blumpkin_donuts t1_jd3tyjl wrote
Oof, one of the worst intersections in Mercer co. I avoid it like that plague.
alzeller1 t1_jd3vyzl wrote
Traffic backups for days one of the easiest ways to get back to Hamilton as well.
Mr_Matt_K t1_jd3wjxx wrote
And one of the only good ways to go across Mercer County if on a road bike without going all the way up to Penns Neck
dexecuter18 t1_jd3y7lp wrote
All my homies hate Type 3 jughandles.
Award-Kooky t1_jd44a37 wrote
Awful intersection. I’ve missed the exit for 295 before knowing I have to take a U Turn here.
jpr7887 t1_jd44zob wrote
This is why I hate people.
One-Measurement-2696 t1_jd47gzw wrote
This is why we shouldn’t be reliant on cars all the time. Way too many people driving and lots who can’t it’s a lose lose
myraleemyrtlewood t1_jd4855z wrote least favorite jug handle, yaay!
tifosiv122 t1_jd4bs3t wrote
This is just poorly designed. I'll take 1 over 287 anyday.
Owan t1_jd4bwte wrote
Yup, this has been one of the absolute worst in the area and has managed to get even worse when they built all the new nonsense on the opposite corner (chik-fil-a etc). For a while it also had an overly aggressive red light camera that ended up costing the town more money in legal wrangling than it brought in (while lining the pockets of the company that administered the violations), but thankfully that has been removed.
DerSturmbannfuror t1_jd4ccbl wrote
I'd drive across and do a u-e
jackietreehorn313 t1_jd4dw9y wrote
Public transit is non existent in too many areas or is slow/sucks. 25 min driving or 1 hour on transit (plus waiting for the train, bus, etc on their schedule), I’m taking the former.
Acceptable_Reading21 t1_jd4ej9m wrote
I used to live by this intersection, I hated it.
NMS-KTG t1_jd4ewg7 wrote
Yes, that is a symptom of being reliant on cars, which the OC advocated against
One-Measurement-2696 t1_jd4gwg7 wrote
I understand. We’re essentially forced to drive to get anywhere. When I lived abroad for a while it put my mind into perspective how inferior our infrastructure is
ramenbot1234 t1_jd4h5wl wrote
Was going to say looks like it’s in Lawrenceville, close to Mrs. Gs (although I think they destroyed that and built a Wawas?)
The_new_me1995 t1_jd4i9kt wrote
I worked there almost 40 years ago, and it has sucked EVERY DAY since then.
guy_incognito888 t1_jd4lcz3 wrote
wowww didn't know they got rid of mrs g's lol what a mess
CapThin2790 t1_jd4oq10 wrote
I know this intersection I have to turn around here when I go to the dispensary lol fucking nightmare every time. Although to be fair I don't do what these idiots do and block the oncoming traffic
Outrageous_Job8390 t1_jd4oxrw wrote
That's most roadways here in the dirty Jerz
thisnewsight t1_jd4pu1t wrote
Why do they need 4,000 lights?
Seriously need overpasses, underpasses, and loop in/outs
firefeks t1_jd4q2jp wrote
Mrs. Gs is still around! Little farther south. Just bought a new fridge from them.
TwoGoalsOneCup t1_jd4q5ml wrote
I work right by this intersection. Too many idiots like these that block a lane just to get in. Many people go into the left lane to go straight and vice versa. It’s one of if not the worst intersections I’ve ever driven. Unfortunately I go through this multiple times a day.
CM0CAK3 t1_jd4rpk1 wrote
Make the right, next light right, boom.
Aromatic_Constant865 t1_jd4t9cz wrote
They moved down Brunswick Ave to World wide flooring
coffinnailvgd t1_jd4tb0c wrote
Are you going to McDonald’s, Chic-Fil-A or Wawa?
outcome--independent t1_jd4uctq wrote
Are they parked? 😂
PassportNerd t1_jd4uwuk wrote
The only time I have yelled with road rage was standing in that exact same spot
wildcarde815 t1_jd4zezm wrote
Gotta get to that chick-fil-a
Relative_Poetry_9085 t1_jd512ad wrote
That’s a nice aisle of used cars at a car dealership you got on camera there
scaryclown148 t1_jd51s6j wrote
I call rt 1, Babylon
Dur-gro-bol t1_jd59g5w wrote
There was a nasty accident on route 1 today right before the 18 on ramps.
xale57 t1_jd59q3x wrote
Reminds me of trying to get back onto 17 from Malcolm Ave in Hasbrouck Heights.
introspeck t1_jd59rhs wrote
I used to cross there on my bicycle, to get to my job at the chicken farm about a half mile past the intersection. That was in the 1970s, I'm sure it's long gone now. Scary to cross even then, the green light didn't mean you wouldn't get run down by left-turning driver.
Jughandles were conceived in the 1930s, they were never intended to handle the traffic we have now.
yuriydee t1_jd5a0ne wrote
Self fulfilling prophecy when politicians (and people) dont give a shit about public transit.
-686 t1_jd5apel wrote
I thought this was a parking lot when I first saw it.
jackietreehorn313 t1_jd5bwi2 wrote
I mean, even if you have enough to care now, it’s kind of hard to reverse a century or more of development for much of the state. The opportunity to have a NY style transit system has come and gone already.
ParticularWar9 t1_jd5cnwl wrote
Hate Reddit people? Or Rte 1 drivers?
jpr7887 t1_jd5d35q wrote
Well that'd be hypocritical if I hated reddit people, I'm on here a lot! 😂 I mean bad drivers like this.
DogeMoonNOK8921 t1_jd5e4nv wrote
#1 valley of dead's
Route #1 must have been where bodies were buried last life
[deleted] t1_jd5ea71 wrote
DogeMoonNOK8921 t1_jd5egev wrote
I avoid route 1 as much as I can
Cool_Cartographer631 t1_jd5g2f1 wrote
R they serious
DuncanIdaBro t1_jd5h7z4 wrote
Fuck rt 1 in it's stupid ass.
PhysicsSafe9518 t1_jd5hzx1 wrote
Every time I go to the Wawa over there you make a right onto Route one into the turning lane and then everybody wants to get into the left to go straight and half the times I get stuck turning and then I have to turn around and go back. This is stupid.
beeeps-n-booops t1_jd5j9uy wrote
I'm not familiar with that intersection... but here by me, we have one where they marked off the box like this, with signs that people on the main road must not come to a stop in the box... but this is specifically to allow people from the side road to be able to pull out onto the main road, into the box.
Essentially forcing people to let people in from the side road.
It's a clusterfuck of an intersection for sure, designed at a time long before it got so busy... what it really needs is a second traffic light, but it's very close to the main light so I guess that's why they don't.
NicParkSutt t1_jd5jnxp wrote
I knew exactly where it was before looking at the signs. Its the worst.
Thejerseyjon609 t1_jd5ku3i wrote
That is a shit intersection
Simplicityobsessed t1_jd5l3e7 wrote
Nothing like some good old fashioned self-loathing then? 😂
professorjirafales t1_jd5l4jx wrote
For second I thought I was looking at a parking lot. Then I realized this was a voyeur cam from the toilet cause all I see is assholes.
[deleted] t1_jd5melp wrote
PresentationSlow597 t1_jd5mkn2 wrote
literally work on route 1 north side, in north brunswick
[deleted] t1_jd5n0w1 wrote
discothot t1_jd5qrk0 wrote
The amount of anxiety I get while driving route 1 is insane
dust_is_deadskin t1_jd5tbia wrote
Did you get Chicfila , McDonald’s or Wawa ?
rattlesnakejones t1_jd5v8jd wrote
lol I know this struggle. Now I’d rather park at the mall and just walk over
Puzzleheaded-Taro911 t1_jd5xsmy wrote
Omg! I live on Franklin Corner Rd and I despise that intersection! I always have to make a right to get on to route 1 (Princeton Pike). People at that intersection have caused so many accidents because the rear of their cars stick out onto the road so people crossing over route 1 can’t make it through.
Puzzleheaded-Taro911 t1_jd5y07x wrote
Same. People truly drive like jackasses in this area.
Puzzleheaded-Taro911 t1_jd5y81h wrote
Next time go farther south and use the Darrah Lane U-Turn. A bit farther out of the way, but less of a headache.
memberjan6 t1_jd613ke wrote
Dnr canal too
uniquei t1_jd61gph wrote
Looks like a parking lot
MatCauthonsHat t1_jd61kzl wrote
Wait, ok. I've been out of the area for a while, but shoudln't that be a party city on the left? And the remnants of Mrs. G on the right> I used to work up on Bakers's Basin, across from the fire training facility. Used to go through the intersection every day. A loooong time ago, lol.
On another note, I don't see a problem here. It's a shit intersection, and the people coming in from the left are making the best of it.
MatCauthonsHat t1_jd61qt5 wrote
Everyone coming from the left is doing it right.
MatCauthonsHat t1_jd61y65 wrote
This is the way. It's the next light, and not nearly as heavily traffic'd
malcolm_miller t1_jd61yta wrote
Is this the one where there's also a light right where OP is/slightly behind him? If so, I drove it once and couldn't believe something that dumb was thought of.
BadNewsHammer t1_jd62cij wrote
Zen Leaf Dispensary? Turn into QB Mall, head towards the MVC and cut through the Chevy lot (assuming your coming from that far up rt 1). Much easier.
storm2k t1_jd63asv wrote
the jughandles on route 22 send their regards. especially the washington ave one.
i_love_all t1_jd651or wrote
The closer I looked the more it looked like home. That was weird.
This intersection has gotten just worst and worst. They added so many stores and fixed none of the roads
cloudAhead t1_jd65d53 wrote
Mrs G’s relocated to business route 1 to make room for a Chik-fil-a, McDonalds and a Wawa.
Think that party city is now a AAA.
TheInfamous313 t1_jd65vl6 wrote
I'm in that intersection regularly, it doesn't even hold a candle to crossing rt1 at Major/Sand Hill Rd going northbound. That's one I found an entirely new commute to avoid.
Porkchopper913 t1_jd66t2v wrote
Is it bad that I knew the intersection without having to confirm by the signs.
ShoreMama t1_jd67bjs wrote
Rt 1 is the worst of them all. I avoid going on rt 1 as much as possible, rarely go to Menlo for this reason. It’s literal nonsense. There should be signs that say “if you want to get in a car accident, take route 1”
Wayward_Lucidity t1_jd69evn wrote
Ah yes that shitstain of an intersection. Remember when there was a red light camera there?? Tell me that wasn’t orchestrated
[deleted] t1_jd69tew wrote
NJ_Mets_Fan t1_jd6k2q1 wrote
love the mazda 3
Powerful_Material t1_jd6ogyl wrote
I live in the city. This is very typical NYC driving logic lol
mmazza86 t1_jd7954x wrote
especially when route 9 joins in.
JCwhatimsayin t1_jd7ddo1 wrote
Everyone complaining about this intersection and how to get to all the businesses near it, and this user just lays out the answer they discovered in the 70s.
EWR-RampRat11-29 t1_jd7e9vz wrote
It’s like the ones that are complaining (about other drivers) wouldn’t do the same. If those “don’t block the box lines” weren’t painted there, would they give them room to get into the lane? I don’t think so.
But OP has it correct, that whole area needs a redesign.
smokepants t1_jd7jjxu wrote
and park at the hotel
electrowiz64 t1_jd7nas4 wrote
It’s the damn jughandles lol. They seriously couldn’t pick a better approach… I started just making a right off the jughandle and banging a U’ie so I can choose my lane in time (instead of making a left in that clusterfuck)
AccountantOfFraud t1_jd7rt38 wrote
This is why I don't miss the office.
mrprez180 t1_jd7sjxt wrote
One of my least favorite intersections, second only to the bisected roundabout from hell with a solid three-minute red light in Princeton Junction
PCPenhale t1_jd7v753 wrote
The Jersey left.
FeelingSignature3821 t1_jd7xtjh wrote
That’s the worst designed turn in Lawrenceville. Just hate NJ jug handles in general. They should allow signalized left turns there but they will cause some delays as well.
MrMelon728 t1_jd851zh wrote
Almost got hit in that same spot yesterday because someone decided it would be best to try to speed through a 1 car gap ahead of me while I had the green light
Affectionate-Roof615 t1_jd85g71 wrote
If you just posted that picture without a caption, it could pass for a parking lot
olives337 t1_jd8mqhw wrote
I work on Princeton Pike and this intersection is my own personal hell. Absolute nightmare every single time.
ricktech15 t1_jd8pwc1 wrote
Everytime I see someone do this, the veggie tales "allow us to introduce ourselves" meme pops in my head.
MaximumDeathShock t1_jd8r6wg wrote
I honestly have looked at jobs and businesses just so I wouldn’t have to deal with that absolute post apocalyptic hellscape they call Route 1.
rokrishnan t1_jd8tw5e wrote
Washington Road circle is a constant clusterfuck. May the force be with you, fellow Route 1-er.
Lyraxiana t1_jdb0z01 wrote
Everyone forgot how to drive during the lockdown.
alzeller1 t1_jdg8l9h wrote
It is unfortunately the only way sometimes
alzeller1 t1_jdg8rrf wrote
That’s even worse yes. Not enough space and it would be better if there wasn’t a fucking hill where you couldn’t see cars coming. Plus cars come from both directions at the same time at that light.
alzeller1 t1_jdg8w7v wrote
I’m surprised they don’t do what Toms River does and just build a reverse jughandle where you cross the intersection first. I’m sure NJDOT has some bit of right of way…
alzeller1 t1_jdgiyjt wrote
No I live in Trenton didn’t even have to see the damn AAA just knew it was bakers basin/Lawrence corners
MattyTheSloth t1_jdrop4o wrote
I recognized this intersection immediately and you gave me anxiety, so good job lmao. My dentist is just down the road from here.
[deleted] t1_jds2hf4 wrote
cloudAhead t1_jd3t3k4 wrote
Franklin corner/bakers basin in Lawrenceville.