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WildMajesticUnicorn t1_j1essp0 wrote

Thank goodness for small miracles. My first thought is maybe they violated rent control with the last increase.


Food4thou t1_j1ets9a wrote

My guess is they raised it beyond what rent control allowed or they got sued and are trying to cover their asses.


BoujeeMomme t1_j1eu2xj wrote

That's absolutely wonderful and I'm so happy for you!!

I can only imagine how you were feeling when you saw a letter from them and having to open that letter!?!? I would had butterflies in my stomach!!!

At least it was a pleasant surprise I'm sure l!! A great way to start 2023 🙂


newwriter365 t1_j1euh12 wrote

I smell a recession.

Do you smell a recession?


nosalt69 t1_j1ext5r wrote

Your rent is a function, in part, of property taxes on the unit. Municipalities often estimate annual property taxes at the beginning of the year, and make corrections to the landowner's final tax bill of the year.


ScuttleCrab729 OP t1_j1f6q0m wrote

That’s what I think. Last renewal they tried to raise our rent something like $189. We call and complained and they only raised it like $80. I feel they got caught but other tenants and are now trying to “fix” it. We noticed the letter on quite a few doors today.


TroyMcClure10 t1_j1f8us6 wrote

If I were to guess, they probably violated rent control laws and realized the mistake.


TheRoadWarrior28 t1_j1fazce wrote

Every year my landlord doesn’t raise the rent I consider it a small miracle.


magolmaethor t1_j1fg42n wrote

They’re gonna change this date to a State holiday


PopeInnocentXIV t1_j1fhq6p wrote

Since I've been in my apt my rent has gone up either 3% or 3½% per year (though there have been more than a few years where it didn't go up at all). But this year it went up like 8%.


averagelifeoflosers t1_j1fnll1 wrote

Do you live in a town/municipality with rent control laws? A lot of assumptions about your landlord breaking some law but very few places in NJ have any laws about increasing rent. There is no statewide law. Fuck landlords but it’s a weird assumptions to make for NJ.


turry92 t1_j1fvztf wrote

I have literally never heard of that happening! Clearly 2023 is going to be your year! Definitely need to pick out those lotto numbers. :)


storm2k t1_j1g00up wrote

assuming op lives in a town that has rent laws that allow it to only be raised by a specific percentage each year. that number is probably what you get from last year's number + the allowed percentage.


Independent-Light833 t1_j1gc5e9 wrote

My rent is $2850 for a 3 story condo. It’s weird how low some properties are.


TrishDaDish51510 t1_j1gk30z wrote

That's like unheard of in NJ. Cherish it lol. I'd frame that bad boy lol


macroslax t1_j1gl97v wrote

rent goes down 21 dollars. fees go up 21 dollars.


amplifiedgamerz t1_j1glxgi wrote

You don’t need 20%, look into FHA loans. Can put as little as 3.5%, which means your monthly payment will be high of course between the low down payment and mortgage insurance until you hit 80% LTV, but still. You have first time home buyer options ! (I’m assuming you don’t know this already… sorry for bothering if you do. Happy holidays!)


OkSwitch470 t1_j1gpyf3 wrote

Because owning a house is just more than a mortgage for Maitnenance of everything. I’m a single person paying $2k in rent, if i was to buy a property that has a $2k mortgage it will 100% need work on it in my area. I’m lazy my dad busted my ass in back yard growing up , I’m done doing lawn work anymore, for me to take care of a whole house and lawn by myself would be too much for me honestly my apartment is good enough if I buy I’d buy to rent out and not to live in


Nytim t1_j1gq7zc wrote

This happened to me once because the landlord accidently overcharged on a rent stablized apartment and I couldve taken him to court and got back 3X what I paid in rent


PM__ME__YOUR_TITTY t1_j1gsb6j wrote

June 26th is my 23rd birthday! That is all the relevant input I have


race-likeapisshorse t1_j1gtkty wrote

From a late-20s point of view:

When you’re paying $2k/m rent, where do you have space to save for a house down payment, closing costs, etc?

The student loan pause helped so many young people save significant money for the first time ever - then the housing market skyrocketed. Now, house prices are coming down, but interest rates have skyrocketed.

It’s eerily just out of reach for many people my age due to these factors and even as we progress in our careers, it becomes just slightly more out of reach. unless you have parents that can gift you the down payment, you’re stuck struggling


ScuttleCrab729 OP t1_j1gv8vo wrote

Yea sadly we’ve been on/off looking for 4 years now. We originally were content with the FHA/4%. But between our house goals and last years cash offers ours down payment goal has significantly increased. I do regret not settling on something simpler years ago but live and learn. We’ll get that house eventually.


ScuttleCrab729 OP t1_j1gwcgf wrote

We rent a 2 bed 2 bath with garage for 2.2k. A similar house in the area including property tax, insurance, interest rates, etc… Easily 2.5-3k. And thats a house built 60+ years ago needing a lot of maintenance (which is free in an apartment). Also consider good luck saving for a down payment while paying 2k a month. It’s not easy getting out of the life if you want to. Also the rent life definitely comes with benefits for those that don’t mind paying rent and never gaining equity such as the no lawn care, maintenance, repairs, etc.


glitterpumps t1_j1gzv6i wrote

We pay $2200 to rent a house in Jersey City. If we bought a house, we’d realistically be able to afford one in CNJ (MAYBE) with a 45 minute commute both ways. (Adding extra time for dropping kids off at day care/school)

We’d rather save those three hours a day in commute time to spend time with our family than putting equity into a house in the burbs.

Absolutely it’s short-sighted. But it makes sense in terms of time. There’s only so many hours in a day ya dig


jdubs952 t1_j1h9are wrote

I lowered my 2 of my tenants rent by $300/ month during covid. I have not increased it back. I have never raised their rent. I cannot possibly do that due to inflation now. I could use the money, but they could use it more.


Able-Bottle-8876 t1_j1hxghi wrote

We pay 1600 such a robbery eveything here is falling apart but we don’t have the funds to move out again all of here works and contributes I would expect a second bathroom for the price we pay


im-so-startled88 t1_j1hybqm wrote

Our mortgage payment is such a specific number lol. Ie ends in like $XX46.21 or something like that. I have to round up my payments to the nearest whole dollar (5s or 0s only dammit) for my own sanity. My husband thinks I’m nuts, I am, but when we get our statement at the end of the year I get to boast and say look I paid an extra $200 down on the principal just by rounding up! 😆


Jamie-22-11 t1_j1i0dsh wrote

buy a house a pay a mortgage .. you'll get another unexpected surprise by paying less then that and owning it at the same time


kamikazeknifer t1_j1i376y wrote

Ignore the "mortgage or bust" people. I can't find a similarly sized house that, after mortgage, PMI, property tax, etc, is cheaper than my current apartment in a multifamily home. It's always at least $600/mo more, often more than $1k more. Maybe if you move to East Bumfukkit in South Jersey, but at that point you might as well move out of NJ entirely.


haironfireagain t1_j1i5dqg wrote

Perhaps municipal property tax decreased (yes, it does happen) and the landlord is making the legally required adjustment.


Dick_Zanderson t1_j1ikrla wrote

Is that a single bedroom or 2?? Rent is so ridiculous and it's been that way forever


Internet_Two_Cents t1_j1ip0eq wrote

Surprised by the cheap rent prices I’m seeing in comments.

I own a 2 family, granted in nice neighborhood and it’s new construction, but my tenants pay 2500 and 3000 respectively.

Edit: FWIW, that barely covers the mortgage and leaves me with about $150 “profit” which is spent in repairs or snow removal and the cost of that goes well over that amount.


Torvaldr t1_j1iqr8t wrote

Q-Tips or cotton swabs interchangeably. Same for Kleenex and the like, it depends on my mood and what’s fresh in my mind, I guess. Though with Q Tips, It says Q Tips on the tin in big letters. It hasn’t said “Taylors Prepared Ham” on the tin since 1906. Taylor’s themselves have called it pork roll for over 100 years on their packaging. That’s all assuming it was made by Taylor’s. Sometimes it’s made by Case or Mercer Meats, in which case it’s not Taylor’s and it’s not Ham.


ScuttleCrab729 OP t1_j1ira78 wrote

Yea we shopped for a house the past year. For what we’re currently paying we’d get a rundown 2 bed 1 bath shack in the sticks that’d probably need a new roof within the first week. Rent is expensive but still the better choice until rates come down or we have a major down payment.