Submitted by THIS_DICK_IN_UR_FACE t3_11buotj in television

So I’m on season 6 episode 6, and I have to admit, ever since the end of season 4 this show has been mediocre at best.

Seasons 1-4 were awesome, especially 1 and 4. I loved most of the plot lines, characters, etc. it was awesome.

But I swear to god, ever since Twyin died, the show just seems so lost.

Season 5 was terrible and boring. The only highlight of that season was Jon snows arch. Everything else was awful. Aryas sub plot sucked and was so boring. Kings landing felt boring with this cult running things. Sansa and the Boltons lasted way too long and was so boring.

The worst part was the anti climactic stupid Stannis Baratheon plot line. All of that buildup for the writers to just have lazy writing and have a lackluster final battle and have the weather be the biggest “hurdle”

Jon snow dies which sucks because he’s my favorite character, but then to be revived two episodes later.

Like, it’s disappointing. And from what I’ve seen so far, it doesn’t get better. 7 and 8 are supposedly horrible.

I know this sounds like a ranting post, but I’m just disappointed. Seasons 1-4 were so good. But to have this huge giant time commitment and then just the loss of quality is frustrating to say the least.

Should I just finish season 6 and be done with the show?



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Ashlityr t1_ja0gd1z wrote

No. Keep watching. No one gets off the hook. You get to suffer like we all did


preppytarg t1_j9zywod wrote

Season 6 finale would be a good place to stop, and just imagine your own resolution from there, if that's what you wanted. I don't believe in slogging though if you're beginning to hate it.


Initial_Childhood619 t1_ja0r8gx wrote

Pretty, pretty much. There is a reunion episode in season 7 that is nice for a bit, but meh.


GarlVinland4Astrea t1_ja4a9dv wrote

Honestly it's only a good place to stop because it ends on a high note.

But I think people forget, it's basically all set up for things people have been excited about. You aren't going to watch the season 6 finale and want to stop because it teases

  • >!Jon Snow as King of the North!<
  • >!The reveal that Jon is actually the son of Lyanna and Rheagar and has an Iron Throne Claim and the consequences of that!<
  • >!Dany finally coming to Westeros to start a conquest!<
  • >!Cersei ascending to the Iron Throne to be positioned as the the final obstacle for it. !<

So it has it's own pros and cons. Imo the OP is spot on. People remember season 6 as good because they remember the last two episodes and forget that the rest of it was mediocre season 5 quality. And even then one of the episodes is basically set up for the disappointing next two seasons.

I think people just can't accept that GoT was pretty poor for like half it's run and a lot of the final season issues were a result of mistakes made years before. People just thought the payoff would correct it or something


DarkSkiesGreyWaters t1_ja5mygv wrote

>I think people just can't accept that GoT was pretty poor for like half it's run and a lot of the final season issues were a result of mistakes made years before. People just thought the payoff would correct it or something

I think there's a lot of truth to that. As a fan of the books, I found even a lot of the choices they were making in S4 (such as cutting the Tysha reveal out) gave me pause about the direction of things. But yeah, S5 was really mediocre and contained some screamingly poor and lazy writing Season 6 was also really dull and draggy for much of its runtime. S7 is just lol. The idea that things just went south in S7/8 has always been odd to me.


Scungilli-Man69 t1_ja2l49y wrote

Yeah, the downward decline is slow and spiralling after season 4, and then completely nosedives after season 6. It's a good jumping off place.


Jackattack736 t1_j9zypyk wrote

The season 6 finale can serve as a soft series finale (and has some pretty cool stuff). But yeah if you're already checking out then no reason to watch seasons 7 or 8


theyusedthelamppost t1_j9zznm2 wrote

>Should I just finish season 6 and be done with the show?

If you can bear it, yes. S6 ends on a strong note.

After that you can just read a plot synopsis on wiki to see how it ends. But if you really need more content I'd say go for the books.


Laughing_Boy_from_HS t1_ja03oko wrote

For sure! The books will give you the satisfying sense of closure you’re looking for…

Oh wait.


theyusedthelamppost t1_ja0mo9x wrote

I didn't say that they would. I realize that we live in a world where such closure doesn't exist. I just said that they are more of the same type of content.


Sigmarsson137 t1_j9zy2o2 wrote

Probably, after season 4 the show only got worse and worse. I might suggest reading the books if you have any interest in that though


ClipClipClip99 t1_ja0fhgx wrote

I would not suggest reading the books as they’re unfinished and are unlikely to ever be finished.


Sigmarsson137 t1_ja0fq4j wrote

I find enjoyment in them even without an ending but that’s me and yes the likelihood that A Dream of Spring will ever see the light of day is low


Sighlina t1_ja628lz wrote

Ya, if you haven’t gotten truly disappointed yet, read the books, get involved and engaged and then poof… nothing. This sub man, and truly trying to twist the knife on the uninformed.


iVar4sale t1_ja035o7 wrote

The show was great while there was source material to adapt. After that, the quality fell off a cliff.

Watch it until the end if you have a morbid curiosity and if you can find enjoyment in watching a very slow train wreck.

Try to imagine the dumbest possible end for the show. I bet the actual end will exceed your expectation.


Fourthwoll t1_ja13d31 wrote

I think the books are taking so long cause GRRM story quality fell off a cliff. It’s not like books 4 and 5 are as good as 1-3.


u2sunnyday t1_ja0hmvr wrote


7 and 8 don't flow as well as previous seasons, but they do have some great scenes. Also some of Emilia Clarke's strongest acting, imo.


cantthinkatall t1_ja04cct wrote

You're pot committed at this point. Finish it out and report back. Regardless of what others say, there still are some cool scenes left in the show.


Mentoman72 t1_ja4pcan wrote

There's a flat out excellent episode in the last season. It ultimately didn't mean much with that episode that followed but still some really really great moments in s8e2


HardensWeakChin t1_ja01vga wrote

Yes. Season 5 was the beginning of the end. I only watched all of it out of obligation.


childish_jalapenos t1_ja06tsc wrote

Season 6 is pretty awesome in spite of its flaws, I'm surprised you're not enjoying it. Regardless you should still finish the season, episodes 9 and 10 will definitely make it worth it.

After that definitely stop watching. Season 7, and especially 8 ruin a lot of great characters.


chicagoredditer1 t1_ja1w9ll wrote

TV's not homework or your job.

Watch whatever you want and stop whenever you want.

/end of every thread ever posted with this same premise.


sevsnapey t1_j9zyr4q wrote

did you start the show recently? do you know all the plot points of the show? if you started it knowing the later seasons declined in quality then it's kind of like.. why are you surprised?

i'd say finish it. you're 1.5 season away at this point and then you can know you didn't miss any of the good parts of the rest of the show. it had moments.


Potato_Octopi t1_ja0wy6n wrote

I'd say take a break, and binge it next time you're horribly sick and have nothing better to do.


-GoneInSpace- t1_ja2zate wrote

Yeah, just let the show finish him off while his immune system is weak.


bernsteinschroeder t1_ja087e1 wrote

Don't feel bad about giving up on it. You lasted a lot longer than I did.


YouthfulDrake t1_ja0hrre wrote

The Jon dying thing was more exciting when you had to wait months for the new season to find out he comes back to life. That part gets lost during a binge


Mr_Kinton t1_ja0i8u8 wrote

The Season 6 finale is an outstanding episode and works well enough as a soft series finale. There are a few solid action set pieces in the two seasons that follow but story wise it falls apart.

ETA: Pissed off a couple of S8 fans apparently


shindigin t1_ja0ojtg wrote

Only season 1-4 are good, the rest is garbage, I wouldn't waste my time. This is because the morons running the show took over in writing and deviated from the author's story, so whatever came after S4 is the byproduct of their limited imagination, leading to gradual decline in quality that went from mediocre to completely unwatchable in the last seasons.


batsofburden t1_ja116fq wrote

It doesn't get any better, so I guess it depends if you are the type of person who feels the need to complete a series or not.


Hausgebrauch t1_ja00vr7 wrote

I gave up around season 4 too, but mostly because every episode felt like a bunch of unrelated moments at this point and I didn't have the patience to wait till the season finale where they would hopefully come together.

They had by then so many characters and subplots, a typical episode was like "Here are 10 minutes with Khaleesi, now five minutes with Aria, now 20 minutes with Tyrion, now a quick look at whoever that asshole is doing, followed by a scene with some guy who wasn't there since 2 seasons ago, now a few more minutes with Jon Snow or whoever and roll the credits."

It just made me feel completely unattached to anything and anybody on this show.


Dcoonery t1_ja0440r wrote

Give up immediately. It’s all downhill after season 4.


chronoslol t1_ja046pn wrote

The best place to stop is end of season 4. You're already past that though, so just stop now.


gruvee t1_ja0anwh wrote

Give up after Season 6, continue on with House of the Dragon (it's actually good)


chilledmario t1_ja0j0bt wrote

I just started and finished the show recently but I don’t like not finishing shows especially if I’m season 6/7 in. Final two seasons combine for 12 episodes if I were you I’d just finish it out so you have closure on how it actually ends


emotionally_tipsy t1_ja0ubvc wrote

Although s5-6 is def a step below the prior seasons, the bad news is…it only continues to get worse


urgasmic t1_ja13nxd wrote

i recommend finishing the show personally. You might feel differently. some people definitely still enjoyed it from what i've seen, even though I didn't.


existentialdead67 t1_ja15l55 wrote

Yes for the love of god end at season 6, don't let what happened to me happen to you. the rest of it just made me lose all hope and respect of the show. Completely ruins it. Read the books as well, such a waste of time and interest.


fimbleinastar t1_ja1io62 wrote

There's a lot of feeling about the show ending being bad in particular, but i think you're spot on your assessment of the show quickly falling off a cliff after season 4. Each season becomes worse than the last.


thebiggesthater420 t1_ja1isk2 wrote

Season 6 ends pretty well and almost works as a finale of sorts if you’re ok with some plot threads staying unresolved. It’s rare that I ever tell people to not finish a series that’s so good for most of its run but…the last 2 seasons and the series finale really are that bad.


MattyIce8998 t1_ja1nkww wrote

6 is probably a fair place to stop.

7 has it's moments, but putting everything into warpspeed is pretty offputting.

8 might be some of the worst writing in television history.


TheLunarVaux t1_ja1rg94 wrote

Finish season 6. Episodes 9 and 10 are some of the best in the entire series. But after that I'd say you can stop, call it a soft ending since it truly is only downhill from there.


Gummy-Worm-Guy t1_ja1rql3 wrote

There is a huge quality drop off after Season 4 and unfortunately it never gets better. Seasons 7 and 8 are even worse than 5 and 6. I would say just stick it out to the end of 6 because it ends pretty damn well, but after that it’s up to you whether or not you continue.


longdustyroad t1_ja1uala wrote

There are a few more great episodes but the stuff that seems stupid now actually is stupid. There’s no intricate plotting coming to redeem those plot lines. They are what they appear to be


daveblu92 t1_ja1vvql wrote

Judging by your reaction to Season 5 and the fact you’re so close to the end… you might actually find 7 and 8 entertaining. Or at least you’ll find you’re more casual about it due to the fact you already don’t view it as a perfect show.

I’m kind of in this camp. I see and understand the criticisms of the last two seasons, but I enjoy them. Weird pacing, sure. And some things are left to be desired. But I would rather watch those for the action alone than put up with Season 5. I too find that one to be the worst season.


Jokonaught t1_ja1xa66 wrote

I have rarely been on the edge of my seat like s06e09.

After season 6, just watch a YouTube recap of 7/8


SkullLeader t1_ja1z9oh wrote

Its worth it to keep going, I think, but yeah, seasons 7 and 8 just fail to bring the show's promise home to a satisfying conclusion. Still, there's plenty of great moments even if overall they blew it.


Iperovic t1_ja20y3a wrote

if you don't like it now, s8 will force you into rehab so yes, it's a good thing to stop at the end of s6


dentbox t1_ja26626 wrote

Welcome to the GoT experience.

I’m still gutted about it, especially because while the quality did keep dropping, there remained those flashes of promise that they’d turn it around. Series 5 ep 8 was one of my favourites and felt like it set us up, finally, for a really serious scary white walker invasion we’d been promised since the first scene of episode 1.

Early GoT was good because you could understand why everyone was doing what they were doing, and when they took a misstep the consequences were brutal. There was also momentum established by certain events and it got you invested in loving or hating certain characters. That starting sputtering out in the middle seasons. Endless wandering the woods on horseback, seemingly lost.

Series 7 and 8 felt like they existed in a different world. Characters seemed pulled along by plot rather than their own motivations, and brutal consequences (even some set up just an episode or two before) could be avoided because, again, the world was now on rails, not being driven by plausible free thinking people.

Tyrion becomes especially painful to watch. He was always good because he was smart. His lines in series 8 felt like fan service / GoT the sitcom written by someone not nearly as smart as Tyrion was supposed to be.

It’s so sad because it was such a riot in the early seasons, and seemed to be lining itself up for such an epic conclusion. Though maybe that’s the ultimate GRRM undercutting expectations red wedding style shocker. Get your much loved fantasy series to shit the bath and disappoint everyone. Mad lad.


nomorepartiezz t1_ja37z83 wrote

just finish season 6, its not the same show anymore but in terms of spectacle and entertainment it definitely ends with a bang. the last two seasons are garbage


VirtualPen204 t1_ja3hyl9 wrote

Sorry, but the show is only going to continue to nosedive in quality. So, if you want to see the train wreck as it plays out, keep watching!


AnaCoonSkyWalker t1_ja41yzi wrote

It’s a shame too, because the show was peak television and slowly the died. Season 7 & 8 were on life support, I find season 8 insulting to any fans of the show because of much they throwaway plot lines, and screw up character arcs.


rwage724 t1_ja73222 wrote

Season 6 had a great soundtrack...i don't really have much else positive to say about the show after season 4 beyond that though


lockwood444 t1_ja08mge wrote

As a few others said, finish out 6 then stop. You’re so close to the end. You might as well. Season finale of 6 is fantastic.


Redditfront2back t1_ja0fgav wrote

As I recall after the hound and brianne fight there is very little left to see.


flouronmypjs t1_ja12hfq wrote

It sounds like you should, yeah. I thought the show was excellent from start to finish. There was a decline in the writing in the final season, and the show changes with time, but I thought even at the end it was significantly better than the grand majority of TV shows.

But if you're not enjoying it, why put yourself through it? It doesn't return the same vibes of seasons 1 through 4, so if I were you I'd probably stop watching.


theDart t1_ja1e71j wrote

Short Answer: Yes...

Long Answer: Um... Yes....


pfemme2 t1_ja1o3t6 wrote

There’s some mildly pleasant fan service in season 8. Just be sure to skip the last ep!


Bonezone420 t1_ja1sjqi wrote

Yeah, it's all down hill from here. If you really want to solidify your feeling on that one, just like read a summary of the shit that happens so you can go "Wow, that sounds like dog shit" and never care about GoT again. Like most GoT fans. The finale was so bad it killed so many people's interest in the whole series.


Liramuza t1_ja42fr5 wrote

Yeah.. you hit the spot where, after the end of season 4, they stopped adapting the books and started doing entirely original content. It’s rough, and I don’t think it ever gets better. Might be worth sitting through it just to say you saw it, maybe there’s some stuff that will appeal to you along the way. I couldn’t find much to hold onto after season 4 but I stuck through it to the end.

Regardless if you finish the series, I recommend checking out “the last night” documentary on HBO max. It was a fun and enlightening look into production of the final season, and I thought it was much more engaging than any game of thrones content for years beforehand

I liked house of the dragon’s first season quite a bit, too


Nic0897 t1_ja05knf wrote

Finding it odd how some here are out on 5-6, they’re both good, not as good as 3-4 but still solid in my opinion and the s6 finale is great. If you’re already shaky tho, I would stop after 6. 7-8 have some cool stuff but it’s clear they had no idea how to manage without the source material regardless of GRRM’s general guidance, and they rushed the hell out of it too and it showed, a real disservice to the audience that made the show runners rich


AndalusianGod t1_ja0boxd wrote

Give up, and maybe just skip to the final episode of the final season for the lulz.


SageOfTheWise t1_ja296s0 wrote

Season 8 is so hilarious though. It's the best hate watch in fiction. Season 7 is the hard one because it just sucks. But if you get to 8, holy shit its like The Room on the biggest budget ever.


UndisturbedInquiry t1_ja49c0g wrote

No.. keep going. You really need to see season 8 if nothing more than you can see how two idiots cratered an entire fandom.

GoT was everywhere before S8. Then suddenly it was nowhere. All the merchandise was just gone from shelves, nobody was wearing GoT tshirts anymore, nobody even talked about it anymore.. it was just gone... I’ve never seen anything like it.


Wight3012 t1_ja0bpyn wrote

finish season 7, and instead of the last one find "leaked scripts" of season 8 before it came out and listen to them. they are way better than the season


Malevolent_Apple t1_ja0d8mc wrote

Post below are nonsense. Even the worst episode of game of thrones is better than most of what is out there now. Yes the quality decays, but there are still good action sequences and dialogue moments. Most say there is no payoff at the end but you should decide for yourself. If you don't watch it you will miss out or if you do watch it and agree it sucks, at least you will be in the know.


anasui1 t1_ja0u9ob wrote

this says more about the quality of current tv than GOT, honestly. But it's indeed true


Exportxxx t1_ja11ozi wrote

Cant get pass season 1 tbh

Its kinda boring with heaps of characters i don't care about because they don't make u care about them.


Hexagonpixel t1_ja1g7ox wrote

I think you should continue season 7 is awesome when they all gather up the dream team. Yes last season was just not great at all, but hey you got this far.


WeDriftEternal t1_j9zyizo wrote

Watch it till the end. Just keep going, there's still lots of good stuff to go, they just do enough stupid things to get you mad.
