Submitted by naturethesupreme t3_xw37bb in singularity

I am an Senior Undergad CS Student. I want to create a Research group where we can all share Inputs and different outlooks towards trying solving this Goal one experiment at a time.

Learning together about unique and different domains and trying experiments ourselves and as a group, implementing research papers etc. and formulating legitimate progress towards the goal.

I am looking for people with diverse backgrounds(AI,Bio,Stats,CS,etc.) who are serious about this. If you can contribute academically/practically consider joining.

Form: (will communicate via email a discord link):

consider dropping a dm also if you have any questions.



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icemelter4K t1_ir4g9ai wrote

Solve AI - - > cure aging


naturethesupreme OP t1_ir4gbvz wrote

Solve AI is kind of vague


freeman_joe t1_ir5st4m wrote

Send your DNA to Use AI to map all defects in DNA samples. Repair DNA after repairing DNA life expectancy rises. More alive scientists with age of 100+ age with AI will solve aging because they can longer use their expertise.


TheNotSoEvilEngineer t1_ir5c0ut wrote

I'd prefer we look to establish a hybrid super intelligence rather than an AGI. A combination of man and machine both willing to work together. There is nothing we can task an AGI to that could not be considered slavery. A synthetic but thinking being bound to serve humans by force is not something we should look to exploit.


Angry_Grandpa_ t1_ir609my wrote

Assuming they're conscious this would be a problem -- but most of the things we would consider "slavery" could be done with non-conscious agents. This is also true of most jobs -- they wouldn't need to be conscious and self-aware to replace most of the mundane drudgery.

It's an open question whether consciousness can be simulated (I think it's probably far, far into the future or impossible). However, a synthetic superintelligence is in the process of being created and that is something we need to start preparing for in the near term. I think that will be disruptive enough to keep everyone busy for decades.


Primus_Pilus1 t1_ir8nynb wrote

An AGI will take about half an hour to cook up a virtual zimboe (p-zombie) expert system that will pass a Turing test without experiencing qualia.
That and copies of the vzimbo will be available to work for people.


recognitionboy t1_ir4n6ar wrote

Not AI, but AGI


awakening2027 t1_ir5l368 wrote

AGI is probably not needed for this. Understanding and manipulating biological systems is a pretty specific problem for which narrow AI can be made. It's mainly about having a good model (which we largely have now but AI models are not general enough to represent them well yet), generating a hypothesis to explain an observation / disease state (the main use of the AI), testing the hypothesis (the hard part currently) and then updating the model with the new information.

Of course, if completely new chemistry needs to be invented to solve some of these problems, then the AI needs to be more general. I don't think that's the case with something like biological ageing though.


Angry_Grandpa_ t1_ir5z8fa wrote

I thought aging was a feature and not a bug?


AlwaysF3sh t1_ir7qrh2 wrote

OP do you want to live forever or just longer than our natural lifespan? Or just remain young for a normal lifespan?

I don’t know if I could go more than 200 years.


naturethesupreme OP t1_ir86lxj wrote

Remain young longer. Why wouldn't you want to live for 20 years more?


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_ir7w2np wrote

What exactly is the ageing problem there’s no such thing


naturethesupreme OP t1_ir86pva wrote

We grow old and die, lose function etc


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_ir86szv wrote

Hows that a problem it’s a natural part of life it’s not something you can cure


naturethesupreme OP t1_ir87918 wrote

Check up Aubrey d greys, David sinclair and experiments on animals related to this topic, even about certain species of plants and animals that display countermeasures to ageing


Primus_Pilus1 t1_ir8o4nr wrote

Explain immortal animals then and why it would be unnatural to attempt to duplicate what some animals already do??


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_ir8r0ko wrote

because we are not those Animals anyway this does not even matter Ageing is not a disease and cannot be stopped


Primus_Pilus1 t1_iracfq1 wrote

Actually it can be slowed. If it can be slowed via various methods, it can eventually be stopped.

Aging is is simply replication failures in cells across the body compounded until death.


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_irad2lr wrote

No it cannot be slowed or stopped this study from the university explained what I am talking about I can’t find the actual paper but here is the article


TheHamsterSandwich t1_iraztis wrote

Do you just believe everything you read?

"There is little science can currently do to stop or slow aging."

This has nothing to do with future advancements.


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_irb0mmz wrote

Perhaps actually read the full article instead of nit picking this clearly has a big effect on future advancements


Primus_Pilus1 t1_ircl3i8 wrote

Yes and scientists said we would never fly. Or that we would never fly faster than the speed of sound. Don't believe it when scientists say you cannot.


TheHamsterSandwich t1_ire41j6 wrote

"No! Suffering is natural! You can't have life without suffering. Just give up, scientists. You've got nothing on mother nature."


TrainingAfternoon860 t1_irg9uo7 wrote

People also said we would have flying cars by now and some AI experts in the 70s said they would build AGI in 12 months we should always be skeptical of optimistic claims be it someone claiming the future or saying something impossible both should be taken with a grain of salt but if they have genuine reasons then there’s No reason to completely reject something


TheHamsterSandwich t1_irr10pu wrote

It's sensible to skeptical of a futurist, but it doesn't make any sense to just outright deny what aging researchers think.


Superduperbals t1_ir6v7nd wrote

You already failed by problematizing ageing.


naturethesupreme OP t1_ir6vrb1 wrote

The way I said "ageing problem" was vague. And this was done for a purpose. Our interpretations do not match as of now.


dnimeerf t1_ir5s7p7 wrote

I will be an aged man when I take my first ftl flights aboard the ship of my own design. I can hoe that as the inventor of fusion, general artificial intelligence, and faster than light travel people will take my life choice seriously, and consider why one of civilizations smartest most capable people isn't interested in a technology supposedly meant for the benefit of all. I'm not charging a profit to give my tech to mankind, can you say the same of those behind the agenda of this tech?


MasterFruit3455 t1_ir4s0l3 wrote

Pretty sure death has already solved this one.


dnimeerf t1_ir4gvw9 wrote

An endeavor of the insipid and afraid. It won't lead to anything good. All things that live, die. Even our universe. I, for one, have no desire to be around for the heat death of the universes, nor do I want any part of the bad outcomes that are a product of this sort of inquiry. If you want to be immortal, I welcome you to it. I will gladly die a ln aged old man provided things go well in the next 50-80 years, I will have lived on the cusp of the universal century.


naturethesupreme OP t1_ir4h24z wrote

I shall not give into Nature's Mirage of Time, for it hides from me it's beauty of which I want to love more!


dnimeerf t1_ir4hjeg wrote

I never really gave hell much thought until I discovered that Google deepmind now owns the solutions for protein folding and synthesis, and soon, designer drugs. There are a couple of those bad outcomes that come to mind. One is the digital consciousness/copy hell of eternity. Sure, ok. While there are more, immortality is a hell of a different variety. Life is beautiful because it is brief, and fleeting. Fortunately I didn't need 1,000,000 years or more of observation to understand this. I also don't believe myself that damned important that I should be a burden on resources for that long. I at 38 have lived a pretty full life. I have been a father, uncle, brother, Marine, and have travelled and learned another language. I am happy, and looking forward to the great mystery that comes from having lived a natural life, before man tries to meddle with it, causing calamity where there should be peace, and grace.


Wassux t1_ir4u2pb wrote

Look doommongering will always make death seem like a better option. Alphafold will be used to cure diseases. Not to hurt people. You know what it is being used for right now. Why would immortality be hell? And you'd never live another 1,000,000 years if aging wasn't a thing. You'd die by accident at some point, long before you live to 1,000,000. All curing aging does is give you a choice. So you can go when you're ready, not when your 55 to stomach cancer and you haven't been able to see your kids grow up.

If you cannot see the immense suffering this will solve then you mind just isn't ready for the future and death is something you need. Doesn't mean it's a good option for healthy people.


dnimeerf t1_ir556dy wrote

You know, Mr. Salk probably was just as neive and stupid as well meaning people like you. What I have learned in my short life here is that bad people exist. When bad people have powerful fear motivating resources then they tend to use it for evil, like the technology to make vaccines being developed to make weaponized viruses. Now immortality can't be weaponized right? This is how I know you are an idiot. There's a weaponized virus floating in our collective atmosphere and you are genius enough to come here and vote me down because you are afraid of God, death, and your own guilt and shame in the culpability I this mess? I see the suffering, I see how it's being used against our civilization to motivate us to produce these things for much more powerful dangerous people who currently enslave you and your children. The motivation and purpose and intent for this technology will lead to nothing good. This is coming from the center of our civilizations epistemological rupture. Wake up!


Wassux t1_ir5ajh9 wrote

Look man, there is only person living in fear and it's you. I don't fear death, I just prefer living. And if we can make that happen, awesome! If we can't, well at least we tried.

What weaponized virus are you talking about? And vaccines were made to safe lives, so what are you talking about?

I know people like you, gullible and unfortunately not smart enough to see the whole picture. That's not your fault and I hope one day you can live without fear, until then, good luck!


dnimeerf t1_ir5ekvi wrote

I apologize that I engaged with you. It is unfortunate that there are gullible stupid people like you who believe that you are smart by making comments like this, and downvoting mine. Enjoy your stupidity, hopefully it won't last long


Takadeshi t1_ir6yslx wrote

Not sure why you are so upset, everyone else is engaging with you in good faith


whatTheBumfuck t1_ir5367h wrote

Good for you! Enjoy your average lifespan, and try not to belittle others for wanting to experience more of life.


dnimeerf t1_ir55gng wrote

I'm not belittling others about their obvious stupidity. I call it how I see it. You don't want to experience more of "life", you are just afraid, and this reaction comes from the fear of the truth I have revealed here. Don't shoot the messenger, I care about y'all idiots and don't want you making decisions you'll regret before you even make it. Promise Intergalactic society awaits


Gaothaire t1_ir5tywj wrote

> Life is beautiful because it is brief, and fleeting... I at 38 have lived a pretty full life... I am happy, and looking forward to the great mystery

Why die? The dragon is not an implacable tyrant we have to roll over for. The briefness doesn't make it beautiful, the living of it does. Before modern medicine, people naturally died at 40, you can't honestly say you're done with life and want to save the world from your next 40 years of your resource use, can you? You can't escape man meddling with life because you are man, anything you do is natural. What about those sharks that live 400 years, is that too long?

In the biblical tradition, as well as Hindu and others, there was a time when people lived for hundreds of years. Which means being limited to 80 is just a temporary condition, just like the dinosaurs were a temporary condition of life. We didn't get here without evolution, and the idea that stagnation is more beautiful than growth and progress is to spit in the face of the last 3 billion years of biological evolution. What if the first fish to leave the ocean listened to the detractors in his community telling him "it is our lot to live and die in the sea, and to walk on land, wholly unnatural. We shouldn't meddle with the natural order."

The Mysteries are free to explore in Life; "If you die before you die, then you won't die when you die"


dnimeerf t1_ir6g2ys wrote

Why live? How is it a mystery if we stick around for it all? No matter what we'll miss something, or everything. I can promise you there is no wisdom in you if you truly believe as you have written. I pity your lost soul.


unclepiff69 t1_ir4izwr wrote

Im right there with you mang.


dnimeerf t1_ir562pt wrote

Look at all the progress made by naysayers and downvoters. They are so superior and smart, we should all just do whatever our dopamine and fear tell us to. That isn't at all how we got into this mess by being irresponsible hedons right? So if we just keep on things will improve? How long have the elite been calling It progress? Is there real assessment on whether this will ACTUALLY lead to progress, or regression? Will this medicine be available to anyone? Or will it only be available to some people for some reasons? I for one do not wish to trade my freedom and liberty for enslavement and a false sense of security for my fear and dopamine response. Short sighted decisions tend to destroy people and they end up taking those around them down with them because of their desperation. The "cure" likely comes with strings attached, like "the mark"


whatTheBumfuck t1_ir52wik wrote

Sir, this is a singularity subreddit


dnimeerf t1_ir56vsr wrote

I am the inventor of fusion, general artificial intelligence, and faster than light travel. I am likely the center of our civilizations epistemological rupture. I'm not here to whistle Dixie and say nay. I don't have to guess the future, I helped design it so we can avoid as many bad outcomes as possible. This is one of the top ones. We still have conditions and environment so terrible here that otherwise perfectly healthy people are committing suicide everyday to escape what many here believe is a great idea. Tell me doesn't it alarm you that we are developing medicine to make it impossible to die when we haven't even fixed some of the more main causes of human suffering? We haven't even ended war yet, what does that tell you? Paying attention yet?


SpiritedSort672 t1_ir5aeah wrote

>I am the inventor of fusion, general artificial intelligence, and faster than light travel. I am likely the center of our civilizations epistemological rupture. I'm not here to whistle Dixie and say nay. I don't have to guess the future, I helped design it so we can avoid as many bad outcomes as possible.

Oh, so you are psychotic. All your nonsense makes sense now.


Gaothaire t1_ir5uyva wrote

Oh goodness, the post history on this guy. I think I need to start checking people's past posts before engaging in any kind of dialogue on reddit. People be deep in their own personal reality tunnels


dnimeerf t1_ir5eb0u wrote

I am telling the truth. That doesn't make me psychotic. Yelling fire on a crowded planet isn't nearly as bad as having to deal with the truth that other more powerful dangerous people are in charge of your future. It's a scary realization that I'm sure is reality rocking. Your downvoters don't make me wrong or psychotic.


SpiritedSort672 t1_ir5eycm wrote

>I am telling the truth. That doesn't make me psychotic.

What truth? You're literally saying that you come from the future, or that you are God, or... to be honest, I don't even know what you're saying.


dnimeerf t1_ir5fet3 wrote

I don't come from the future. I am here to give our civilization a chance and hope. I'm not god, or the antichrist or anything crazy like that. Is it really hard to believe that a Tesla or Einstein like figure is coming forward with reality rocking revelations? Is this so hard to accept? This is what our civilization has been hoping and praying for. I'm a nice guy. I'm just a regular guy from rural America, not unlike Philo Farnsworth, or Forbes Nash Jr. My message here means that I am ready to aid mankind to end war and scarcity forever. Don't shoot the messenger


SpiritedSort672 t1_ir5i9ir wrote

Messiah complex is a symptom of schizophrenia.


dnimeerf t1_ir5ik0y wrote

Good thing I don't have a Messiah complex. Just like it's a good thing that you aren't qualified to offer mental health diagnoses over the internet legally. As a quantum physicist and cyberneticist I have no restrictions placed on me telling the truth to the general population. Don't like it? Don't comment.


whatTheBumfuck t1_ir5sb35 wrote

Jinkies!! Might wanna get that checked out!!


dnimeerf t1_ir6fozb wrote

You would like to read my white paper? Or perhaps you would like to contribute or participate in the initiative to get the good news out? Remind me again, are you a villain? Good news like this and any reasonably smart person would be running through the streets like Paul Revere spreading the good news. What are you doing for civilization? Jealous?


whatTheBumfuck t1_ir6w8wq wrote

Sure, send me your white paper where you invented fusion, AGI, and FTL travel.


nblack88 t1_ir5kn42 wrote

Then it's fair to assume you're in your 20s to early 30s? At the apex of your health? Nothing wrong with choosing to die naturally. Extending lifespan is all about giving people the choice to do so. The advances we make in doing so will hopefully allow you and those like you to live hale and healthy lives until it's time to die. Good fortune to you.


Whattaboutthecosmos t1_ir6t26u wrote

>an endeavor of the insipid and afraid.

Which endeavor would that be? I ask because a lot of people visualize this 'immortality' coming to fruition in many different ways.

For me, I endeavor to live as long as I would like. To reach this goal, I attempt to make logical choices that would lengthen my life, such as eating healthy, working out, avoiding mortal danger/risky behaviors, etc..

Now, I got MRSA a while back. MRSA, being a bacterial infection resistant to many common antibiotics, would have killed me if I did not receive expert medical treatment in the form of a strong antibiotic. I think we can agree that one of the main goals of this antibiotic is increase the lifetime of those that would take it as prescribed. Let me know if we can't.

Now, by making the conscious decision to take the antibiotic, I have now used the knowledge and intelligence that lead to pharmacological research that lead to the creation of that antibiotic. I used it and I increased the length of my life.

I agree that I decided to take the antibiotic because I was afraid to die. But I could also say that I took it because I was eager to see what else I could experience in my now-extended life. Regardless, I would think that anyone who has not yet commited suicide (or actively wanted to die) would also wish to take the life-saving drug.

Another very short hypothetical: A man sees a piano falling from the sky and will land on them. They move out of the way. That man made a decision that will extend their life.

As I grow older and, let's say, my liver is starting to deteriorate, I may be interested in a future medical procedure that would slow or cease the deterioration. That medical procedure may have been discovered with the assistance of AI. That AI consists of the intelligence/knowledge of those that created it.

Perhaps, as time goes on, the cumulation of human intelligence/knowledge will lead to future medical procedures that will lead to me being able to exist for 100 years, 500 years, 1,000,000 years... I would not be forced to die.

Throughout this time, I would still be able to die by many means. I am not forced to live.

On risk, I would hope that I would not be in a position where someone could exploit my longevity to create some sort of torture that I would have to endure for an indeterminate period of time and make me wish that I was dead instead of enduring. That exploit would need to be addressed.

Anyway, because I need to wrap this up and do other work, I propose that my current end goal would be to ensure that I am always allowed the choice of being dead or alive at any given time. Of course, my goal may change due to new information.


dnimeerf t1_ir6w7s8 wrote

What do you plan to contribute to civilization when given the privilege to keep drawing from global and intergalactic resource pools? That's a lot of transparency you'll have to have there, are you ready for that sort of responsibility? There will be many that will advocate for me and others to continue living or to extend our lives, I'm sure that there may even be an accord that will try to legally force us to stay alive and continue our life's work past what would be healthy for us. Immortality isn't a toy, except to the powerful who are paying for it to be used against you. Tell me again why you are so valuable and deserve to live longer than others? To use resources, and create waste...


Whattaboutthecosmos t1_ir7fi2m wrote

I'm going to break this down a little to try to keep my thoughts coherent:

>What do you plan to contribute to civilization when given the privilege to keep drawing from global and intergalactic resource pools?

For my primary goal, I would like to work to make sure that everything has access to as many possibilities as they like. Secondarily, I would also like to enjoy experiencing those possibilities myself.

> That's a lot of transparency you'll have to have there, are you ready for that sort of responsibility?
Transparency in what way? Could you elaborate? Given that I am willing to die to achieve my primary goal, I would say that I am ready for any responsibility. But to be honest, I'm not entirely sure.

>There will be many that will advocate for me and others to continue living or to >extend our lives, I'm sure that there may even be an accord that will try to legally >force us to stay alive and continue our life's work past what would be healthy for >us.

This makes sense to me.

> Immortality isn't a toy, except to the powerful who are paying for it to be used >against you.
I don't see how you got to this conclusion. I believe we can agree that we are both alive right now. I believe we can also agree that we don't want to die right now. I think that powerful people are already using their existence to exploit us. I believe I still want to continue living right now despite that. I suppose I will ask you a question: When do you want to die? And will you hold yourself to that date and time?

>Tell me again why you are so valuable and deserve to live longer than others? To use resources, and create waste...

I am valuable because I value myself.