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calmdownmyguy t1_irn3llz wrote

This is what conservative intellectualism looks like


DracoDruid t1_irn85u1 wrote

Someone check that person's hidden bank accounts


kenlasalle t1_irn9w6n wrote

I'm sure the "environment" around his bank account is doing just fine.


Thialase t1_irndnsa wrote

jesus christ how it is possible to be this moronic?
God fuck me I wish I was as callous and capable of lying through my teeth as these pigs.
I'd become a politician and life would be good.


itsashortcut t1_irneauk wrote

Some politicians in the usa may want the us to lead the charge, but this is just another example that proves that we've got a long long way to go before we all go green.


Aceticon t1_irngmx7 wrote

It's the exact same complete-total-detachement-from-reality strategy when it comes to the truth as the Russian Government.

In the old days the Tories were actually pro-Nazi until the nazis invaded their neighbours and in the present day the Tories accepted tons of money from the new nazis in Russia until they invaded their neighbours.

Politically they're a lot more close to betters-leading-lessers nationalist authoritarian populism of Russia than they like to admit, though geostrategically they're in different sides and that's quite likely because they almost always follow the lead of the US (one wonders what would be the geostrategical posture of Tory-Britain if the US did not exist).

Mind you, at least England isn't drawn towards strongmen type leaders.


No_Sense_6171 t1_irnho1t wrote

By 'environment', what he means is the bank account where his bribes are deposited.


DamonFields t1_irniavk wrote

I’m sure that somewhere on this previously green earth there must be at least one conservative who isn’t a consummate liar.


Locutus_Picard t1_irnjpep wrote

How about burning coal and wood to heat your house because the fossil fuels from Russia have skyrockets in price or are no longer available?

The US is sending record levels of wood fuel pellets to Europe now because morons thought Russian energy was safe, LMAO idiots, but well deserved. Now they have to heat their homes like in the 1800's.

What's your solution for the UK dear Redditor? Solar Panels in a cloudy country or wind farms? What do you do when the sun isn't shining or wind isn't blowing?

Fossil fuels can be managed cleanly and burned more efficiently than ever. Do you know where the electricity comes from to power those virtue signaling Teslas?



I_AM_METALUNA t1_irnk3kk wrote

Sorry environment, we're doing a little Russian chemo. Will get back to fighting your changing soon, love humans.


the_first_brovenger t1_irnkyzu wrote

Gas > Oil > Coal

Hydro > Rooftop Solar > Nuclear > Wind (land) > Solar > Wind (sea) > Gas > Oil > Coal

The depressing reality is European nations are returning to the glory days of coal burning.

Increasing oil and gas supply avoids coal, and this is indeed "good" for the environment.

Anyone who wants to save the environment is free to lead a life where your carbon footprint is small enough. But y'all are a bunch of hypocrites who won't do that, while you bitch about this guy's bank account. You're no better, we're all the polluting 1%.

Edited for clarity.


Thialase t1_irnmark wrote

Stop talking as if I acted like I have an alternative plan up my ass.
My issue is the brain dead stupid excuse that drilling for oil and gas is actually "good for the environment**"**

Just fucking admit it's not.
I'd still be against it, but fuck me they'd at least be honest that it's fucking over the climate.


_Kanagawa_ t1_irnstbi wrote

'We're all the polluting 1%' Now run that back again? We're all in the 1%? All just as responsible for pollution as the gas and oil companies? This is feeling very "Yet you participate in society". Individuals still have a responsibility to sustainability but insisting that individual actions r just as responsible for climate issues as corporate actions, just encourages folks to not criticize corporations. Seriously, why do u feel such a need to defend greedy corps and politicians? And that's what ur doing when u deflect criticism for them


the_first_brovenger t1_irntbo0 wrote

I ain't defending shit.

I'm saying in the context of the world being fucked up and governments approving coal burning again, it really is a positive to get that gas and oil flowing.

Like the other guy said, it's better to get a baseball bat to the knee than to the head.

And I am only calling people out because bitching about one guy's bank account when what he's saying is objectively true, is hypocritical as fuck.

His bank account is to us, what our lives of luxury is to a poor person in bumfuck nowhere Uganda. Fact.

You don't like that fact? Tough fucking titties, bitch.


_Kanagawa_ t1_irnukze wrote

I still just getting a very 'um, actually' attitude from this when it comes to the 'truth' in this conversation. Yes it's better a bat to the knees then the head but it's not? Good. Saying it's 'Good' is stretching it quite a bit. That's why this is in this sub at all. Because it's clown shit to call this good. My anger of this person money is my own, I guess. Eat the rich lol


BristolBomber t1_irnvqfu wrote

See what they are doing is moving the oil and gas outside the of environment... If its outside the environment it can't harm the environment. As there is nothing outside the environment for it to damage.


the_first_brovenger t1_irnwv9v wrote

>Eat the rich lol

As noted you are one of the rich ones. You're not ultra billionaire rich, but globally you're a 1%'er. Eat the rich thus means something I am not allowed by Reddit community rules to suggest.


_Kanagawa_ t1_irnxmwk wrote

You know nothing about my money situation, dude. Internet access doesn't make u rich or 1%, I really think u need to pay attention to the math going on here. This is a really hollow defense to try and insist that I'm rich. 😳 Like genuinely embarrassed for u that u think this, dude. Do u think ur rich?


boweroftable t1_irnxtf0 wrote

If you like a nice hot planet it is - and, well, we are kinda in an Ice Age still ... and who likes ice caps anyway? How many fast food franchises in Antarctica, eh?


the_first_brovenger t1_irnyj2g wrote

I'm a Norwegian software engineer. I'm the global 0.1%.

You don't seem to realise just how rich any westerner is, in the global context. If you live in a western/modern country and you have time to fuck around on Reddit then you literally are the global 1%.

Edit: 10 seconds in your profile history shows me an American spending much of their day playing video games. 1%'er confirmed. Welcome to the club.


_Kanagawa_ t1_iro17l5 wrote

Nah I'm just poor and full of anger. This conversation started because u insisted that everyone here was in the 1%, and that calling oil 'good for the environment' is fine because coal is worse.


snagsguiness t1_iro33ip wrote

I’ll just say this whilst fracking is by no means good for the environment, it is still better than deep sea drilling.


killcat t1_iro7o9i wrote

It could technically be true if the gas meant burning less coal.


Locutus_Picard t1_irortkj wrote

Nothing is good for the environment. What’s the alternative, solar panels assembled by slaves in China (which produces more greenhouse gasses than all other countries combined)?

Lithium battery storage with cobalt mined by African child slaves?

Wind farms made with petroleum products that fail after a few years?

Cutting down Forrest’s to make wood pellets to burn for heat?

Burning coal?

Pick your poison or turn off your ac / heat and walk everywhere if you want to virtue signal. You can’t escape it no matter how many cow farts you prevent.

Maybe if fusion becomes possible or everyone installs nuclear power plants we’ll be green, but that’s too logical.


GoldAndBlackRule t1_irp1e90 wrote

These are the people and institutions that climate change activists are insisting are the only ones capable of solving big problems (rather than creating big problems).

Remember: being skeptical of corrupt politicians as a solution to anthropogenic climate change does not make one a climate change denier.

Some might say that it is simply that democracies need to elect perfect and omnipotent angels to wield that kind of power. Anyone paying attention will notice that politicians do not pass through some special, interdimensional membrane to lead: they come from the public, with all of the horrible incentives to corruption with power that any decent person would not trust themselves or their neighbors to wield over others.


CMDR_omnicognate t1_irp7d8k wrote

To be fair, it’s better for the environment than importing it from the US or the Middle East, the way it’s worded is stupid though. He’s saying it’s good for the environment because it’s closer to the uk, but it’s not “good” just less bad than the alternative


brickyardjimmy t1_irpgp9o wrote

Uh. My auntie lives in the UK. She is beyond hopping mad about this and she doesn't typically get upset about anything.


ShadowDragon8685 t1_irpl3f0 wrote

Correct me if I'm wrong, but...

The United Kingdom does have nuclear power plant technology, right?

They do have hydro and wind and solar technology, right? Hell, they have some Scottish island where they occasionally have a problem where their green energy sources outstrip demand so much that they have to find a way to get rid of it or risk overloading the island grid, right?!

Someone needs to sack this clown and put in a sensible climate minister. This is "good for the environment" in the way that switching from pipe-smoking to chewing snuff is "good for your health."


CheshireCat86 t1_irqipes wrote

Has heatpump, no problem. The UK is an island, enough wind for basically ever. Solar pannel work pretty well, ask frigging Alaska. The uk's problem is old old old housing and renovation rules that makes it hard and thus expensive.

You folded tortellini.


LikeAMan_NotAGod t1_irqqoor wrote

Is there even one single honest conservative anywhere on the planet? Every word spoken by a conservative is fiction. Every single word.


CheshireCat86 t1_irqsviv wrote

No big bills, we have floor heating at 30°C. And electricity has several sources, lots of nuclear still around. Electricity has gone up, but gas has... Heh... Exploded. People struggle, yes. But it's not the end of society aa we know it as you seem to imply.

How is you health and mental healthcare coming along, by the way?


bannacct56 t1_irr5pqw wrote

Honestly I would forgive moronic. But he's not he's a liar, and the worst part is he thinks that we are morornic enough to believe his stupid lies. That's the part that bugs me, because they know they'll never be any consequences for their actions or words.


drewbles82 t1_irrcwpd wrote

drilling for more gas & oil a good thing, what planet are they on.

Also just read their trying to ban solar farms...mainly because its 8xs cheaper than oil & gas and they want to protect the profits on their donors


DaimonionSaint t1_irz01zm wrote

Wow, they really gave up on crafting better lies.