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GooFoYouPal t1_j8u91hx wrote

Should have to buy victim replacement car, just as good or better, and have to do 200 hours of actual, monitored community service in immediate area of Temple. Cleaning, greening, etc.


toss_it_out_tomorrow OP t1_j8u9c4b wrote

I think everyone's punishment should be community service of cleaning up this city on top of whatever else they're given


crispydukes t1_j8wc4i1 wrote

Call me a scaredy-cat, but in today's retribution culture, I'm not sure I want people who have been involved in violence in a public situation like that. We've had too many killings right after people are released from prison.


toss_it_out_tomorrow OP t1_j8x2co0 wrote

I hear ya. But some of these people don't have any idea where they're going ahead if time for their community service if they're coming right from jail. My aunt lives in jersey on the river and twice a year, guys in their orange jumpsuits come to clear out lots of old wood and trash along the river. They're chaperoned by a bunch o gun carrying cops and I've been there when they're over there doing it. They get a gorgeous day outside and they look at the water and they clean up the area. They're usually there for 10 hours. They get breaks. They do a gorgeous job, and they're very kind if folks walk by and greet them. I'm of the mindset that yes, there are some people out there who are not in any way fit for society for whatever reason, but I also know that *some* violent offenders could have just fucked up badly due to circumstance. I believe a lot can come from rehabilitating people.


AlVic40117560_ t1_j8uamb7 wrote

I’m personally not a big fan of slavery, even as punishment for a crime.


toss_it_out_tomorrow OP t1_j8ub286 wrote

cleaning up the mess you made isn't slavery (and tossing around the word "slavery" to describe normal tasks really minimizes how horrific slavery was/is)


AlVic40117560_ t1_j8ubxf1 wrote

What would you call forcing people to perform labor? Just because it’s not as bad as it was in the past, doesn’t mean there are still improvements to be made. I totally agree that they should have to pay damages, but doing 200 hours of community service? Or what? They get put in jail? Call it what you want, but it certainly doesn’t sound like not slavery.


toss_it_out_tomorrow OP t1_j8ud0kj wrote

>but doing 200 hours of community service? Or what? They get put in jail?

YES. You don't go trashing a city, flipping cars that people use their hard earned money to buy so that they can go to work and school, destroying the streets with trash, piss, shit, and vomit, beer cans, bottles, etc... and just get yelled at by a judge and fined. You make people regret what they did by having them CLEAN UP THEIR MESS OR GO TO JAIL. If they don't like it, then they should not have done it.


pineapple-pumpkin t1_j8uuo6s wrote

Yup. I got a stupid underage drinking charge the day before my 21st birthday. I had a choice to do community service or a harsher punishment. I chose community service in the college town. That is much different from "chain gangs" that are forced labor for inmates.


toss_it_out_tomorrow OP t1_j8vb95m wrote

If I ever found myself in that position and given the choice, I would pick up trash along a highway before I sat in a jail


bierdimpfe t1_j8uiotr wrote

>What would you call forcing people to perform labor?

In this context? I call it partial restitution


PhillyPanda t1_j8v1i4i wrote

You’re not usually forcing people to perform labor. It’s usually you choose to perform community service in lieu of a jail sentence. If you don’t fulfill the conditions of your deal, you serve your sentence. If you don’t actively choose community service, you serve a sentence.


GooFoYouPal t1_j8ucc6u wrote

Yeah, neither is anyone here in this thread. Soo, back to what were we saying about community service…


Vexithan t1_j8unq65 wrote

Helping to clean up the city you fucked up by being a dumb asshole seems like a pretty appropriate way to start getting at restorative justice. It’s a way to make reparations for your shitheadedness.

I had to do community service as a kid one time when I did dumb shit. I had to do it at the police garage which was a waste of time because I just learned to dislike the cops more. But if I had to do something in the park I vandalized I guarantee you I’d have a better appreciation for the park.


Hungree_Gh0st t1_j8ulmsy wrote

In this context, wouldn’t this be a form of restorative justice? Adding value to a community that one had previously diminished?


Electr_O_Purist t1_j8x0e1j wrote

C’mon, don’t be obtuse. A few hours of community service isn’t slavery. Their payment is not having to go to jail for the crime they committed.


AlVic40117560_ t1_j8x1o81 wrote

Obtuse. I like that one. Might have to steal that going forward.


TheTwoOneFive t1_j8v9tsh wrote

Usually community service is fairly lenient in where it is done, usually as long as you have a letter from a Philly nonprofit (or one outside the city stating the CS was done in the city) City how many hours you worked for community service, you're good to go.

I think it's a great alternative to jail for non-violent crimes and is usually a win-win because oftentimes the person performing it chooses something they at least don't hate and there's a decent chance that they will voluntarily get involved in more of it in the future.


jaimiedeth t1_j8ubr3s wrote

Temple students started a go fundme for the owner (a disabled vet and Temple alumni) that was up to 13k as of this morning . I believe they were planning on giving him the funds by the end of this week.


rootoo t1_j8uj8un wrote

This will never make r/PublicFreakout and the people that saw the original footage and talked shit about philly being a lawless hellscape full of braindead assholes will go on not knowing that justice was served.


PhillyPanda t1_j8uqf3f wrote

Most things posted in publicfreakout have no follow up but everyone thinks it’s funny bc they’re from Florida…


enn_sixty_four t1_j8ul7n5 wrote

What about the people that thought it was cool because the eagles were winning 🤔 did they change their tune yet


BasileusLeoIII t1_j8uwldv wrote

i don't think that's the car that got flipped

I'm sure his car was also damaged by this crowd, but the roof and sunroof are pristine in that pic, he's just missing mirrors and has a cracked windshield


IcedCoffeeIsBetter t1_j8x85mp wrote

Yeah the actual original owner of the car in the viral video kind of got fleeced on this one unless there is another gofundme.... this guys car has maybe a couple grand at most in damage and the other is totaled.


BasileusLeoIII t1_j8x8fqr wrote

insurance is covering both cars either way, but good on this guy for getting $18k out of a cracked windshield. Hope he makes it last


IcedCoffeeIsBetter t1_j8x8nv8 wrote

Insurance is covering AFTER the owner pays their deductible and potentially rental car fees, etc. just because they have insurance isn't a win for them.


SnapCrackleMom t1_j8u9pc4 wrote

You know what's wild? So many kids at Temple do community service/volunteering just because it's a good thing to do. And then there's these jackoffs.


irockunow t1_j8ua9li wrote

it's very possible the car owners insurance company subrogates (sues) these guys for restitution for vandalism.


rovinchick t1_j8uzd1q wrote

The court will most likely enter a restitution order for the damages that they will have to pay. Their wages/tax refunds/etc can be garnished if they fail to keep up payments.


[deleted] t1_j8uf2so wrote



Vague_Disclosure t1_j8uhc96 wrote

Pretty sure most people are okay with the idea of restorative justice when it comes to non-violent crime. However, there's no amount of community service that will bring a victim back to life or un-assault them.


RJ5R t1_j8v16ld wrote


no jailtime IMO, just community service to clean up the community they trashed


they need to take the owner of the vehicle to CarMax and buy him/her a comparable vehicle. looked like a Volvo....guess these 2 shitheads will be working night shifts somewhere to get the victim a new comparable used Volvo


evv43 t1_j8v1jps wrote

Wanna say the same for the kids who car Jack all the Kia’s &. Hyundais, take for a joy ride with the homies. Do doughnuts and completely fuck the car and abandoned it to do the same?


Dessertcrazy t1_j8wkmc7 wrote

Sadly, a guy delivering pizzas was shot by kids who tried to hijack his car. Hijacking is a violent crime, not like flipping a car. I walk by where he died every day ☹️


Yolo_420_69 t1_j8w8t8e wrote

100% agree. I don't think this needs to be jail time. But everyone involved should do community service