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t1_ituf8pq wrote

No Halloween plans. A past EMS experience left me with some mild PTSD focused around Halloween. So, while I enjoy the whole spooky vibe all of October, the actual day of Halloween is not for me. I’ll be spending a lot of time at my barn and being peaceful with the ponies.


t1_itufzmu wrote

So sorry to hear this. Glad you have a safe place to be and to enjoy. Give the ponies a pat from someone who really misses horseback riding.


t1_itug90x wrote

Gotta take care of yourself! Are you still in public safety? Or moved on?

No judgement either way, I just like seeing other peoples experiences


t1_itukh3h wrote

I’ve moved on! Once I realized that I got very mild PTSD I decided to move on and not roll the dice on making it worse.


t1_itufeyi wrote

Maymont Gardenglow for us! Hoping it'll be okay for older folk.


t1_itujfbb wrote

The hardest part is the hike down to and back up from the Japanese Garden. It's worth it if they can do it, but I could see it being a problem for older folks or the lady in 3 Inch heel cowboy boots I was behind when we went.


t1_ituxo3l wrote

They'll have rva tuktuk there for increased accessibility! Website says they'll be running a shuttle service from the glow village to the Japanese garden


t1_itvrvu2 wrote

That's for those with issues. If you can walk I would walk but otherwise they make it so that it can happen.


t1_itvss9g wrote

The website specifically says "for those who cannot or would prefer not to walk the Westrock Woodland Trail." I personally enjoy the wooded walk down to the Japanese Garden, but am glad this exists for anyone who needs or wants it.


t1_ity34xv wrote

I would argue the slope of this path makes it perhaps the most unsafe place at Maymont.


t1_ituetvb wrote

Hoping to take my son to a trunk or treat on Saturday, if we find a good one. I don't really understand the concept beyond it's a chance to show off his costume. He can't eat candy so that part isn't really a draw. I picked up a restaurant shift Saturday night at a place I haven't worked in like 8 years, so we'll see how that goes.


t1_ituftd8 wrote

I’m vending in Lakeside on Friday at their HalloweenTowne Block Party and they’re offering trick or treating for the kids. I can’t speak for any of the other vendors, but I’m bringing non-candy treats for any kids who can’t have or don’t like candy. I imagine I won’t be the only one though!

Here’s a Facebook link for the event:


t1_itufwcq wrote

I always try to have toys and stickers mixed in with the candy for the non-candy kids. Hopefully there will be people like that there!


t1_itv6qwo wrote

I don't know if you're familiar, but there's something called the Teal Pumpkin Project that FARE does every Halloween that promotes putting a teal pumpkin on your doorstep as a signal that you offer non-food treats. I learned about it when I was at Target getting Halloween decorations a few years ago and was curious about the teal pumpkins they were selling.


t1_itud5tt wrote

Catching up on sleep. Just spent 22 hours traveling back home and my body is NOT happy. But our cats are super excited to see us, so that part is really nice :)


t1_itudbf1 wrote

I don't have real plans for the weekend yet, but maybe fishing if the weather is ok and I get enough stuff done.

As for Halloween, my neighbors booked a tuk tuk brewery crawl thing, so I'm going with. Should be interesting.


t1_itul2p7 wrote

Michigan v Michigan State football game Saturday, then Lions/Dolphins (the Detroit Lions are scarier than anything else anyone can see this Halloween), then returning to Richmond for the Oregon Hill parade on the day itself.


t1_ituws2x wrote

Go Blue! I'll be watching that on tv, jealous you get to be there in person. I've always wanted to go to a night game at the Big House.


t1_itvhnim wrote

I was there for the first ever night game at the big house — the last second comeback vs Notre Dame. Loudest I’ve ever heard the Big House and I was previously there for “Henne to Manningham” vs Penn State. A night game against a real opponent (not Hawaii) in Ann Arbor is a scene.


t1_itug81x wrote

Got the day off, so I'm going to the gym and then volunteering for a bit. I'll be in Cville all weekend, as I've got family visiting my parents there and I'll be handing out candy with them. Dressing the dogs (and myself) up for the occasion though!


t1_itugx47 wrote

It’s my bday on monday, but i kind of want to do nothing for it. Saturday i’ll be drinking scotch (lagavulin distillers edition) and eating popeyes


t1_ituhzml wrote

Trick or treat with the youngest. She saved and bought bought herself an inflatable T. rex costume. She is very excited.

Edit: autocorrect weirdness


t1_ituvwxz wrote

It’s dinosaur onesie weekend. Nothing says dedication to Halloween better than a costume that requires exposing your boobs to pee.


t1_ituekk0 wrote

Watching something spooky and waiting for trick or treaters. Probably eating the candy.


t1_ituiv29 wrote

Halloween is our wedding anniversary! He's on call though and we're playing DnD. May just get take out. I made him get a bag of candy, but we usually only get a handful of kids.


t1_itur4jk wrote

I'll be cleaning my house and doing some interview prep to leave my toxic workplace :)

Also I'm preparing the paperwork to have my mortgage lender do an appraisal so that I can have my PMI removed


t1_itusi4o wrote

Probably going to walk down Hanover with my girlfriend and then over to Monroe Park for the parade. I wanted to give out candy to the children on the way but she says it would be weird, I'm like that's the one day of the year it's socially acceptable. I've never lived somewhere where I could hand out candy, usually get like one or two mistaken trick or treaters a year because I don't think about it and leave my lamp on.


t1_itvyh18 wrote

Carried an open bucket instead of your pocket or something and offered to kids in costume I think it would be totally appropriate.


t1_itw0hvh wrote

I'm going to get some full-size candy bars and do it. Worst case scenario, someone complains and I have a bunch of full-size candy bars.


t1_ituhrxy wrote

Moving the 30th. Hope to have time to buy candy for the kiddos while we unpack.


t1_itukqsd wrote

Kids costume sorted. Still don't have a grownup one.

Hopefully the rain for Monday night moves around.


t1_itunjsw wrote

Going to a concert with my folks Sunday so I need to figure out a passably casual, not too scandalous costume that also lets me wear my ren faire corset again, probably going to hang out on the porch Saturday and chuck candy at college kids.


t1_ituoh38 wrote

this marks the n^th year in a row where i procrastinated on getting a costume and making plans. idk, never been a huge halloween guy and i was especially less interested these past two years.

gf has plans, so maybe i’ll come up with something.


t1_ituvqxg wrote

I start my new job on Halloween. Was thinking of heading to Ledbury to buy some new threads. I haven't been to the downtown store, what's it like?


t1_ituyq2b wrote

Actually excited about a costume for the first time in years! Been working on it slowly over the past couple weeks.

I don't get trick or treaters at my house (no sidewalks, few streetlights, and near a much more pedestrian-friendly neighborhood so I think everyone just bops on over there) so I've generally stopped buying candy. And for that reason, I can make out-of-the-house plans and not feeling like I'll be letting any neighborhood kids down.


t1_itvxvca wrote

Passing out candy, just deciding if I want to be at my house or my parents'.

Parents house PROS: guaranteed trick or treaters, fire pit, fancy cheese snacks

CONS: socializing after a physical work day

My house PROS: pick and watch whatever scary movie I want, unlimited snacking with no judgement, encourage the future of trick or treating in the neighborhood, no running around after work

CONS: some years I get zero trick or treaters, uneven porch steps so I have to sit out there and catch the kids before they attempt to climb the danger steps, Mom might miss me


t1_itunjjb wrote

Harvestfest Makers Market at Lewis Ginter on Saturday, walking around Hanover on Sunday to see the houses (but not deal with the Monday crowds), and then checking out our apartments Halloween party on the actual day.

Still need to put my costume together, my wife and daughter are being cats. Open to suggestions.


t1_ituraye wrote

Go as a dog and give anybody dressed as Ghostbusters a free chance for a choice line.


t1_ituq03a wrote

I genuinely always enjoyed handing out candy before moving back to Richmond, but have yet to live in a neighborhood that doesn’t flock to Hanover (mom is in Lakeside though I doubt she’ll get many trick-or-treaters).

So, I guess I’ll stroll Hanover, too. Have three costumes planned for weekend festivities + Monday night. This is rare for me as I always rely on cat or witch.


t1_ituvmvq wrote

I’m cramming every moment possible to finish up some professional certifications for my job so i can make more money, so I’m hitting the bike and the books every weekend until all of these tests are passed. on that note, anyone know of a good place to get studying done on a Sunday? I could relive college and go back to Cabell I guess.


t1_itv4tmk wrote

Reminder to lock your car doors! Gf's was broken into last night in Libby Hill :(, but shoutout to the neighborly man who found some of her belongings strewn about near the woods and gave us a call. We're hoping to turn this day around and might check out the plant nursery pop up at the Veil.


t1_itv8cs8 wrote

A good friend of mine since middle school is getting married on the 30th. She’s been with her man for a little over two years. While the dude has always irritated me a bit, he treats her well, she’s happy, and that’s what matters.

Aside from taking her out to dinner there’s been a backlog of spook movies to watch.


t1_itvfj9s wrote

I’ve been making my costume for the last few weeks (foam, clay, glue, paint - it’s been a trip), so I’m definitely trying to sort plans to wear the shit out of it. And it’s been a shit month, so I’m trying to do something to have fun this weekend.

I feel like the cooler things I’ve seen so far are the Fairy Tale Ball at Tang and Biscuit or maybe commonhouse’s party on Saturday.

Edit: last year, we didn’t get any trick or treaters on my street in northside. Anyone in that area taking their kids out? I might end up just making baggies of candy to leave out or something this year.


t1_itwf3ah wrote

Can I get a TL;DR of his resignation? Guatemala was involved?


t1_itv5afk wrote

No plans for Halloween. I’m pet sitting for my mom so she can go take care of my grandparents (her parents.)


t1_itv7fjd wrote

Monday night we'll put a bowl of candy out for the kiddos in the complex to help themselves.

The first year we lived here, we forgot to get anything and had to hide from the knocks all night

Next year was 2020....nuff said.

Last year I got candy, only one kid knocked.

Hopefully this will work!


t1_itvjt6c wrote

Going to be at Monroe Park shooting some video :D

Come find me and let me know your favorite song 🎵


t1_itwown1 wrote

Halloween weekend is a huge money maker for me every year. Got a gig in Suffolk on Saturday so I get to avoid the costume contest gamble this year. Might still give it a shot after the gig if I can find a bar that's doing one. Monday is still a coin flip. The parade is always fun, but Hanover block party seems like a better opportunity to advertise my entertainment services to parents and kids