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Chickenmoons t1_itxs5sy wrote

They’ve been sweeping northside streets with the big street sweepers this week.


dreww4546 t1_itxx8lx wrote

Those street sweepers don't exactly sneak up on you. They are loud and slow.

On a related note, this afternoon, I watched a pedestrian stumble across Franklin in front of a moving car, forcing it to lock up brakes, then stumble back to sidewalk and back in front of another car. He almost got hit twice in under 2 minutes. And I don't think he was ever aware of it.


thegreatmachine21 t1_ity0q2g wrote

Jesus H... a person died. Let's all make jokes about it. Wtf.


hermes542 t1_itywbko wrote

Thank you! Seems from the article our new bike lane buddy is not the culprit. I've seen it in person and someone getting hit by MF BROOM would seriously be an "Austin Powers" style accident


stimulusfunctions t1_ityxieo wrote

It’s “funny” because it happened on Chamberlayne and no one cares about a human being who died on Chamberlayne because of all sorts of biases around where in the city bad things are “supposed” to happen because of racism. When it was a woman on a bike dying after being hit by a car in the county no one was making jokes and everyone was just talking about what a tragedy it was. If a pedestrian had been run over crossing the street in the Fan everyone would be outraged and taking about cars being bad and walkability of streets.


onewaybackpacking t1_itz0wno wrote

Are you saying mf broom had been out all night drinking illegally before they hit someone? This is literally night and day and the piece of shit that hit those two women should have a special place in hell reserved for him.


Lilliputian0513 t1_itz46dz wrote

They are often looking at the side gutter because that’s where they are cleaning, and that’s why they go so slow. My husband is a sweeper truck operator. He hit a whole truck once that parked behind him and turned off his lights. Their eyes are on the mess once they’ve confirmed the area is clear of cars.


stunt87 t1_itz48fa wrote

I’m pretty sure this is a sweeper for the paving they have been doing, the entire road is being redone. While driving yesterday I saw a giant sweeper pulling up trash right by where the picture in the article is.


RVAMS t1_itz5794 wrote

That has nothing to do with it. Getting hit and killed by a street sweeper is an objectively bizarre and funny way to die. It’s like being drown in soft serve ice cream, or eaten by a hippo. Some ways of dying are funnier than others. I would rather get hit by the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile than die of COPD in a hospital bed, then at least people could get a laugh out of it. Death is coming for us all, you should lighten up about it.

“Omg you can’t say ‘lighten up’ that’s racist.”


RefrigeratorRater t1_itz5ad6 wrote

If you’re actually struggling, look into SSRIs, they are a type of medicine that can help with coping. They turned my pessimistic/negative attitude into a normal, slightly positive one, among other benefits.


FromTheIsle t1_itz965h wrote

Well we don't know for sure who was I do have sympathy. And I don't entirely disagree that it is interesting people are more outraged at a cyclist's death (I am an avid cyclist) than other deaths we see in the city...but implying that only "certain people" live on Chamberlayne and therefore we don't care about this particular death (so next stop Dog Whistle city here we come) is a stretch. It's obvious this incident is bizarre and uncommon.


moto68040 t1_itz97rg wrote

love coming to this sub for the consistent trivializing and victim blaming of pedestrian deaths!


MiloAshworthy t1_itz9hb9 wrote

If they were prepping the road to be paved, then this pedestrian got hit my a street sweeper with something extra. Don't those use wire roll brushes versus normal street sweepers


ZephyrInfernum t1_itz9hnq wrote

Then perhaps they should be trained to be more observant? Not to be insensitive or anything, but if the vehicle can't be operated safely then it shouldn't be operated...

Sounds like your husband backed up into a parked car because they didn't check before reversing.


VAJazzCabbage t1_itzb2jt wrote

Shit... Now stoney is going to paint those bike lanes red .


NuttingOnNutzy t1_itzd424 wrote

I’m glad they’ve helped you. They also have a ton of side effects, have minimal proof of their efficacy and can cause permanent changes like chronic anhedonia, and that’s coming from someone who takes psych meds. Unless you’re a psychiatrist and the poster is your patient, stay in your lane. Most people don’t like receiving unsolicited medical advice from a stranger.


dreww4546 t1_itzes6x wrote

It looks like the story has been amended to "hit by truck" or there was a 2nd pedestrian run over yesterday


NuttingOnNutzy t1_itzh47p wrote

I’m calm. I’m letting you know that what your doing is considered rude. At it’s worst, it’s emotionally damaging and invalidating for people who have chronic health issues or disabilities to hear suggestions like that.


oh_hello_rva t1_itzhk2p wrote

How does your husband like that job? It's one task that I've always thought would be SO satisfying. Just sucking up leaves and detritus with a giant, all-powerful vacuum. 🙌 Like a katamari-style task.


WarbossWalton t1_itzm6ga wrote

Dang, someone needs to invent a katamari style manner for cleaning. Just a big sticky ball that you can roll around and:. ...all the leaves are picked up!
...all the clothes in my room are off the floor!
...the kids are packed and ready to go!


gbkl74 t1_itzrsy1 wrote

It was not the MF Broom, it was a regular city dumpster truck


ThatSadOptimist t1_itzvc9t wrote

That's all well and good but that part of Chamberlayne is busy and loud in general. Regardless, cities should be walkable and if someone is in danger of being hit by a vehicle in a street (in Shockoe or Northside or anywhere else), that's indicative of a policy failure.


SwanOverSunshine t1_iu01j1d wrote

It’s always sad when an accident happens like this, for all involved. I will say that there is a ton of careless jaywalking in that area. I’m a slow, pokey, careful driver who looks for pedestrians and I’ve almost hit people in that area because they’ve practically jumped in front on my car or done really unexpected things. I don’t know what happened here, though. But pedestrians also need to be careful too and follow traffic rules.


VA-via-Brasil2 t1_iu1l3v5 wrote

Are you saying that pedestrians don't hold some blame in some instances for being hit by vehicles? Based on the information provided in the article, the deceased was crossing the street mid block i.e. not at a crosswalk. I do not know who in this case is responsible but what I do know is crossing mid block and not at a crosswalk increases the chances of being hit by a car.


VA-via-Brasil2 t1_iu62imi wrote

Ahhhhh I’m tracking now. Next time, say what you mean the first time. Had I known this is actually what you meant, I would’ve replied by saying

People can’t help but get swept up into the fray of questionable behavior while online. I can’t speak for you but personally I just try and find ways to pave a path of happiness for myself.