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prymortal69 t1_jbfs66t wrote

Nice, I heard there is new King of the Hill coming too.


disgruntled_joe t1_jbftanx wrote

Hopefully there's a lot more middle aged Beavis and Butt Head, those were my favorite episodes.


MachineCode86 t1_jbfuv0p wrote

I like the show but hate the art style. They need to ditch Titmouse and go with someone who understands the look and feel of the show as the current folks make the show feel like Beavis and Butthead visit Metalocalypse


blnts4jc t1_jbfvakn wrote

I like how it’s now officially referred to as “Mike Judge’s Beavis & Butthead”


BeardleySmith t1_jbfxzrf wrote

The first season was awesome! It’s been my favorite nostalgia re-boot!


TheWholeOfTheAss t1_jbg3jzg wrote

Beavis’ freakout over the man who broke up with the hot sex addict is an all-time great.


klsi832 t1_jbg5oze wrote

It premiered thirty years ago today.


bleepbloopwubwub t1_jbgecx0 wrote

Anyone know what happened with those remastered old episodes??


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_jbggedb wrote

As long as one of those episodes involve “a 40 of hot chocolate” I’m down.


smalltalkbigwalk t1_jbgoz9z wrote

First season was funnier than I'd expect any revival to be. I still cackle and slap my knee at Beavis throwing away Mr. Anderson's hearing aid to this very day. I may Go PiPi+ for this.


AGallonOfCat t1_jbgpj2i wrote

Good cause it's still hilarious. And Mike is a genius.


Cho-Cho87 t1_jbgt8vo wrote

Some of them are on Paramount+. Not many, though, and I'm not too confident others will be added soon. There's the obvious rights issues for the music videos and I'm sure the bigger bands charge out the ass.


MachineCode86 t1_jbgu5b3 wrote

I’m a fan from the original run, and while I don’t expect it to look like the hand drawn version, I also notice a clash in styles when characters or places from the original run interact with new characters from this run. I’m ok with people disagreeing. Like what you like. Sall good. The change in look doesn’t make it a bad show by any means, but it does kinda detract from the experience for me personally. Still, I’d rather have some Beavis and Butthead than none at all.


thrillhoMcFly t1_jbgwq42 wrote

Yes! Dun dun da-da-dun! Dun-a-nun-a-nun-a dun dun dun!


sevargmas t1_jbgx6bw wrote

Where can I find these new episodes?


lonememe t1_jbh2spi wrote

There are a couple torrents that have all of them. One of them is considered the gold standard, King Turd. It has vintage commercials and everything. Also twitch channel (“tvch34”) plays king turd’s too.


lonememe t1_jbh2v76 wrote

Yessss! Season 1 was surprisingly great!


fzammetti t1_jbh4y4b wrote



aarontannerwest t1_jbh50wc wrote

The last season was a hundred times funnier than I expected it to be, I'm definitely excited for more.


WutWhoSaidDat t1_jbhegqw wrote

I am so fucking pumped. The number of times I was crying laughing was crazy.


FourAM t1_jbhf9x2 wrote

Now license all the music videos from the old episodes and release them with those still in it


Aaaaaaandyy t1_jbhif4x wrote

This makes me so happy, the new movie and the new season were so well done.


jdizzle161 t1_jbhkkpw wrote

Surprised me how hard I was laughing at the new episodes. Grew up watching the original, and the new ones are fantastic. I did learn, however, not to watch it while getting my chemo. Not exactly the right place to be laughing out loud constantly!


Badtrainwreck t1_jbhlqyk wrote

If we are going back into the vault of things to make more of, i think we are ready for more Space Ghost Coast to Coast


JasonGryphon t1_jbhmvgn wrote

Hopefully we get more of Beavis twerking to BTS.


jral1987 t1_jbhrclp wrote

Never liked this show, waiting on the King of the Hill revival, that's much better.


rvndrlt t1_jbhredq wrote

Y’all know them two boys buffcoat and beaver?


PPQue6 t1_jbhzftf wrote

Hell fucking yes!!! Literally the whole reason I went from Netflix to Paramount+! I really wasn't sure how I was going to feel about season 1 because I'm old enough to remember watching new episodes of the OG show, but man...Mike Judge has done a superb job!


popltree2 t1_jbi11n8 wrote

Just a coincidence it's on 4/20 in the US right? Right?!


_Meece_ t1_jbi5zp7 wrote

It's a spin off of a niche TV show from the 90s, about a character no one remembers aimed at Gen Z.

When it was a TV show, it was going to air on Comedy Central. Like who tf is making these decisions.


kinda_sorta_decent t1_jbiat93 wrote

The episode where they think they’re in a VR game had me dead. The whole season was great.


unclebird77 t1_jbiewz4 wrote

I watched two episodes of the new reboot. I don’t understand how the new movie was so great and the new episodes are so bottom of the dumpster. I mean they are absolute shit. Weird and no joke premise whatsoever. To call them a stretch would be very forgiving.


rPrankBro t1_jbij89j wrote

Paramount+ isn't even available in my country. Anyone know any other ways to watch?


redbullrebel t1_jbimurv wrote

yes yes yes! best news of this year so far! and so soon as well. season 1 was one of the best seasons of comedy ever!

this is droll 100% and let there be more smart beavis and smart butthead!


ditthrowaway999 t1_jbippuq wrote

I'm actually kind of shocked you got downvoted so hard. The grungier look of the original was a huge part of the charm. The 2011 season was HD but still managed to capture that look pretty well I though. I agree with you that the new season's art style isn't good. The lineart is fine but then it's like they put it through a super crisp ultra HD upscale filter with bright vivid colors. And no it's not my TV's settings. I just mean they made it look much closer to all other modern TV animation which looks too "perfect" -- to me that super clean HD look doesn't fit B&B at all. But apparently we're in the minority here.


AGallonOfCat t1_jbizx2q wrote

I thought the new movie was good. Some laugh out loud moments. But they definitely tried to cram a bunch of stuff in. The show is a slower burn. More focus on smaller stories. I like it better.


OldSackofBeef t1_jbj4g42 wrote

They’re out there. I can’t remember which service, but my wife and I watched them over the winter. Maybe Hulu?

I had totally forgotten how music centric the show was somehow.


TweetBirdie65 t1_jbj6esl wrote

I just like how the style of shorts they wear have actually comeback into style.


chocki305 t1_jbj785g wrote

We experienced the first one. Where they would unapologetically trash everything and everyone. Brutally making fun of videos.

But they don't do that any more.

I've watched 3 episodes of the new show.. have zero drive to continue.


paintsmith t1_jbjpaz3 wrote

Feels like they've really been driving home the idea that without Butthead, Bevis would actually be a decent dude in the newest season. Bevis imagining a girlfriend who shares his weird interests and protects him from bullies was surprisingly wholesome.


dj_samosa t1_jbjr5kc wrote

My favorite was the Christmas special and the retelling of A Christmas Carol, with “Bob Scratch-it” which I have been unable to find anywhere. “In life, you were my…”

One of the best Christmas specials EVER!


mbz321 t1_jbju9h4 wrote

This came back again? How many times have they rebooted this show?


ThePMmike t1_jbku0tt wrote

I didn't even know season 1 was out!

Can't wait to watch.


AutographedSnorkel t1_jbl0gic wrote

My friend actually got the DVD box set that he made. The really old episodes were fuzzy as hell since they were basically ripped from VHS tapes, but it was still better than the "Mike Judge Collection" bullshit


pootie820 t1_jblickb wrote

That was always a part of the show, just even more so now. Butthead was always the "idea" guy and would force, typically with violence, Bevis to do all the stupid shit he came up with. While every so often if Bevis had an idea it was typically "correct" and BUtthead would call him lame for even thinking it.


PlayedUOonBaja t1_jblpx7e wrote

The first season was some of the funniest TV I've watched in years. I watched for nostalgia's sake, but it surprised me.


HardlineMike t1_jbngsx6 wrote

The latest season was absolutely hilarious. It's amazing how he was able to slap them down in modern culture and they still just work. Both the younger versions and the alternate Old Beavis and Butthead timeline just work so well.