prymortal69 t1_jbfs66t wrote
Nice, I heard there is new King of the Hill coming too.
disgruntled_joe t1_jbftanx wrote
Hopefully there's a lot more middle aged Beavis and Butt Head, those were my favorite episodes.
MachineCode86 t1_jbfuv0p wrote
I like the show but hate the art style. They need to ditch Titmouse and go with someone who understands the look and feel of the show as the current folks make the show feel like Beavis and Butthead visit Metalocalypse
blnts4jc t1_jbfvakn wrote
I like how it’s now officially referred to as “Mike Judge’s Beavis & Butthead”
RedditRuleViolator t1_jbfvlm5 wrote
BeardleySmith t1_jbfxzrf wrote
The first season was awesome! It’s been my favorite nostalgia re-boot!
Prax150 t1_jbg1hy4 wrote
Old Beavis and Butthead was great and the perfect way to modernize the show.
r-b-m t1_jbg3f0a wrote
Hank Trill would like a word.
TheWholeOfTheAss t1_jbg3jzg wrote
Beavis’ freakout over the man who broke up with the hot sex addict is an all-time great.
klsi832 t1_jbg5oze wrote
It premiered thirty years ago today.
ScrotiedotBiz t1_jbgbv91 wrote
I even thought it'd be funnier if middle-aged Beavis knew the names of Korean boy bands.
bleepbloopwubwub t1_jbgecx0 wrote
Anyone know what happened with those remastered old episodes??
Kennyjive t1_jbgesxf wrote
Yes. The last season ruled.
Moms_spaghetti_6969 t1_jbgff95 wrote
That’s my anniversary
wildadragon t1_jbgg7o5 wrote
Hehe hehe on 4/20.
YggdrasilsLeaf t1_jbggedb wrote
As long as one of those episodes involve “a 40 of hot chocolate” I’m down.
Diablojota t1_jbgks1y wrote
Ouch. Hard to take the most unpopular opinion on Reddit. In my opinion it’s also a bad take. I think it’s a brilliantly done.
RiggyTang t1_jbgks6w wrote
The ASMR had me in tears. And Beavis in yoga pants also. Last season was surprisingly amazing
chilango2 t1_jbgl3v6 wrote
That’s because the one from the 90s was “MTV’s Beavis and Butthead.”
TapesNStuff t1_jbgly7s wrote
They announced them, but I don't think they gave them a date. They probably have a hell of a lot of rights management to wade through.
DrFunkensteinberg t1_jbgonw2 wrote
smalltalkbigwalk t1_jbgoz9z wrote
First season was funnier than I'd expect any revival to be. I still cackle and slap my knee at Beavis throwing away Mr. Anderson's hearing aid to this very day. I may Go PiPi+ for this.
AGallonOfCat t1_jbgpj2i wrote
Good cause it's still hilarious. And Mike is a genius.
Cho-Cho87 t1_jbgt8vo wrote
Some of them are on Paramount+. Not many, though, and I'm not too confident others will be added soon. There's the obvious rights issues for the music videos and I'm sure the bigger bands charge out the ass.
MachineCode86 t1_jbgu5b3 wrote
I’m a fan from the original run, and while I don’t expect it to look like the hand drawn version, I also notice a clash in styles when characters or places from the original run interact with new characters from this run. I’m ok with people disagreeing. Like what you like. Sall good. The change in look doesn’t make it a bad show by any means, but it does kinda detract from the experience for me personally. Still, I’d rather have some Beavis and Butthead than none at all.
thrillhoMcFly t1_jbgwq42 wrote
Yes! Dun dun da-da-dun! Dun-a-nun-a-nun-a dun dun dun!
sevargmas t1_jbgx6bw wrote
Where can I find these new episodes?
Yetimang t1_jbh1gjb wrote
Yetimang t1_jbh1sbz wrote
I loved the escape room bathroom bit. The fire episode was embarrassingly bad though.
Shrekt115 t1_jbh1t3r wrote
AtticusSwoopenheiser t1_jbh1y4x wrote
Uhhhhhhhhhhh……..h-this is gunna be cool.
full-of-grace t1_jbh1yhz wrote
Beavis loving BTS brought me to tears.
lonememe t1_jbh2spi wrote
There are a couple torrents that have all of them. One of them is considered the gold standard, King Turd. It has vintage commercials and everything. Also twitch channel (“tvch34”) plays king turd’s too.
lonememe t1_jbh2v76 wrote
Yessss! Season 1 was surprisingly great!
fzammetti t1_jbh4y4b wrote
aarontannerwest t1_jbh50wc wrote
The last season was a hundred times funnier than I expected it to be, I'm definitely excited for more.
kianworld t1_jbhbqvn wrote
season 7 added a Created by Mike Judge credit and then season 8 (the 2011 series) made it Mike Judge's Beavis and Butt-Head
WutWhoSaidDat t1_jbhegqw wrote
I am so fucking pumped. The number of times I was crying laughing was crazy.
FourAM t1_jbhf9x2 wrote
Now license all the music videos from the old episodes and release them with those still in it
TheWholeOfTheAss t1_jbhfi68 wrote
That he knew each by name was hilarious.
TapesNStuff t1_jbhfwxo wrote
I know about the twitch channel, it's pretty great. Funnily enough I never got into torrents, but I may have to learn to get at those.
lonememe t1_jbhgco4 wrote
Yeah, I'm with you though, I wish they'd get the rights and stuff sorted out and just put up all the old episodes. In the meantime, those should help satisfy the cravings haha.
Aaaaaaandyy t1_jbhif4x wrote
This makes me so happy, the new movie and the new season were so well done.
TapesNStuff t1_jbhjtn7 wrote
While we're at it, they should restore The State! Taking away Sexual Healing away from Barry and Levon is a crime!
jdizzle161 t1_jbhkkpw wrote
Surprised me how hard I was laughing at the new episodes. Grew up watching the original, and the new ones are fantastic. I did learn, however, not to watch it while getting my chemo. Not exactly the right place to be laughing out loud constantly!
Badtrainwreck t1_jbhlqyk wrote
If we are going back into the vault of things to make more of, i think we are ready for more Space Ghost Coast to Coast
JasonGryphon t1_jbhmvgn wrote
Hopefully we get more of Beavis twerking to BTS.
reddragon105 t1_jbhnfwl wrote
Looking forward to that, just wish we could get some more Daria as well.
jral1987 t1_jbhrclp wrote
Never liked this show, waiting on the King of the Hill revival, that's much better.
rvndrlt t1_jbhredq wrote
Y’all know them two boys buffcoat and beaver?
[deleted] t1_jbhrj5f wrote
LoneRangersBand t1_jbhrm2g wrote
“You know their names?”
LoneRangersBand t1_jbhrpa7 wrote
Them going to the escape room went exactly how I thought it would and it was amazing.
losflamos t1_jbhrtg9 wrote
The nosebleed is a classic
clampy t1_jbhssoh wrote
I like to think he's also probably into Built to Spill.
clampy t1_jbht39t wrote
Same thing ruined The State.
rustystainremover t1_jbhwlz7 wrote
Am_I_Bean_Detained t1_jbhwyh5 wrote
Lol so you didn’t watch the movie or first season? It handles white male privilege perfectly.
k1intt t1_jbhwyxb wrote
Heheh he he he heheheh cool
CactusJack13 t1_jbhylbq wrote
There is that spinoff (was going to be a T.V. show, but I just read they changed it to a movie) about her friend from high school, that no one I know is interested in.
CactusJack13 t1_jbhyxlh wrote
The episode with Beavis realizing his long time Idol, of FIRE!, Being a disappointment was excellent.
Insufferablelol t1_jbhz8x1 wrote
There's supposed to be a movie coming out called Jodie but I'm guessing no Daria not sure. Either way though Mike judge had nothing to do with Daria other allow the character to be used for it.
PPQue6 t1_jbhzftf wrote
Hell fucking yes!!! Literally the whole reason I went from Netflix to Paramount+! I really wasn't sure how I was going to feel about season 1 because I'm old enough to remember watching new episodes of the OG show, but man...Mike Judge has done a superb job!
popltree2 t1_jbi11n8 wrote
Just a coincidence it's on 4/20 in the US right? Right?!
Jimid41 t1_jbi2n2p wrote
He was a lousy son of a bitch.
TapesNStuff t1_jbi32ax wrote
I did some Googling, some wonderful genius put them on a Google Drive if you need them.
lonememe t1_jbi5xfm wrote
Now that’s handy! Thanks!
_Meece_ t1_jbi5zp7 wrote
It's a spin off of a niche TV show from the 90s, about a character no one remembers aimed at Gen Z.
When it was a TV show, it was going to air on Comedy Central. Like who tf is making these decisions.
SaitoPrecise7 t1_jbi70an wrote
Why 4/20 ?
yellow53 t1_jbi9bnh wrote
That rules!
kinda_sorta_decent t1_jbiat93 wrote
The episode where they think they’re in a VR game had me dead. The whole season was great.
Terryv83 t1_jbibcsp wrote
I can't wait.
I_am_gettys t1_jbicwtb wrote
I read middle ages (medieval) Beavis and Butt-Head and thought of how cool it would be to see that lol
unclebird77 t1_jbiewz4 wrote
I watched two episodes of the new reboot. I don’t understand how the new movie was so great and the new episodes are so bottom of the dumpster. I mean they are absolute shit. Weird and no joke premise whatsoever. To call them a stretch would be very forgiving.
FondleGanoosh438 t1_jbieza0 wrote
Pretty sure he’s majority owner of the show now. MTV fleeced him when he was trying to get his foot in the door.
new-username-2017 t1_jbighkn wrote
Say, are they the kids that been hwhackin off in mah tool shed?
DerBingle78 t1_jbiiprm wrote
Well that’s just asinine.
rPrankBro t1_jbij89j wrote
Paramount+ isn't even available in my country. Anyone know any other ways to watch?
AbyssalKultist t1_jbijn1k wrote
Droll, very droll, yes. Whimsical.
[deleted] t1_jbikxn3 wrote
MarkHirsbrunner t1_jbil136 wrote
Because 6/9 was too far away.
redbullrebel t1_jbimurv wrote
yes yes yes! best news of this year so far! and so soon as well. season 1 was one of the best seasons of comedy ever!
this is droll 100% and let there be more smart beavis and smart butthead!
RealJohnGillman t1_jbinjzg wrote
Didn’t the new series (and pilot film) ignore (retcon) that season?
ditthrowaway999 t1_jbippuq wrote
I'm actually kind of shocked you got downvoted so hard. The grungier look of the original was a huge part of the charm. The 2011 season was HD but still managed to capture that look pretty well I though. I agree with you that the new season's art style isn't good. The lineart is fine but then it's like they put it through a super crisp ultra HD upscale filter with bright vivid colors. And no it's not my TV's settings. I just mean they made it look much closer to all other modern TV animation which looks too "perfect" -- to me that super clean HD look doesn't fit B&B at all. But apparently we're in the minority here.
DrWangerBanger t1_jbiv46h wrote
Old beavis and butthead are great but Im more excited for more smart beavis and smart butthead
ACardAttack t1_jbiytbk wrote
How did it compare to the movie? I didnt care for the new movie. It was okay, but doesnt make me want to watch more
ACardAttack t1_jbiyu5k wrote
How did it compare to the movie? I didnt care for the new movie. It was okay, but doesnt make me want to watch more
AGallonOfCat t1_jbizx2q wrote
I thought the new movie was good. Some laugh out loud moments. But they definitely tried to cram a bunch of stuff in. The show is a slower burn. More focus on smaller stories. I like it better.
Deadaghram t1_jbj1365 wrote
Beavis and Butthead has canonical lore?
Dominicmeoward t1_jbj1ti5 wrote
Dominicmeoward t1_jbj1vne wrote
RealJohnGillman t1_jbj2g3h wrote
Yes. An surprisingly ridiculous amount.
OldSackofBeef t1_jbj4g42 wrote
They’re out there. I can’t remember which service, but my wife and I watched them over the winter. Maybe Hulu?
I had totally forgotten how music centric the show was somehow.
TweetBirdie65 t1_jbj6esl wrote
I just like how the style of shorts they wear have actually comeback into style.
disgruntled_joe t1_jbj6vi5 wrote
His disgust of WAP had me in stitches.
"That's disgusting Butt Head. I mean it's ok for adults but they should make a clean version of this song. You know like, damp vagina."
chocki305 t1_jbj785g wrote
We experienced the first one. Where they would unapologetically trash everything and everyone. Brutally making fun of videos.
But they don't do that any more.
I've watched 3 episodes of the new show.. have zero drive to continue.
LigmaBahlls t1_jbjbzyt wrote
I fucking died at Boomhauer
[deleted] t1_jbjcpil wrote
8-bit-hero t1_jbjfs1o wrote
Lol this was the best thing I've ever seen. Boomhauer killed it!
Itwantshunger t1_jbjfutk wrote
I kind of agree. The shorter format of the new TV show was great. The new movie didn't work as well for me because the jokes stuck around too long.
pack_howitzer t1_jbjnf5u wrote
Premiering on 420. I get that reference.
paintsmith t1_jbjpaz3 wrote
Feels like they've really been driving home the idea that without Butthead, Bevis would actually be a decent dude in the newest season. Bevis imagining a girlfriend who shares his weird interests and protects him from bullies was surprisingly wholesome.
paintsmith t1_jbjpekp wrote
I was dying at them falling in love with the girl doing the muckbang.
[deleted] t1_jbjpjpu wrote
dj_samosa t1_jbjr5kc wrote
My favorite was the Christmas special and the retelling of A Christmas Carol, with “Bob Scratch-it” which I have been unable to find anywhere. “In life, you were my…”
One of the best Christmas specials EVER!
mbz321 t1_jbju9h4 wrote
This came back again? How many times have they rebooted this show?
be_steve_it_or_not t1_jbjvmwt wrote
He’s the contemporary American humorist.
be_steve_it_or_not t1_jbjvqrx wrote
The new show is just like slipping back into the old show. Only they watch YouTube instead of mtv
throneismelting t1_jbjw8g9 wrote
Getting mad at people over a thing that didn’t happen is super normal behavior.
radio_yyz t1_jbjxo1i wrote
Uhhhhh oh yeah
MachineCode86 t1_jbk35o7 wrote
I’m a little surprised, but it’s no big deal. People can like what they like. I’ll bounce back hahaha
Retardfrog-fish t1_jbk3izr wrote
First season was so good
Organic-Barnacle-941 t1_jbkeowb wrote
One two three four beat your meat you still got more. Beat. Your meat. Beat. Your meat.
Organic-Barnacle-941 t1_jbkey7v wrote
That show is actually really good. I’m a late millennial so I never experienced 90s tv but it still hits. It’s got a killer soundtrack too.
Organic-Barnacle-941 t1_jbkf2j0 wrote
King turd is your friend
Greedy024 t1_jbkheye wrote
I got them from the high seas.
King Turd Collection
divineshadow666 t1_jbkrwbv wrote
Comedy Central has been showing season 1 Wednesday nights, after South Park.
ThePMmike t1_jbku0tt wrote
I didn't even know season 1 was out!
Can't wait to watch.
AutographedSnorkel t1_jbl0gic wrote
My friend actually got the DVD box set that he made. The really old episodes were fuzzy as hell since they were basically ripped from VHS tapes, but it was still better than the "Mike Judge Collection" bullshit
thekillercook t1_jbla0lg wrote
Heh verily
[deleted] t1_jblfnmo wrote
derHumpink_ t1_jblhynx wrote
too bad they canned QualityLand
pootie820 t1_jblickb wrote
That was always a part of the show, just even more so now. Butthead was always the "idea" guy and would force, typically with violence, Bevis to do all the stupid shit he came up with. While every so often if Bevis had an idea it was typically "correct" and BUtthead would call him lame for even thinking it.
methos3 t1_jblol0j wrote
"The angle of the dangle is inversely proportional to the heat of the meat!!"
PlayedUOonBaja t1_jblpx7e wrote
The first season was some of the funniest TV I've watched in years. I watched for nostalgia's sake, but it surprised me.
DrWangerBanger t1_jbm7z3d wrote
droll, very droll, yes. Whimsical.
HardlineMike t1_jbngsx6 wrote
The latest season was absolutely hilarious. It's amazing how he was able to slap them down in modern culture and they still just work. Both the younger versions and the alternate Old Beavis and Butthead timeline just work so well.
bleepbloopwubwub t1_jbnlwc9 wrote
I am familiar with the fine work of Mr Turd, but was hoping for an updated collection with fancier visuals.
AssaultSorcerer t1_jbtje17 wrote
jral1987 t1_jc095pb wrote
No it's called opinion, there are lots of people that don't like this show lol but anyways your opinion is better and more valid.
DerBingle78 t1_jc0a0t6 wrote
I’m quoting Hank Hill, my friend.
ArchDucky t1_jbfqo1z wrote
Season 1 was hilarious.