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Resurgemus t1_jblwkc2 wrote

Definitely Rudy's. Although the rest of their food has sucked for years. Not sure how it is currently but there has always been crappy ingredients and poor quality control. Somehow the fries are great though.


dommywhoa t1_jblwlco wrote

I used to swear by Zoi's fries, but I think they changed them in the past few months and now they're garbage.

Otherwise Rudy's. Garden catering also not bad.


itsasixthing t1_jblxw6a wrote

Weirdly, the fries at Fussy Coffee in Science Park are surprisingly good


TerpPhysicist t1_jbm3hcf wrote

163 has great fries, fresh hand-cut and even the small is huge


rescuelullaby t1_jbmcslr wrote

Fussy. Get the pesto dip with them. My mouth is watering just typing this.


el-fenomeno09 t1_jbmhv1x wrote

Bonchon’s seasoned fries and house of naan’s tikka fries are great too


Sleisl t1_jbmwkgn wrote

RIP Order of Fries 😭🫡 I think Haven Hot Chicken has the best currently - get the Rob Sauce!


bingybunny t1_jbo60bs wrote

Rudy's if you want Belgian frites in a bar with groovy dipping sauces.

Union League Cafe if you want French fries in a legit French Restaurant. They have fries but maybe also try the duck fat fingerling potato.


coolusername_png t1_jbon2bi wrote

Idk where it’s located, but I had from this food truck a few months ago, called “street and savory” best truffle parm fries I’ve ever had.


fn0000rd t1_jbot6ku wrote

I had no idea about the existence of HavenHotChicken or House of Naan until this thread.

Fries, mozz, tikka masala sauce and some tandoori chicken on top?

it’s weird, because I feel like I’ve dipped french fries into everything possible (good restaurant blue cheese being the best), but I’ve just never had fries and tikka masala available at the same time.


blaze99960 t1_jbowfs3 wrote

you're all wrong, it's Jordan's on State


dunkerdoodledoo t1_jbpg5ab wrote

Rudy’s, 163, and Fussy are the holy trinity of New Haven fries.