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JaggedyEaredJackXI t1_jdcots6 wrote

The Liberal Party has turned into the foreign asset that they accused others of. This fucker was even telling China to keep holding onto the two Michael's who were kidnapped by the Chinese gov. because it might give the Conservatives an edge. Seems our allies are sick of Canada's shit and are revealing how deep the corruption goes.

Of course Trudeau won't do a public inquiry. If he is innocent in this it would literally clear his name.

Edit: lol at whoever is abusing the suicide helpline feature. Go touch grass.


Manitoba357 t1_jdcy0ay wrote

Three weeks ago:

> "Dong is an outstanding member of our team and suggestions that he is somehow not loyal to Canada should not be entertained," Trudeau told a news conference in Mississauga

Then the Trudeau Liberals proceeded to filibuster the committee looking into the initial Chinese funding allegations.

I'm not surprised this story came out. I'm just wondering what the next one will be.


krombough t1_jdcy3ih wrote

The way to quash any of these sources, was to have an open inquiry right from the start. By stonewalling, then bringing in a family friend to head things up, Trudeau looks so bad that any shit thrown his way will start to stick.


FrenchAffair t1_jdd13dh wrote

This week:

>A spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office said the office "only became aware that a conversation took place after Mr. Dong told us, following recent media questions."

Three weeks ago:

>“I want to make everyone understand fully that Han Dong is an outstanding member of our team and suggestions that he is somehow not loyal to Canada should not be entertained,” Trudeau said.

Either Trudeau gaslighting Canadians, or legitimately has no idea what is occurring in his own caucus.


ThatOtherGuy_CA t1_jdd36n4 wrote

His entire political career has been on gaslighting Canadians, literally from Day 1.

Like he spent his entire campaign rallying against Harpers TPP agreement, and then immediately signed it after the election.

Or when he closed the finances for Treaty reserves, because it turned out that the narrative of Canadians being behind the poor conditions in reserves falls apart when you look at the funding and see 95% of the money they get goes directly to the band leadership and stays there.

Basically every thing he does it to dodge accountability, and he will straight up say one thing while doing the opposite.


Fylla t1_jdd5edx wrote

The Liberal Party has said all along that these allegations have no merit and only serve to fuel anti-Asian sentiment and divide the country.

So why did this innocent man quit 🤔?


supercyberlurker t1_jdd5gdv wrote

Yeah this should be a zero-tolerance situation if there's to be any.

Politicians for a country are traitors if they put other countries interests before their own.


kmart_s t1_jdd5xbp wrote

While I'd like to be optimistic that this may actually go somewhere...

Remember that this guy has had several ethics violations as well as the whole WE charity bullshit just disappear into the void.

He's just as corrupt as the next politician but for whatever reason walks on water to his followers.


dghughes t1_jdd892j wrote

Just an FYI to the non-Canadians not aware we have our MAGA-like people here too. Pro Conservative (republican), anti-immigrant, bible thumpers, climate change deniers, etc.

Any mention of Trudeau brings them out. Most people in Canada don't give a crap about politicians. US politics has leaked into Canadian society.


Fylla t1_jdd8i24 wrote

That's just Trudeau's typical M.O. though - deny, deny, and imply that it's all from people acting in bad faith. Then if it doesn't go away, slowly trickle truth for months on end, constantly moving the goalposts and offering up token gestures to try and slow or stop the attention. The only way he's ever honest is if the media and opposition are relentless and tireless enough to keep at him and not let things die. He's never upfront about anything possibly negative.


Guest2200 t1_jdd9tjn wrote

If it was the conservative party in the hot seat for this I guarantee you don't make this comment.

The liberals got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and doubled down. But sure, let's all look away and focus on the crazy right wing people that probably make up less than 5% of the population.

Let us know when you're ready to get daddy JTs dick out of your mouth.


PoppinKREAM t1_jddb23f wrote

We need a public inquiry into China's influence campaign, in particular China's attempts to make inroads in Canadian politics to undermine our democracy. Our democratic institutions are under assault by a foreign adversary.

  • Late last year, it was reported that CSIS warned Prime Minister Trudeau about China covertly funding 2019 election campaigns.^[1]

  • CSIS documents revealed a sophisticated strategy by China to interfere in our 2021 election with the expressed goal of removing politicians that were seen as anti-China, aiding in the selection of politicians that were seen as sympathetic to the Chinese communist regime, and wanting a Liberal minority government with the intention of our parliament being debilitated with in-fighting.^[2]

  • It should be noted that in 2016 Trudeau attended an exclusive Liberal party fundraising dinner. Those in attendance included Chinese billionaires and senior Chinese state officials seeking approval for a bank. These Chinese officials had exclusive access to our Prime Minister.^[3]

  • Two weeks after the fundraising dinner in 2016, Chinese philanthropists gave $200,000 to the Trudeau Foundation.^[4] At the time Prime Minister Trudeau defended the fundraiser as an effort to attract investment from China. The Trudeau Foundation has recently returned the donation 7 years later due to the alleged ties to China.^[5]


Manitoba357 t1_jddbacr wrote

The problem with the WE Charity thing is that most people didn't really understand the implications. When I talked with some friends/coworkers about it they were like "just politicians arguing about tax dollars, what else is new". That's the perception the average Canadian seemed to have.

This is different however. People who barely pay attention to politics are throwing the word "treason" around.


evilmidnightbomber69 t1_jddcok1 wrote

Why so angry. I hate Trudeau like most but when authorities are saying there's not enough evidence and it's all speculation and rumors you have to question where all this is coming from. People need to stop idolizing politicians. They aren't in it for the people they are only in it for themselves. The system needs to change.


Guest2200 t1_jdde0ea wrote

I'm not angry, just calling out an obvious attempt at deflection. This post has literally nothing to do with what the comment I responded to was talking about.

And I would argue it's probably not just rumors and speculation when the MP in question quits the caucas. Where there's smoke, there's fire.


Hopeful-Profession74 t1_jddntge wrote

Canada having conservative people that don't like the Liberal Party is the result of US politics, and you need to declare this to "non-Canadians not aware"?

Sounds like you're the one mired in hateful, the-other-side-is-evil, American-style rhetoric. Give your head a shake.


strawberries6 t1_jdejoe3 wrote

>Like he spent his entire campaign rallying against Harpers TPP agreement, and then immediately signed it after the election.

None of that is true though...

  1. He didn't campaign against TPP (here's a link to his position on TPP in the 2015 election)
  2. He signed it 2.5 years after the election in 2018 (after significant changes were made)

>Or when he closed the finances for Treaty reserves

Like it or not, that's an example of him following through on an election campaign promise:

Justin Trudeau Vows To Scrap First Nations Financial Transparency Act - Aug 2014

>Justin Trudeau has promised to scrap a controversial law forcing First Nations leaders to disclose salaries and band financial statements online and replace it with something more "respectful" if he becomes prime minister in 2015.
>"I wouldn't keep the legislation in place," Trudeau told the newspaper. "I would work with First Nations to make sure that a proper accountability act that would have disclosed any excesses we see, but is done in a way that is respectful of the First Nation communities."


ThatOtherGuy_CA t1_jdenknx wrote

Ah that’s right, he openly criticized Harper about the TPP process not being open and transparent, and then kept his process entirely behind closed doors.

Well, so one of the few campaign promises he followed through with was about reducing accountability. You’ve gotta see the irony in that.


Mindful-O-Melancholy t1_jdetiuh wrote

If it was the conservatives the liberals would’ve been frothing at the mouth and rioting after just one of the many smaller scandals Trudeau has brushed off and they all just ignored and downplayed it like it wasn’t a big deal. Can you imagine how they’d react if pictures of Harper wearing blackface just once, even if it was 40 years ago were found? And they let Trudeau get away with that even when there were pictures from several different times and he even admitted he didn’t know how many more times he did it. Literally anyone else wouldn’t have a career after that.


TheNCGoalie t1_jdf1doa wrote

My brain read “Hangs dong” in the title.


motordoc7 t1_jdfdda6 wrote

If he wasn’t a Chinese operative he would do the right thing and resign. We need an inquiry.


chetchaka t1_jdfddch wrote

I'm afraid a "public inquiry into China's influence campaign" won't help anyone when the politicians are seeking bribes. If every single one of your politicians is rotten to the core like that, then it means the call is coming from inside the house, so to speak.

(Disclaimer: Fuck the CCP, this statement doesn't exonerate the Chinese government from their dubious activities)


TriclopeanWrath t1_jdflcr8 wrote

Imagine being this much of a partisan stooge.

Our national intelligence agency is warning that there are politicians getting paid off by China. An MP was reported to have lobbied to KEEP Canadians imprisoned until it was advantageous to his party... and your biggest concern is that your perceived enemies might say bad things about Poor Justin.

You are no better than the MAGA fan boys apologizing for Trump.


ChalupaCabre t1_jdg6t7e wrote

He claims it’s a lie, he didn’t do it… but if that were true, he would fight tooth and nail to stand behind that truth and not leave the Liberal party on his own accord.

I just don’t believe him. He did, he made a mistake and now he’s lying and backtracking trying to save what little political career he has left.. hopefully not much.

Just wants that sweet sweet pension for life!


ChalupaCabre t1_jdg74lh wrote

We don’t vote for Prime Ministers.

We vote for local representation. The only reason I vote Liberal is because NDP in my riding has no chance and the Conservatives are always looney toons that I definitely do not want representing me.

I don’t even like Trudeau… but he formed a government with the NDP based off the elected representatives winning in their ridings by votes for those candidates.

Maybe if the Conservatives could stop being so fucking fringe, I could vote for them and maybe other parties would want to work with them to form a government.


degenerateprince t1_jdgb6j3 wrote

Seems like anti Asian sentiments and racism is growing in Canada


ChalupaCabre t1_jdhzm3z wrote

Well I would agree Liberals got some juice out the gates when they took Trudeau as leader.. and when Trudeau said they would legalize cannabis.

I dunno what they have now, except for a platform that they aren’t the crazy conservatives. And I would agree.

If we eliminated first past the post voting and used a system like ranked choice, we definitely would get a different government. For the time I think we will keep having a Liberal lead minority government.. the only way to stop it is with a majority conservative government and the Conservative don’t exactly seem to be getting away from crazy land with the shit they say and do.


SN0WFAKER t1_jdioyf6 wrote

Most people that call Trudeau 'divisive' are right wing 'fuck Trudeau' types who ironically attack anything they see as liberal. Maybe you aren't one of those and just bitch about everyone equally. And that's probably fair. A bit useless, but fair.


kmart_s t1_jdipxge wrote

Why is it useless?

Look, you've categorized people into right or left. Can I not say fuck Trudeau and not identify as having a right leaning political ideology?

If people looked beyond the right and left aspects of politics they may see just how most politicians are pieces of shit equally.

Trudeau IS divisive, he plays both sides against each other and members of his own party said as much during the convoy protest. Does that mean pp is any better? Fuck no.

Judge them based on the merits of their actions. Their political party is irrelevant. If people actually did that, it would be a lot less useless and maybe government could achieve things for the greater good of society.

Left or right, we're all humans.... and at the end of the day we mostly want the same things. Politicians are the ones convincing you otherwise.


SN0WFAKER t1_jdix2g3 wrote

Useless because if you can't determine the lesser of evils, you give equal support to the worst.
And no, 'fuck Trudeau' is an immature slogan adopted by right wing crazies. You shout that and you are a right wing crazy supporter.
I agree that policies are what should matter, but if you look at the 'right' parties in canada, they encompass such a variety of policies from the moderate financial conservatives to the nut job conspiracy crazies. That is the political entity that one would vote for or against, and so without a coherent policy, one can only refer to them as 'the right'.


kmart_s t1_jdizso9 wrote

Political campaigns are contests between terrible options... so what's your point? Newsflash, people don't vote FOR governments. They vote against the current one.

Fuck Trudeau is an expression of frustration with the person, it doesnt specifically mean anything about someone's political leanings. Yes, popularized by right wing nut jobs... doesnt invalidate its meaning.

Are you offended by the Canadian flag because it was used as a symbol by the trucker convoy? If not, are you a right wing crazy?

In 2015, a man was stopped and fined for displaying a 'fuck harper' sign in his car. Was he a left wing crazy? The senate page (2011?) who held up a sign saying stop harper... a left wing crazy?

Despite what you write next, I know that you don't see those things as anything but noble acts to voice displeasure with a political figure...

Trudeau ignored what could potentially be a foreign government meddling with our nation from within his own party and doubled down on it being racist to even think that. If that isn't far left woke bullshit I don't know what is. Strategy aside, it was wrong to take that stance regardless of the party involved.

He's just as bad as polliviere but you can't see or wont admit it. The whole reason this brand of politics works is because people like you buy into it.


Kristalderp t1_jdj2f4p wrote

People are getting fed up with Trudeau not because they're right wing, but because he's useless and all about his good image and PR than Canadians. He's all talk but no work to show for it.

We have a lot of issues right now in our country that should be talked about and spoken about, but Trudeau dodges every single question and/or calls you a racist when you bring up important problems like this (CCP interference in elections and politics) as talking about such an issue could implicate him and his party with some dirty laundry.

Hence why a lot of Canadians are paying attention as this is the CSIS talking and they gave this information to a trusted journalist who broke the news years ago about casinos in BC and them laundering money for the CCP.


SN0WFAKER t1_jdjbajy wrote

People may vote against the government, but they are fucking stupid to do that when the alternative is worse.
'Fuck Trudeau' is an expression of idiocy; feel free to use it if you like to be viewed as an idiot. Yes I am offended that the clownvoy assholes corrupted the Canadian flag. It will take time for it to recover.
Someone displaying 'fuck Harper' is an immature twat. They shouldn't have be fined, but there was no particular ideology represented by that phase other than its face value so it was not as bad as someone waving 'fuck Trudeau' flags indicating that they are part of a moronic redneck gang.
Trudeau may have allowed Chinese Canadians to get involved in politics and thus indirectly allowed some CPP influence. There's an investigation happening now; a public inquiry wouldn't get any more info (probably less) and would be very expensive.
Trudeau is not 'just as bad as pp' and that's where your 'both sides' argument makes you useless and finds you effectively supporting right wing nut jobs.


kmart_s t1_jdjch5r wrote

It is your perception the alternative is worse. He's never been PM so how do you know? Because he's a conservative?

So Fuck Harper = guy making a statement, fuck Trudeau = redneck clown. Do you honestly believe you're not biased?

Pierre Trudeau ignored CSIS, then cried racism when it became public. Tried to stonewall any investigation by assigning a family friend as a special rapporteur (whatever that is), then jag has to threaten his supply agreement to allow a chief of staff to testify before the latest leak happened... and this is just one incident.

Your golden boy is a corrupt piece of shit, deal with it.


SN0WFAKER t1_jdjpc9m wrote

No, people are being manipulated by right wing media making them get a hate on for Trudeau and hyperbolizing issues into faux scandals and then ignoring or dismissing the good work he's done.


Kristalderp t1_jdjrbph wrote

My hate for Trudeau was 100% caused by me listening to him blabber on. I regret voting for him as he's done nothing for us but goes to the moon and back for other countries instead of helping our failing healthcare infrastructure or making initiatives on building new homes that we should of been building since the 1980s.


SN0WFAKER t1_jdkrr4g wrote

Those things are provincial jurisdiction. He's given money for healthcare that's been purposefully wasted by right wing provincial governments who want the system to fail so they can privatize it and make coin. You have just proved that you hate Trudeau for no reason. Maybe some self reflection is in order?


ScottNewman t1_jdn2774 wrote

He didn’t quit, he’s sitting as an independent while the matter is investigated.

The problem is the allegation makes no sense. It wouldn’t have hurt Trudeau to have released the two Michaels. Trudeau could have looked triumphant.