GarysCrispLettuce t1_iqpcnl8 wrote
Cancel culture
Snuggly-Muffin t1_iqpdg46 wrote
i wana put my fig leaves in your basket
iwannagohome49 t1_iqpdrf5 wrote
*fig, baskets
GeraldoFubar t1_iqpek96 wrote
And then Monty Python came around and said, "Hold my pint and watch this..."
Card_Zero t1_iqpf7as wrote
Narvarre t1_iqpfipl wrote
Back then it was The Hays Code, Cancel culture nobs couldn't even be original.
The history of the code is worth looking up, it a good read.
shimi_shima t1_iqpgz85 wrote
FYI for the curious like me: Basket (old UK usage) is a euphemism for “bastard”
Just1morefix t1_iqph1th wrote
"I tell you what, I'll gladly do you from behind. Provided of course you reach behind and gently cup my basket. Thanks in advance!"
critfist t1_iqph2b0 wrote
Alright motherfucker that's too far, I'm revoking your comedy license!
Ludwigofthepotatoppl t1_iqphw66 wrote
bobby cops descend
TronOld_Dumps t1_iqpjcix wrote
Got some fig leaves to clean up your cum basket.
GrahamCrackerSnacks t1_iqpnej3 wrote
First time caller, long time listener here but how does one use the word “basket” in an overtly vulgar manner? Asking for a friend.
sweetteanoice t1_iqpriin wrote
Makes total sense they wouldnt allow the use of such a vulgar work like basket during one of their minstrel shows!
Winter-Adagio7650 t1_iqpwzjn wrote
Why did I see BBC and think this was about something else?
BrokenEye3 t1_iqq1vtm wrote
TIL "bastard" was once considered obscene enough to require a euphemism
BrokenEye3 t1_iqq1yby wrote
grat_is_not_nice t1_iqq3xws wrote
And my invention thrive, Edmund the base. Shall top the legitimate.
I grow; I prosper: Now, gods, stand up for baskets*!*
William Shakespeare, writing for the BBC
locks_are_paranoid t1_iqq71qd wrote
The real TIL is always in the comments.
ketjap-manis t1_iqq8zw8 wrote
There's lots of things like this at the BBC including a pronunciations internal website for broadcasters etc.
Ex beeb.
dizzley t1_iqqajeh wrote
I seem to remember hearing this in conversation in the 1960s in the UK: “you silly old basket”. I was just a kid and it was just a harmless bantering insult. It was really old fashioned even then. My parents banned me from saying “twit” though.
DexterBotwin t1_iqqdlgn wrote
Is the fig leaves because it’s what Adam and Eve are usually shown covered up with?
PN_Guin t1_iqqhd5o wrote
It used to be an euphemism for "bastard".
TooMad t1_iqqhxfy wrote
That's less vulgar than I was hoping for.
wegqg t1_iqqq51y wrote
No they were actually relatively tame at least initially - they did push barriers but nothing like what Peter Cooke & Co had done.
themanfromoctober t1_iqquuks wrote
I learned Lucky basket from the Likely Lads
Wakayamaben t1_iqqvgrj wrote
I thought basket was from basket case, as in a reference to mental illness.
[deleted] t1_iqr012n wrote
theservman t1_iqr030q wrote
Put your fig leaf in my basket?
theservman t1_iqr0clk wrote
Don't call my wife a "cum basket"!
Inevitable-Year-9422 t1_iqr1y5f wrote
I feel dumb because I can't tell if you're joking or not
[deleted] t1_iqr24w1 wrote
It’s still considered a curse word in the UK (and places like India)
dmk_aus t1_iqr5dy9 wrote
And for the euphemism to also be banned.
xX609s-hartXx t1_iqr5ita wrote
I remember Orwell saying it was the worst word you could call a British man during the 30s/40s.
xX609s-hartXx t1_iqr5pdu wrote
I don't know those other guys but did they have a guy who got so fat he exploded in full detail?
Fine_bobby t1_iqr8sz3 wrote
This reads like an excerpt out of hitchhikers guide
v1s1onsofjohanna t1_iqr9di8 wrote
"Banned too was any reference to The McGillycuddy of the Reeks, or jokes about his name, in response to previous complaints." I still haven't found an answer as to why this family was specifically protected.
kapege t1_iqra6jn wrote
McGillycuddy of the Reeks
kapege t1_iqraajo wrote
Why did my mind read this in a very Bri'ish accent?
Cold_Situation_7803 t1_iqratcd wrote
Enough with the sexy talk - this isn’t that kind of sub!
Cold_Situation_7803 t1_iqrawfj wrote
That was in a movie, not on their TV show.
RolfDasWalross t1_iqredm8 wrote
I thought Gaddafi published the green book
xX609s-hartXx t1_iqrfhc0 wrote
Wasn't that a movie made up of patched together TV clips?
Peepsandspoops t1_iqriw9q wrote
I'm really surprised that that show lasted like 20 years.
Cold_Situation_7803 t1_iqrl9ig wrote
No, it was way too racy for tv (and about a decade after “Flying Circus” went off the air).
nalydpsycho t1_iqro4lu wrote
It really is interesting to think how British co edy changed over the 15 year span from late 60s to early 80s. I can totally get why people were stunned by it. But I love the changes.
BuccaneerRex t1_iqrpmf3 wrote
The 'fig leaf' is used in classical art to hide the genitals. Sometimes it's intended by the artist, sometimes they're added in recreations of the art. It's common to see, for example, Michelangelo's David in miniature with a leaf over the twig and berries.
It's actually that rule that probably led to this specific Monty Python sketch:
Thus the term 'fig leaf' as meaning a 'polite fiction to hide what we all know is there', and the use of 'fig leaf' in the same sense that we might use 'bathing suit area'. Although perhaps not in the same scenarios.
DoofusMagnus t1_iqrsh7j wrote
No, Mr. Creosote (the guy who explodes) is from The Meaning of Life. The film that was repurposed TV sketches was And Now for Something Completely Different.
Jaggedmallard26 t1_iqrugv4 wrote
I wonder if thats were the term "basket case" comes from.
wkomorow t1_iqrv4sq wrote
Bloody hell!, could you image what little dialogue Owen Newitt would have is if he were banned from saying things like that. One of my favorite episodes is the swear jar episode.
FriendlyPyre t1_iqrw3fe wrote
That explains why it's still sometimes used as an interjection in Singapore, always wondered where it came from.
TepidHalibut t1_iqrzut1 wrote
But, going further back, The Goon Show REALLY shook things up, and set the scene for the Pythons, Pete n Dud, etc. Spike Milligan is the perfect illustration of the thin, blurred line between genius and madness.
Livid-Ad4102 t1_iqsewu1 wrote
I'd love for this to be re-written in that exact style haha
BillHicksScream t1_iqsfotm wrote
>"I have 10-15 nouns that explain humanity."
BillHicksScream t1_iqsftpa wrote
Wankle Rotary Engine.
Livid-Ad4102 t1_iqsftxm wrote
The big black cock released a book? Really?
Pure-KingOfSkill t1_iqskjro wrote
What the what
gregorydgraham t1_iqsmdjp wrote
The British are weirdly hung up on “bastard”
Rin_Seven t1_iqsnjxd wrote
So a 'basket case' is actually a bastard instead of a crazy person?
angry_old_dude t1_iqsun4l wrote
Some tiskits, some taskets, she's has giant, uh, baskets
minutemash t1_iqtn95l wrote
"Bassssstard in a BASKET!"
- Daniel Plainview
Phantomzero17 t1_iqtupjk wrote
The real TIL in the comments
BrokenEye3 t1_iqux8yv wrote
Apparently not, but the official etymology makes zero sense to me
BrokenEye3 t1_iquxgcy wrote
Had a visibly higher budget too.
BrokenEye3 t1_iquxxlp wrote
NoNeedForAName t1_iqwo8kv wrote
It's a curse word in the US, too, but a mild one like damn or hell. At least in my part of the US.
Alsaki96 t1_iqzwqnp wrote
When my great aunt was in primary school she was on a trip one day and unexpectedly saw her father (affectionately known in the family as dirty Bertie) pushing a pram with their nanny. Turns out he had a whole other family and she still talked about the 'baskets' up until her death a few years ago. Had never heard it anywhere else!
CorvusBlackthorne t1_irllnw6 wrote
This sounds like part of a Monty Python sketch.
SuperJetShoes t1_irydxfl wrote
Brit here. I'm sure most of my compatriots will agree that it's still quite a strong insult/profanity in the UK - but it needs to be spat out angrily, as in these fine examples from Sean Bean.
SillyCubensis t1_iqpc8fv wrote
Piss, shit, cock, cunt, motherfucker, bitch, tits.