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bsurfn2day t1_ixsu8yt wrote

Titled "Markie Mark goes to Build-A-Bear"


Craico13 t1_ixsvhr4 wrote

^…why..? ^…who ^asked ^for ^this..?


whotard t1_ixsxi79 wrote

This is.. a thing?


[deleted] t1_ixsy7uy wrote

I'll watch it, I always enjoy these movies. Their just dumb fun. Plus Flash Gordon!


Calm_Memories t1_ixsysf0 wrote

Just give me another season of Orville.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_ixt0zdr wrote

Honestly I think Seth Macfarlane is incredibly funny and talented but he suffers from spreading himself too thin across all his shows, which makes them all come across as mediocre.


cjm0 t1_ixt18zw wrote

well this is the first i’m hearing about it. according to the article it’s set in the 90s with younger versions of the two characters


BrianOhNoYouDidnT t1_ixt2wub wrote

I am of the same mind about marky mark but for one exception. His performance in The Other Guys is a master class of chewing the scenery. He hollers every one of his lines at the top of his lungs for the entire film. I thought it was a john waters movie because of the performances. Everyone was great but he really surprised me. Like Jason Statham in Spy, delivering jokes with perfect comedic timing. Sorry I’m way off topic.


Cyrano_Nose t1_ixt3q2z wrote

Its probably much too soon and not a joking matter, but it would be kind of funny if Ted was somehow responsible for Brady's divorce in some Forest Gump kind of way.


tellurdogisayhello t1_ixt7dgu wrote

So excited that Giorgia Whigham is a part of this..absolutely LOVE her. 😍


MrBoliNica t1_ixt7psf wrote

Wait so the autistic kid from parenthood is young marky mark? He have some kind of growth spurt? Lol


Kind-Strike t1_ixt871r wrote

Dude I laughed so fucking much in that movie, I even drooled on myself at one point.

The "I'm a peacock you gotta let me fly" and the whole screaming about the millennium falcon just damn near had me dead.


TheSeventhAnimorph t1_ixt95y6 wrote

Not sure how much involvement he actually has as a producer now; TV shows that change to a new showrunner after the original creator has left entirely usually still give the creator a producer credit in basically an honorary sense. (I'm not saying that is necessarily the case there, but it happens fairly often.)


3dpimp t1_ixt9fbu wrote

I would rather see how Ted and Wahlberg deal with Brady going to Tampa 😆 rather than a prequel


root_fifth_octave t1_ixta5tb wrote

But we don’t know any lawyers. All our friends make sandwiches.


EdgeofForever95 t1_ixtaoi8 wrote

They’ll pay for this but still no season 4 of the Orville


usaslave t1_ixtg5xf wrote

Seth is facing some new #MeToo accusations. Surprised it hasn’t come up here.


antiMATTer724 t1_ixtkgue wrote

Listen Steven, don't make me get your manager. I want the Ted exclusive, with the extra stuffing, and the voice box that says I'm his best friend . Say hi to your mother for me.


Slimey-back-flaps t1_ixtnki8 wrote

Omg, just make more orville. Literally the best thing you have ever made.


Fizzay t1_ixtojt9 wrote

What do you think this has to do with Orville when Seth clearly is hoping for S4? Seth isn't the reason there will or won't be a S4. They aren't even the same streaming services, let alone same company.


KaiserNorton t1_ixtrphz wrote

those movies didnt live up to the hype and I cant Look at wahlberg anymore. what a waste


Everyone_Except_You t1_ixts9uw wrote

What? Alright. I haven't heard anything about this movie since it came out like a decade ago.


pacachan t1_ixttddj wrote

On Thursday I saw somebody in a full body Ted costume just standing on the side of the road with a sign that said "I'm thankful for YOU!" just waving at cars. Then I see this is coming out. Was that legit some guerrilla advertising shit I wonder? I never even knew this was coming out


harlojones t1_ixttu5h wrote

Does anyone even like Ted in 2022


AdamMcwadam t1_ixtuvv5 wrote

I was curious if I was right in thinking season 3 had far less jokes, so I went back and started watching season 1 and WOW is it different.

Problem is… season 3 was so much better, and if the jokes have to tone down to reach the level of season 3, then I’m okay with that.


MortalJohn t1_ixu3brn wrote

Side point, McFarlane makes far more from TED than Orville. So he makes stuff like this so he can afford to make his passion project Orville. Honestly the series would have been dead if not for him at this point.


BLKWD_ t1_ixu47xn wrote

I am dying for more comedy movies to come out, but this aint the franchise I was lookin for. That being said. I'll give it a shot. Serious lack in theatrical comedies at the moment.


Queef-Elizabeth t1_ixu5jim wrote

Ted is better as a movie. I don't think it could possibly hold my attention enough to be a tv show imo


Aregisteredusername t1_ixu7fpn wrote

But the original movie shows Ted being. Roughy to life with the wish of a young Marky Mark. How will this prequel re-write that?


_Hotwire_ t1_ixu8oly wrote

I wish they would do a biopic for the funky bunch.

But have marky mark played by mark wahlberg trying to act like and dress like he did as a kid. Have all the other actors be very young as well to make it weirder.


Emen85018 t1_ixua03y wrote

It’s going to be great.


DMoree1 t1_ixud0eu wrote

Why though?…


jono9898 t1_ixuigkc wrote

Wish Seth would focus on The Orville,


Pool_Shark t1_ixujid8 wrote

Credits are most of the time negotiated by agents so it’s part of the deal. For family guy he created the show so he will always have his name on the credits and collect a check even if he ditched the voice work and someone else replaced him


Samanoskue t1_ixul8zi wrote

Fantastic now more Orville please!!!


ABadManComes t1_ixuo7lj wrote

Ugh. Omg. Like i own the first one on Blu-ray somewhere. I haven't even seen the second one (dumb plot) but I think this schtick (and several years way too late) is prob late and played out.... In 2023


TaiKorczak t1_ixus9g1 wrote

So he’s basically making a live action version of Stewie and Rupert.


Holgrin t1_ixuu1cj wrote

Does "Ted" need a prequel? Jesus Christ.


chocotripchip t1_ixuuvf0 wrote

Ok, now please start production on The Orville Season 4.

Lets go Disney, all we need is a green light.


Ok_Fox_1770 t1_ixuvg8d wrote

They gonna face swap marky mark back to the feel it feel it days or plug in some stranger things kid.


I_Boomer t1_ixuzrke wrote

Where is The Orville?


freedoomed t1_ixvapkj wrote

I hope they deepfake mark whalbergs face onto a child for this.


braveheart707 t1_ixvbzxj wrote

The prequel nobody and I mean NOBODY asked for


StugDrazil t1_ixvlqpb wrote

I feel bad for the guy who basically created this on a YouTube channel only to have it stolen by seth


keving87 t1_ixvwgkh wrote

That's because Fox (network) cancelled it during the Disney takeover and it got moved to Hulu, then COVID... and then it took a weirdly long time to resume filming for some reason. It has to be renewed before they can start production again anyway.


Loganp812 t1_ixvx8ro wrote

I mean, the first one has funny moments, but so many people were acting like it’s one of the greatest comedies of all-time despite it not even being one of the greatest comedies of that decade (which, btw, the 2010s was a relatively awful decade for comedies anyway with only a few exceptions.)


Loganp812 t1_ixvxtz2 wrote

It’s alright. He stole Wayne’s World 2’s parody of The Graduate (practically frame-by-frame in fact) for an episode of Family Guy as well as a visual gag from the music video for “Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver” - Primus for A Million Ways To Die In The West.


Perpete t1_ixw1hc8 wrote

Thing is, in theory people would like that, but what's important is the quality of the writing. A badly written/directed prequel with The Rock and SLJ would be disgusting. A good written/directed Ted prequel, albeit with fewer people asking for it, would be more interesting.

What people wants is good shows, the topic is not that important.


downonthesecond t1_ixw8mnj wrote

Maybe the show will bring more zingers like F Scott Fitzgerald.


mrtouchybum t1_ixwhdc7 wrote

So we got the crapfest that was Ted 2 and still someone said lets make more of this?


ParkerZA t1_ixwnoo4 wrote

Agreed. I only used that example because The Other Guys is a parody of whatever prequel starring those characters would be. Thereby missing the entire point of The Other Guys.


DoctorMedical t1_ixxf30l wrote

Seth, Ted was a lazy unoriginal idea that didn’t have enough jokes for one movie let alone two. What the hell could a series possible offer?


CompetitiveProject4 t1_ixxkawz wrote

I agree but I’m not sure I would ever take a time machine to change it if the path led to them producing “Succession”

The combination of a UK and US comedy genius definitely led to some incredibly funny but truly high art.


Dangeruss82 t1_ixyu1nv wrote

Anything with giorgia whigham in is worth a watch.


RealJohnGillman t1_iy2nvxk wrote

A new season has yet to be ordered.

If it helps though, apparently the Krill God “Avis” was >!that hive-mind species of spider-creatures from the third season!< (from the Krill Bible) — when it said “>!You will be of us!<“, the “>!of us!<“ part was how the species itself pronounced “Avis” — as in “uv-us” becoming “uv-is” becoming “ave-is” (Avis).