Submitted by [deleted] t3_10p8pmk in tifu

I fucked up bigtime today. At my highschool, the studentes of the last year can dress up for a day to celebrate the fact that we made it trough school. For some reason I decided to use my uncle’s helmet from the germans in ww2 (he is a big history freak, not a neonazi or anything), and dress up as a ww2 soldier. I knew that this could be causing some trouble so I decided to cover the nazi-signs with a piece of paper. So the day breaks on and Im riding my bycicle to school, but then in starts to rain and the pieces of paper fall off. Im exposed now, but for some reason my dumbass tought that it would be allright and I just went further to school. Then, at school happens the worst thing that could have possebly happened: another group of students decided to dress up as jews. At first we tought that it was funny so we played along and took a few silly photo’s. Then I realised that a lot of people thought that we had planned this and now, am I and the students who dressed up as jews seen as racists by the rest of the school. What should I do to restore my reputation?

TL;DR: I dressed up as a german ww2 soldier and some other kids as jews. We are now all seen as racist and Im lookin for a way to restore my reputation.



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PanzerSloth t1_j6ja4dl wrote

You had so many opportunities to realize "Maybe dressing up as a Nazi is a bad idea" and breezed right past every single one of them.


DayumnDamnation t1_j6jaxv4 wrote

That thing about the panzer...


PanzerSloth t1_j6jo6l4 wrote

You know I always forget what my shitty username is on this site, well played.

Happy cake day you hexagonal fuck lol


Kat1eQueen t1_j6kj11x wrote

A Panzer doesnt have to be a tank, the shell of a turtle is also a Panzer so you can just claim that your username is a funny turtle sloth


warbleblog t1_j6kyf0h wrote

Or just immediately get recognized as a german nazi sloth like how I read the name cause this is reddit


Stoney-McBoney t1_j6ix3l6 wrote

Changing schools might help.


Theo446_Z t1_j6k2qah wrote

Really! For what? For a bad joke?

That terrible offense happened more than 75 years ago! That Uniform Joke is a recurring choice among teenagers everywhere.

What was the crime? Ignorance? Profound Ignorance maybe?


snarefire t1_j6ld6gt wrote

75 years, means their are still plenty of people whose grandparents and parents lived through this. Whose families were literally erased by the holocaust.


YomiKuzuki t1_j6la9bb wrote

> Really! For what? For a bad joke?

I mean holocaust humor is pretty low quality humor to begin with, and mostly used by actual neo Nazis to test the waters

> That terrible offense happened more than 75 years ago! That Uniform Joke is a recurring choice among teenagers everywhere.

The length of time between now and when the holocaust occurred doesn't really matter. And when I was a teen, I never saw other teens dressed as Nazis. Only neo Nazis dressed like Nazis.

> What was the crime? Ignorance? Profound Ignorance maybe?

This. This sentence is the cringiest thing I've read today.


DayumnDamnation t1_j6oo8uj wrote

In eastern and middle europe it is pretty common for teens to joke and talk about it in my experience. Until they go in holocaust museums or the jew cemetery on school trips.


NoSoulsINC t1_j6iyf9o wrote

At least now you can say “I did Nazi this coming” when you get expelled.


distant-starlight t1_j6j3xqd wrote

>For some reason I decided to use my uncle’s helmet from the germans in ww2

Was that reason your undying love and empathy for the original wearer?

>another group of students decided to dress up as jews. At first we tought that it was funny so we played along and took a few silly photo’s.

So you went low and found a way to make it worse along with your bizarrely tasteless classmates?

Honestly all of this sounds planned, deliberate, and very non-accidental, and the only reason you're online trying to fish for support is that someone likely pointed out that laughing at human atrocity and making fun of genocide and war crimes are not good looks.

>a lot of people thought that we had planned this and now, am I and the students who dressed up as jews seen as racists by the rest of the school. What should I do to restore my reputation?

You did plan this and lying after the fact can't change your wilful decision to mock a horrific historical event and showcase your racism and pro-racist stances. You proudly wore the outfit. You smiled and posed for pictures. Zero of this happened by accident.

I hope no one forgets how you allied yourself with the scum of history.


Akairichii t1_j6jmvx4 wrote

Absolutely or it's all a fabrication.


mrseddievedder t1_j6jurky wrote

A group of kids decided to dress up as Jews? This is ridiculous.


sterboog t1_j6k2gps wrote

As somebody who knows a collector of WW2 paraphernalia, a German WW2 helmet with its original markings is not cheap. A full authentic uniform would be VERY expensive (especially stuff that fits... most surviving examples were surplus and usually very small - hence it was never issued out and that's why it survives).

Any self respecting collector would never let somebody ride a bike wearing an authentic uniform - the possibility of the grease on the chain hitting the leg of the uniform being an instant deal breaker for me, and I would assume most other people. Its just too ridiculous of an idea that you would lend out that sort of kit for somebody to WEAR all day at school.

That said, I did wear an authentic WWI US Navy uniform for Halloween once when I was a kid, but the difference there is that US Navy stuff is always undervalued and I was still small enough to fit in the undersized surplus stuff. Pants/pullover/hat all in cost like $70.


Akairichii t1_j6jm27p wrote

Where in the world is today end or near end of the school year? Your story sounds like someone making up terrible excuses if this was true. Paper to cover up uniform? Students unplanned dressing up as Jews (wtf does that even mean anyway... Concentration camp uniforms, Star of David displayed)? Either that or you all are some insensitive children.

I don't buy this one bit.


semisweetnothings t1_j6lvej4 wrote

I agree with you. I have never heard of a high school allowing students to wear whatever costumes they want. Maybe a “spirit week” with set themes but not random costumes. Seems made up.

If this it true… OP, your best bet is to humbly apologize, reflect upon why you thought this would be appropriate, and switch schools.


Akairichii t1_j6n36o9 wrote

I know that in the UK, kids are given a day to dress up to celebrate the end of the year but that's not until mid summer which made me believe this story less.


GsTSaien t1_j6lldm8 wrote

They are kids. Kids are dumb sometimes. Let them be edgy as long as they grow out of it.

Plenty of people do way worse, like using slurs as comedy constantly. The issue was publicly displaying this edgyness, as it can become a dog whistle for actual racists and then it is no longer just kids messing around.

I say it was insensitive, but I understand why they thought it was funny; I hope they can learn from this and earn their respect back by being more sensitive in the future.


Lallner t1_j6jc7lv wrote

How, exactly, does one dress up as a Jew?


RandoCalrissian11 t1_j6jw0ql wrote

Big nose, evil face, bushy eyebrows and beard, yellow star. Usually seen grabbing money from people. /s (in case anyone didn’t get the satire).


phidus t1_j6kzssa wrote

It’s just a big misunderstanding that the people who ethnically stereotyped a group are racist…


PauloWallow t1_j6izqjg wrote

if it’s online you’re done


bmonti21 t1_j6ka1j0 wrote

That's exactly my first thought. Even having the pictures and this kid plans to do anything major in life... this will haunt them forever.


BernieEcclestoned t1_j6j30ik wrote

Join the royal family, I hear they're missing a spare


lifeunderthegunn t1_j6jkye3 wrote

I mean, you've got the reputation you likely deserve. You wore a fucking Nazi helmet to school. If you really want help repairing your reputation, I would write out a heartfelt and thoughtful apology to the entire school and ask to read it to everyone or get it printed in the school paper. Be proactive about acknowledging how stupid this was and you're incredibly sorry.


IAmanAleut t1_j6lfo6t wrote

You're an idiot and I hope you get what you deserve. It is completely unacceptable to even put on a nazi uniform, let alone play some stupid game with others pretending to be Jewish, which is also unacceptable.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j6je8p1 wrote

Pro Tip: Never run for political office or this will be found


ForgetTheWords t1_j6j0rct wrote

At least it's your last year there. Try to be smarter in post-secondary, or wherever you're going after this.


certified_fresh t1_j6k5p9m wrote

I don’t think op is going to get any smarter. The piece of paper covering the nazi symbol fell off and he wasn’t able come up with idea of covering it with another piece of paper. He was in a school filled with paper.


snarefire t1_j6ldihf wrote

Pretty sure after this he wont be going to any post secondary better than a community college (granted comm. colleges can be great) no college is gonna wanna enroll a kid who got expelled in his senior year for dressing up as a nazi and then playing around with another group of kids dressed up as a racist stereotype.


Bored_lurker87 t1_j6l3dw0 wrote

It would be unfortunate if it really happened- good thing it didn't.


snarefire t1_j6ld1vg wrote

You literally did something pretty freaking racist and didn't bother to think for literally one second how that might be perceived. Then doubled down on it by probably doing shitty poses with the people who think its funny to dress up as "Jews" you have no reputation. Its gone, destroyed, and frankly deserved.

How the hell you didn't end up in a principals office, and with a phone call to parents I will never know.


xvideovampx t1_j6op9h3 wrote

This is giving me Curb Your Enthusiasm situation vibes. There’s no way this is real.


Phatpoopy t1_j6jhqlw wrote

💀ain’t no way you thought this through bro change schools or at least apologize and learn as to why that’s offensive


drrevo74 t1_j6ln0xu wrote

Your school sounds like a hillbilly shit show. If no one kicked your ass by second period you're probably fine.


_Vaporwav3 t1_j6ly1ab wrote

reminds me a meme last year halloween a boy wore hitler costume to school and got caught


nothingofit t1_j6m7jdn wrote

What non-racist dresses up as a Jewish person as a costume...?


Ghost_Prince t1_j6mjd7z wrote

Dude deleted his profile lol hope he realizes how fucked up this is


BoBoBellBingo t1_j6iyq5d wrote

You could always see if it’s too late to be aborted


mynameisfede t1_j6kw4ky wrote

If you were not in America this would be hilarious. Sorry for you.


Bloodiest-Taint t1_j6l849m wrote

Just try not caring. You sound like you had no intention of acting like a racist douchebag, so as long as you know that, don’t worry kid. You’re young. You’re allowed to make these stupid choices and mistakes because it doesn’t matter until you’re an adult.


clandestiningly t1_j6iy8bs wrote

It's not that big a deal. WW2 was more than 70 years ago, let's all chill


davidls12 t1_j6j10b8 wrote

Tell that to any German. Please. I beg you.


ChocolateUnlucky1214 t1_j6mjar5 wrote

As someone who is good friends with a german, he'd laugh for a bit before giving your ass more of a whopping than the Big Whopper at burger king


Kat1eQueen t1_j6kjop8 wrote

People who had to live through that are still alive, you have no right to pull the fucking "its been [insert number] years" excuse


clandestiningly t1_j6j6fc1 wrote

People dress up as US marines all the time. Marines have killed millions of innocents in illegal wars and continue to do this till date.

Like I said, it's not that big a deal
