Submitted by Bluest_waters t3_11ba2eu in television

The most recent ep that just dropped features a stoned Ford at a party being fucking hilarious! Something about the way he just deadpans sarcastic lines is just too funny

He isn't meant for baudy or loud or over the top comedy. He just has a way of looking at someone totally seriously and then smacking them with a dry one liner that just cracks me up hard. Jason is theoretically the star of this show, but I watch for Ford and Jessica Williams.



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Gloomy_Travel7992 t1_j9wszkk wrote

Some of his line delivery’s in the Star Wars movies are some of the funniest stuff in SW. Also the look he gives the sword guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark before shooting him is hilarious. He knows how to do funny.


fossilnews t1_j9x850e wrote

>Also the look he gives the sword guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark before shooting him

He was sick as hell with food poisoning and was supposed to do a fight scene with him. They improvised the shooting because he felt so bad. That look was probably real.


droplightning t1_j9xfzpk wrote

Ford and most of the crew had dysentery


fusionsofwonder t1_j9xgzgi wrote

Spielberg had a footlocker of Spaghetti Os he was living off of and didn't get sick. IIRC.


Belgand t1_j9xoemc wrote

And he missed out on all that delicious North African cuisine as a result. I'd rather take my chances of getting dysentery.


fusionsofwonder t1_j9xokpt wrote

I probably wouldn't risk it until after they wrapped. A sick director is a huge expense.


Belgand t1_j9xpxj4 wrote

The smart move would be to travel as part of the advance team. If you're going to get sick, do so early on so you'll hopefully be over it and unlikely to have a recurrence once you move into production with everyone on site.


DerpDerpersonMD t1_ja2d3tb wrote

>I'd rather take my chances of getting dysentery.

Says person who's never had dysentery.


Jazzremix t1_j9yoemj wrote

This is one of those comments that you can guarantee will be in a thread if the article mentions Harrison Ford


urridium t1_j9xrovi wrote

Goddamnit, people please. No one asked about this. I get that you want it to be the new/even older "Leo cut his hand", but please stop. It doesn't have to be thrown into every thread about Ford.


Champagne_of_piss t1_j9ybc43 wrote

And to think you wasted your time typing up a whiny post about it



G8kpr t1_j9yqm47 wrote

Also see his skits with chewbacca on Jimmy Kimmel.

“She was my wife!!!”


Thebat87 t1_j9xj3qh wrote

Shit I think the look on his face after all the guys pull guns on him in the trailer for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is hilarious too.


Leachpunk t1_j9y8wta wrote

You must have hit it pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that!


FamiGami t1_j9wugc8 wrote

It isn’t Hollywood that chose not to put Harrison Ford in comedies. That was his choice.


aedum1111 t1_j9xtf88 wrote

He’s in an obscene amount of comedies anyway, so the OP makes no sense.


-SneakySnake- t1_j9yneg7 wrote

Even the action movies he did, only a handful didn't have some element of comedy to them. The Fugitive, the Jack Ryan movies and Airforce One (which was basically just another Jack Ryan movie.)


ArryPotta t1_j9yq4pi wrote

Also, Shrinking is pretty bad.


Diablojota t1_j9ytrjv wrote

“Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.”


ArryPotta t1_j9z27aj wrote

It's the cheesiest thing I've ever seen, and all the characters are annoying as fuck. They tried to make another Ted Lasso but forgot about making the people likable.


tdevine33 t1_ja0lpjc wrote

I'm not sure I see the parallels to Ted Laso, how so?


ArryPotta t1_ja0ptbq wrote

Two of the same creators with overly sentimental characters with totally unrealistic human interactions amongst them. It works for Ted Lasso while it absolutely doesn't work as well here. His neighbor is one of the most unlikable characters I've seen in a long time.

The whole storyline between his daughter and Sean... my god... how could anyone watch that, "You're so beautiful" line to end the episode and not gag?


EthanSpears t1_j9z40wk wrote

It's not the best show but I am liking it a lot.


Candymom t1_j9ytyz6 wrote

I like it except for the language. Every single person in it is unnecessarily foul mouthed, including the kid. It feels contextually ok inTed Lasso because it's a sports team but feels really out if place for a bunch of counselors to be talking like that all the time. Especially to patients.


Bluest_waters OP t1_j9z45y4 wrote

that is how a lot of regular people talk though

maybe not your friends, but me and my friends pretty much talk that way all the time. It seems very normal to me.


Candymom t1_j9zeytr wrote

I don’t know anybody that talks like that, at least not in everyday life. Maybe if my kid in their 20s is playing COD, but that’s about it.


GenericAustin t1_j9wttyb wrote

Harrison Ford is known to be very selective of the scripts he accepts, so maybe it's his fault not Hollywood's

I have also seen him in quite a few comedies, mostly romantic comedies, am not sure if those are considered comedy roles or not


Bluest_waters OP t1_j9wxh13 wrote

Yes those rom coms. They have a totally different vibe. No room for dry one line zingers or Ford just being grumpy and direct.


Kiethblacklion t1_j9x4naa wrote

Another type of role Ford rarely does is playing the villain. What Lies Beneath was the first movie that I saw where he was the bad guy and one of the few instances in which I saw him die in a movie


The_River_Is_Still t1_j9x8csv wrote

Like Tom Cruise as Vincent in Collateral. He should play more villain roles.


bros402 t1_j9yital wrote

yesss, he needs more villain roles

also, it still holds up


The_River_Is_Still t1_j9z3fww wrote

He played a great focused, calm bad guy so well. It’s scary because it makes you kind of like the guy lol. That’s way more interesting than some obnoxious lunatic.


RVarki t1_ja2g01q wrote

I genuinely believe that Tom Cruise could've done a better job in Django Unchained, than Dicaprio did. I can't really remember Cruise ever having done a convincing accent, but outside of that, he would've been fantastic


The_River_Is_Still t1_ja2nxpz wrote

Say what you want about Scientology, and rightfully so, but the guy genuinely seems like a decent person and a lot of people say he’s really respectful to the crew on sets and gets to know most people…. And hes a great actor. He really is. He puts out hit after hit so he’s doing something right. He’s shown plenty of range before. Now he’s at that age like many A listers and they pay him to be him. Like DiNero, Denzel and Pacino.


Evil_Morty_C131 t1_ja0it7z wrote

Mosquito Coast


Bluest_waters OP t1_ja101oa wrote

He was obsessed, nearly a mad man, but he wasn't evil. He truly believed in what he was doing, he was not malicious. He just didn't understand how his obsession would turn out all wrong.


Lcsd114 t1_j9xa482 wrote

Spoiler Alert! (Lol, j/k).

I adore Harrison Ford, and have done since I saw Return of the Jedi when I was 9. I’m loving seeing him in Shrinking, his sardonic humor is on full display in that role. One of my favorite roles was his very subtly played villain in What Lies Beneath, which I think is a very underrated thriller.


SheepherderFast6 t1_j9z1vs6 wrote

Yes! I have adored this man since I was a child too, and he can do no wrong!! My husband likes to counter that he is a terrible pilot, but I just give him the death stare and he shuts up!😆


Arinoch t1_j9yucqg wrote

I think that helped the movie since I just didn’t see the twist coming because it was Ford.


your_mind_aches t1_ja3z1kv wrote

Well he's about to be a major villain in the MCU. Wonder if that's part of why he took the role. Ross is a real asshole.


skylight252 t1_j9xl34v wrote

Only other villain I can think of is evil Indy in Temple of Doom


Vandergaard t1_j9yl6j8 wrote

What Lies Beneath is a great movie, and I will never understand why the trailer completely spoils the twist.


Nathan_Drake__ t1_ja06dtf wrote

Iirc (and I haven't seen it in decades) is he was pretty creepy too.


inm808 t1_ja6mcpx wrote

Very good in The Conversation as well. Slick and dangerous


MulciberTenebras t1_j9wy3oa wrote

There's a old movie starring him that you'd love... The Frisco Kid. A western buddy comedy with Gene Wilder (playing a Polish rabbi trying to cross america alive with the help of Ford's character - a bank robbery).


GuyanaFlavorAid t1_j9xwrej wrote

That's one of the best. When they're trying to stay warm in the barn. "C'mere, darling." LOL Or discussing the last prairie chicken at dinner. "You think you got a chance?" "I think I can say with complete confidence, none whatsoever." And then Ford just grins and gives him the last of the food. Or running from the law waitonvfor sunset "Now?" That movie is just excellent.


crunchycow t1_j9zk30w wrote

I’ve loved this movie since I’ve been a kid, I still quote it. “Well I come from the Texas” and “I’ll try to BE AS QUIET AS POSSIBLE!” It’s a great movie that holds up even now


BigPoppaPuff t1_j9wv012 wrote

Did he want to be in more comedies?


IsRude t1_j9xdbwu wrote

I think he wanted to get paid and laid, and then be left the fuck alone. So if they could provide those things, I'm sure he'd have been willing.


hankjmoody t1_j9wx65z wrote

He was low-key hilarious in Morning Glory, if you want another example.


Nightman463 t1_j9xkklb wrote

The scene at the start of the ep, where he is just staring at Jason Segal (Jimmy), but insists he is talking to Sean. So goooood.


dokelyok t1_ja3gjtm wrote

His chemistry with Jason Segel is amazing on this show. I've always really liked Jason Segel but never thought of him as a particularly great actor but this show definitely gives him the right material to really showcase his talents.


MasterofPandas1 t1_j9x4kv8 wrote

Even though this past weeks episode handled some heavy shit for a lot of the character’s (Ford’s included) he was the highlight of the episode and every line of his dialogue was amazing.


ptambrosetti t1_j9xqjk0 wrote

The “oh my god I can’t drive” bit from a few episodes was great


DisturbedNocturne t1_j9y35wu wrote

This was the episode that will have me be really surprised if he doesn't get an Emmy nomination next year.


csgosometimez t1_j9xr31w wrote

Yes, I loved the scene where he brought a case of beer and asked two questions and suddenly the marine can finally talk about his past.

The show is very thin on drama or any "heavy shit".


Uptons_BJs t1_j9wu4r7 wrote

Its very unfortunate that "comedians" on average don't get paid as much as serious actors.


Often times my favorite guest starring roles are when serious, drama actors show up on comedies for a small role. See: Matt Damon, Selma Hayek, and Peter Dinklage on 30 Rock, Jon Hamm on 30 Rock and Kimmy Schmidt.


nayapapaya t1_j9xenwj wrote

*It's Salma Hayek.

I've just seen so many people call her Selma recently.


Belgand t1_j9xoplx wrote

Jon Hamm does a ton of comedic roles along with dramedies. It's to the point that it often seems like he prefers it to dramatic roles.


wobblydavid t1_j9zlmyp wrote

I'm sad Confess Fletch flew under the radar so much. It's a great film and John Hamm is awesome in it.


Belgand t1_j9zojzi wrote

Because they buried the release.

That's getting worse and worse when something will get picked up by one particular streaming service. At least when a film only got a release in a handful of theaters for two weeks it could pick up a following on video. Now they're stuck on some niche service to die. Even if you're interested, most people are subscribing just for one thing. So that further hurts the word of mouth that cult hits need to propagate.


ITeechYoKidsArt t1_j9wxt6u wrote

I really like Hollywood Homicide for this reason. It’s arguably a stupid movie but seeing him being silly is just kind of great.


idlerspawn t1_j9yfoum wrote

I really love this movie. I kind of feel like it rhymes with Atlanta.


Nathan_Drake__ t1_ja06xyd wrote

God I haven't thought about that movie in yonks. Adding it to my list.


moreorlesser t1_j9xwy10 wrote

I mean like at least 50% of his best scenes as Han Solo and Indy are comedic scenes. Probably more than 50%.


Ben_Thar t1_j9wvyat wrote

About time for a Grumpy Old Men reboot


daydreamerrme t1_j9x7i4k wrote

Ooooo tell me who else should be in it, I'd watch this


Belgand t1_j9xplas wrote

Samuel L. Jackson.

Although Kevin Pollak (66) is also almost the same age Jack Lemmon was (68) when he made the first film.

I'd also be down for a Patrick Stewart/Ian McKellen version. A British take on it would be an interesting element that would help to reinvigorate the material as well.


Jeffreyknows t1_j9x2hp5 wrote

This show is surprisingly so great! I really haven’t enjoyed a new TV show in so long


canuck47 t1_j9y74b5 wrote

I wasn't sure when I heard they were making a comedy about grief, but it's been really good so far. And co-created and written by Roy from Ted Lasso!


zachtheperson t1_j9x8hqb wrote

I've seem him in some interviews and he's funny AF. Now that he's older and can't do quite as much action, I'd love to see him in some comedy movies!


ErikPanic t1_j9xdzlf wrote

He's a perfect "straight man" in Star Wars (mostly just the first one), and especially as Indiana Jones. So much of what makes Last Crusade work is Harrison Ford's natural sense of comedic timing as a straight man.


HamiltonIsMyJamilton t1_j9y2t85 wrote

If he isn't at least nominated for Best Supporting Actor Emmy I will be pissed


moxieroxsox t1_j9xjr05 wrote

Hollywood didn’t fuck up. Ford picks what he wants to do.


Danominator t1_j9ygzuz wrote

The roles he is most famous for have him being funny, han solo and Indiana Jones.


shewy92 t1_j9ylly2 wrote

He needs to go full Leslie Nielsen and become a deadpan comedy movie star. Leslie was a "normal" actor his entire career until Airplane in 1980


B__Malz t1_j9yru06 wrote

Shrinking is just lovely.


wigster1977 t1_j9x2ms2 wrote

Really such a great show all around, but yes, he is hilarious in it


[deleted] t1_j9xwyv4 wrote



cjinct t1_j9yk5vx wrote

> He held his own on Whats Up Doc

I f'love that movie and he did, indeed

(Also, Madelaine Kahn absolutely stole every scene she was in)

I need to rewatch that this weekend LOL


daydreamerrme t1_j9x7k3e wrote

I haven't seen the latest episode yet but I do love this show and I especially love his performance!


got_that_itis t1_j9yir1e wrote

This is pretty much his real life persona. I'm sure they just filmed Harrison Ford being Harrison Ford and edited it into the show.

Edit: typo


Arinoch t1_j9ytwap wrote

Agreed. As much as I’m enjoying the show in general, the takeaway I’ve been telling people about the show is that I’m upset I haven’t been watching Harrison Ford in more comedy over the last forty years. Granted it’s also this comedic skill that has made his action characters so likeable.


Impressive_Star_3454 t1_j9zcssz wrote

I was just watching 1923, and in the first episode He's walking into a bar and one of the women protesting for Prohibition stops him at the door. He points out the sign also says "Soda". The woman counters that the prostitutes work out of a building called a Dance Hall, and the mock look of surprise on his face and his "You don't say!" just killed me.

He's always been dead pan funny, but that was always mixed in dramas.


joshhazel1 t1_ja01l03 wrote

Check out Harrison Ford 6 days 7 nights movie


MrBoliNica t1_ja114aq wrote

The best part about him on the show is I’m pretty sure this is the closest thing to a “normal dude” he’s ever played. He’s great. The scene of him jamming to sugar ray in the car was great


GrandmaForPresident t1_j9ydthw wrote

You should watch more movies he is in, most of his acting roles have some comedy in them.


GroundhogBoy t1_j9yr5uu wrote

You didn't think Witness was hilarious?


badgarok725 t1_j9yuach wrote

More comedies? He was already in Anchorman 2 how much more do you need


adaminc t1_j9z2y7b wrote

He was great in the rom-com Six Days, Seven Nights.


eastcoastflava13 t1_j9z36ih wrote

This show is so excellent. At times I get some Scrubs essence from the writing/editing, and it makes me so happy Bill Lawrence is still making quality TV.

Plus the addition of Segal and Goldstein? I hope the three of them make a hundred different TV shows together.

I think if Donald or Zach cameo on the show my head will explode.


avidwatcherz t1_ja0fkyd wrote

He's hilarious in Shrinking lol.


krissym99 t1_ja0pptw wrote

He's so good in Shrinking. I'm really enjoying the show so far.


MeCritic t1_ja0tbue wrote

We don't need another DeNiro which career is f**ked up by the amount of bad comedy flicks. Ford do some good or mediocre, like Morning Glory which is really fun movie.


EnQuest t1_ja1fn6s wrote

Obviously not as good as the first one, but I loved his small part in anchorman 2


Owasso_Landman t1_j9ygapx wrote

OP is 13 and has only seen Star Wars apparently.


averageduder t1_ja18eun wrote

I really enjoy the show. All the characters are endearing.


overkill77 t1_j9xnc2a wrote

I had exactly the same thought watching it.


opinurmind t1_j9ykmjv wrote

Amazing how difficult it is to pull off deadpan when you're baked all the time.


Discombobulated-Wing t1_ja040yt wrote

Anyone else feel downright uneasy watching this show?

The way every character frantically makes self-aware comments about themselves, as if they're the audience reacting to their own behavior in real time, is painfully annoying. It takes you right out of it, sucks all the oxygen out of the scene, leaving no room for a breath of sincerity. The writing is overly self-conscious, too eager to make meta commentary on everything going on at all times, which ends up coming off like a basic sitcom desperate to sound clever.


DrSheetzMTO t1_ja0gp3z wrote

Psychologists are generally pretty self aware and since the show is about psychologists and their friends/family it kinda makes sense.


bashar_speaks t1_ja1cvay wrote

Yes, I gave up after two episodes. At first I liked the premise but then saw the show is endless scenes of people feeling sorry for themselves or being cringe in some other contrived way, mixed with crass random swearing and toilet humor. Go to the subreddit and any criticism is downvoted to hades, then there's a bunch of mindless astroturfed enthusiasm.

It seems like a lot of shows are like that these days: they try to be sentimental and sensitive, but then they throw a bunch of gross "humor" in there too. Or there's a lot of superficial political correctness, but at the same time all of the characters are horrible people who treat each other like crap. It's so jarring and tone-deaf.