What’s the common rent in Jersey city for a 3 bedroom apt with parking, backyard, free washer/dryer and free internet?
kittyglitther t1_ixq380r wrote
A fuckton. Why don't you go on Zillow or Realtor and use filters to see what's available? Also, if you're seeking a private backyard then what you're looking for probably doesn't exist.
Jimmytowne t1_ixq5kjq wrote
Average for the city is different than average for you neighborhood.
Jersey city is big
burrito__supreme t1_ixq7syw wrote
in my area of jc i could see this going for $2600-$3k easily. and i don’t live downtown. so tack on at least another $1k for downtown.
Zaiik OP t1_ixqbzsx wrote
like 3.2k high?
Zaiik OP t1_ixqc319 wrote
would it be like 3.2k?
Zaiik OP t1_ixqc5mq wrote
Zaiik OP t1_ixqc72o wrote
is greenville considered downtown?
Zaiik OP t1_ixqc9dz wrote
she is asking for 3.2k
Jimmytowne t1_ixqcg1n wrote
Zaiik OP t1_ixqclnr wrote
really? that low? she is asking for a 3.2k
kittyglitther t1_ixqcnql wrote
Like someone else said Jersey City is a big city with big variations in prices. I live in a building with a shared yard, free laundry, no parking, no free internet, 1 bedroom, and the renter in our building pays 2,100/month. And this isn't downtown JC.
edit: you'll get more specific answers over at r/jerseycity
Zaiik OP t1_ixqcvbv wrote
it’s in greenville 3 minutes walk to the train station
taboni t1_ixqee4h wrote
No IMO downtown is Paulus hook/Hamilton Park and the area around Van Vorst Park (not sure of the “official” boundary though). Greenville is the south of JC right before you go into Bayonne.
Zaiik OP t1_ixqelor wrote
will 3.2k fair for all those amenities and 3 bedrooms for greenville? it is also like 3 minutes away from train station
Jetzey7 t1_ixqepsz wrote
A month, that's more than a mortgage, , rents are absolutely ridiculous, We keep re erecting these idiot politicians on the local, state & federal levels & they are destroying the state. Taxes,water, rent , car insurance are hurting the residents
Zaiik OP t1_ixqetbz wrote
my cousin who ows a house told me that her tax increase by over 200 a month
Jimmytowne t1_ixqhn5h wrote
Sorry, that’s the average rent. I failed to factor in 3 bedrooms with parking. Oof, I can’t even guess.
Zaiik OP t1_ixqo8yq wrote
maybe 3.2k is enough? :(
burrito__supreme t1_ixqoxth wrote
no, it’s probably the least transit friendly area of JC. quite far from the PATH which means you’ll rely heavily on local buses (has its pros and cons). it’s also, in some areas, plagued by gun violence. depending on what you want in a neighborhood it’s not my first choice when picking a place to live in jc.
burrito__supreme t1_ixqp1go wrote
what train station? what are you looking for in a neighborhood? greenville wouldn’t be my first choice. there are much better areas of jc.
kittyglitther t1_ixqpii6 wrote
I'm assuming he means the light rail.
sweetbitter_1005 t1_ixqqq5a wrote
Maybe she should check with a realtor who can give her information on what similar apartments in the same neighborhood are currently renting for.
Zaiik OP t1_ixrrheu wrote
so the 3.2k is expensive?
Zaiik OP t1_ixrrk68 wrote
it’s the light rail
Zaiik OP t1_ixrro6i wrote
minimum we saw is 2.5 but 2 bedroom and no parking
burrito__supreme t1_ixs55kn wrote
again, it really depends on what your needs and preferences are. i wouldn’t live in greenville if you paid me but that’s just me.
JohnTitorOfficial t1_ixtg0ra wrote
FREE internet ? LOL
Linenoise77 t1_ixuf11b wrote
Internet is kind of a silly thing to include in that, because even like gig fiber is going to be a rounding error wen you figure the rent for the other things above.
Assuming you mean something downtown or in the happening neighborhoods, that could break 5k easy.
In parts of the heights or maybe 4k
In the sketchier parts, with a place that is dated\needs work, you might find something for the mid 3s.
nancymeadows242 t1_ixufbz4 wrote
Like Snoop high
nancymeadows242 t1_ixufhev wrote
What's the matter? Don't feel like doing his/her homework? So selfish
Zaiik OP t1_ixuml94 wrote
it’s in greenville
taboni t1_ixw2zwn wrote
My grandparents lived in Greenville (Wade St) back in the 50s and 60s. I think that’s the last era I can think of that when was a desirable JC neighborhood
hopopo t1_ixq0il8 wrote