Submitted by Hanersapien t3_y22rgu in springfieldMO
BulgingSubpoena t1_is0kc1c wrote
Nice attempt to being funny.
As being someone who was literally feet away from the shooting/tragedy at St. Francis in Tulsa earlier this year, I don't find your remark humorous. Any situation where police has blocked off access to a hospital has to be concerning due to the type of nutjobs that are out there.
Whatever is going on, I'm hoping it's just a minor situation or nothing at all.
LifeRocks114 t1_is0mmfq wrote
Hearing that the whole intersection has been closed off and going southbound on National is a big nightmare this morning. What the hell happened?
OG_Illusion t1_is0newd wrote
Walked out of the hospital wondering the same thing.
macbeth1608 t1_is0nzoa wrote
read that it was a car vs pedestrian accident
EnbyKathryn t1_is0oerg wrote
Lmao snowflake can’t take a joke
Lionfountain t1_is0oojf wrote
Man. Being a pedestrian sucks
[deleted] t1_is0qpfn wrote
[deleted] t1_is0reu5 wrote
ryanknut t1_is0rz8q wrote
sometimes I have to remind myself that this is in fact NOT Grand Theft Auto and I shouldn’t run over pedestrians
Amethoran t1_is0wa25 wrote
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Well not really but you know.
It wasn't so much of a joke as it was a commentary on how awful the new store location for Hurtz Doughnut is.
blitzalchemy t1_is0yf2a wrote
I mean.... I have an intense hatred for most cops, especially Springfield PD, and the last few years have completely broken my sense of humor so I found it worthy of a chuckle. The actual situation is of course not a good one, but Ive always used humor as a coping mechanism too.
HoboScabs t1_is0ysj3 wrote
At least now you have a story to tell, instead of just being a boring turd without a sense of humor
Guitarstringman t1_is0zmnf wrote
There must’ve been 30 police cars there when I went through this morning
[deleted] t1_is10yrk wrote
blu3dice t1_is11cri wrote
Curious, where is the new location? I don't like Hurtz but my nephew's love their donut that looks like the Simpsons donut.
Amethoran t1_is11leb wrote
It's in behind craft sushi on the corner of national and sunshine. It's has a weird parking lot set up you have to go through. Idk if it's open or not. They treat their employees like dog shit so I just avoid it.
Cloud_Disconnected t1_is12sxl wrote
You didn't do anything wrong. As someone who has also experienced violence and tragedy (as many, many people have), it does feel like the world should stop, that no one should tell jokes or laugh or have a good time ever again because such a massive, incomprehensible thing has happened.
But that's just a feeling. In reality the world keeps going, mail still gets delivered, people still go to work, you still have to comb your hair and do the laundry.
KingHalfrican86 t1_is15q2y wrote
Sounds like hella shots coming from that direction rn. I’m over on independence and it sounds like war.
Cloud_Disconnected t1_is16sbx wrote
Their actual donuts aren't even good, they just put gimmicky junk on them so they can charge an arm and a leg--the actual donut "base," for lack of a better word, is subpar. Dunkin, George's and Gold n Glaze are much better.
Amethoran t1_is178dm wrote
The cereal ones are heinous. They use stale af cereal on them. I really like S & L doughnuts on glenstone. They have a banging glazed doughnut and something called a Cronut kind of like if a croissant and a doughnut had a baby. It's very good.
GrilledAbortionMeat t1_is17b2z wrote
And they survey says.... you're a dickhead!
smitty3z t1_is18syj wrote
Who won?
100_low_lead t1_is1bwpz wrote
Lighten up, Francis.
dekabreak1000 t1_is1c3v9 wrote
Wow I didn’t know there were mercy hospitals outside of okc
Rough-Dust-3926 t1_is1g1zv wrote
People hate internet you
Low_Tourist t1_is1hfou wrote
It's directly across from where they tore down the white house.
StudentWonderful6155 t1_is1hyed wrote
Odds are it’s a right wing gun nut. That’s what it is at least 50% of the time.
[deleted] t1_is1kxx9 wrote
[deleted] t1_is1kzxm wrote
worms_in_the_dirt t1_is1lk2r wrote
There was a pop, car horn, and screeching on elm last night around 8-8:30 and then at like 9 there was way too many sirens out. I’ve never heard so many at once. What the heck is going on around here??
StudentWonderful6155 t1_is1lsbb wrote
Apparently a lot of right wing gun nuts on here
Cloud_Disconnected t1_is1lsbh wrote
Weird. I hadn't heard about the rash of right wing gun nuts being hit by SUVs.
You just couldn't wait to start an argument about politics, could you? How ghoulish.
tc65681 t1_is1sc56 wrote
And as a pedestrian remind yourself that it’s ok to walk anywhere to cross the street- not the crosswalk- wear all dark clothing, and when it’s night. Not that this is the case in this situation, but I have had a few near misses in situations just like this
toxcrusadr t1_is1x96d wrote
Well, at least the pedestrian got hit right by the hospital. Smart thinkin.
CryProfessional6485 t1_is1xvnh wrote
Apparently you are not from here, just moved here because it's cheap, thanks to the right wing gun nuts??. Hopefully you are a student and not a permanent resident.
StudentWonderful6155 t1_is1y11k wrote
Awww….a butt hurt gun nut
jaejmd12 t1_is1yshw wrote
People need to stop equating jokes to personal attacks. That dude who posted the comment obviously didn’t have you in mind. I’m sure he’d be sorry that something like that happened to you as well. That doesn’t make him an asshole, ACTUALLY it makes YOU the asshole for assuming random internet strangers know the details of your life before they post a JOKE. He didn’t wake up thinking “Gee golly! I better not joke around today on the internet about bikers getting hit by careless drivers and compare it to my favorite video game in case ‘shizkc’ on Reddit is online today because his friend passed away two years ago from something similar” get a grip dude. Jokes are jokes and travesties are travesties; stop trying to make them one in the same.
Bacca_Boi_ t1_is21zxp wrote
I bet you’re fun at parties
Ogtrot t1_is232vs wrote
100% agree. Dark comedy is a proven healing tool. Sometimes referred to as trauma bonding. Comedy is going to die if everyone keeps "Will Smithing" every joke that could be interpreted as offensive through the scope of one individual with unique trauma.
MacAttack2015 t1_is23pg5 wrote
that would make this the second fatal accident involving a pedestrian in like... two weeks ONE WEEK.
this city needs less cars and smaller roads. the inverse will never be safe or sustainable.
PettyPoet t1_is27ueh wrote
You need to learn how to separate a joke from your personal life. Nobody wants to be around a person that always gotta kill the mood by bringing a personal experience into a generally humorous situation. Get over yourself.
MotherofaPickle t1_is28q8k wrote
National and Sunshine, perhaps? I’m guessing a collision, with which the “new planning” will not help at all. Just more accidents, pedestrian, cyclists, and otherwise.
KimGardnersbossSoros t1_is2cv9l wrote
That wasn’t at all the case. Pedestrians are getting struck at a higher rate today due to in attentiveness by drivers. According to police reports the number one reason is cell phones.
As for the sick joke about Grand theft auto….. that kind of dark humor it does nothing for healing. It only makes the pain worse for those who suffered a loss.
KimGardnersbossSoros t1_is2jo09 wrote
So….if I understand you….someone makes a completely tasteless joke about a tragedy and it is viewed as offensive by people who have been on the receiving end of a tragedy. But by calling that out the people who are suffering from the tragic event are the assholes? OK got it thank you.
jaejmd12 t1_is2jyf3 wrote
Yeah man, this isn’t a “read the room bro” situation. It’s clear cut. It’s fucking Reddit, if you get offended by a joke posted on Reddit that’s CLEARLY NOT ATTACKING ANYONE. You’re part of the problem… okay got it now?
KimGardnersbossSoros t1_is2k0w3 wrote
Please share with us and the entire Reddit community the randomized, double-blind peer-reviewed journal article/study you are citing which shows that dark comedy is a proven healing tool. I doubt you can do this because it’s completely made up. Quick suggestion… If you can’t back up a stupid comment then maybe you shouldn’t post it.
KimGardnersbossSoros t1_is2k539 wrote
Obviously you’re not related to the victim
jaejmd12 t1_is2klfc wrote
Do you realize how crazy you sound? ITS A REDDIT POST there is no “victim” you dunce😂
CaptainKaraoke t1_is2kne7 wrote
They picked a convenient place not to get charged $30,000.00 for air transport.
KimGardnersbossSoros t1_is2kua9 wrote
Callous comments about a tragic accident resulting in the death of someone cannot be viewed as a joke. I’m sorry.
jaejmd12 t1_is2ldoz wrote
Well Kim I hope you feel like you’ve fufilled your civic duty by commenting on this reddit post. You should do it all day actually to other things you find offensive, this could be the solution for world peace that we’ve all been waiting on. “What would Jesus do?” The poor fools once said. Now, “what would KimGardnersbossSoros’s feelings about the situation be?” Oh how the times have changed.
KimGardnersbossSoros t1_is2lqla wrote
That’s the best reply you could come up with? Reddit isn’t for you my friend.
jaejmd12 t1_is2m1tn wrote
baby_got_hax t1_is2plw0 wrote
I have suffered a loss n everybody is allowed to heal differently... For some its laughter, no need to chastise for it because it's different than you. People have the right to say what they want to say even if it's a fkd up joke. That being said, I'm sorry for your loss.
danklyhank t1_is2ro0p wrote
Word. Policies didn't work in Cali, so they decided to try again here.
Siiyq t1_is2ui6t wrote
I heard the pop you’re talking about. I was talking to some internet friends, and said out loud, “that was definitely a gunshot” but didn’t think anything else of it.
robzilla71173 t1_is2uyi1 wrote
St George for the win all day long.
worms_in_the_dirt t1_is2v688 wrote
Lmaoo, one in the same my friend. It’s how you know you’re from springfield
whaIeshark t1_is32i5l wrote
Mercy is enormous here in Missouri.
ru-ck-us-89 t1_is34z7c wrote
yea springfield will do that to you
sourwookie t1_is3jw1g wrote
Ogtrot t1_is3lzvu wrote
I can, but I can also tell you that it has helped me personally as well as many of my friends. Weve all had some serious trauma and discuss this topic constantly. As far as data, this is where you can purchase the entire paper posted by Andrea Samson, postdoc for Stanford, circa 2011. However, should your journey for statics not be significant enough to drop that amount of money, here is an article posted by Stanford itself, discussing it in abstract: It heals, man. It heals for reals. I hope you find a way to heal too.
[deleted] t1_is3nmcd wrote
MachineContent t1_is3oc6s wrote
Shoulda crossed by Campbell Walmart, I hear we’re yielding for pedestrians 37% of the time now!
[deleted] t1_is3p9pt wrote
[deleted] t1_is3pzsa wrote
22TopShelf22 t1_is3thtj wrote
Yes. Let's ban cars! Yeah!!! Seriously pal? Are you serious??
Cold417 t1_is3xk38 wrote
less ≠ none
macbeth1608 t1_is3ybol wrote
imagine thinking pedestrian friendly infrastructure is a bad thing… Lol get real
ryanolds t1_is3yfio wrote
Thank you Sisters for bringing a great health system to Springfield!
Mercy's History in Springfield MO Mercy Hospital Springfield While the Civil War raged around him, Dr. Jonathan Edward Tefft lay dying of typhoid fever in a makeshift hospital in St. Louis. He prayed to God for a cure, trusting in the healing abilities of the Sisters of Mercy, who tended to those around him. God saw fit to grant his request, and eventually, Dr. Tefft recovered from his near-fatal illness, but he never forgot his promise.
After the war, he established a profitable private practice in Springfield, Missouri, the rapidly growing agricultural, trade and transportation center of southwest Missouri. Years later, a group of prominent ladies established a Hospital Aid Society to improve medical services in town. Though they were well-intentioned, these high society ladies knew more about pearls and parties than bruises and bedpans. They turned to Dr. Tefft for help. The doctor saw this as his opportunity to fulfill his deathbed promise. He wrote to the Bishop of Kansas City, requesting the Sisters of Mercy be allowed to administer the hospital.
1891 In October 1891, Sister M. Alacoque Kelley, Sister Mary Xavier Kinsella and Sister Mary Stanislaus Tennelly prayed for their safety as their stagecoach rumbled down the old Indian trail connecting their former home in St. Louis with their destination. A small gray brick house with eight rooms awaited them – it would be both hospital and home. The 4-bed hospital received its first patient on November 6, 1891. Dr. Tefft and a friend, Dr. Walter Atwood, paid them a visit a few days later. According to the Springfield Daily Democrat, they “found the institution to be in perfect order” and the Sisters well-trained “to minister to the wants of the sick and suffering.”
2021 Today Mercy Hospital has grown to more than 800 beds and provides the region’s only Level I Trauma Center for adult and pediatric patients, a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the region’s burn unit and a Children’s Hospital.
[deleted] t1_is45chy wrote
synystar t1_is45g51 wrote
I have lived in this city for 40+ years and I can honestly say that it has become part of the culture. I drive a company vehicle and I won't go at a green light even if people are honking at me. Yesterday my light turned green and a lady looked like she was stopping but then just decided "meh, fuck it" and went on through. I literally watched her decision making process happen after my light was already green. I often see 2 or 3 cars all just say "meh".
synystar t1_is467w9 wrote
it's truth though. We could use better public transpo. I moved to within a 10 minute walking distance from my workplace because over the past 10 years i recognized that what used to be a 10 minute drive became a 20 minute drive with a good possibility of being late because of traffic or accidents.
thearticulategrunt t1_is46t3k wrote
To honestly do that correctly we would have to completely change and restructure the way in which we design our city lay outs. Not that that would be bad it would just take a major change in way of thinking and planning.
Demmetros t1_is4iala wrote
MacAttack2015 t1_is5fpvk wrote
Reading comprehension and science literacy are key to a successful and balanced society. I think you may want to work on both, bud.
MacAttack2015 t1_is5fx9f wrote
As a planner working for the City, I definitely understand how lofty (and unrealistic) of a goal it is. Doesn't change the fact that it's the right thing to do for the future of our community. I do not see City Council or City management ever taking such a progressive stance, however. Money talks.
Ogtrot t1_is5q73q wrote
No reply? I gave you what you wanted @KimGardnersbossSoros
robzilla71173 t1_is5q84w wrote
You do realize people behind you become more likely to run the red light when you've sat there for a while holding them up at the green, right?
KimGardnersbossSoros t1_is6js1b wrote
I actually posted a very long reply. Maybe you need to scroll to find it. But I will summarize it here. The paper you cited hardly correlates to the discussion at hand. Showing negative images and then measuring people‘s response based on jokes hardly corresponds to making poor tasting jokes in the face of a live tragedy. Showing still images without context to people and then measuring their response is hardly a way to bolster your argument that sick jokes help people heal.
If you actually believe what you say then one can deduce that you think it would be good to call the families of the Sandy Hook victims and tell them off-color jokes. then, when you’re criticized you can explain that you were only telling them those awful jokes in an attempt to help them heal. After all…that would be the logical conclusion to your theory.
thearticulategrunt t1_is8z444 wrote
Lol, if you're a planner for the city we've probably sat in a couple meetings together then. I've seen how well it can and does work in many cities overseas, some who have always worked that way others who are trying to be more sustainable. Planning neighborhoods to be inclusive to all needs, having housing, some jobs, groceries and even some restaurants all within walking distance with public transit linking in to allow easy access to larger services like non-emergency's like night and day. It could actually be done fairly easily but it is a completely different mind set to the general thought pattern here in the US.
22TopShelf22 t1_is8zjvy wrote
Watch out for the dangerous streets with too many cars and not enough pedestrians! Smaller roads will not make it safer for other users of the do you figure this? Can you kindly go back to whichever coast you came from??
MacAttack2015 t1_isabddj wrote
smaller roads are scientifically proven to reduce traffic accidents and traffic-related fatalities, but pop off sis! smaller roads force drivers to drive more carefully and slow down, making it safer for other forms of mobility to share the public right-of-way.
22TopShelf22 t1_isdwwna wrote
Lolz. Why don't you ban guns and pools while you're at it, because they kill a lot of people too! Maybe you could ban roads? Endless possibilities with people like you involved! Thanks for the data. You haven't proven a point. Only declared an opinion. Big difference! No research. Nothin
Amethoran t1_is0je9e wrote
Hurtz Doughnuts having a cops appreciation day but they can't figure out how to get into the parking lot.