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ChronoPsyche t1_j3135qr wrote

Let me rephrase. It only has working memory but no intermediate or long term memory. Such a human would be considered brain damaged.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_j31loh3 wrote

Just like the WaitButWhy picture, right now we're on the left side of the exponential curve, where the AI is "brain damaged" and with a tiny shift in the timeframe, we're on the right side of the exponential curve where the AI "makes Einstein look brain damaged."


ChronoPsyche t1_j31pnq4 wrote

The curve reaches back to the agricultural revolution, so a little shift can be anywhere from years to decades. I personally think we'll get AGI by 2030. We definitely don't have it yet though. It's also not clear if LLMs are sufficient for AGI.