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supreme_Aimbot t1_j3afhje wrote

Save you guys a click.

Mark Capps, who won four Grammys for his work on polka albums, was killed during an encounter at his home.


ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j3agl51 wrote

Finally back to that good old fashioned American gun violence. The 6 year olds were never going to become a thing.


grandpathundercat t1_j3ak474 wrote

Turns out the horrible noises the neighbor reported were coming from an accordion.


VyrPlan t1_j3alknr wrote

so the wife and adult step-daughter go to the cops saying he threatened them with a gun, and when he fell asleep they escaped - so police show to to his place first thing raring to get him

i don't know what this man did/didn't do - but i do know the video makes it look like that first cop opened up on the dude before the other officer could even tell him to get his hands up

maybe i'm wrong, but it sure appears like the guy barely gets to his front door (full glass) when they start blasting through it


Sivick314 t1_j3amwhc wrote

Weird Al warned us about the polka life


hallonemikec t1_j3ao3om wrote

Congress needs to investigate the link between polka and violence.


macross1984 t1_j3aw76h wrote

If you have gun in front of police it is almost a guarantee you will be shot.


internet_chump t1_j3ay3gn wrote

Dude got straight up murdered. They gave him less than a second to comply. It's like the cop wasn't actually giving an order he wanted the guy to follow, he was just saying the magic words that allowed him to kill without consequences. That's not how it's supposed to work.


2ndtryagain t1_j3b098j wrote

In 1998 I was working as a Manager in hotel convention center. There was a annual Polka convention, that was the longest weekend of my life. All my staff were annoyed by the music and the cheap ass guest. I had never had to bribe staff to stay till that weekend.

0/10 would not reccomend.


HeyMyNameIsRedacted t1_j3b8ok1 wrote

Oh no, now parents are going to say polka music makes people violent, then all the rebellious kids will flock to it, create new musical subgenres by infusing it with an array of modern subgenres, which will eventually be swept up into pop culture, which corporations will take note, then push modern polka hip pop, or pip pop, or whatever, further into pop culture, till it's infused into many facets of our lives.

I don't know if I'm ready for the polka musical revolution.


nubsauce87 t1_j3bdsvh wrote

Don't worry, you've never heard of him.


BrunoBashYa t1_j3bgbdx wrote

Click bait titles are so low effort but work so well. It's one of the reasons I prefer reddit to news sites.

I feel guilty everything I see a news link saying "Marvel Stars Painful Message Before Suicide" with a picture of Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman. I knownits just gonna be some background actor that no one has ever heard of that played a background character with maybe one line. Bonus points for the times when it happened months or years ago


Vancouwer t1_j3bhwir wrote

Didn't save much. People still want to watch the video. Especially when it seems the cop straight up murdered the guy with his hands down (from what I saw frame by frame there was no way he was a threat).


riptide81 t1_j3buv3w wrote

This one sounds like an actual barricaded individual. Didn’t we just learn that protocol is to secure the area and call in a trained negotiator to make contact?

No, let’s just go in on someone we already know is alone and likely having some kind of mental breakdown and is armed.


boinzy t1_j3c6bkk wrote

Gus Polinski, when pressed said, “No comment.”


ferfocsake t1_j3cqefe wrote

That was a waste of a click. I was hoping it was going to be Kenye.


DaddyAllfun t1_j3en7f9 wrote

Why lead with "Grammy winner"? is that in ANY way significant to the events that unfolded? Or is NBC news desperate for click-bait?


drillpress42 t1_j3ghsh7 wrote

Polka. Just like I always suspected. We need to keep a close watch on Weird AL.


Textification t1_j3h9g9u wrote

Polka King goes on rampage at home. Killed in syncopated gun battle to accordion and tuba music. Oktoberfest mourns.