections and my youngest spent three days in the hospital.


Sigogglin1 t1_istitwp wrote

Yep, the wife and I were very sick the past week. Both feeling better but holy hell, I haven't been sick like that in a long time.


AK47-603 t1_istnl9s wrote

Double boosted and a healthy immune system. They negate each other!


a1234321 t1_istpgoz wrote

Flu season starts in October


ThePencilRain t1_istudc0 wrote

I've been killing what I thought were allergies, but has become a full blown cold for the last week or so. It's not COVID (tested negative), but it has moved into my chest.

I got to the state a couple weeks ago and already caught the NH plague.


FreezingRobot t1_istvwms wrote

Yup, my son and I got sick, and he even got a sinus infection from it. He said a good amount of his classmates have been out sick recently too.


Ganonsfoot t1_istw6wk wrote

Yes actually. In the past couple months my son has brought home COVID, a stomach bug and two colds from daycare. Good times here.


chaos_punk t1_istx6i4 wrote

Hello my fellow sick people! Pajama party at my place, lol!


sound_of_apocalypto t1_istybow wrote

Wife had sore throat, sinus trouble, and cough. Still has the cough. Tested negative for covid. Now it's my turn. Yuck.


Weekend_Expert t1_isu01ka wrote

When I visited lakes region a few weeks ago, I got some serious allergies. A friend experienced a similar thing after hiking monadnock this past weekend. I thought it was Covid, but tested negative and it went away with Benadryl.


TheMobyDicks t1_isu2kb2 wrote

Just came back to work from Covid. Me and two of my buddies got it (all of us are double boosted) but none of our wives or kids got it. Musta got the strain that likes only middle-aged men. The others had runny nose, coughing, bedridden, etc. Me? Just a four day splitting headache.


pornplz22526 t1_isu4579 wrote

Wife and I have both had colds for the past two weeks. Just when someone starts getting better, the damn thing comes screaming back for more. I'm fed up with it!


Alwayshangry23 t1_isu4x1a wrote

I’m sick too! this chest cold is the worst, I almost rather have a head cold.


Positive_Parsnip420 t1_isu4yzi wrote

My family is working through cold #3 I’m now confident in saying.

2 year old brings it alllll home. Fun times!

Edit: back to back to back. No sooner are we all feeling better someone starts getting sick. It’s been insane.


ChadwicktheCrab t1_isu5ge8 wrote

Had a sore throat on Sunday and tested positive for COVID-19 today. I slept most of today and yesterday.


Stickyfynger t1_isu6ndu wrote

May be an unpopular decision but I’m sticking with the mask, gloves, and hand sanitizer for the flu season…bc being sick sucks


kamikaziboarder t1_isu6qnm wrote

I work in healthcare in NH. We definitely have seen uptick of respiratory illnesses. From what I can gather from my limited view, most of it has been pneumonia. The majority of respiratory illnesses are coming back positive for pneumonia. The tough part is there are a lot of different causes of pneumonia.


Foops69 t1_isuc9yh wrote

Interesting. My husband recently just got over covid. He was also down for the count with every symptom except for respiratory. I walked away unscathed. I even did a pcr test that came back negative. Same thing happened with the guys wives at work that also had it.


paraplegic_T_Rex t1_isuj4rs wrote

Allergies. Leaves falling, changing seasons and weather. I had it bad last week for 3 days. Gone now.


SisterInSin t1_isukise wrote

I’ve been utilizing these same tactics so you’re certainly not alone. Sometimes I feel silly because it feels like I’m the only one still doing it (never mind the strange looks I sometimes receive) but I haven’t been sick with anything in ~2.5 years which has been really nice.


scarletuba t1_isuppq3 wrote

I got one cold. Then started getting better, then got another damn cold. Went to the doctor and because I'm knocked up I got a "suck it up buttercup" so I've had horrible coughing for three weeks.


_drjayphd_ t1_isux3k6 wrote

I'm working through one myself, apparently only getting a couple of hours of sleep a night for an extended period of time, paired with sleeping next to an open window when it's cold, isn't conducive to avoiding colds. At least it wasn't the rona, still managed to avoid that this whole time.


Banalfarmer-goldhnds t1_isuxxkg wrote

Yikes you can still get taken down for Misinformation for not spreading covid fear! The Branch covidians are going to Come at you hard for comparing the ‘rona to the common cold! Godspeed 🫡


dogownedhoomun t1_isv1s9k wrote

Healthcare worker an ED. Surprisingly, we do a 4 in 1 swab. COVID, 2 RSV's and flu. I'm actually shocked at the re-rise of COVID+. However also some RSV/flu+ as well.

I'm trying to figure it out as well...such a shit show. I'm soooo done!


lizyouwerebeer t1_isv42qh wrote

I just got over covid. Frrrrreaking sucked! Was sick for over a week with a fever, cough and the most intense body aches. I kinda feel like I deserved it though because I caught it on my way home from visiting Ireland for a week. Sickest I’ve been in a long while.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_isv596y wrote

I’ve noticed unattractive people seem to love wearing the masks. This really makes me sad, because it seems pretty obvious why they are wearing the masks.. it’s the kind of thing we all know, but nobody wants to ever admit it, because it seem so mean to point out.


canyonlands2 t1_isv5fan wrote

I thought my partner had a cold because we hadn’t been around anyone with Covid. Nope both of got Covid. Colds and Covid are going around. Be careful!


nicefacedjerk t1_isv5hp2 wrote

Came down with start of a cold/flu week ago Monday. Left work early. Slept Tuesday Wednesday. It wasn't severe but could feel it in upper chest enough that I started to get a little concerned. Felt ok Thursday so went to work. Whatever was in upper chest had vanished. By end of Thursday I was exhausted and nauseous though. Took Friday off. Had low grade fever+nausea till Friday evening. Feel 90% now but have a nagging little cough that keeps sticking around and my sinuses still feel pressure. Took covid tests throughout this whole ordeal. All were negative.


penelope_pig t1_isv5q5g wrote

My wife and daughter have both had nasty colds (both negative for Covid on multiple tests) within the past month. I miraculously managed to avoid both.


redditthrower888999 t1_isv62jm wrote

Yup my kids and wife all got something evil, negative for covid, maybe the flu.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_isv80vh wrote

I enjoy life immensely! I just hate bullshit, pretense, lies and self-delusion we all collectively tell each other and ourselves to make ourselves believe we are better than others. I just don’t pretend to be holier-than-thou


scarletuba t1_isv9bwc wrote

Oh of course he didn't say that. But like, what can he give me that won't risk the (wanted) fetus? It's tea with honey, cough drops, and mucinex... and trying to talk as little in my job... as a TEACHER.


PtrWalnuts t1_isvbf9v wrote

It may bug you but if we were a mask you'll have a far lower chance of catching cold.


rAsTa-PaStA1 t1_isvc8yx wrote

Just getting over 2 week cold/something not covid. It really sucked.


scarletuba t1_isveooi wrote

okay, I'll clarify a bit further because no I don't:

He had me come in to an "urgent" appointment so he could make sure I didn't have pneumonia/was getting enough oxygen in my blood.

Once established that I was not in danger, just miserable, we have to accept that there are basically no safe medications for alleviating cough/colds in pregnancy. The only "acceptable" pain medication is acetaminophen, and it is now being linked to poor brain development (autism, ADHD), so it isn't recommended except to reduce fever, which I don't have.

Other medications have been linked to negative outcomes in animal trials, so they won't even try them on pregnant humans. Antibiotics are not recommended when it is probably viral, and even if it might have been bacterial, they are not recommended at my stage of pregnancy, again, unless my life/longterm health are at risk.

So what would you have my doctor do?


iluvskyfeb20 t1_isvgo1p wrote

I work in Southern NH a few days a weeks and last Thursday towards the end of my work day I was really lagging. Started getting really achy all over and sore throat. Came home cooked dinnner for the kids and went straight to bed with 101 fever. Fever seemed to break over night as I woke up drenched. Friday was sinus infection a lot of drainage that made me nauseous. Saturday was coughing up of said mucous. Sunday was just more coughing up and tired. Went to work Monday and Tuesday but am soooo tired.


Halifax199 t1_isvhti2 wrote

FYI, current COVID infections are more like upper respiratory colds than prior variants that attacked the lungs. This is why the current variants are much less lethal. Another measure is fatigue and length of symptom duration, much greater for both w/COVID vs. colds.

Also, the literature indicates that the rapid tests are unreliable w/only single test with the newer variants. There is a process to accurize them that includes repeating the test on a number of days since exposure and sampling from throat instead of nose. Check w/Dr. Google for details.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, Friend.


nightmares06 t1_isvmm32 wrote

Both of us got hit in the last two weeks, one after the other


She_W0lfe t1_isvp5e1 wrote

Yup. My oldest son and I both had it. I am still coughing and constantly blowing my nose. Started as a nasty sore throat that kept me up that first night, then pain all over, headache and fatigue causing me to be in bed for 2 full days. Then the congestion which is still lingering. Pretty much the worst cold I have had in a very long time. Tested negative for Covid. Had 2 shots and a booster. My husband, daughter and younger son did not get it. My son said his teacher and several students had the same thing.


redsoxfan95 t1_isvrzwv wrote

My mom has had a fucking TERRIBLE chest cold the last 2 weeks. She was coughing so hard I actually was afraid she was going to die. Fortunately she got to the doctors and it was just a chest cold. Shes doing better.


HappyFarmWitch t1_isvsjyi wrote

Same here — haven’t been sick since this all started. But it makes me wonder if that means my immunity to cold/flu isn’t getting its exercise. Does staying home for a few years lead to getting an AWFUL cold when you do finally get one again? Hmm.


HappyFarmWitch t1_isvsxbm wrote

The WeatherWell app has been warning me about air quality for at least a few days, which can’t be helpful on top of things going around.


-RYknow t1_isvti69 wrote

I work in public education, and it's been going around like crazy. Not sure how I've dodged it up to this point... but feel like my days are numbered at this point.


gq71786 t1_isvugl7 wrote

Had the same 2 weeks ago, couldn’t get out of bed for a few days, dam cold just wouldn’t go away, tested 3 times for Covid all negative.


trolllord45 t1_isvw4e0 wrote

Had COVID a few weeks ago and never seemed to get over the head/chest cold part of it.


Toothfiend t1_isw1glz wrote

I had the exact same thing 2 weeks ago. Covid test came back negative so it was some kind of cold. Evil indeed- mucous, itchy throat the entire time.


doechild t1_iswb3wy wrote

I have school-age kids so naturally two colds have already passed through the house this month and last. One of them has been hanging on to a runny nose for a few weeks now and I’m not sure if this makes #3 or something stubborn.

My youngest had a fever of 103+ for a whole weekend and every single test came back negative. We never found out what she had and eventually just fizzled out, it was way worse on her than Covid was but wasn’t any sort of flu, strep, or infection.


astrochellie1800 t1_iswgbia wrote

Same thing here, 22f from nashua. Tested for covid and everything but just a nasty head cold for about a week about 2 weeks ago. But then again I work at Logan in the international terminal in boston so I'm 3xposed to literally everything all day every day so 🤷‍♀️


LaserRedstang t1_isx5sdv wrote

Getting over a cold now. Went to the Dr, and she said it was a nasty cold. Tested negative for Covid, the flu and strep. I’ve affectionally named my cold Covid-20. It’s horrible.


BranzillaThrilla t1_isx6z56 wrote

Sanbornville here. Wicked mucusey and your bringing up weird phlegm with every cough. Hot and cold hot and cold


Sharoane t1_isx7cbe wrote

Oh, yes. Going on two to three weeks. It started as a typical cold. Cough lingered. Now it is a sore throat (pretty painful, too) with a side of laryngitis and topped off with a cough and body aches.

I caught it from my client, a guy who has an intellectual disability. His family sent him in sick but must have pumped him full of cold meds because he was okay in the morning but miserable later on. He was also dealing with a lingering cough. He developed pneumonia but we caught it in time to get meds and he is doing okay. I'm thankfully not having symptoms of that.

And when I say painful sore throat, I mean swallowing broken glass painful. It aches between swallows. Tylenol/Advil knock it back a bit, but not 100%.


PBJIsGood1 t1_isx8bds wrote

It's horrible here in Maine too. On top of this my TMJ flared up in the month of Oct along with my colds. I'm basically advil every day, and my ear is on fire.

I always love the IDEA of October. Never the reality.


Halifax199 t1_isx9tu2 wrote

Never claimed that. My mother died of COVID on May 30 after 13 weeks in ICU so I am kind of obsessed with learning everything I can about the disease. I am a scientist by training and profession, so I come at things via the peer-reviewed literature. I was merely offering what I have found in the dynamic world of COVID where the science and advisories change as fast as the virus mutates. It's hard to keep up with it.

I hope that you recover from whatever monster ails you.


She-hyzers-1234 t1_isxaok9 wrote

I work in nursing homes and soooo much is going around right now. The flu is bad this year already.


think_addict t1_isxeg38 wrote

I had that. I have no idea what it was but the entire household I caught it from had it, and then my roommate got it. I was out of work for a week


overdoing_it t1_isxh33p wrote

Nope, I haven't gotten sick in years. Runny nose sometimes but I think that's just the weather, no other symptoms.


overdoing_it t1_isxh8bx wrote

> Sometimes I feel silly because it feels like I’m the only one still doing it (never mind the strange looks I sometimes receive)

I don't do it but I don't care either if I see someone in a mask. Maybe it would have been weird pre-2020 but now I just don't think about it.


petrified_eel4615 t1_isxi0lc wrote

same, 41m in Rochester, and my daughter (16) has had it for almost a week.


HPenguinB t1_isxj0k1 wrote

Id remind people to get their vaccines, but the flu vaccine they have hasn't been tested for a decade first. They probably added 10G or something to it this year.


Mooolicios t1_isxrxuy wrote

Did you test yourself for covid? You know you can catch it again, right?


4ever48 t1_isxs5o5 wrote

Yes indeed. My wife & I both have had it. Just when you think it's over, it comes back and hits you again. I was taking Dayquil every day. Fortunately no sinus infection.


KrissaKray t1_isxz5aa wrote

I just went to urgent care for it thinking it was strep (it’s not) but they PCRed me for Covid JIC. No thank you, this is not enjoyable.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_isy1e17 wrote

Where did I claim my observations to be scientifically based? I suppose you conducted a controlled, double blind survey to contradict me? A lot of people like to wear mask for aesthetic reasons that I personally know.


wakko666 t1_isy5jn7 wrote

> Where did I claim my observations to be scientifically based

Thank you for admitting your bullshit opinions have zero scientific basis.

> A lot of people like to wear mask for aesthetic reasons that I personally know.

You're completely full of shit. You're lying.


wakko666 t1_isy5tox wrote

> It's a new flu shot every year.

So what? That doesn't mean the shots are untested.

Show me where it says it hasn't been tested. Because I think you're just a dishonest lying pile of crap, just like every other anti-vaxx idiot.


Ok_Low_1287 t1_isy6kyv wrote

Yes, that's absolutely correct. A bot. Sure. And probably narcissistic too. Those are 'all the rage' labels now for opinions with which you disagree. Must be a Trumper


wakko666 t1_isz54dh wrote

>That's the joke.

More lying. Nice.

Whatever helps you sleep better at night.

Or maybe you're just one of those moronic assholes who is too stupid to realize that sarcasm is not humor and is not "obvious" in text.


HPenguinB t1_iszamxc wrote

Now this is a joke. I'm sorry the 10G reference was not as blatantly obvious as it is to literally anyone else reading my comment. (Also, turns out, sarcasm can be humor. I don't know what's wrong with you if you don't know that. )


movdqa t1_it0dk9q wrote

My son had it last week but we were in NJ. Daughter has it this week. Mom and dad are fine. We all had COVID this summer. Daughter took a COVID test out of interest for this cold or whatever and it was negative. They both report burning in back of throat. Daughter reported fatigue. Neither mentioned going to the doctor over it. Son did get the flu vaccine two weeks before getting this. It did not sound like the flu at all as he had no fatigue.

We all have had mild respiratory symptoms this fall consistent with ragweed allergies.


Searchlights t1_it73m3x wrote

It sucks but this is the time of year, when all the kids are back in school, and all this stuff ramps back up. Plus you've got to figure we've essentially taken the past two years off from non-COVID illnesses so I'm expecting the flu and rhinovirus to hit harder this year.


wakko666 t1_itb1guj wrote

The real joke is that you seem to be totally unaware of Poe's Law.

But sure, you keep thinking your "jokes" are as obvious to others as they are inside your own head.

Pro-Tip: That kind of masturbatory solipsism is generally called narcissism.

There's a whole world of people completely unlike you that exist. But naw, you just keep assuming everyone works the way you do. I'm sure that'll work out well for you.


LoisinaMonster t1_itjwoz4 wrote

Yes this is very accurate! I thought I had strep for a few days because I tested negative for covid 2x. Third day I finally developed a cough and the test was glaringly positive immediately. Never once had a fever either. Very bizarre.