Submitted by scienceandmedicine20 t3_10oga8k in pittsburgh

Hello guys.

I have been in Pittsburgh for a month now and it is my first US experience.

I have lived in europe and middle east before and in basically every city there was some chill night clubs and fancy ones same for lounges but always with music dancing where you could meet people.

I tried cavo and tequila cowboys and it was okay ( the latter was a little wild ngl 😂) but im wondering if there are other good places to dance, meet people and where being dressed up is deemed normal.

Thank you.

PS: I am almost 30



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James19991 t1_j6eh9m3 wrote

If someone disagrees with me, I'd be curious of places they had in mind, but Pittsburgh is not really a club city. Especially the kind of clubs I think you would be looking for. This is definitely much more of an arena with a bar/pub scene over clubbing.


DarkKnyt t1_j6ephvv wrote

It had a lot of clubs historically, going at least back to when the Hill had a vibrant jazz strip but also had a apparently pretty rocking edm/rave scene and a fair share of 80s/90s dance clubs.

I think a big factor that hurt that scene was the flight of young people along with not big enough of a popular for the remaining active subculture to keep it going (compared to say NYC).

I think a club could actually make it again with the return of young people with lots of disposable income although now it's hit or miss if it would benefit or not from pent up pandemic demand.

The scene is very different in Baltimore but after seeing about a jillion college kids rocking it out at the open air club .... mall? .... I guess it can be very profitable.

Edit: wrote hill twice


James19991 t1_j6eyujz wrote

The right one could definitely be popular here with the more young professional crowd instead of the types of people who places like Tequila Cowboy and Foxtail attract. The clubs we do have around here quickly lose their appeal once you're in your mid to late 20s.


lifes_nether_regions t1_j6f0h0q wrote

Bring back Rosebud


irissteensma t1_j6fwbrq wrote

Yeah I think this is exactly what he’s looking for. The problem is the huge college age population is no longer contained to Oakland as it was when there were actually bars there, so they end up overrunning the whole city because they’re going to drink the most and the club owners will make the most from them. Once you’re 30 everyone thinks your night out should consist of Bravo Italian Kitchen or something.


lifes_nether_regions t1_j6g87yy wrote

I lucked out. When I was in my 20s, I could choose from Chauncys, Donzis, Metropol, Rosebud, and countless others. Matrix was after I stopped going to clubs and settled down to the local bar scene. Now I just enjoy hitting a brewery here and there. My daughter is 21 now and she was just complaining about wanting to go dancing and there was nowhere decent.


Delicious-Breath8415 t1_j6h2dp9 wrote

Lol no one younger than me believes me when I talk about Smallman Street and Station Square back in the day. There were even clubs at shopping malls in the suburbs back then.


enraged_hbo_max_user t1_j6g7phe wrote

Bravo? Only on my birthday…the rest of the year it’s plain ol’ Olive Garden for me


HedgeRunner t1_j6g1v2j wrote

Young people with disposable income? Where can I find those rare pokemons - asking for a friend.


thechillesthomie t1_j6enjnu wrote

Belvederes, spirit, and brillobox are my go tos for dancing


DERBY_OWNERS_CLUB t1_j6f7n7a wrote

Do people dress up to go to these places or is it more like hipster/where whatever.


LockedOutOfElfland t1_j6fxjih wrote

You see people dressed literally all kinds of ways on any given night at Belvedere's.

A punk in a spiked leather jacket? Not out of place.

Someone dressed like an '80s yuppie played by peak-career Andy McCarthy? Not out of place.

A glam rock David Bowie cosplayer? Not out of place.

A goth in fishnets with wingtip eyeliner? Not out of place.

It's a very eclectic venue.


feed_the_bumble t1_j6fx40g wrote

All of those places are pretty open minded. Whether you do or don't dress up, no one will really care or judge you


scienceandmedicine20 OP t1_j6fcnc0 wrote

Feel like this is more of a mature vibe thanks


Fooka03 t1_j6fuei3 wrote

You're going to find a broad range of ages at all three places. It's partly going to depend on what music/shows are happening. As others have mentioned, Pittsburgh is more of a drinking town than a club town. We don't like distractions when it comes to booze


feed_the_bumble t1_j6fx7c4 wrote

At Belvs, I've seen people ranging from 20s-60s. You'll be okay there for sure.


tgroove01 t1_j6g108r wrote

Hot Mass for after hours and if you’re into techno.


stadulevich t1_j6g3cs4 wrote

Hot Mass is def the best. Tilden is a good back up too.


whyamihererere t1_j6em06b wrote

I really like Spirit and Brillow box! They both have a mix of djs and live shows, but it's not usually too crowded, and they tend to skew a little older, like not many college kids. Not sure about the dressed up part though...


rambored89 t1_j6g0ky9 wrote

Living in Europe ruined nightlife for me. No club in the US has ever compared to anything I experienced in Europe. But I will say this, Spirit, Brillobox, Belvedere’s, and Hot Mass (idk if that's still a thing) are probably the closest thing you'll get to a European club experience, and that's mainly dependent on the DJ itself. Instead of being nightclubs, they throw different dance parties with different djs.


scienceandmedicine20 OP t1_j6g0yra wrote

Thanks for understanding me.

I will check these out in the near future then as other people have also recommended.

Thank you

Btw nightlife in miami is pretty great was an american vibe but totally like in europe


rambored89 t1_j6g2pyx wrote

I've never been to Miami, but I can see it having that vibe.


lifes_nether_regions t1_j6g8vqf wrote

I went to a club in Slovakia. I didn't understand the music but man, they were having fun. Wasn't my scene( I got dragged there with a group). It's definitely a different vibe.


DAGanteakz t1_j6i9odp wrote

Slap a necktie on over a Steelers jersey…dressed to the nines for Pittsburgh.


Old_Science4946 t1_j6lcarw wrote

hot mass and maaaaaybe jellyfish (which is once a month) are really the only things remotely close to a european clubbing experience


sitadino t1_j6eq88o wrote

Yeah maybe something previously in south side but it’s gross mostly. The kind of stuff you said is rare in ole pgh :) but there are a lot of fun dance nights at various bars/spots - jellyfish, hot mass etc


Tencentstamp t1_j6i4zqj wrote

It’s a gay club, but Hot Mass probably worth try if it’s still around.