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ballsonthewall t1_ixf3bk4 wrote

I thought the city was in shambles according to the local news doom and gloom posted earlier today.


TypicalWhiteGiant OP t1_ixf3bxl wrote

Just wanted to repost this here - thought it was worth sharing!!

I own Bottlerocket Social Hall which is mentioned in the article and seeing our business and our city alongside the hot spots in Madrid and Seoul and Copenhagen was really cool!


DayNightManManManMan t1_ixf9wk4 wrote

Yeah come see our lovely dilapidated and unmaintained buildings and infrastructure. Enjoy breathing that polluted air and drinking that fouled water from underregulated industry. As an addition bonus raw sewage leaks into the rivers whenever it rains too much! Come see the most livable city in America according to people who are unable to properly assess the livability of the city, due to flawed methods and reasoning! You will love our sports teams that have some of the most rabid and demanding fans in the entire world! One good thing is at least the museums and libraries are uncrowded. Best of all we have the National Aviary, that is conveniently located half a mile from an open air drug market!


throwawayorthrowing t1_ixfaaze wrote

Under the category of "big city thrills". They obviously haven't been here.


DayNightManManManMan t1_ixfbhbt wrote

I think you might be the pessimistic one here newjack. Either way I don't have time for your NPC comments, so I must bid you farewell. Enjoy your vacuous comments so you and your fellow fratboys can feel like you accomplished something without making any statements of worth. Don't bother replying, I won't read it.


OcelotWolf t1_ixfe97m wrote

Look guys, Travel and Leisure doesn’t need to put out a travel guide telling people to go to Paris, London, Rome, and NYC. God forbid they include some destinations that punch above their weight while flying under the radar. Some of you are extraordinarily cynical


akmalhot t1_ixfe9pf wrote

They also have Birmingham Alabama in the top 15.. nah have been a different list, possibly conde naste

These lists are amazingly terrible

Miss Pitt but it's not a top 50 place to travel


DayNightManManManMan t1_ixffyrl wrote

I present to you the people who are mad over my statement, yet know very little of it can be refuted, especially with the knowledge they possess. Where I live has nothing to do with this, I visit the city on a regular basis. Furthermore I never was "caliming its a shithole", as your poorly constructed sentence you hastily made because you are so desperate for internet clout you have to try dunking on someone with an unpopular opinion.

Here is the message that is lost on all the people with excessive amounts of pride in Pittsburgh, to the point they can't tolerate any objective criticism of their city. This is an ok city to live in when you think about things on a global level, but it certainly has some serious flaws with it, to a point that no thorough and unbiased measurements used to rank cities would ever be able to claim this is America's most livable city. Think objectively about the city as a whole, all of the good and the bad, and you will realize that it needs some work. It does have some wonderful things about it too, like the hills and rivers are cool to look at, and violent crime is less common compared to other major cities. I've wasted enough time here, too many people want to argue, no one wants to have a rational conversation.


drjohnnydingus t1_ixfhy6q wrote

Travel and leisure named top 50 “worst travel magazines” j/k I like Pittsburgh


labgrownfriend t1_ixfhyjr wrote

Am I the only yinzer that actually dislikes seeing news like this? Idk, I just never wanted to live in a “touristy” area and hope it never becomes one. Also, genuinely curious - what do people typically do on a weekend trip here? I tell friends that visit to steer clear of Pamela’s and Primanti’s unless they’re here for a month or more. Try the really great places before the eh staples.


gracefulnesto t1_ixfjb5q wrote

Come for primantis then be disappointed on one of our two weird up hill mountain trains.


natty-broski t1_ixfpv70 wrote

A nice little tribute (and congrats on your bar getting a shoutout!), but there is a special place in hell for travel writers who start their Pittsburgh profile with a sentence about how we’re not just a mill town


James19991 t1_ixfrt7d wrote

But KDKA said we aren't getting positive press anymore yesterday and no one wants to stay here again!


BeMancini t1_ixfufii wrote

Yeah, stop talking about it, or else too many people are going to come here and ruin it.


TypicalWhiteGiant OP t1_ixfzijy wrote

I was just kidding around - but I do think Pittsburgh punches well above it’s weight as a city of it’s size/history with the amenities that it offers - it’s certainly nicer to visit than major cities I’ve live in previously (the idea of someone vacationing in Phoenix is baffling to me for instance - although hundreds of thousands do) as someone else said in this thread said it wouldn’t be a very interesting article if it was just New York, Paris, London and Tokyo.

It’s my understand that stuff like this usually comes thanks to very heavy lobbying from VisitPittsburgh and other tourism/business groups. I have no idea why we got a shoutout - but I do think in general people in this thread are kind of dismissing the region more than it deserves. There’s a lot of cool shit here!!! I can only say very anecdotally from talking with performers/friends visiting but everyone who has come has seemed to say “I had no idea Pittsburgh was this cool!” and that seems to be the point the article is making.


atmccr t1_ixg0bko wrote

I wish they wouldn’t. That shit has ruined the last place I lived. Charleston, SC. It is always at the top of those lists. Now it gets swamped with Ohioans from Memorial Day to Labor Day. 50% of the population is tourists. Nobody can drive for shit. Property value is way inflated. And all industry except for services and real estate investment go out the window.


bubblingbeebles t1_ixg1khk wrote

Hey, I can answer this. I’m from flat Southeast Michigan, I’ve been coming to Pittsburgh for vacation every year for the last decade. I'm not made of money, and I think Pittsburgh is the most accessible way to feel like I am a whole new world (geographically, culturally). Me and my partner can fit it in on a three day weekend.
It’s a great place to just walk and that’s the main reason I love it. All the neighborhoods are so unique. I usually do extreme 10mi+ day long walks… kind of an urban hiking deal. I’ve scoured most neighborhoods at this point and have a few neighborhoods on the bucket list still. Most of my favorites walks are on the hilliest parts (again, hills are great if you are from a flat area). Interesting history too, walking the slag in the 9 mile run and then going home and googling why there are slag mountains there. The parks and graveyards are great. I love finding a new set of stairs, climbing them, and entering a whole different area and a nice place to eat.
On a secondary note, I've found Pittsburgh also has accessible good food. Pusadee’s Garden is a good example of that. I am also Polish and love the range of polish offerings from Apteka to a random polish markets... I feel like I saw somewhere putting perogies on a pizza, lol. I have a large food bucket list at this point.
Other nearby cities like Chicago and Detroit are great but have nothing on Pittsburgh in my hill-walking-obessed eyes. Cinci is closer, but something is off about it (highways?). I dream to go to San Francisco someday and compare hilly cities.

Anyways, I'm here just to walk on your hills, not put my money in Station Square :)


gibsonshred t1_ixg4jab wrote

I’ve been visiting here in Pittsburgh for a week now and this been the best city I’ve been to in the U.S. I haven’t been able to do much exploring unfortunately. Here for someone’s medical procedure. The majority of people I have met so far and come across have been amazing. Nicest people. Very respectful people.

If I do get the chance to do some venturing please give me ideas. Something’s I should see before I go. And where should I have a drink before I leave. First rounds on me.


thedgpeth t1_ixggjtd wrote

My thoughts exactly. The negativity regarding this ranking is comically antisocial. If you can’t appreciate the fascinating cultural turnaround and architectural beauty - not to mention the food (the food!) that Pittsburgh offers - I feel like there’s just no hope for you in general.


Iownyou252 t1_ixghjrn wrote

I’ve traveled there many times over the past few summers. Lots of good eats and good people.


thisisjusttofindajob t1_ixgxvrl wrote

Pittsburgh is 100% the type of place I'd travel to if I didn't already live here. Unique city with a variety of neighborhoods, dense, walkable, great history, great food, great bar scene, not overrun by tourists. For "off the beaten path" travelers it checks all the boxes really.

...Now, to put it on a list ahead of truly global cities like Madrid, Venice, and Copenhagen? Yea, that I agree is a bit much.


Hiding_Meatball t1_ixh0125 wrote

Please don’t call us a metropolis……we are not a metropolis


finolex1 t1_ixh7ltq wrote

They should have named it "50 cool places to visit in 2023", but the current title makes it sound like some objective ranking of the places to see before you die.


bravenaike t1_ixhft6r wrote

I mean… yeah, Pittsburgh needs some work. I think that’s why the people who live here are passionate about it. The people here are rough around the edges, with a lot of character and heart. I’m a Pittsburgh native who’s done a lot of traveling and has lived elsewhere, abroad included. I think why it’s called the one of the most livable cities is because you get a ton of bang for your buck here. Relatively speaking, you get access to a lot of city amenities, jobs and housing at a pretty low cost. Is it perfect? Fuck no. Is it livable? Fuck yeah.

It’s okay if it’s not your cup of tea, and I do think there’s a lot that could and should be improved. I think people are just taking issue with your tone of voice. You sound pretty stuck up, to be perfectly honest. “No one wants to have a rational conversation here” is pretty funny to read, because you can’t take criticism yourself, and you kept going on about how people should accept your criticism on Pittsburgh.


NregGolf t1_ixho5us wrote

Yeah they’re just running out of places to put in these articles. I’ve lived in Pittsburgh for 7 years and the greater Pittsburgh area my entire 25 years and I can verify it might not even be the top 50 places I’ve traveled.


akmalhot t1_ixho8md wrote

There zero chance you are convinging me birmingham alabama is a top 15 place to travel in the world. I guess I wont say 0, but its pretty much 0.


Have you guys ever traveled outside N. America?


akmalhot t1_ixhqucy wrote

seriously? home love is different than being ignorant to the rest of the world. Have you ever been to basque country? barcelona? sicily? wine country in spain/portgual/france/italy? paris? lisbon/madrid? phillipines? bali? new zeleand? japan?: indonesian islands? california? turks and caicos? virgin islands? st lucia? barbados? colorado mountains? vancouver? banff? jasper park? i whole host of other countries and places I haven't even come close to mentioning?

Imagine telling some jamoke from basque country spain they should go visit pittsburgh and birmhingham alabama as top 15 places in the world.


akmalhot t1_ixhqxaj wrote

Have you ever been to basque country? barcelona? sicily? wine country in spain/portgual/france/italy? paris? lisbon/madrid? phillipines? bali? new zeleand? japan?: indonesian islands? california? turks and caicos? virgin islands? st lucia? barbados? colorado mountains? vancouver? banff? jasper park? i whole host of other countries and places I haven't even come close to mentioning?

Imagine telling some jamoke from basque country spain they should go visit pittsburgh and birmhingham alabama as top 15 places in the world.


akmalhot t1_ixhszjj wrote

it may be, but its not a top 15 place to travel in the world, this year or any year. Noone said its not a good /awesome/whatever place..

ironically, i'm going there in march


gilsilvai t1_ixhyjqi wrote

Investment money has been pouring in, new and better restaurants have opened while the gloomy dive spots go out of business. Breweries, music and art have seen an uptick since 2009. Covid derailed what was gonna be the greatest year ever in 2020, but we are just now coming out of the funk. My friends in event production said, things won't come back till 2023, they where right.

Pittsburgh won't suck so back in 2023, hover places like Southside are gonna see a huge downfall. Downtown will too if it's not saved


TypicalWhiteGiant OP t1_ixi10e8 wrote

What does re360 have to do with anything happening in this post or our business???

I’m 24 years old, a college dropout, with parents who are high school teachers. I put my entire life savings and then some - plus small loans my family could afford to give me - on the line to open this business, but every time I post about it here a handful of people seem to think we’re some secretly well funded megacorp. I wish!!


ATribeCalledGreg t1_ixi13mt wrote

It’s against the rules of the sub, but I guess they’ve written them in such a way that it allows them to play favorites. Since your post hasn’t been removed, I guess you get to enjoy an advantage that other small business owners haven’t been granted. Maybe /u/jayjaywalker3 can weigh in.


ATribeCalledGreg t1_ixib24f wrote

Except when it doesn’t want to be which I’ve seen personally. I don’t care about the rule either way, I just think it’s messed up that they can play favorites. OP should comp these mods sometime for the help.


Lostadults t1_ixibutv wrote

I love it here but these people are smoking something. If you give me a choice between Seoul, Madrid or Pittsburgh, let's just say they won't be fries on my salad that night.


TypicalWhiteGiant OP t1_ixiczkg wrote

I can assure you RE360 has no interest in figuring out how to bribe international travel magazines to mention a bar that happens to be their tenant. No one even knew we were featured in this until one of our employees moms heard us mentioned on a KDKA story about the article.

My best guess is a few months ago VisitPittsburgh had us opening featured in a press release - that’s probably around the time this list was coming together and it got noticed from there.


HerbHurtHoover t1_ixiptqn wrote

I mean, you pretty much confirmed everything they said.

You don't actually live in the city, you take your opinions of the city mostly from clickbait headlines, and are so self righteous that you think your run of the mill ranting is "objective criticism".


TypicalWhiteGiant OP t1_ixj1n1n wrote

They have a leasing agent maintain their Facebook page - sorry for being defensive but it’s a little insulting when our team of 3 people busts our ass to be noticed, especially in the venue space competing against massive companies and long-standing places, then when we do someone turns around and accuses some random third party of paying our way in


TypicalWhiteGiant OP t1_ixj7ewx wrote

Absolutely - we’ll never know what exactly got this writers eye- but we’ve had a significant amount of press and built up buzz and clearly something clicked and connected. I can think of 3 or 4 different stories over the last 3-4 months that may have gotten their attention.


baesquatch t1_ixjij1a wrote

I have done a lot of road-tripping and traveling across the US and beyond and can truly say Pittsburgh is worth the visit. We visited 3x in one year before deciding to move here (which we did 10/20!). People who live here forget there’s a lot about this city that is unique, which makes it an awesome visit. Also the cost of food is wildly lower than other cities (while still being diverse & delicious) and that alone makes it a great experience for many.