brianishere2 t1_jc3wejk wrote
More of Florida's "conservative values" in action.
misdirected_asshole t1_jc3wl88 wrote
>One board member thanked Cream before advising here she spoke before the wrong group.
>“Thank you for your- That’s a City Council issue,” Arnold Sevell said.
They really gave her the "Ma'am this is a Wendy's" response.
K-Zoro t1_jc3z95y wrote
That video did not disappoint. What a character.
S-Vagus t1_jc414vt wrote
Holy hell I'd want to get a custom weld job for an underwire bra if I had tits like that. Her back pain must be excruciating.
Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jc4264y wrote
They should have taken her up on the offer, and named it "Sex worker's day."
She would have loooooved that.
Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jc453x8 wrote
That old guy had missile lock on those tits the whole time; I don't think he even blinked.
bobert_the_grey t1_jc46nro wrote
Sponsored by Wolf Cola
Filtaido t1_jc49uci wrote
Sure why not
SilasX t1_jc4aiy0 wrote
*Glucose Guardian Appreciation Day
Moms_spaghetti_6969 t1_jc4cxn8 wrote
This is some Chad & JT Go Deep shit here
dykeag t1_jc4dc7b wrote
Those HAVE to be fake.... Right?
spoonbones t1_jc4hav8 wrote
No that’s boko haram. Common mistake
Youareobscure t1_jc4md77 wrote
>Anyone else wishing to speak on the issue of the ... flamable liquids
Lol, there literally could not be a better thing to say following her speaking
ohwhatj t1_jc4poms wrote
Radioactiveglowup t1_jc4q21u wrote
Refreshing Wolf Cola. Tastes like... closure.
Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_jc4q52c wrote
Surprised there isn't one already. We have Talk Like a Pirate Day.
ThisFreakinGuyHere t1_jc4s0ef wrote
They're not natural, but that doesn't mean they're not real.
ThisFreakinGuyHere t1_jc4s3it wrote
Such big personalities
ThisFreakinGuyHere t1_jc4sicy wrote
The only people who dislike boobs this big are jelly girls and incels who think saying it will get them laid
S-Vagus t1_jc4t5lz wrote
Gonna be honest I dunno. I've known women with some abnormally large breasts and those don't look like your normal inflated balloon type surgery deals.
Thank fuck dicks and vaginas don't come in such a terrifying range of shapes and sizes because then finding the one may as well be key and lock.
yogaengineer t1_jc4tmw0 wrote
She did say “enhancements” while caressing them in the video so…
bvanbove t1_jc4x593 wrote
That’s a human being?
HowBoutaLittlePiss t1_jc4yj7b wrote
So like Frankenstein or Michael Jackson
Tommy_Batch t1_jc4ypul wrote
Did they say "get the fuck outta here"? I would have.
I_might_be_weasel t1_jc513zx wrote
The didn't do 9/11. They're only doing Africa.
I_might_be_weasel t1_jc515pc wrote
To be fair, Frank would probably be in favor of that holiday.
aplagueofsemen t1_jc518em wrote
I mean why not? There’s a day for fucking everything ¯_(ツ)_/¯
thejimbo56 t1_jc5654k wrote
When is it? I don’t want to miss that one.
kspieler t1_jc56mlu wrote
Certainly, an aged benefactor!
buymytoy t1_jc59mpt wrote
Always love it when people live up to their username
Klendy t1_jc5aiep wrote
these are a latex top, called a form and the choker and skin tones are dead giveaways:
Farge43 t1_jc5bzt4 wrote
I bet she wears tight spandex (because everything is tight on her) that says JUICY on the ass
S3erverMonkey t1_jc5c9i6 wrote
It's fuck everything day every day, if you're brave enough.
ApocalypseSpokesman t1_jc5cled wrote
We surround ourselves with garbage,
then we eat the garbage and we are garbage
Welcome to Garbage
ackermann t1_jc5dzxh wrote
Schellhammer t1_jc5fj4s wrote
Are these what that teacher who came to school one day with triple Z's was using
rdyoung t1_jc5fkpe wrote
Hwat? Sir this is a Wendys
Smtxom t1_jc5fw4w wrote
Damn it. Don’t ruin my fun
PorkRindSalad t1_jc5g9og wrote
Or Buffalo Bill?
Youngworker160 t1_jc5heo2 wrote
another piece of the puzzle falls into the conservative tilt in Florida, we have all your boomer meemaws and peppeps that wanna get laid. thanks a lot, NY and NJ.
firebat45 t1_jc5ilil wrote
Isn't every day "sugar daddy and mommy appreciation day" ? I though that was kinda the entire point.
KevlarGorilla t1_jc5lart wrote
So, fake, fake tiddies?
TypicalJeepDriver t1_jc5lfzm wrote
My buddy hooked up with a chick that had implants. I asked how it was and he said “If they’re real enough to put in my hand, they’re real enough for me.”
VeryStableGenius t1_jc5o4rw wrote
You never go full Florida.
This is like a skit. A really good skit. Perfectly acted. And the final quote. Chef's kiss. Best supporting actor.
And she sounds just like my goddamned f---ing sister in law.
edit: I mean, if you wrote and acted this, and showed it to the execs at Netflix, you'd get series on the spot.
Klendy t1_jc5oglp wrote
I mean, they jiggle
derlich t1_jc5p2vc wrote
Only money could compel someone to touch that fairy tale troll.
VeryStableGenius t1_jc5q024 wrote
The Coen brothers are having their Salieri moment
aaaanoon t1_jc5qj5s wrote
Slave owner day? Seems controversial
Gaeilgeoir215 t1_jc5qxee wrote
Can we please give Florida back to Spain? PLEASE‽‽‽
Zambito t1_jc5r4f0 wrote
"Per cap(checks notes)...ita"
It's now a life goal of mine to work one of those into a speech. Just perfect.
nono66 t1_jc5r8p0 wrote
Her name is Ashley Cream and she has taken any desire I have left to believe that the human population shouldn't just return to the earth. Just give back the planet to the animals, raise the cities, leave no trace of our sad and foolhardy ways.
infectiousoma t1_jc5smtu wrote
I say we split Florida off and let it float away like in Rudolph. Although that enormous glob of seaweed that's making it's easy to the coast may just do God's work for us.
AdminsEatCocks t1_jc5sv6c wrote
Boogie1488 approves
kels398pingback t1_jc5t3s9 wrote
Thoughts & Prayers
wildarfwildarf t1_jc5uax2 wrote
Exactly! Two prime examples of real people!
AntibacHeartattack t1_jc5uek0 wrote
I love whuores.
RyFox122 t1_jc5ulip wrote
Are you serious... how about no, and keep sex etc out of schools...
AntibacHeartattack t1_jc5unro wrote
I give this 3-1 odds of being a Sacha Baron Cohen-type thing.
VeryStableGenius t1_jc5w552 wrote
I think you might be right. The old guy hobbling back to his wheelchair gives it away. But perhaps it's just Florida.
[deleted] t1_jc5wc2q wrote
[deleted] t1_jc61nha wrote
Nekrofeeelyah t1_jc63oe4 wrote
How bout no?
Shurigin t1_jc63su2 wrote
Happy you're dating someone your grandkids age day
subtle_numb t1_jc64974 wrote
Did you just use the word “jelly” as in “jealous” on a website other than 4chan in a year that isn’t like 2010?
Ya need help, son
nerevisigoth t1_jc64n7v wrote
This is definitely an act designed to go viral. Especially since she did it in Boca of all places.
acidrain69 t1_jc6csps wrote
So, more cities. Got it.
Dion877 t1_jc6fzr4 wrote
ASilver76 t1_jc6gztr wrote
Ironically, its actually a perfect fit with a city who's name literally translates to "Rat's Mouth".
Materva t1_jc6gzzb wrote
This has got to be the best thing I've seen in months. Lady goes to a planning and zoning board, They let her go on her crazy rant then reply: "Thank you, that's a city council matter. She then doubles down on why she feels this is an important issue.
uranium_man t1_jc6iz0d wrote
It's as easy as f Eat sugar on mother day.
I_might_be_weasel t1_jc6jwaz wrote
olddoglearnsnewtrick t1_jc6nf07 wrote
All natural, my ass
colemon1991 t1_jc6x2ae wrote
Just celebrate on Father's and/or Mother's Day
If you're going to be that niche, just celebrate on an existing day. It's not that hard.
PaullT2 t1_jc6yfrp wrote
This was my thought.
Ruskihaxor t1_jc71rzu wrote
cosmicrae t1_jc72te3 wrote
Just make a Negotiable Affection Day, that will cover all the variants.
cosmicrae t1_jc73pbc wrote
Oh my. History lesson time, Florida was originally the land of the native indigenous people. Spain explored, spread diseases (probably smallpox), which wiped out many of the indigenous population, then claimed Florida for the Spanish Crown. Can’t really give it back to the indigenous, because most of those tribes are now gone.
We could, remove all humans, fence it off, and let nature reassert itself, but I don’t see that happening, because there is no profit in it.
Thank you for listening to my TED-talk :)
[deleted] t1_jc7duw1 wrote
AnotherBadPlayer t1_jc7fgdp wrote
It looks like Nicki Minaj and Dog The Bounty Hunter's wife spliced together.
kim-jong-Cage t1_jc7pt3j wrote
What best I can do is some complementary wolf cola.
[deleted] t1_jc89bf6 wrote
[deleted] t1_jc8m487 wrote
Gaeilgeoir215 t1_jc9nwyk wrote
No shit, Sherlock, but it wasn't a singular whole state under Native American rule, and there were several tribes in that part of the continent. So, if not Spain, how exactly would you propose to cede it back to peoples who were largely massacred and whose survivors were largely absorbed into neighboring ethnicities?
You can fuck all the way off with your stupid history lesson. Don't come for me unless I send for you, bitch!
Shurigin t1_jc9rzrg wrote
It's literally all aspects of dating minus feelings
[deleted] t1_jc9x8se wrote
LadyofTheGreyPath t1_jcdnaay wrote
Fructose Guardian Month
Head_Razzmatazz7174 t1_jcw8725 wrote
This popped up on my FB feed and I thought "You have GOT to be kidding!"
Then I clicked on the article.
SMH. Just what was she thinking?
Solekislove t1_jc3rfjv wrote