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JaiC t1_j3ayp6e wrote

The taxi system is a bloated, anachronistic mess, competing with rideshares, an exploitative, underregulated mess.

The reality is both of these systems are taxis. The only difference is how they're hailed. Regulation and pay need to move toward a sanity that is fair to all the drivers in both systems.


ironichaos t1_j3eqw8f wrote

With the curb app they are hailed in the exact same way now.


Cruxwright t1_j3bhcwy wrote

I lay some blame of the current car market inflation on the rideshares. Yes, COVID lead to some nasty supply chain issues. However, everyone and their brother that didn't want to work a min wage job drove demand for every make of sedan on the market. Meanwhile, the taxi companies, instead of doing major fleet refreshes, are only signing enough new leases to replace their maintenance hogs. So now the car makers are losing out on markets of scale because there's reduced demand for makes X,Y,Z sedans and they also have higher demand for all their other sedans. They can't do as large productions runs, which means changing out the production line which has ripple effects all down the supply chain.

The other thing that gets me is no one lays on the horn behind a cab. But some rideshare double parks, nope we're laying on the horn for 2 minutes instead of going around.

PS - the other thing is some cities' taxi commissions were trying to mandate high MPG, low emissions, EV adoption, etc. With rideshares becoming predominant, that's all out the window.


tribefan_12 t1_j3ciahn wrote

What regulation is needed? Uber works great


aezart t1_j3cpjrc wrote

Regulations that make Uber treat their drivers like human beings.


tribefan_12 t1_j3cqdtn wrote

How are they not treated like human beings? They have way more generous time off and break policies than me


AlanzAlda t1_j3dwyrf wrote

That's probably because they aren't an employee of Uber. Drivers are only paid a fraction of what you as a rider pay, and they only make money if they drive. That pay also has to cover their car lease, maintenance, gas, etc.


tribefan_12 t1_j3dxk54 wrote

So what? If it’s a bad deal, they wouldn’t do it


cptspeirs t1_j3e80w9 wrote

Having done it, much of the 'bad' in the deal is hidden, or hard to see until it's too late. It feels like you're breaking even, or even making money, until you factor in wear and tear on your vehicle, gas, etc. Yes people do make money doing this, or it wouldn't exist, but you have to really do it.


[deleted] t1_j3f3kra wrote

Especially when you have to account for the taxes


zerogee616 t1_j3fh0qx wrote

> If it’s a bad deal, they wouldn’t do it

I'm glad you have this innate, superhuman ability to see everything before it's too late.


tribefan_12 t1_j3fh3zf wrote

So what percent of Uber drivers are actually being harmed without realizing it? Don’t be stupid.

Those people are in a far better position to make the decision for their lives than you are


something-clever---- t1_j3cw4r7 wrote

The fuck it does. I use Uber/ Lyft more often then most, enough to be diamond with them when they has the status program.

Outside of the obvious labor issues that need regulation.

The wide range of types of cars you get is an issue. If I’m ordering an xl I don’t want a crossover rav4 I want an actual suv that will fit my gear or my people.

Also the safety issue. The cars are not inspected and quality is hit and miss. You can get a new Tesla or a roached out crown Vic that has been beaten within an inch of his life. It chaps my ass to pay 80 bucks to get the airport in a shit box.


tribefan_12 t1_j3cydwv wrote

Lol that hardly constitutes the government stepping in

If it were a bad deal for workers, why don’t they get a different job?


something-clever---- t1_j3cymwu wrote

Actually it does “Lanham Act allows civil lawsuits for false advertising that “misrepresents the nature, characteristics, qualities, or geographic origin” of goods or services”

Also nice edit to change context.


tribefan_12 t1_j3czjdr wrote

Ok then you go sue them, good luck winning lol


pickleer t1_j3bayi9 wrote

Hold up, uber has been fucking taxi services and taxi drivers and NOW they turn to the Taxi and Limousine Commission for help?? And NYC allowed this?? Big business, folks, not little people. That's who wins nowadays. Evidently, their stockholder profits are more important than our rent payments...


tribefan_12 t1_j3ci71f wrote

Lol creating a much better product and cracking up a predatory monopoly is not “fucking them”


pickleer t1_j3enrjg wrote

Horseshit. Taxi drivers pay the dues to cart us around and taxi companies provide the local accountability uber shirks. Gig workers don't jump through any of the hoops or meet regulation like taxi drivers, so you're getting less product and the economy get less gears grinding along. Your short-term comforts feed a corporation at their and all of our expense. Oh, and this to a corporation that has always told us and their drivers that they're working towards driver-free rides, fuck everyone BUT them. I mean, if that's you, take that ride but...


tribefan_12 t1_j3escmf wrote

The “regulations” taxi drivers have to meet is paying bullshit medallion fees so people can’t afford them and it pushes wages up and they can operate as a cartel

Uber gives MORE product and is more efficient so better for the economy overall.

Driver free rides would be great. Why wouldn’t you support that?


lexartifex t1_j3ete14 wrote

They read too many NY times slam pieces authored and paid for by the NYC taxi cartel and their government shills


pickleer t1_j3f2s5n wrote

This starts in NYC but it's gonna affect every city. And it's JUST a start. Macroeconomics gonna bite you us when an entire class (pro drivers) get put on the street.


pickleer t1_j3eyy1y wrote

Because it removes an income stream from some of our fellow citizens, dragging down quality of life and the economy for all through knock-on effects. Don't mistake me- I'm not the conversational type but I'll happily put up with a chatty taxi driver that put in the work to get the job with a locally-accountable company. This driver can legibly calculate and predict his wages, feed his family (versus go on welfare or worse), and pay his taxes. Just me in the car is selfish transportation, a single usage of the vehicle carbon expenditures where double use used to be the norm. My comfort is a selfish consideration if it cuts all those drivers out of the economy. And NO, not everyone can retrain.


tribefan_12 t1_j3fc1m5 wrote

What? But customers save money, get the exact same product, and can direct that money towards other people in the economy. It’s a more efficient use. By your logic, we should create a law that doubles the price of everything to help the economy.


pickleer t1_j3fcm4s wrote

Ride sharing creates a barrier to employment- you gotta be able to afford the vehicle and its upkeep. Taxis aren't like that.


tribefan_12 t1_j3fd57p wrote

What???? To drive a taxi you need to buy a license that costs $250,000. You don’t know what you’re talking about


pickleer t1_j3fdk88 wrote

The drivers work to pay that off in most companies. uber requires the vehicle, a nice vehicle and insurance up front.


tribefan_12 t1_j3ff4w1 wrote

Which… most people have and are using anyway


pickleer t1_j3ffm4g wrote

So why do we have taxis or ride sharing then? You're thinking from a restricted point of view.


tribefan_12 t1_j3fgqcq wrote

Because people don’t always have their cars with them or they want to drink lmao. That doesn’t mean they don’t have them period


pickleer t1_j3ftxsn wrote

So which way are you arguing? Most people have them or not?


tribefan_12 t1_j3gztxh wrote

Most people do, but they don’t always have them on them. How is this hard for you?


chubbysumo t1_j3eoeu8 wrote

> Hold up, uber has been fucking taxi services and taxi drivers and NOW they turn to the Taxi and Limousine Commission for help??

yes, to tell the TLC that they can't raise fare rates.


pickleer t1_j3eqt05 wrote

They have to BECAUSE OF UBER. They're looking out for their union members, taking care of their drivers.

Don't get me wrong- ride share makes ecological sense. But current ride share companies, ESPECIALLY FUCKING UBER, are taking financial advantage over riders, people with families that drive for a living, and their own drivers, all whilst sucking down all the profit. They don't give back to the local economies, only prey upon them. And just check the news: How many registered and bonded taxi drivers rape or otherwise abuse their fares vs uber drivers?


chubbysumo t1_j3erdf4 wrote

oh, I know, and agree. This is uber suing the TLC to stop a fare increase. read the article. the courts didn't block a pay increase for just Uber and lyft drivers, but for all taxi drivers in NYC, and the company suing to stop that fare increase is Uber.

I do contracted deliveries. Uber/lyft/fooddudes are a scourge that prey upon people not knowing the true costs of driving their cars around a lot more. they prey upon the fact that drivers won't consider the added maintence or fuel or insurance costs(for proper commercial insurance) into how much they are getting paid to realize they are going into debt for a company that is literally losing billions per year to kill taxi companies around the world and drive down pay for everyone. uber is holding the entire delivery and driver service wage back because its the lowest pay, thus, everyone must suffer at that price.


LiberalFartsMajor t1_j3avei3 wrote

I hate it here.


almost_not_terrible t1_j3bv8qq wrote

You describe my experience of NYC perfectly.

If there was ever an overrated, dirty, noisy, weed-trucky, overpriced, pissy, COVID-giving pisshole of a city it would be NYC.

The only redeeming feature was Central Park because it temporarily turns its citizens human for an hour or so before they have to return to their hateful, zombified existence.

Those that stay either have Stockholm syndrome and will defend it to the hilt, have never left and don't know that life needn't be like this, or are unable to leave because they are too busy being angry.


chubbysumo t1_j3eokqs wrote

> The only redeeming feature was Central Park because it temporarily turns its citizens human for an hour or so before they have to return to their hateful, zombified existence.

move away to a place like MN. I have "central park" out my back door, and then again, I can take a ride 30 minutes north and have thousands of acres of central park, with actual nature there.


Handsum_Rob t1_j3d2pzk wrote

But they have no problem raising toll crossings on January 8th. It all depends on who’s pockets the money goes to. Theirs = raise it. Yours = No raise.


BroForceOne t1_j3e31np wrote

> It’s just not enough to say there’s inflation and 100 drivers said gas prices shot up,

I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I'm pretty sure actual data on inflation and gas prices exists.


Broshcity t1_j3brt6o wrote

I miss the taxi cab confessions they should bring that back


Kmaloetas t1_j3cupzn wrote

Why pay Uber drivers when you can pay the courts?


Old_Leather t1_j3fc80t wrote

They are all overpriced now, so who gives a fuck!?


trumpcovfefe t1_j3fmtdc wrote

That money goes to the company, not the drivers


Old_Leather t1_j3htom8 wrote

I don’t give a shit who gets it. It’s grossly overpriced for the service they provide.


trumpcovfefe t1_j3i9g5a wrote

Are you always a whiny bitch? Then dont use the service and walk or drive yourself


Old_Leather t1_j3ihsf8 wrote

I don’t use it. And I’m only this bitchy when people post stupid stuff.


3xoticP3nguin t1_j3cf6bs wrote

And New York City wonders why nobody wants to live there or go there.

the place is a dump smells horrible has garbage everywhere and is extremely expensive.

As someone who lives in the suburbs of New York City I really pray in my lifetime the city has its demise


CatastropheJohn t1_j3awhec wrote

Real taxis have razor thin margins and are at the mercy of the City. I can’t believe they even allow ‘ride sharing’ at all.


JoieDe_Vivre_ t1_j3bcpvn wrote

“Real” (whatever the fuck that means) taxis are also the worst. They’re unreliable and scammy. Why is that okay?


Cruxwright t1_j3bhxa9 wrote

Because the alternative was the bus, subway, or walking and risk getting mugged. Taking a taxi was a luxury vs dealing with public transit in larger cities. Even if the driver was trying to scam you.


CatastropheJohn t1_j3bgawf wrote

I ran a taxi company for 22 years. There was nothing scummy about any of it. Your mileage appears to vary.

Real taxis have taxi plates. Thanks for the attitude though.

I’m sure you were a world class customer

Enjoy the surge pricing


zerogee616 t1_j3fhl6p wrote

Dude, there's a reason that as soon as Uber showed up everybody dropped taxis like a hot potato ASAP and they had to resort to physically blocking roads and disruptive protests to get people to use them again.

Taxis suck. They've always sucked. They're expensive, they all try to scam the everliving dogshit out of you, "Black man can't get a cab" has been a thing for 50 years, and that's only in the places where taxis exist, which is not most places. Normally it takes effort and time to overcome the kind of institutional inertia something like taxi services have but man, taxis were just that fucking bad. Uber isn't perfect, but it sure as fuck beats a yellow cab.


Akrlsofowkdlfow23 t1_j3gug75 wrote

There's a reason everyone hates taxis


CatastropheJohn t1_j3hu25p wrote

And Ubers are all wonderful amirite

Everyone are assholes. Everyone hates lawyers, accountants politicians, cops, landlords, car salesmen, [insert your profession here]


tribefan_12 t1_j3cijcm wrote

Surge pricing is a good thing… it’s better then not getting a ride at all


CatastropheJohn t1_j3coze5 wrote

Real taxis run 24/7/365 and the price never changes. Calls are taken chronologically. Theoretically you could wait forever for an Uber and then pay 100x the taxi fare. But whatever


tribefan_12 t1_j3cqi2u wrote

Ubers run 365 and it’s better that they change the price… that way, you can always get one when there’s high demand. Also, you know you won’t be scammed for the price like taxi drivers do


CatastropheJohn t1_j3eai0w wrote

Ah, it’s ‘all taxi drivers are thieves’ trope you’re all pussyfooting around. Used car salesmen too amirite.


tribefan_12 t1_j3ebssa wrote

It’s true, they do all sorts of shady shit and are racist. Ubers pick you up no matter the neighborhood or race


CatastropheJohn t1_j3ecxem wrote

Do you know the drivers float back-and-forth right no of course you don’t. It’s the same people you’re painting with that mile wide brush


FineAunts t1_j3ayvez wrote

They allow it because the TLC (the NYC entity that manages taxicab medallions) partnered with rideshare companies to charge extra fees per ride that go straight to them.


willybusmc t1_j3d75oa wrote

How exactly would you propose we outlaw “ride sharing”?


billyoatmeal t1_j3e5qgg wrote

Mandatory checkpoints throughout the city where you have to stop and show your papers and let the government keep logs of everything you do of course!



CatastropheJohn t1_j3eans2 wrote

Like a taxi? 🤷‍♂️

no checkpoints, but there’s a medallion riveted on the trunk. And mandatory call logs. And vehicle inspections. And annual records checks on the drivers, highway and criminal.

But do you. Save $3 here and $3 there, then pay an extra $50 at their whim.


BillCoronet t1_j3hd1q0 wrote

You don’t even save money anymore. Now that their gypsy cab operation has gotten enough market share, they’ve been able to crank up prices.