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alpha_numeric44 t1_iwnl7rq wrote

I use a 2:1 THC:CBD indica vape before bed.

Makes my body stop hurting and puts my to sleep.


PMzyox t1_iwnmyhw wrote

Study of 45 people? So it was like a dude who took a survey at a frat party?


Goatsrams420 t1_iwnn1j8 wrote

Ya, because cbd isn't an anti agonist to EC1. THCV is however and it has the opposite effects of THC.


dustymoon1 t1_iwno42k wrote

Also, they didn't say if they were mixed pure compounds or not. If not what other compounds are there? It has been shown, with oils with other cannabinoids and terpenes act different. This is a diengenuous study at best.

210C is also too high of a temperature. 210F is enough to vaporize THC/CBD. Vape temp depends on terpenes present, not cannabinoids - THCA to THC occurs at 210F and THC is volatile at that point. They were getting breakdown of THC at that temperature.


aleph32 t1_iwnobfc wrote

This was a negative result for what they set out to show.

As for dosing: > Each cannabis dose consisted of 10 mg of THC (two standard THC units [16]) and either 0 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, or 30 mg of CBD. Participants were given preparations with CBD:THC ratios of 0:1, 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1, in a random order across visits.... Cannabis preparations were administered using a Volcano® Medic Vaporiser


mazu74 t1_iwnpvxq wrote

I don’t think anyone consumes THC and CBD thinking they’ll be less impaired or less high, quite the opposite really. If you’re not doing it for medical reasons, you take THC and CBD for a better high than THC alone. Kinda a weird study considering it’s obvious to anyone who consumes cannabis, but yet again, studies on cannabis were heavily restricted so maybe this is significant for some other reason than informing the public?


Pr0gr3s t1_iwnxqdq wrote

45 is actually a decent N for a RCT with a within subjects design. The design increases statistical power significantly over a between subjects design, which is likely what you are picturing.


tofu_schmo t1_iwo34bf wrote

They have tiny caps you can fill and place in the bowl to make the hits much less intense. I can't imagine taking medicinal amounts of weed through a volcano with a full size bowl!


BrothelWaffles t1_iwo3kdc wrote

10mg is a seriously light dose for smoking / vaping. It's like, 1/20th of a gram of 20% THC bud, which is on the lower end of potency these days. For reference I'm not a super heavy smoker but I do have a bit of a tolerance, and I use a Dynavap with about 1/8th of a gram per session, 4 - 6 times per day. Depending on the strain that's anywhere from 25 to 40 mg per session.


FlipZer0 t1_iwo41vc wrote

46 people does not a study make. That's not even a good polling number for an average American high school.


alpha_numeric44 t1_iwo5rfq wrote

Look, dude.. I've done every drug you can think of.

Don't insult me with your accusations of placebo.

Maybe you get fake intoxicated.....

I'm a laborer and have pain daily...

Whatever nerd..... go away.


clashmt t1_iwo7rrs wrote

This is such a baseless comment. I really wish the moderators would moderate comments like this. 46 people is actually a better than expected n for a first pass RCT like this.


PMzyox t1_iwo8hr9 wrote

Ok all science based study mathematics aside, if it was really ok to study something on just 46 people and then conclude how all of humanity would react to it, the fda would have been able to clear the Covid vaccines in an afternoon. I understand where you are coming from but the ask from this sample group is unrealistic for the claims


clashmt t1_iwo9j9j wrote

>if it was really ok to study something on just 46 people and then conclude how all of humanity would react to it, the fda would have been able to clear the Covid vaccines in an afternoon.

There is essentially no single study which can make conclusions of that magnitude. That's what meta analyses and systematic reviews are for.

Please show me where the authors overstep their conclusions in ways which are unfounded based on the sample size in the RCT.



>Ok all science based study mathematics aside

Gotta love the presumption that the person you're talking to doesn't have a background in statistics.


Barnowl79 t1_iwoasyt wrote

Are you in Colorado? That was the only place I ever found CBD strains labeled as "medicinal". In the rest of the country we consider cbd an intensity-lowering cannabinoid. We might be wrong but it's definitely the majority opinion.


settledownguy t1_iwoemnn wrote

These studies posted in this sub are a real joke lately. 45 people. Are you $@&%ing high??


glichez t1_iwoiteg wrote

"impairment" is simply correlated to tolerance.


very_spicy_churro t1_iwolgey wrote

They were able to find a statistically significant difference between baseline and THC, but not between THC and THC+CBD. What I'm saying is that you need more than 46 people to pick up subtle differences.


debasing_the_coinage t1_iwora6f wrote

>participants inhaled vaporised cannabis containing 10 mg THC and either

10 milligrams of THC is a relatively low dose, at which few adverse side effects (particularly anxiety/fear) would normally be present.

It's also noticeable in the appendix that the drop-out rate was noticeably higher in the 3:1 (highest CBD level) group. 10 participants in this group left the study, while no more than 3 left from any other group. Four of those were due to "unpleasant drug experience", two to "overintoxication".

I've taken more than 30 milligrams of CBD at a single time and it isn't that strong. Studies trialling CBD for schizophrenia or cancer have pushed the dose to hundreds of milligrams, which starts to show adverse effects but is apparently bearable. The authors don't comment on this peculiarity.


G20fortified t1_iwoxiyc wrote

It helps some people but it’s mainly a bs marketing ploy to make investors rich and appease the anti feel good authoritarian ruling class traitors. The entourage effect of cannabis is the most effective & satisfying combination. Cannabis has always been meant to be used in conjunction with all it’s cannabinoids contained. Isolating them for single use is dumb. Eventually Americans will realize this. Regardless. The route legalization has gone has created a dialog for humans looking for safe & effective relief from countless ailments. Something humans have know for thousands of years. Not new at all.


Cloudboy9001 t1_iwp5fc6 wrote

While not particularly relevant to the aim of this study, CBD is often dosed in the hundreds of mg (with doses around 1g/day being evaluated for schizophrenia).


liquid_at t1_iwpj711 wrote

CBG might work better. It's a THC antagonist.


mazu74 t1_iwpn83v wrote

Michigan, though I’ve never heard of this before. Always just that it produces a better high (and I do smoke CBD with my primarily THC flower so…).


mazu74 t1_iwpng48 wrote

That sounds like they’re saying it produces a better high with the entourage effect, not it produces a less intense effect. CBD is certainly known for helping to relieve anxiety, but again, I’ve still never once heard it reduces the intensity of the high itself…


oldastheriver t1_iwpqigg wrote

the statement "no evidence of subjective effects" is specious, to say the least. Impairment, maybe...


Geo_Doug t1_iwpqj2s wrote

My understanding is that potency from edibles doesn’t track super well to inhaled products. That said, response is subjective for each.

Regardless, I personally agree with the original comment - these doses may be too low to illicit strong enough responses to either THC or CBD.


oldastheriver t1_iwpulgj wrote

I am not understanding this. The abstract us testing the anecdotal belief that consuming cbd BEFORE thc (thus filling availabke receptors with cbd in the dominant position) reduces amnesia, panic, anxiety. Then testing the 2 substances commingled together, which of course will fail. The test dies not measure the veracity of the original anecdote.


SillyScareCrow t1_iwpw5u0 wrote

As a schizophrenic cbd makes a massive difference when partaking. Something is missing.


Pollo_Jack t1_iwq9w82 wrote

Holy hell those are some big doses. 10mg is a lot.

How experienced were these subjects?

That's like trying to mitigate a shot of everclear with multiple glasses of water.


ShayShayLeFunk t1_iwqkn6u wrote

> You may not have heard of it, but the conventional wisdom is that CBD diminishes the intoxicating effect of THC.

From what I have been seeing CBD lowers anxiety caused by THC


Bulky-Pool-5180 t1_iwqxoyd wrote

CBD and THC do not "protect". They activate the DORMANT Endogenous Cannabinoid Receptor System, and the human body then has the capacity to marshall resources for the benefit of the human.

These people have little compression how this plant works...because they do not use it in practice...only theory.


shmorby t1_iwrrfej wrote

And unfortunately it's impossible to find any strains in recreational dispensaries with a significant CBD content because "conventional wisdom" said it reduces the high. I just wanna get high without anxiety but everytime I ask a place for a strain with higher CBD they're puzzled and direct me to cbd only products.


thalassicus t1_iwtndvs wrote

You’re correct and the poster above stating 10mg is no big deal is incorrect. The actual percentages of bioavailability varies with a bunch of factors, but is highest via inhalation (31%-50%) followed by sublingual. Ingesting is pretty inefficient (10%-19%).