Submitted by wowzaps t3_11uhopd in tifu

I have bad eyesight and wear glasses to see certain things but I don’t always wear them. I was in a subway (sandwich shop, not trains) and not wearing my glasses since I already knew my order.

The girl in front of me was kind of cute and wearing short shorts, flip flops and it looked like she was wearing leggings which I thought was an interesting combo. I told her I had never seen someone wearing leggings and flip flops before but that I liked the style choice. She gave me a weird look and didn’t say anything at first. After a long awkward pause, she said, “I’m not wearing leggings these are just my legs” at which point I realized her legs were just kind of ashy and looked like leggings.

I didn’t even know what to say so I just laughed and went “oh.” She looked really annoyed and then went and ordered her sandwich. My heart must’ve jumped to 200 beats per minute and I rushed out as soon as I got my sandwich. I had to make this post because I’m not gonna tell anyone I know about this and I’m hoping maybe this isn’t as bad as I think it is and someone will reassure me in the comments. But holy fuck I just keep thinking back to it and wincing.

TLDR: I thought a girl with ashy legs was wearing leggings and complimented her style.



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chazwomaq t1_jcozm7i wrote

You should have apologised and explained that you weren't wearing your glasses...

...then said "so when are you due?"


thermight t1_jcr07yg wrote

I heard someone do this in a head shop once to the cashier and watched them die inside at the reply.


Ninja-Sneaky t1_jcrcnj6 wrote

..and then to her husband "my apologies for the misunderstanding with your daughter"


blinkrandom t1_jcrh6oh wrote

Oh god, the awkwardness of your answer reminded me of the time me and my brother went out to eat once - I'm 8 years older than him, but we look about the same age. He also has really long hair. I'm a cis female, and he's a cis male.

A waitress comes up to us, refers to us as "ladies" - realises one of us is not a lady. She apologised, my brother laughed it off, he gets that sometimes, nbd. She then later made the same mistake again, apologised again, then says "my bad, you guys are a really cute couple!"

My brother quickly made his order because he knew I was cringing my way out of the restaurant at this point, god I really wanted to correct her but the poor girl looked so awkward and uncomfortable already.


shavedaffer t1_jcrbknr wrote

I’ve asked “when are you due” to several pre-confirmed pregnant people. Usually they give me an answer detailing what they do for a living thinking I said “what do you do?”

It’s always good for a double awkward “wait what?” moment.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_jcp6p37 wrote

“Nice leggings!”

“I’m not wearing leggings.”

“In that case, nice legs!”


UmbertoEcoTheDolphin t1_jcqemgx wrote

Leggings are what my people call legs.


mrdanielsir9000 t1_jcr4snw wrote

It’s an Albany expression.


totalnewbie t1_jcqfrti wrote

I saw a friend after a couple years and when we first met up, I kind of just couldn't stop staring at her legs. She had tattoos already but I was shocked she got both her legs entirely covered in tattoos.

Turns out she was wearing leggings.

This exchange happened within a few seconds fwiw.


Dez2011 t1_jco7zwu wrote

It could be worse. You could've asked her when her baby is due. That's the worst, so it's best to never ever mention that unless you're told a women is pregnant. Some people just carry more weight there.


Fwamingdwagon84 t1_jcqqb4x wrote

Yep, that's me. Skinny everywhere else but have a little extra pudge. I get asked at least once a week, at my job, when I'm due. Who fucking raised these people?


winterdalliance t1_jcr8kx9 wrote

This describes my body type as well. Just a few days ago someone asked, "Oh, do you have a bun in the oven?!" No. No, ma'am, I don't. But thanks for pointing out I could strengthen my core, I guess. 🙄


Fwamingdwagon84 t1_jcr9fzp wrote

Yeah, im like thanks, im almost 40 with a lot of health issues, the metabolism is slowing down finally. I'd love to try some exercise for that area, but just got diagnosed with anemia yesterday(fainted at work)and I am too fucking exhausted atm.


winterdalliance t1_jcr9txi wrote

Yeesh, people are rude. For me, mid-thirties, have had a kid, would like to have another, but because of a medical emergency several years ago, I can't. So, every time someone asks, that lovely struggle is brought back up. Yay.


TrainableGirl t1_jcrzxma wrote

I have multiple food intolerances that cause extreme bloat. Been dealing with them for years but can’t ever seem to win. I look pregnant and I know this. Like you though for medical reasons I can’t so whenever someone asks me about my “pregnancy” I want to die a little. I’ve never had a kid and never will.


Dez2011 t1_jcsh2fs wrote

I had a friend who had liver damage that was so severe she looked a full 9 months pregnant from the fluid backing up. She was an alcoholic and refused to see a Dr until it was too late to save herself. She wouldn't leave her house the last few months before she died because she knew she'd be asked if she was pregnant every time. She was very skinny otherwise.

There are many reasons not to ask a woman about it. She may have a medical problem and doesn't want to have to explain it. She may have just had a miscarriage or have found out that the baby's life isn't viable. It totally outweighs any benefit of asking without knowing the situation ahead of time.


Fwamingdwagon84 t1_jcraqqp wrote

It particularly sucks because I work customer service, so I can't say exactly what I want to these people. I always hit them with the ole "im not pregnant" and enjoy the horrified looks on their/the rest of their party's faces though.


SequinSquirrel t1_jcr6fcm wrote

I was asked "So are you getting much morning sickness?" after wearing a dress with ruching across the midsection. I was not pregnant and never wore that dress again. :(


Dez2011 t1_jcsexy9 wrote

I had a similar shirt and was wearing it BOTH times when I was asked. I carry a lot of my weight in the torso and thought that style of shirt was a fix for my problem. One of those times I was target shooting at an outdoor gun range with a male friend and this redneck woman collecting people's brass asked me if I was pregnant. I said No. Then she said: Well, did you USED to be pregnant? I'd been was reloading when she'd walked up and I looked at my friend and joked "Accidents happen". The woman finally got the point and scurried back up to the long gun range, lol.


child_of_eris t1_jcrgmym wrote

I was wearing a shirt with what is probably similar ruching. The customer at my register was purchasing baby clothes for her soon to be granddaughter, looked at me and said "You must be due pretty soon too!"

The look on her face when I said "Nope. I'm not pregnant, just fat" was hilarious.

I still went and gave that shirt to my roommate.


[deleted] t1_jco8aqn wrote

Since the unholy invention of flesh coloured leggings, it's an easy mistake to make tbf. It's not really your fault either if you have bad eyesight too on top of it. I'm pretty short sighted, and I myself find that I double take because the amount of time I've seen people (inc stylish guys) wearing flesh coloured pants, thinking for a split second they wasn't wearing any 😂


DootinAlong t1_jcpck1l wrote

She probably wasn't offended, she was probably just confused. If that helps.


DoctorBlackwater t1_jcqqihp wrote

This reminds me after a long day roofing one summer I went to the grocery store to get food for dinner.

At the checkout the cashier looks at me for a moment and says "Wow I really like your tan."

I looked down and quickly replied "Thanks but it's mostly dirt" I've never seen an expression turn to disgust more quickly.


Apprehensive-Ad6847 t1_jcqfxvv wrote

Three ways to proceed, I see, and you took one.

  1. Laugh, say OH! Get your food, and go.
  2. Hit her with the one-two punch and tell her there is a dollar store down the street. Go get some lotion because you are ashy as f#@k.
  3. Tell her I know. You looked too good/cute/beautiful/fine [compliment of choice] to approach. I needed a way to break the ice. Oh, look! You're talking to me now, so it must have worked.

Ubericious t1_jcob70i wrote

Ashy XD thanks bill burr for the ted talk


itport_ro t1_jcpzk3b wrote

"I see dead people...!"


whenwewereoceans t1_jcr75wq wrote

I once complimented a coworker on her beautiful rosy cheeks, and she just goes "....I have rosacea". And after a quick scramble all I could think of to say was "well it looks GREAT on you!!!" Thankfully she was able to laugh about it but I wanted to facepalm forever!


NeedARita t1_jcqrq2e wrote

Wait, people don’t wear flip flops with leggings? I see it all the time here…


eyegazer444 t1_jcr5j7q wrote

I just read through all the comments and I'm still trying to work out wtf ashy legs even means


Felix_Von_Doom t1_jcrteqg wrote

Imagine a dark skinned person who looks like they picked a fight with a sack of flour.


thermight t1_jcr0dkm wrote

I thought the woman was going to have ended up covered in thick leg hair


RedSealWitch t1_jcr89gk wrote

Lol today OP learned that that they can no longer trust their vision and need to start wearing their glasses full time


blurpdurpnurp t1_jcrvs5h wrote

I used to work at an airport and we would have to get weights of individuals plus the weight of their carry on. We never actually weighed them and only asked them for approximate weights. Well people had a habit sometimes of telling me their weight plus added with the weight of the bags they planned to check. So when she told me 400 pounds I without thinking said. “Ma’am I need the weight not including the bags you will check today.” The look I received and the feeling of embarrassment I was filled with is something I will never forget.


andrewta t1_jcr6uio wrote

everything was fine.. until you laughed.. there's your f up.

sucks man lol


OhBoo_FuckingHoo t1_jcrm6yf wrote

Thanks for the laugh. And I am so sorry. That must have been mortifying.


wowzaps OP t1_jdg0951 wrote

I completely made it up but yeah it was so embarassing


theberrybird t1_jcvb786 wrote

This is coming from someone who’s done and said a LOT of stupid things, and this is coming from a place of love, but why does it matter to you? You’ll never see her again. I think that’s something to take comfort in.


wowzaps OP t1_jcw19zq wrote

it was a subway at my college so she was a fellow student


cy1229 t1_jcriv11 wrote

It's just a weird moment between 2 people who don't know each other. Next time, don't assume you know, especially if you're not wearing glasses.

A good response would have been "oh shoot I'm sorry, I'm not wearing my glasses so don't take it badly. Can't see sht without them."

Live and learn. No big deal.


Superloopertive t1_jcrul9u wrote

If you thought they were leggings wouldn't the exposed foot have clued you in?


redvelvetcakebatter t1_jcsai14 wrote

Leggings do not cover feet, those are called stockings.


Superloopertive t1_jct1veb wrote

That's what I mean, if he could see feet and they were the same colour as the "leggings"...


redvelvetcakebatter t1_jctzc5d wrote

I mean, there’s a chance this persons legs were ashy but their feet were not. Also without glasses it can be extremely hard to tell, so I can’t blame op lol


DoradoPulido2 t1_jcqus2h wrote

"TIFU giving unsolicited comments on other people's appearance."
Why do you think someone trying to buy a sandwich needs to hear what you think about their outfit? They don't. Mind your business.


wowzaps OP t1_jcrx580 wrote

is a compliment on a style choice an “unsolicited comment” ?? seems like everyone is taking my initial intention in the least charitable way possible for whatever reason


dbeynyc t1_jcq8vgy wrote

So.. she was like super dark skin.


[deleted] t1_jcpi846 wrote



wowzaps OP t1_jcrwr6o wrote

I didn’t say it was weird I thought it was cute. I know people online love to say you should never compliment anyone or comment on anyone’s appearance but I disagree in many instances. I do of course wish I didn’t comment on her appearance in this particular instance


Secthelock t1_jcq1ajz wrote

I'm not exactly sure what prompted you to make a remark on a stranger's appearance, let alone on a piece of clothing that would be designed to cover their genitals? I'd be more worried about a lack of filter, do you think she's waiting for a stranger to comment on her leggings? I kinda feel that's the fuck up, the fact you didn't care enough to properly check what you were looking at and made a comment anyway is the second one.


Edit: Well that;s why there's so many creeps I guess, they don't know they are..


somehorsegirl t1_jcqaj9l wrote

I’m not sure anyone thinks of leggings as…. Genital coverings? It’s not weird to tell a stranger “I love your shirt” or “nice hat!” Or something in passing. It’s complimenting someone’s taste, not their appearance. If you said “wow those leggings really make your ass look good!” That would be inappropriate.


toady89 t1_jcqqyqe wrote

Especially since it’s normal to wear actual genital coverings underneath leggings.


Quicksizzle t1_jcqwpsl wrote

I shall forever call any form of lower half clothing as genital coverings!


jaxsotsllamallama t1_jcq95ni wrote

I compliment people all the time, I don’t think it’s that strange. I’ve also never looked at complimenting someone’s pants or leggings as complimenting something “designed to cover your genitals”. It’s not like they said I love the VPL you got there.


PapaRL t1_jcqlav9 wrote

I feel like the creepiness is totally situational and depends on the tone, I also don’t think ANY comment on appearance is creepy, so I won’t comment on the creepiness but I will say the way OP pointed out this persons appearance feels like a neg.

If I were wearing some combination of clothing and someone said, “Wow, I’ve never seen someone wear ____ and ____, but I like it.” Id feel pretty weird. Sometimes when I go to the grocery store, I’ll put jeans on then decide eh fuck it I’m just gonna wear my slippers. And if someone said, “Wow I’ve never seen someone wear slippers and jeans before, but I like it.” I’d probably walk away thinking, “did that guy just roast me?”

I do agree, leggings is a weird thing to “compliment” as well. They have a cool shirt on, or interesting shoes, or like a wild design on their leggings, sure. But complimenting normal leggings that clearly were so normal, they just looked like legs (or vice versa) is kinda odd


soexhausted7 t1_jcqg4i8 wrote

Yeah seems like creeps are down voting you, no need to comment on someone you don't knows clothes


MajestaHazel t1_jcq4322 wrote

Yeah…it was a weird comment indeed and it would have made me super uncomfortable. Also, you’ve never seen someone wear leggings and flip flops? Where the fuck do you live?
