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botfiddler t1_iu497na wrote

Trying to ban "Redpill" and "right-wing" through public pressure. Things could really go better for Gizmodo.


Badtrainwreck t1_iu4l0e3 wrote

Sex is the worst ad on apple? Why because sex is evil?


AmaResNovae t1_iu4n4b0 wrote

Even your parents managed to, it's really a low bar to reach. Which you would easily figure it out with a bit of self work instead of blaming women for being unable to fuck models despite your shit crust in your underwear.


Cynaris t1_iu4nenn wrote

You have a truly vast reservoir of made up shit to blast people with, just don't forget to let everyone know that you, in fact have sex


^(which inevitably is just yet another made up shit)


AmaResNovae t1_iu4ocj2 wrote

Yeah. People having sex is totally made up. Those 8 billions of us just popped out of thin air.

Go take a shower, learn to wipe your ass and learn that people don't owe you sex. That should get you a long way already. Worked pretty efficiently for humankind so far.


botfiddler t1_iu4oslz wrote

You're the one ranting on something you don't know anything about, make up things, and behave hostile. Maybe you are the one who's mentally challenged 🤔 Either that, or you're full knowingly spreading misinformation on other groups of people.

I guess I hit a sensitive spot when attacking Gizmodo. You might be one of their few readers or working there, in some hate baiting media outlet which might not make it through the recession. 🤷‍♂️


MC68328 t1_iu4piws wrote

You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy Facebook, not join them!_meme.gif


AmaResNovae t1_iu4prdj wrote

Yeah, a satire account mentioning having had sex in the past. On Reddit. Where half the subs are for porn. Suuuure mate.

There are probably millions of people fucking right now just out of cheer numbers of people. The fact that you will never be one of them is on you, not on people's ability to have sex. Don't project your pathetic red pilled worthlessness on the rest of us.


AmaResNovae t1_iu4qyxu wrote

How much of a looser do you have to be think that someone claiming having occasional sex is unbelievable is kinda amazing, really. It's not quite claiming to be a Chad fucking anything that moves. It's really just an adult mentioning a rather average amount of sex.

If that's so unbelievable to you, good thing that your red pill keeps you out of the gene pool.


Cynaris t1_iu4razn wrote

Surely you realize that bragging you got laid once in your life makes you sound even more of a buffoon?

That, and your overall attitude combined, and I'm 100% certain the closest you smelled to pussyjuice was some OnlyFans girl's bathwater.


squee30000 t1_iu4vxdv wrote

Ah yes, how shortsighted of us. We should put these things in the same category

Sex is a natural part of life, and some people are even able to gamble in moderation, but no one has ever practiced Antisemitism in healthy moderation.


Cynaris t1_iu4yw4z wrote

Breaking news: baseless assumptions made by terminally online lunatics, who make up people in their head based on zero information

Imagine defending the guy who out of nowhere flaunts they had sex trying to add credibility that everyone else is a virgin, and acting like it's the act of sex I'm hung up on, and not the weird bragging

1 clown was enough, we didn't need the entire circus to join


SgtSarah t1_iu50d7m wrote

To be fair the gambling apps already advertise like crazy on every other app that allows ads so they should have seen this coming.


Cynaris t1_iu50fun wrote

Yeah, I'm sure if you read the parent comments, you'll find ways to assign "neutral" or even positive connotations to being called redpill, "looser" ^(lmao), among other things like not knowing how to take a shower/wipe your ass, etc.

My guy, if you are going to defend someone like that, at least wear your heart on your sleeve.


Grostleton t1_iu514uo wrote

Who am I defending? You're making some very big leaps in logic to keep trying to play the victim.

I just made a lame breaking news joke and it sent you off the rails, maybe take a break from Reddit.


Cynaris t1_iu51g9o wrote

More assumptions. Not that you'd care about reality, but I'm as calm as ever. Wordy, sure, but upset? Bothered perhaps that this kind of behavior is what's rewarded.


Grostleton t1_iu550w5 wrote

That's kinda sad then, because I've had plenty of friendly conversations that start out with playful jabs, yet you seem to think it was a serious attack on your character.


Cynaris t1_iu55hgc wrote

A precedent was set, you cannot really blame me for thinking you are just picking up the other guy's mantle when your "neutral" remark was the exact same used insultingly minutes prior

I'm seriously pretty hard to offend, but just because I'm not taking something personally, the intent from the other side is still often there


thatfreshjive t1_iu56629 wrote

The right is absolutely antisemitic - and the USA is not, and was never intend to be a Christian nation.

"One Nation, Under God" was added to the pledge of allegiance in the 1950s.

Sit down, child.


Grostleton t1_iu571bg wrote

Rats! You've discovered my ruse after all my hard work!

Fr tho I think you gotta chill a bit on here. That other guy was baiting you hard and Redditors love that shit and will happily fuel the fire with votes. Ain't nobody actually cares how many times you or they have had sex.


roox911 t1_iu57ao4 wrote

You're correct. Some are anti black, anti brown, anti woman, anti immigrant, anti LGBT. But let's be honest here, the majority are at least "anti-one of those things".


thatfreshjive t1_iu57g3z wrote

Oh, I have. They just don't have anything of substance to contribute. Literally nothing of value to contribute to society.

You support the Republican party, because they've convinced you that liberals are evil.


Trgdor32 t1_iu57m50 wrote

If this is what you think then you havent been in an actual rightwing community before. When all you see is the extremists then naturally this is your conclusion.


roox911 t1_iu57srh wrote

I did, just yesterday. she was worried that the blacks (used a far worse term) were going to come and rape her and would only accept a white electrician in her home.

This was a new one for me, but certainly in the same lane as a large proportion of how conversations seem to go down here in conservative-ville USA.


thatfreshjive t1_iu58226 wrote

See, that's the difference between our politics. I say the right is antisemitic, and you are personally insulted. I didn't call you antisemitic, I called the party you support antisemitic.

Conservatives seem to believe that all criticism of their party, is a personal attack - and that's the purpose of propaganda.

I don't give a shit about the democratic party, I just the smartest, and least evil, politicians in office.


xavis t1_iu58a3y wrote

considering the party is 100% behind trump, the definition of extremist, i think hes right. unless you kick trump out of your party, im inclined to include you in that category too.


Trgdor32 t1_iu58u6x wrote

It always comes back to Trump. I liked a lot of what he did and disagreed with some of what he did too. No I wont outright renounce him but then thats just it. No president is perfect. Should I be saying you have to renounce Obama or youre an extremist?


roox911 t1_iu58wrv wrote

I live in rural Florida... in a county that voted over 75% conservative. I have 8 DeSantis and Trump flags between my 3 neighbors houses. And over a dozen on my block of 8 houses. I am literally in the epicenter of right wing community.


thatfreshjive t1_iu58yc3 wrote

ROFL - it isn't a clue to you that conservatives need a separate community to discuss their thoughts?

You snowflakes isolate yourselves from anyone who disagrees. There are no "left-wing" communities, because politics aren't our identity.


Trgdor32 t1_iu59614 wrote

Youre in the epicenter of 1 of many right wing communities. Go visit utah and youll get a vastly different vibe from them. Its the same difference between cali dems and colorado dems.


roox911 t1_iu5a12a wrote

Before this I lived in Arkansas. More of the same. Before that was Vancouver, Washington, more of the same.

Are all cons bad people? Nope. Does it pull in a massive swath of racist garbage human beings? Yup. and if you're still a conservative after Trump and all that has happened... well, good luck getting me or anyone to belive you're not on the same side as the bad ones at this stage.


thatfreshjive t1_iu5a28j wrote

And you don't care about the world around you, or learning new things.

Your faith is the answer for anything you don't know, and outlets like Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart - serve you groups of people to hate, and the world seems smaller and more manageable.

It's like the Jehovah's Witnesses - the door-to-door isn't actually about recruiting, it's to teach members that outsiders are mean, and evil, but the church is family. It's safer with them.


Trgdor32 t1_iu5aap3 wrote

Are you sure what you heard was actual racism? I get told by left wingers that Im somehow racist if I say illegal immigration is out of control.

Guess Im asking whats your baseline for calling someone racist?


le1mmortal t1_iu5afxl wrote

Dude I grew up in utah it’s not any different; from the suburbs where people keep their racism more polite and secretive to the rural areas where you’ll get shot at for having a Black Lives Matter sticker on your car


kazmerb t1_iu5bbf5 wrote

Conservatism has directly led to acts of violence against gays, democrats, liberals, and transgender people. So no conservatism is a fucking brain cancer, and it causes people to lash out violently like primitive little apes.


Trgdor32 t1_iu5bhb8 wrote

Huge groups of left winger outright rioted for 6 months straight that summer...rioted. like deaths and fires galore kind of rioted. Literal burning people alive and chucking bricks at cops kind of rioted. 6 months of that.

1 out of control group doesnt make it a coup regardless of all the shit politicians trying their hardest to call it that.


roox911 t1_iu5bsor wrote

You're right.. I'm probably to stupid to understand the difference between racism and nuanced political debate.

Actual racism is pretty easy to spot mate. As is ignorance, and blind adherence to a party that invites and welcomes racists


Trgdor32 t1_iu5bw9j wrote

Ah so the literal riots a few years back during the george floyd fiasco wasnt an act of violence against the communities they occured in?

Before you start on it yes they were riots. People died and buildings burned over them.


Stan57 t1_iu5ffj6 wrote

Isn't the real problem free programs/games that have ads instead of a paid ad free version? Honestly, blame the program/game developers. And don't click ads


xavis t1_iu5h418 wrote

>Huge groups of left winger outright rioted for 6 months straight that summer...rioted. like deaths and fires galore kind of rioted. Literal burning people alive and chucking bricks at cops kind of rioted. 6 months of that.

>1 out of control group doesnt make it a coup regardless of all the shit politicians trying their hardest to call it that.

well thanks for making my point for me, good own goal there.


downonthesecond t1_iu5mo2i wrote

It's not like mobile ads were ever good, they're bottom of the barrel.

Most have a fake X in the corner to close the ad. That Evion or whatever game went from animated ads to only showing scantly-clad women to a mini-game puzzle.


thatfreshjive t1_iu5qd7v wrote

Well, of course we're shitting on you - you want to take away freedom from people you disagree with. But we don't actively hate you. The left doesn't gloat about hurting people who are different.


thatfreshjive t1_iu5rwiw wrote

And that's where the problem is - politics is about society as a WHOLE, not about how YOU feel. The entire republican platform is "own the libs". Government is supposed to work for EVERYONE - otherwise, it has no purpose. Corporations don't need government, PEOPLE do. You AND I.

Since the data first started getting recorded, the economy has been significantly better under Democratic presidents, for example.


thatfreshjive t1_iu5sll7 wrote

If you cared about values, you wouldn't have voted for Trump. You care about sticking to people you've never met, because Tucker Carlson said "They think you're better than you! They're trying take away your way of life!"

That's a lie. You are being manipulated. If you were really a Christian, you would want a better life for strangers. But you aren't


jackflour449 t1_iu659yz wrote

They should just not allow any political advertising and be done with it


dontstealmycar t1_iu668n6 wrote

apple is going learn fast that the people that run those sorts of scammy ads are incredibly good at evading detection and getting through ad approvals/moderation. They'll get it sorted out in time.


luxmesa t1_iu70mzy wrote

Any ads for those weird puzzle games where you gotta combine two bathtubs to make a nicer bathtub?


243dssd t1_iu7u1fs wrote

People so sensitive these days. Leave it as is. Personal accountability.


_Rand_ t1_iu7vp92 wrote

So far I've not seen a single ad I would have even pegged as an ad if it wasn't tagged. Clearly they have SOME problems, but it seems like people are blowing it out of proportion.

I'd still rather no ads because fuck advertising, I'm the sort of guy who runs a pihole, ublock, privacy badger etc, but so far it just feels like normal app store promotion but they get paid for some of the placement now.


Vogelsten t1_iub04pc wrote

The vast majority of anything that could be considered a riot was committed by right wing agent provocateurs. You are believing hyperbolic nonsense from known and proven propagandists because it agrees with the victim complex that the right wing has perpetuated.