I(19NB) love my dad(47M), but I don’t like him and it’s been that way for a while. How do I proceed?
Submitted by Pester_Goblin7123 t3_z95rhh in relationship_advice
(TLDR; my dad has continuously fucked up over the course of my life, and I pretty sure he knows it and knows that there’s a lot of strain between us.)
The first instance I can think of was when I was 9, and I was in the midst of a years long traumatic event at my elementary school. I had gotten home where I thought it all felt safe, but I wasn’t in a good mood. Later that night my mom(47F) was rubbing my arm absentmindedly and I didn’t like it, and because if the headspace I was in I had asked her to please stop. Nothing bratty, I was as polite I could be. She said okay and stopped, and we moved on. A minute later I felt something hard hit my head, and when I looked around, our big chunky remote was on the floor in front of me and my dad was looking at me.
“What feels worse? Your mother touching you or that hitting your head?”
That sentence haunts me a decade later. The only thing I give him is that he didn’t know about what I went through until I was much older, but I think it’s still not okay to throw anything at your child’s head. Is that just me?
He’s also made comments on my weight. When I was 14 my mom bought a shirt that was too small, even if I was at a healthier weight it would’ve still been small.
“Maybe it would fit if you weren’t so fat,”
I get my build from you, you fuck. And you’re the one that pushed unhealthy shit when I was kid. He also threw food at my head when I started stress eating in middle school.
He also denies my gender identity. I came out when I was 16. I wanted so bad to feel accepted by him because my whole life I had felt like the disappointment of the family. I wasn’t as mathematically talented as him, I didn’t just deal with my adhd and focused(like what?), I wasn’t good in school like he wanted me to be. I was like him in that regard. So when I came out, I thought that he’d be able to adjust. He didn’t yell, or threaten to disown me. He calmly said no.
“Gwesha will always be gwesha,”
I have never hated a word from our language, from our tribe, so so much.
I’ve spent most of my life crying over a sheet of homework, or cowering in the living room or my room. And now all of a sudden he’s trying to be laid back and relate to me, trying to understand my trauma and the effect on me it had. But recently during one of these talks he asked me if he went wrong somewhere. And I froze. I couldn’t say anything. I didn’t know what the outcome would’ve been. So I said no. I lied to him. But a part of me thinks he knows what he’s done and just wanted me to say it. I’m caught between wanting him and my mom in my life and just running away from it all and never looking back.
What do I do?
borzoiutrecht t1_iyf82en wrote
Nahhhh don’t worry about how you would sound writing in a journal. I keep mine hidden and don’t tell anyone around me about it. I do it in private and i write once every 2-3 days. Just updating what I’ve been up to, what I’m feeling, dreams or nightmares I’ve had (if i remember them) I don’t like to burden my partner or friends with negative thoughts I’ve had since I don’t want them to worry.
Lots of people journal. You can also do it in your notes app, you can just voice record it. Making a habit of it makes it easier