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TSAOutreachTeam t1_iw0irpv wrote

It's good advice.

Be sober when you're paying for hooters.


Riegel_Haribo t1_iw0jr67 wrote

The great thing about this headline is I have no idea which of four options is on drugs.


Trimanreturns t1_iw0lo8t wrote

Ya, cops will say things like that while on drugs


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_iw0njp5 wrote

Who's on drugs, the police, the buyer, the stranger or the owl?


vava777 t1_iw0rcp3 wrote

Buying a goat while drunk and high is probably not even illegal in many places. This advice really comes down to owls being wise but not streetwise. Telling someone to cut down on their drugs is good wise advice but telling them while they are off their rocks will just ruin their vibes, better to wait until they are coming down and feel like crap. I advice buying a parrot while tripping balls, now that's fun.


silasgreenfront t1_iw0tm2f wrote

For no particular reason I had thought the owl would be more expensive than that.


[deleted] t1_iw0ttf0 wrote

Just say no to hooters.


[deleted] t1_iw0yzct wrote

You can't tell me what to do.

You may however make polite recommendations.


bool_idiot_is_true t1_iw12f61 wrote

Selling a bird for less than a few thousand is definitely not worth it. You don't want to fuck with wild birds in the US. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is one of the oldest federal conservation laws in the US and it's pretty brutal. Just picking up a feather off the ground can lead to fines. They probably won't go after you unless it's something especially egregious like a bald eagle feather. But selling an owl caught in the US without a permit is definitely enough to get the attention of the Feds.


HoppityHooper t1_iw13lbj wrote

Wonder wise someone even considered this? When you're high you don't give a hoot what you do.


DJWGibson t1_iw14aig wrote

This headline is fantastic.


Rosebunse t1_iw15gv1 wrote

That seems like a good way to end up really scratched up from owl talons


Placid_Observer t1_iw17smc wrote

Truth is, owls make terrible pets. They apparently get SO attached to their owner that whenever they're left alone, they'll start destroying shit, plucking out their own feathers, etc. So yeah, they're cute as all day, but do an owl a favor...


EaZyGains69 t1_iw17tmn wrote

Is it just me or does drugs and owls sound like a good time?


Thaiauxn t1_iw19wts wrote

This is a very important and highly overlooked issue for everyone in the State of Arizona. Especially those in the SCA.


gdelisle t1_iw1ejk4 wrote

Boy, I hate when that happens.


NoHallett t1_iw1g8av wrote

Ok. Who put the Arizona tablecloth on top of Florida?


sambull t1_iw1gwfa wrote

how does one tell the owl is on drugs?


loosemooseweekend t1_iw1kgu8 wrote

I was offered a large desert tortoise from some meth heads at the wal-mart in cottonwood az after buying ammo


10pointsforRavenpuff t1_iw1rvns wrote

You just know this had to be a millennial, and the second the meth hit they were like “Today I’m gonna be Harry Fucking Potter”


ogfuelbone12 t1_iw1ul73 wrote

I’m sorry I thought this was AMERICA


PresidentGSO t1_iw1x6h8 wrote

Well then how else am I supposed to buy an owl?


peasant_python t1_iw1yzr6 wrote

Looks like a great origin story, I'm in. Do you send them owls by mail?


hucksire t1_iw21egq wrote

Unexpected Reno 911.


pipeuptopipedown t1_iw27g1h wrote

They also need a LOT of room to fly around, and can't really be housebroken. I'd totally keep an owl box in my yard if I had one, but that's about as close a relationship as I would want. Not everything "cute" has to be a pet!


Utterlybored t1_iw2egd5 wrote

I’ve never heard of anything good coming from a drug induced owl purchase.


summja t1_iw2loo5 wrote

That’s very specific (and good) advice.


blackhornet03 t1_iw2mkuf wrote

Arizonans must be getting more heatstroke these days.


Pickled_Ramaker t1_iw34txv wrote

I genuinely wish police would make these posts more often. They deal with crazy shit all the time. Let us in on some of this fun.


dirtdevill43 t1_iw379ah wrote

Jokes on them, that’s my favorite past time. It’s always a joy to wake up from a 3 day bender to exotic birds


Broderick512 t1_iw3fhlf wrote

I had to re-read the title a few times before I was able to process it


Myhairison_fire t1_iw3pf83 wrote

Ok good, so the good old tradition of buying owls from people known to you while on drugs can be kept alive.


SIRinLTHR t1_iw42gyz wrote

Like I'm gonna get my owls sober and from people I know.


kharjou t1_iw4jjs7 wrote

Just imagining a dude in a trenchcoat walk up to someone and pull an owl out like "interested in some owl?"


LarYungmann t1_iw4mt05 wrote

What are owls getting hooked on?


sunseven3 t1_iw4uqxc wrote

Now there's a sentence I thought I would never read.


bad10th t1_iwdnft1 wrote

That was a hoot!