gzlovesyou t1_iybl1vo wrote
Wait till musk sees this
ArcticGlacier40 t1_iyblv33 wrote
I don't think that much water was used....
Apprehensive-Tour-33 t1_iybm42a wrote
There is a shortage here on earth....
ArcticGlacier40 t1_iybmpvf wrote
Shortage of water is not the issue.
Getting water to people who need it is the issue.
We have entire oceans full of water, and we have the capability to make it drinkable. It needs to be made more widespread and made more globally available.
Apprehensive-Tour-33 t1_iybn0ei wrote
Too expensive. It would make fresh water the cost of rent.
TSTUMPMAN t1_iybn1o6 wrote
Are you joking?
ArcticGlacier40 t1_iybn5hg wrote
It's currently expensive. So is renewable energy.
That doesn't mean we should put it aside and forget about it.
[deleted] t1_iybnav2 wrote
ArcticGlacier40 t1_iybnrgk wrote
That we need to invest in more ways to access our vast reserves of salt water and turn it into fresh water? Why would that be a joke?
Badtrainwreck t1_iyboidk wrote
You’re correct we do, but there is also a reason why it isn’t already happening now on major levels. There are plenty of super wealthy countries just importing fresh water, even when they have ocean access, it’s because the technology just isn’t where it needs to be for capitalism to be interested. Hell it’s not even really where it needs to be for socialism to say let’s go baby. Hopefully soon tho
TerrariaGaming004 t1_iyboj27 wrote
This sounds suspiciously like just burning hydrogen
chunkboslicemen t1_iybp8xk wrote
Steam punk zeppelin on the moon
aquarain t1_iybqdr4 wrote
Turns out SLS is also steam powered.
But not the side boosters.
TSTUMPMAN t1_iybrdyj wrote
Wow, I sincerely apologize, I meant to reply to a different comment. I am so sorry.
YikeSpike t1_iybs2pl wrote
Props for leaving the original comment up for context
Fake_William_Shatner t1_iybst05 wrote
Water brings it's own oxidant!
Fake_William_Shatner t1_iybsuyu wrote
If they put a large useless gear on the side of the craft then my steampunk dreams have been at last realized.
SweetNeo85 t1_iybtexy wrote
Is it too much to ask for a big brass flyball governor?
Hellrazor236 t1_iybvn70 wrote
It probably has a reaction wheel.
RetardedWabbit t1_iybwu41 wrote
Pft, congrats on the entry level rocket engine Japan.
Fake_William_Shatner t1_iybwxjm wrote
I've never heard of a flyball. I have heard of a flywheel or a reaction governor.
I suppose I'm not well versed enough in steampunk technology.
[deleted] t1_iyc01nt wrote
Winter_Criticism_236 t1_iyc85tk wrote
Worse than co2!
NecroJoe t1_iycaaim wrote
I could be wrong, but I *think* it's not as bad as C02, but it is by far the biggest contribution to greenhouse effect simply because there's so much more than anything else by orders of magnitude.
Ataraxia25 t1_iycgqb6 wrote
I blame Rockefeller and Thomas Edison for why we're not living in a steampunk society, clearly that's the suprtior technology, but self-intrest groups blocked certain tech and promoted certain energy sources and that's why we have climate change and no steampunk. Frigging billionares ruin everything.
CatProgrammer t1_iycshlh wrote
Reaction wheels are kind of like the inverse of flywheels, they're spun at constant speeds and then have their speed adjusted to modify attitude.
NoPriorThreat t1_iyd2obs wrote
No, one molecule of water has much worse greenhouse effect than CO2, it is all about vibrational levels.
Bobaximus t1_iydivq8 wrote
These are thrusters used in orbit. We used to use compressed gas. Water is better because it’s doesn’t have to be stored at high pressure and can serve multiple purposes (coolant, consumption, etc.), the “problem” is that you need a boiler to produce the steam which in turn requires power. This test seems to indicate they’ve found a solution that meets size, mass and power requirements.
Butterbuddha t1_iydq0p0 wrote
First Dilbert was doing this, now Japan is using Steam on spacecraft. What an age in which we live!
Winter_Criticism_236 t1_iydrd4o wrote
I liked this explanation : temperature controls how much water vapour there is, there is higher temperature due to c02 and other non condensing gases. Water vapour is 60% of the warming in a ongoing feedback loop...
Ihaveastalkerproblem t1_iye1igk wrote
Superheat injected spurts of it on it's way to the nozzle housing?
Apprehensive-Tour-33 t1_iybkc8d wrote
Way to waste water.