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WaitingForNormal t1_j42pufe wrote

“Offensive to christians”. I’m offended by christians but they don’t seem to be doing anything to change.


PopeWishdiak t1_j431k3h wrote

It's as if they don't even know that they're offensive.


FireflyAdvocate t1_j44szhj wrote

It’s as if they have no shame to begin with. Just get their grift on and on and on.


Jjex22 t1_j43kwa4 wrote

Just report their adverts to the regulator I guess?


Arodg25 t1_j42rra2 wrote

I believe being offensive to Christians is the point.


Jjex22 t1_j43l300 wrote

Exactly, and I think that’s why it got banned.

Tbh I don’t really care either way about this. Over handed censorship is a bad thing, trying to piss people off is a bad thing… they cancel each other out on the give -a-shit-meter for me.


Warlornn t1_j42r8cr wrote

Christians are a very fragile group. They have no issue offending others, but tend to freak the fuck out when it comes to their own feelings. At least, from what I've noticed.


I_Never_Lie_II t1_j4kliiv wrote

Yeah, some of the most vocal Christians really seem to have the most trouble with the whole "judge not" and "turn the other cheek" things, don't they?


Lendyman t1_j432b2t wrote

Eh. Most of us are pretty used to being insulted and belittled all over the place. Christians are by and large pretty thick skinned overall given the way we tend to be portrayed in the media. The stereotype based on the worst of us is taken as gospel that all of us are like that.

The silly part about all of this outrage is that I can think of another religion that would be far less tolerant of its symbols being used this way. You'd have a lot more than 4 complaints were it done with those. Interesting how folks like Lovato shy away from using those symbols but have no problem disrespecting the sacred symbols of Christianity.

There is a double standard going on, mainly because Christains mostly just shrug and deal with stuff like this while some other religious groups don't.


duckterrorist t1_j43m2c5 wrote

Lmfao please continue to tell people how their experiences with your powerful group are incorrect


Warlornn t1_j435udj wrote

I mean, the only thing you said that's actually true is you insinuating that Muslims would have taken it worse. I agree with that. But it sounds like you have an persecution complex. Christians are very very NOT thick-skinned (as evidenced by the subject we're discussing here). They are clearly not "insulted and belittled all over the place" (outside of the internet, maybe).

I think you may be forgetting that we have eyes and ears. We can hear and see what Christians say and do. So your gaslighting attempt, while cute, isn't really helping your case.

And, to be clear, I'm not saying ALL Christians are like this. Just the majority ones I've personally seen and dealt with.

But the persecution complex thing has got to go. You're not persecuted. you're the vast and loudest majority of any group on planet Earth. FFS...


[deleted] t1_j43f7st wrote

That’s why y’all wanna ban gay people from getting married, ban women’s reproductive rights AND curb transgender rights.


Malachorn t1_j45oapv wrote

>Most of us are pretty used to being insulted and belittled all over the place.

That's not true at all.

Let's not pretend like Christians tend to be the disenfranchised minority.

It's one thing if we actually were talking about the small percentage of Christians actually in countries where they are a disenfranchised group... but largely, we're talking about Christians in privileged positions that are delusional in pretending otherwise and often claiming they're somehow "the real victims." It's absurd.

There IS a difference between "punching up" and "punching down."

Christians very much tend to not be some disenfranchised, subjugated group.

Realistically, Christians often wield a far greater amount of power than other groups and it's just ludicrous to not recognize that when those being marginalized want to lash out in some fashion then it's going to be against the system and those in power... which is NOT the same as those with power using that power and marginalizing others.


MakesMyHeadHurt t1_j4379qu wrote

That other religion just isn't popular enough in the U.S. to get that kind of attention. You're seeing so much pushback toward Christianity right now because its extremists have become a legitimate danger here.


bitemytail t1_j42eedb wrote

Link to the advertisement?


The_White_Light OP t1_j42eqv1 wrote

Here. Not really NSFW


rood_sandstorm t1_j42mqq7 wrote

Are we sure this isn’t manufactured outrage to gain attention/publicity


ImmediatelyOcelot t1_j42p2wd wrote

I love Jesus and this isn't at all a reason to ban something. In fact Jesus taught us to focus on important stuff, like helping the poor and taking care of our minds. What people conceive as art is totally irrelevant.


Xist3nce t1_j480hqu wrote

Eww no not brown “love they neighbor” Jesus. This is America, we believe in white supply side Jesus. /s


throwawaypervyervy t1_j46a4xq wrote

Also, he hung out with sex workers. He would have understood the importance of shock value to advertise.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j42zop3 wrote

Well sure, Levato is doing something to get outrage to sell albums, and the usual suspects are selling outrage as Christianity because hot air doesn't have royalties paid to the music industry.


rafaelloaa t1_j44qwpc wrote

From what I had read, they had actually sought and received approval from the British advertising standards authority. But apparently some complaints were received (I want to say in the single digits?), Causing this reversal.

So while I'm sure this is resulting in plenty of free publicity, I actually don't think this aspect of it was intentional.


the_grass_trainer t1_j42phjx wrote

Looks like a heavy metal cover, to me at least.


axethebarbarian t1_j47b2rn wrote

Yeah it doesn't seem that unusual to me. Like of the crazy thing Demi Lovato has said and done, this ranks really low.


bitemytail t1_j42hzmf wrote

Wow, that's nothing.


Rawesome16 t1_j42kg8f wrote

Worst thing about it is how disguising dirty that pillow looks


GarbledComms t1_j42wd9c wrote

Where can you get a cross-shaped mattress cover?


Rawesome16 t1_j43jfe7 wrote

Same place you got the cross shaped pillows? Otherwise, when in doubt, Amazon


Zxcc24 t1_j433b8q wrote

I dunno is it really that bad?


mmrrbbee t1_j4a83cc wrote

Christians consume flesh and blood of their god weekly, and this is too much for them?!


SelectiveSanity t1_j42g4pq wrote

After seeing the poster I have to say, EA made something more offensive then that. And dialed it to 11 with their marketing.


HouseOfSteak t1_j44cdaz wrote

For people who don't want to go through an ugly website, someone posted a video on the subject of some of their advertising.

  1. Literally bribed some game journalists via cheques - real money, by the way. Greed.
  2. Made a fake game ad about a fake game about going to church. Heresy.
  3. Made a 'Sin to Win' by trying to get people to be lustful at Comicon for cash and....other 'pleasures'. Obviously, Lust and Greed.
  4. Rick-Rolled other games journalists. With a box. That would only stop of the box was violently destroyed - hammer provided in the parcel. Wrath.
  5. Church protestors were going around a gaming convention talking about how satanic the game is. Except the Church was fake, and the protestors may or may not have all been paid actors. Lies and MORE Heresy.

Scarboroughwarning t1_j42i7u8 wrote

I don't see what is wrong with the EA one....

As for Demi... It doesn't offend me, per se. But she is one irritating person


dantodd t1_j42gwqw wrote

Whew, I thought this happened somewhere with freedom of speech and started to get upset. just google "UK ban ad" and set your date range to exclude this month. There are so many banned ads. Once you decide it is ok to ban speech it's a slippery slope.


11thFloorRoof t1_j42pcte wrote

I think religion, race, disability or gender/sexual orientation is a tricky thing to mock. You might have some people who get the joke or don’t care, and then you have others where it may psychologically hurt them.


StalemateVictory t1_j42qp81 wrote

I think religion is a perfectly acceptable thing to mock. These people tell you exactly what they believe in their religion and (to put it mildly) it's laughable.


kawkz440 t1_j431sge wrote

Anything that involves a conscious choice, like religion, is fair game.


Rogan403 t1_j4jtmat wrote

All countries have banned speech just varying degrees. Freedom of speech is a myth.


GetlostMaps t1_j43qjub wrote

Christians are offensive to Christians.


chris_unltd t1_j44gb39 wrote

Aw Christianity, the original Cancel Culture


UpbeatCheetah7710 t1_j44v29z wrote

I would never have even known about this if not for their pearl clutching. Now I think I’ll buy a copy


Kalurael t1_j43yu6b wrote

woman consensually bondaged on top of a cross for an album is banned yet a man nailed to a cross to die shown at sunday school is apparently fine


neanderthalsavant t1_j43rst1 wrote

>poster banned by advertising regulator for being offensive to Christians

How 10-ply is this?! If - IF - I were religious, I would be ashamed to be associated with whatever asshat took up this battle cry


DeadCatGrinning t1_j43smvj wrote

Brexit Britain "hold mah beering" the American Republicans. ..


OrganicPrinciple130 t1_j42qtbd wrote

Christians are offended by most things, NEXT!


kawkz440 t1_j432993 wrote

Religious wackos, in general. Christians definitely do not have a monopoly on stupid beliefs and rules.


OrganicPrinciple130 t1_j432vhm wrote

You'd think that is true, but from my vantage point, its 100% christians.


kawkz440 t1_j433gyi wrote

Lol, ever try to figure out what Muslims consider Haram? Hint: pretty much everything.


OrganicPrinciple130 t1_j433p53 wrote

I'm not living in an area where that is true, I live in the south, where the worst of the worst christians exist.


sambull t1_j4485hq wrote

yeah its like all of them...

imagine her squatting on a picture of muhammad


Adorable-Strength218 t1_j43upib wrote

Fucking Christian’s are offended by the air they breath, fkn please.


Skatcatla t1_j44dm8x wrote

I'm really getting sick of religious people.


[deleted] t1_j44y48y wrote



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[deleted] t1_j45v82u wrote

I hope she does a video too. really give ‘em something to clutch the pearls over. It’s been a while.


mymar101 t1_j4780rb wrote

I would like to see the banned poster. I bet it’s rather mundane


WaycoKid1129 t1_j4787qh wrote

Not a Demi fan but offending the Christians is a tradition as old as Christianity itself, let her do it


Moakmeister t1_j4coa6b wrote

Am I reading this right? It got FOUR complaints? Only four? Why are we freaking out about this exactly? Literally four people had an issue with it lol. Sounds to me like almost everyone is cool with it.


Thialase t1_j42n5at wrote

the u.k is pathetic


Riegel_Haribo t1_j432e14 wrote

Another repost?

Considering a total of six posters were removed, by the advertising industry's own standards group, and it was August 2022, this "news" is more ad.

Article tells you about the songs you'll hear, with no mention of the damage to juvenile brain development that will occur from exposure.


DaveOJ12 t1_j44l8im wrote

It doesn't count as a repost if it's on another subreddit.


hijoshh t1_j42fp1v wrote

The irony. She was complaining about a cookie packaging that was offensive to her. lol


hijoshh t1_j42vqfi wrote

Love the downvote!!! I hope you don’t have to see an a offensive cookie packaging today


funpen t1_j42fkb8 wrote

This is the kind of nutty shit that makes me happy to live in the US.


ThisIsStee t1_j42xtqg wrote

This is a ridiculous response considering a) the US 100% bends towards the religious more than the UK does, and b) the font used in the poster absolutely made it look like the word fuck instead of fvck, which the US won't allow on anything but paid for TV channels at the best of times.

I am not the least bit personally bothered by the content of the ad or the language in general, but the idea that there might be some kind of restriction on the word fuck being writ large on posters in public places is "nutty" seems a bit rich.


burn-it-all- t1_j42nvzn wrote

Making fun of Christians was way edgier in the 80s and 80s when they actually held some sway over the culture. Nobody really cares now. It is way better to make fun of 'woke' liberals and me-too prudish Karens now.


gamestopbro t1_j42r001 wrote

Nope, still way more fun to laugh at conservatives.