Submitted by deep_blue003v t3_11vmdfi in philadelphia
[deleted] t1_jctt15k wrote
Why is there a hookah lounge on campus that caters to non students open so late?
tiswapb t1_jctv7ug wrote
Because it’s not on campus. That’s the issue that Temple struggles with as a whole. Its an open campus in the middle of North Philly. Most of the issues are just off campus or near off campus student housing a few blocks away.
[deleted] t1_jcw6l6h wrote
tiswapb t1_jcwd6ty wrote
I’m not trying to say that’s the solution, just commenting on how Temple is set up. Let’s be real, a murder happens right off campus, it makes headlines. A murder happens ten blocks away and it doesn’t. And we can all agree that’s a messed up reality.
It’s a complex problem in this city as a whole but also one that Temple uniquely faces that I don’t think any other school does. La Salle is pretty much gated. Penn just razed entire communities and built over it and now has Penn Alexander, a school meant for disadvantaged kids instead full of privileged kids and ensuring that the surrounding neighborhood property values shoot up. And Drexel pretty much has ridden on the coattails of Penn.
[deleted] t1_jcwda3m wrote
[deleted] t1_jctwcsm wrote
I am intimately familiar with every nook and cranny of Philadelphia. Whether it’s on campus or just next to it, it is my opinion that this type of business should not be there.
cerialthriller t1_jctyz1a wrote
Wait they opened this place without your approval? What the fuck how can the city let this happen
LurkersWillLurk t1_jctzn3s wrote
Quick, someone call Darrell Clarke! Rezone!!! Rezone!!!!
Based_or_Not_Based t1_jcufvjc wrote
What's ja got to say about this
SomePaddy t1_jcuh1h0 wrote
Clearly a failure on the part of the "Licensing and Inspection and u/SpauldingSmails18 Department"...
[deleted] t1_jcu1jdr wrote
Oh that is totally my point spot on. You’re so wise and smart.
the_hoagie t1_jctxurl wrote
Your issue is with the hookah lounge?
[deleted] t1_jcty6m6 wrote
the_hoagie t1_jctzdru wrote
seems misguided to target the establishment as opposed to the people committing the crime. they have a right to be open and do business. hookah's popularity is wider than folks who shoot each other.
[deleted] t1_jcu04r5 wrote
uptown_gargoyle t1_jcu1xdr wrote
Guns don't kill people, hookah lounges do
[deleted] t1_jcu34as wrote
You’re like Aristotle
uptown_gargoyle t1_jcu5li5 wrote
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to smoke hookah without murdering anybody
the_hoagie t1_jcu07sd wrote
Why? Private clubs are open later than 2am all the time in this city. This place doesn't even serve alcohol.
thereisnodevil666 t1_jcu0eyp wrote
So, no one would ever be out at 3 am is your stance? Ok grandma.
thereisnodevil666 t1_jctzlqd wrote
Shootings can occur anywhere people have guns. This includes any business at any time of day.
RufusLaButte t1_jcu0fwb wrote
Or even places where businesses aren't open, dare I say
thereisnodevil666 t1_jcu1mo9 wrote
But that kind of shooting doesn't count according to this gentleman. Clearly it is the opportunity to pay for goods and services after 2 am that creates these shootings according to him.
[deleted] t1_jcu08yf wrote
Statistically most shootings happen at night
tiswapb t1_jcu48qd wrote
Unfortunately, I can’t find a provision in the zoning code that says businesses can only operate where SpauldingSmails18 allows it. Can you show me where that is? I’ll pass it along to the property owner and we’ll get this all sorted right away.
[deleted] t1_jctwyed wrote
[deleted] t1_jcue9y4 wrote
jpbrown971 t1_jctv28p wrote
It’s not on campus
[deleted] t1_jctvpym wrote
The article states “a few feet” from. The city shouldn’t have permitted this business here.
H00die5zn t1_jctware wrote
There’s no valid reason to not permit it tho
rollingstoner215 t1_jctw7r3 wrote
What’s wrong with a hookah lounge?
[deleted] t1_jctx7xy wrote
A business that attracts assholes that shoot people at 3am is what is wrong
rollingstoner215 t1_jcu0p6w wrote
What neighborhood should that business be put in?
[deleted] t1_jcu13mz wrote
None if it is to be open until at least 3am. Put it in Society Hill.
thereisnodevil666 t1_jcu2yz7 wrote
Why not just set a 2 am curfew then if this is the weird fucking hill you're on? Anyone out at 3 am is up to no good, right?
[deleted] t1_jcu6jf4 wrote
Believe it or not bars close at 2am
rossdowdell t1_jctwv4g wrote
Armed robberies and violent crime are becoming frequent near and in these establishments.
The belief that weed is entirely harmless and makes users docile is an embellishment.
phillycheeez t1_jctx6yh wrote
Lol. Hookah isn’t weed. You know this, right?
rossdowdell t1_jctxn9g wrote
People smoke drugs out of a hookah.
You know this right?
rollingstoner215 t1_jcu39bf wrote
Not at hookah lounges, they do that at home.
sttme t1_jctx2ve wrote
Hookah is tobacco…
rossdowdell t1_jctzumy wrote
I just figured out something.
You typed, "Hookah is tobacco."
"A" hookah is a container that you heat up to smoke the contents.
You commented on this while completely ignorant of the subject.
rossdowdell t1_jctxeaw wrote
You never smoked weed or other drugs out of a hookah? I have.
sttme t1_jctxs1f wrote
rossdowdell t1_jcty3u7 wrote
It's pretty fucking amazing.
[deleted] t1_jcu0kyb wrote
uptown_gargoyle t1_jcu1rgd wrote
How many people got shot afterwards though
rossdowdell t1_jcu2hk2 wrote
Vague question. I'm not sure what you're asking.
For all I know, this particular incident was just a random shooting that has nothing to do with the business. Hopefully more details are forthcoming.
But I'd probably avoid being near a hookah lounge at 3 AM in North Philly, if only because I value my life.
Ragoz t1_jcu518r wrote
Oh god that was perfect for a laugh. Thanks.
>claims to smoked other drugs out of a hookah
>gets asked how many people were shot in relation to that specific event
>That's a vague question!
[deleted] t1_jcu8hwn wrote
[deleted] t1_jcvql7o wrote
SnapCrackleMom t1_jctwrru wrote
I think it's more campus-adjacent than actually on campus.
[deleted] t1_jctwvzx wrote
Semantics. It shouldn’t be there.
SnapCrackleMom t1_jctykqc wrote
Where should it be?
One thing that I think gets lost in the discussion of Temple safety is that everyone who lives in North Philly is just as deserving of a safe environment as a Temple student.
[deleted] t1_jctz2vl wrote
thereisnodevil666 t1_jctzeqi wrote
Do you see anything in Cherry Hill open at 3 am?
[deleted] t1_jctzlkf wrote
thereisnodevil666 t1_jctzvoz wrote
Yea. I don't see shootings in uninhabited islands in the middle of the Pacific ocean either.
[deleted] t1_jcu0f5j wrote
thereisnodevil666 t1_jcu1dd6 wrote
There are 74,000 people total in Cherry Hill, most of whom can't physically get out of their neighborhood without a car. By comparison, there are about 40,000 students at Temple.
SnapCrackleMom t1_jcu1pj9 wrote
Oh, I think I was misunderstanding what you were saying. You're saying hookah lounges either shouldn't exist or shouldn't be allowed to stay open that late?
[deleted] t1_jcu21v8 wrote
I think it’s absurd to have a hookah lounge open at 3am in Philadelphia
thereisnodevil666 t1_jcu30k7 wrote
What should be open that late?
thereisnodevil666 t1_jctx5tb wrote
Why not?
[deleted] t1_jctxdih wrote
Because people shoot people there
thereisnodevil666 t1_jctyezz wrote
People don't get shot driving? At house parties? At bars? Or are you one of those everyone should be home by 10 and things won't happen types? Death to third places will prevent shootings, right?
No one should ever be able to leave their house to chill after 9 pm, that'll limit shootings!
[deleted] t1_jctyras wrote
Please explain to me the societal benefit of a hookah lounge being open at 3am next to an important institution
nolandeluca t1_jcv0oiz wrote
Lmao it's just a clickbait title, Temples campus is quite small compared to the area off campus housing is trying to gentrify
[deleted] t1_jcu95mm wrote
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