Bridge4_Kal t1_iu208g6 wrote
Hey, fuck you, I have a complaint about your prior statement!
olddicklemon72 t1_iu20yge wrote
JackdeAlltrades t1_iu21ffi wrote
Attention seekers gonna seek attention.
Can we go back to ignoring them please?
formerPhillyguy t1_iu23pql wrote
Notice how that website has a thumbs up button for comments but no a thumbs down button?
huntimir151 t1_iu25wwe wrote
No shut up we need to be mad
JackdeAlltrades t1_iu262ir wrote
Did you hear people are dressing up as Dahmer?
I’m lighting a pitchfork right now
EN1009 t1_iu27jjo wrote
Truth. It’s really starting to take a toll too
Regnes t1_iu2aw2a wrote
I was more shocked when launched and I found out those MAD Magazine ripoffs I used to get on bulk from garage sales as a kid randomly turned into one of the most relevant websites of the early 2010s. I was browsing the site for like a year before I realized they were the same too lol.
Needmoretimetravel t1_iu2n84m wrote
Well, noone will be able to watch it anymore anyway because Apple bought the rights.
trolleyman98 t1_iu2oxpn wrote
Those parents are blockheads
1ofZuulsMinions t1_iu2oy5i wrote
It’s still on DVD, Blu-ray, and YouTube
spookynutz t1_iu2p2eh wrote
Good ‘ol Charlie Brown… yes, sir. How I hate him!
MulciberTenebras t1_iu2pczz wrote
"Too much swearing and violence"
In CHARLIE freakin' BROWN?!
Nobody let these block-headed parents find out about some of the actual animated gruesome stuff I saw as a kid.
VIPERsssss t1_iu2pf6y wrote
Cracked magazine movie spoofs were the best. I particularly liked the Indiana Jones spoof.
RebootJobs t1_iu2pp67 wrote
grafxguy1 t1_iu2pt5n wrote
Yet, strangely none of them ever complain about bee hives.
grafxguy1 t1_iu2q8yt wrote
Oh, I'm sorry. This is for an argument. If you're looking to complain, you just go down the hall to the door on the left.
grafxguy1 t1_iu2qgzt wrote
All their complaints should be translated into Charliebrown-ese: Wah-wah-wah-wow wow....
brb1006 t1_iu2qmfk wrote
Same here, I hadn't visited since they ditched the red, yellow, and white layout years back. I knew that site wasn't what it used to be once they changed the layout.
The departure of Seanbaby didn't help either, I still read his article titled "Frosty the Snowman Declares War on Christmas" which I read every Christmas season for a good laugh.
brb1006 t1_iu2qp99 wrote
I always loved their articles talking about the strangest and most obscure facts.
someusernameblahblah t1_iu2r5ou wrote
Someone better not show them It’s the Great Dolomite, Charlie Brown…
CleverInnuendo t1_iu2sq3e wrote
I was so sad when they became Buzzfeed Lite. It used to be a daily part of my internet.
Lucycrash t1_iu2tbfa wrote
I remember my mom complaining about the Simpsons, then my brothers discovered mega babies. Suddenly I was allowed to watch the Simpsons lol
NorthChic44 t1_iu2tdtk wrote
Good grief.
brb1006 t1_iu2uauu wrote
I remember visiting Cracked almost religiously during my Middle School and early High School days. Sometimes during computer class, I would be able to read the articles on that site because of how super amusing the writers discussed a certain topic.
My favorite was their "Top "Insert Number" famous people that were secretly perverts" where they talked about the dirtier side of famous people and authors. It's where I first discovered Osamu Tezuka's (Astro Boy, Kimba, and Unico) secret naughtier drawings of anthropomorphic animals and his X-Rated Animated Films.
Citizen_Lunkhead t1_iu2vhc8 wrote
I got another motherfuckin potato!
MulciberTenebras t1_iu2vik4 wrote
>Mega Babies
Oh God, thanks for reminding me of that show.
brb1006 t1_iu2vump wrote
Reading Seanbaby's article from 2010 called "Frosty the Snowman Declares War on War on Christmas" has become my new Christmas tradition.
EyeHamKnotYew t1_iu2xypb wrote
Yarr, matey, yee can find it on the 7 seas too!
Joefeitz138 t1_iu2yl0n wrote
This isn’t real.
cmetz90 t1_iu2yxjy wrote
Yeah, but it’s a shell of its former self. The site got bought by EW Scripps in 2016, and shortly after, Jack O’Brien (who basically built the site with Jason Pargin) left. Then like a year after that Scripps fired almost every full time staffer, before selling it off to another parent company. As far as I know the small handful who survived the purge all left of their own accord eventually… I don’t think anyone at the current version of the site was there before ~2018.
Janktronic t1_iu333pn wrote
> actual animated gruesome stuff I saw as a kid.
Bostonterrierpug t1_iu34xhx wrote
I miss those great Seanbaby articles
agenteleven11 t1_iu39c12 wrote
they sound like muted trumpets
agenteleven11 t1_iu39ibr wrote
yeah snoopy was lazy, lucy was a bully, schroeder was autistic, pigpen was depressed , linus had a safety blanket …. lol
Mattjolearyny t1_iu3dc1m wrote
Watching a woman bite off the dudes dick when a demon pops up next to the car he’s being blown in and then they drive off a cliff will forever be etched in my child hood
Ghostbuster_119 t1_iu3dc37 wrote
Luckily these parents can just put on happy tree friends.
Absolutely no swearing in that show.
Any-Salamander5138 t1_iu3elim wrote
Stop it Karen jrs
Sparktank1 t1_iu3h5m8 wrote
>Everything everywhere
I thought it was a good movie. What are they complaining about?
MortalWombat1974 t1_iu3h842 wrote
This article is written about a small minority of INDIVIDUAL parent reviews, and ignores all the sensible ones, as well as the CSM review.
When I went to common sense media to check, their official rating of "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" is that it's appropriate for kids 4 and up. They give it 5 stars.
Even the consensus of the parents reviews says it's appropriate for kids 6 and over.
I've read plenty of good articles on cracked. This was not one of them.
aabicus t1_iu3jhmr wrote
or Bring Me The Head Of Charlie Brown
Belostoma t1_iu3jo8e wrote
To this day, thanks to the violence I was exposed to on television as a child, I have an ongoing problem with strapping myself to Acme-brand rockets in futile attempts to catch a roadrunner.
sixtus_clegane119 t1_iu3leqr wrote
I see your happy tree friends and I raise you “retarded animal babies” , I still often quite “d is for lysdexia” ahhh, good old newgrounds in the early 2000s
browtfareyoudoing t1_iu3n5of wrote
Ebaumsworld has entered the chat
firthy t1_iu3ndru wrote
You want to complain!? Look at these shoes. I've only had them three weeks
and the heels are worn right through. If you complain nothing happens, you might as well not bother.
[deleted] t1_iu3pajm wrote
There are a lot of people that are refusing to view media through the lens in which it was created. The phrase “it’s wrong now, and was wrong then” appears at the start of a few Disney+ shows and while I agree with the sentiment, it’s not true. It was 100% not wrong then it was widely acceptable to use stereotypes in media.
S4T4NICP4NIC t1_iu3pb2q wrote
I was a big fan of Cracked when I was a kid. Moreso than MAD.
S4T4NICP4NIC t1_iu3phle wrote
I learned to never trust anvils.
S4T4NICP4NIC t1_iu3puek wrote
lol You think Apple has everything locked up in a vault somewhere
uly4n0v t1_iu3up21 wrote
Look if we’re not going straight to wondershowzen, there’s no point.
Taconnosseur t1_iu3v74q wrote
All at Once, or gradually?
Sick0fThisShit t1_iu3vknw wrote
Well, I have a complaint about the next statement!
MaterialCarrot t1_iu3vmwv wrote
People are sayin'.
Bustock t1_iu3w82h wrote
[deleted] t1_iu3wbny wrote
[deleted] t1_iu3wg6t wrote
jadedfan55 t1_iu3xx9p wrote
Consider the source of the article. Cracked. Formerly a respected satire magazine, now forced online because it couldn't compete with Mad (which stopped publishing new material about 3 years ago) for years. The writer is taking umbrage at the right wing gasbags who've needlessly scandalized "Great Pumpkin" just to have something to vent about.
In other words, nothing to see here.
KatyPerrysBigFatCock t1_iu3ybr3 wrote
Widely accepted and wrong are vastly different. Slavery was widely accepted but it was still morally wrong no matter what lease you view.
[deleted] t1_iu3yo2l wrote
Morally wrong is subjective and slavery was considered morally right my many/most people of the time.
Just because you and I in 2022 believe it’s wrong doesn’t mean it was wrong to the people that lives during its time.
MacMac105 t1_iu41jfe wrote
I imagine that everytime a BS Simpson's scandal was pushed, teenage Trey Parker and Matt Stone got just a bit edgier.
GeneralIronsides2 t1_iu41kay wrote
“Waaa wa wa wa waaa waa”
SpuzzLovely t1_iu41miw wrote
There been moral opposition to slavery since the Persian Empire, anyone who wasn't a wealthy land owner wasn't a fan.
[deleted] t1_iu41x6j wrote
I did not know that buy I also have vetted the information so I don’t know if it’s true. Slavery also has little to do with Charlie Brown or stereotypes in old media which is what my original comment was about.
MoobyTheGoldenSock t1_iu42edz wrote
My daughter’s a big fan of Primal. After the fights, she asks the characters if they need a bandaid.
alegzandurr t1_iu43pty wrote
They got a rock
Onslaughtered t1_iu4490z wrote
Uh oh time to cancel The Peanuts 🙄
tinopa6872 t1_iu454dz wrote
Cracked went downhill so fast!
0biwanCannoli t1_iu45cc0 wrote
Acme is a gateway drug.
veggiewater t1_iu4618y wrote
FarbikTheOlden t1_iu46l36 wrote
I watched this on the same day I saw Faces Of Death.
jcrave t1_iu46wm2 wrote
No, in every medium characters can only poop rainbows or I'll get angry!
grafxguy1 t1_iu4853j wrote
Excuse me- did you pay for a 5 minute complaint or is this for the full half hour?
redscareskibum t1_iu4axf0 wrote
Kids: watching the double cartel chainsaw beheading video online
Parents: You ain't watchin' nothin' with swearin', are you?
OtakuB3N t1_iu4cxs9 wrote
Classic. I used to have a vhs boxed set.
Butterbuddha t1_iu4dtcw wrote
Why does it have to be a bagel? What are you saying about Jewish people??!?!?
IrishWithoutPotatoes t1_iu4ecxt wrote
And here I thought trying to descend slowly using an umbrella was my problem
IrishWithoutPotatoes t1_iu4efl1 wrote
IrishWithoutPotatoes t1_iu4eiif wrote
The internet was too good at allowing us to connect with other people
Kush_the_Ninja t1_iu4gtpv wrote
Man just give up, you’re not gonna convince anyone they slavery wasn’t wrong.
Ornery_Translator285 t1_iu4h675 wrote
Deplorable violence is ok, as long as nobody says any naughty words!
Wagnaard t1_iu4hcj3 wrote
Somewhere some film major made a big project out of the hidden allegory and metaphors in Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin both.
Lucycrash t1_iu4ij7k wrote
You're welcome lol. I was around 13/14 when it came out, my brothers were under 10. I thought it was just as gross as my mom did, and naturally they were allowed to watch it. Joys of being the oldest.
WarpedCore t1_iu4lnff wrote
Dear soft parents of the world,
A Parent who would like to throat punch you.
stomach t1_iu4plwc wrote
ok no one is gonna mention the Al Roker/Charlie Brown travesty we just witnessed? dear gawd, all he needed was a yellow polo shirt with a zigzag - and someone to not slap a constipated raccoon turd on his forehead. why did anyone let him wear prolapsed outtie belly-buttons for ears..?
Im_PeterPauls_Mary t1_iu4q6si wrote
As a parent my complaint is it’s too fucking long. It’s a book about a Spector that never arrives and it’s like 30 pages of text.
Unikatze t1_iu4qlz5 wrote
I dunno. I only watched Charlie Brown as a grown up and those friends of his bully him constantly into depression. In real life you'd tell him he needs to get better friends.
jaysin1983 t1_iu4ugxj wrote
Q32 planet destructor
Bears_On_Stilts t1_iu4uzk6 wrote
The more they began to rely on user-submitted content and the commentariat, the less vital they became.
Auntie Meme was a fantastic contributor, but what Auntie Meme represented was the death knell.
Latbuddy306 t1_iu4xpce wrote
polkjamespolk t1_iu51b1m wrote
Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around.
bravetailor t1_iu55ufg wrote
Sounds like a typical reddit thread then ;)
shewy92 t1_iu55vps wrote
It left but then came back under new owners I think.
ownersequity t1_iu583b2 wrote
I’m Mary Poppins y’all
LozoSmif t1_iu5l92a wrote
*stupidvideos has also entered the chat
[deleted] t1_iu5o9xc wrote
brb1006 t1_iu5rxh8 wrote
Not familiar with Aunite Meme, what did they contribute to?
brb1006 t1_iu5rzx8 wrote
Not to mention the removal of leaving comments on articles.
Bears_On_Stilts t1_iu5wu8p wrote
Auntie Meme began as the winner of a “contribute a joke, infographic or meme to Cracked” contest. And they kept winning over and over so the site started letting them do whole articles. And then even more articles became nothing but user submitted content… which led to staff writers getting laid off or looking for better work.
OneGoodRib t1_iu5z8kz wrote
I ended up on like a Christian movie review site and it said The Lion King took the Lord's name in vain 3 times. I think Timon does say "geez" once.
OneGoodRib t1_iu6068x wrote
Linus is the only person who seems to consistently like him.
PaulFThumpkins t1_iu607m6 wrote
Cracked fired everybody and now has... this.
OneGoodRib t1_iu60i30 wrote
Yeah, but it's not really worth visiting. The listicles are lazy as hell now and you can't even comment on anything, and sure the comments on websites are cesspools sometimes but often the comment section on Cracked was people pointing out that the article had gotten information extremely wrong. I can't help but wonder if the decision to get rid of the comments was mostly based around that one time the author was like "butter dishes are stupid and useless" and everyone was calling him an idiot over it. Like he was ANGRY about how much he can't understand how to use a butter dish, it wasn't like joking incompetence.
OneGoodRib t1_iu60n1v wrote
Yeah it turns out "read positive reviews for a beloved nostalgic piece of media" isn't really a super interesting article.
Cracked hasn't been good in like 6 years.
StrangeSurround t1_iu61ii0 wrote
Acme's got you covered all the way through the hard stuff.
bros402 t1_iu623cy wrote
last I looked, you can't even look back at a specific month without specifying the exact genre of thing you want to look at
Live-Repeat930 t1_iu6fkdf wrote
THAT and when he said “Get Outta Here You Butter!”at the Thanksgiving Day Parade are my favorite Al Roger moments.
KumagawaUshio t1_iu6kgdb wrote
The first part happened but they didn't drive off a cliff the car just crashed as the guy/demon crushes the car to abduct the woman.
KumagawaUshio t1_iu6kn06 wrote
It's from the 2nd Urotsukidoji OVA series which is 2 episodes long and was also released as a film called Legend of the Demon Womb.
It's more of a horror series as while there is sex and rape it's done more as a 'oh my god that's horrific' rather than erotic way like most hentai does it.
KumagawaUshio t1_iu6l34q wrote
I got the first two films as a birthday present from my parents when I was 13.
They just knew it was an 18 rated anime and at the time while anime may have been violent there wasn't any porn anime released in the UK so they just thought it was another violent action one oops.
LeoKyouma t1_iu6mzbr wrote
The intro of the powerpuff girls has buttercup punch him in the face, causing blood and teeth to fly everywhere.
Like, did these people not own tvs before?
brb1006 t1_iu6onwz wrote
His Frosty the Snowman article is my favorite of his.
downonthesecond t1_iu6rnr7 wrote
I was guessing the source would be Common Sense Media. I expected it from staff writer, not from a review left by users.
No wonder Cracked is basically dead.
kaenneth t1_iu7057e wrote
Actual recording of one of the complaining adults:
Mattjolearyny t1_iu81wg5 wrote
It has been like 25 plus years
shf500 t1_iu8ooto wrote
To be fair, I can kind of understand a parent being angry at a kid's TV show if it actually contains inappropriately "adult" material, such as sexually suggestive ads in gaming magazines in the 1990s:
shf500 t1_iu8ov53 wrote
> mom complaining about the Simpsons
Anybody who companied about The Simpsons in the early 1990s never watched the show. Was there a scene where Bart told his mom to go fuck herself? No, there was not.
OddFeature t1_iu8uyzs wrote
At the risk of sounding super lame—this just feels like active parenting. Parents should be monitoring what their kids watch more than ever. And we probably shouldn’t have been allowed to watch half the stuff we saw as kids. Idk what’s currently happening in Charlie Brown though, just more of a general comment on kids media.
OddFeature t1_iu8z0pz wrote
This is such a pretentious and out of line article—just the epitome of trash, click-baity journalism. The author literally went to a site specifically meant for parents to discuss whether media is appropriate for their young children and bullies and chastises them for having an opinion. He takes a handful of reviews and twists it into this narrative about how parents these days are way too sensitive and demand too much or something—completely ignoring that this is their curated space to have nuanced discussions with like-minded people. They’re not review bombing IMDB or demanding the studio take the movie down or something. The reviews aren’t even particularly outrageous either.
shf500 t1_iu9aqd5 wrote
True story: I was banned from The Wonder Years (1988) because in the pilot, Kevin "does something that is bad". Yes, in the pilot, he throws an apple into the cafeteria. Which is a very disrespectful act.
Immediately after he throws the apple as in literally the next scene, he is in a meeting the principal with his mother. Let me repeat this: our main character does something that is bad and there are immediate consequences to doing the bad thing. Which is literally a good thing to teach kids: "if you do something bad, you immediately get punished".
I don't know how my mother thought the show was promoting bad behavior. Sometimes a character does something bad but negative consequences happen at the end of the episode (there was a later Wonder Years episode where Kevin starts cheating in class and is he is placed in an advanced class and is overwhelmed at the end of the episode) but this was a case of "character does something bad and immediately faces negative consequences".
Apprehensive-Snake t1_iuefjzp wrote
Meanwhile kids in Japan are watching Grave of the fireflies.
olddicklemon72 t1_iu1wsvd wrote
Everything everywhere has become bee-hives for stupid people complaints.