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SillyCubensis t1_iqpc8fv wrote

Piss, shit, cock, cunt, motherfucker, bitch, tits.


GeraldoFubar t1_iqpek96 wrote

And then Monty Python came around and said, "Hold my pint and watch this..."


Just1morefix t1_iqph1th wrote

"I tell you what, I'll gladly do you from behind. Provided of course you reach behind and gently cup my basket. Thanks in advance!"


TronOld_Dumps t1_iqpjcix wrote

Got some fig leaves to clean up your cum basket.


GrahamCrackerSnacks t1_iqpnej3 wrote

First time caller, long time listener here but how does one use the word “basket” in an overtly vulgar manner? Asking for a friend.


paullbart t1_iqpo46a wrote

Where’s mi wash board


sweetteanoice t1_iqpriin wrote

Makes total sense they wouldnt allow the use of such a vulgar work like basket during one of their minstrel shows!


Winter-Adagio7650 t1_iqpwzjn wrote

Why did I see BBC and think this was about something else?


drion4 t1_iqpy1nk wrote

Knowing the British, fig leaves and baskets may have some double-meaning.


ketjap-manis t1_iqq8zw8 wrote

There's lots of things like this at the BBC including a pronunciations internal website for broadcasters etc.

Ex beeb.


dizzley t1_iqqajeh wrote

I seem to remember hearing this in conversation in the 1960s in the UK: “you silly old basket”. I was just a kid and it was just a harmless bantering insult. It was really old fashioned even then. My parents banned me from saying “twit” though.


Wakayamaben t1_iqqvgrj wrote

I thought basket was from basket case, as in a reference to mental illness.


kyste t1_iqr4635 wrote

They had to after George Formby did the windows at BBC hq.


verasev t1_iqr5k53 wrote

"He's a real basket-case if you know what I mean."


Fine_bobby t1_iqr8sz3 wrote

This reads like an excerpt out of hitchhikers guide


v1s1onsofjohanna t1_iqr9di8 wrote

"Banned too was any reference to The McGillycuddy of the Reeks, or jokes about his name, in response to previous complaints." I still haven't found an answer as to why this family was specifically protected.


RolfDasWalross t1_iqredm8 wrote

I thought Gaddafi published the green book


BillTowne t1_iqrgpj7 wrote

> The word "n-----" was banned, although the phrase "N----- Minstrels" was still tolerated.

Reminds my of when I was a child. My parents never used "n-------" except to say "Brazil nuts" since that was the only phrase for them at the time.


Wryot t1_iqrhe7m wrote

Why would fig leaves be a banned topic?


nalydpsycho t1_iqro4lu wrote

It really is interesting to think how British co edy changed over the 15 year span from late 60s to early 80s. I can totally get why people were stunned by it. But I love the changes.


BuccaneerRex t1_iqrpmf3 wrote

The 'fig leaf' is used in classical art to hide the genitals. Sometimes it's intended by the artist, sometimes they're added in recreations of the art. It's common to see, for example, Michelangelo's David in miniature with a leaf over the twig and berries.

It's actually that rule that probably led to this specific Monty Python sketch:

Thus the term 'fig leaf' as meaning a 'polite fiction to hide what we all know is there', and the use of 'fig leaf' in the same sense that we might use 'bathing suit area'. Although perhaps not in the same scenarios.


wkomorow t1_iqrv4sq wrote

Bloody hell!, could you image what little dialogue Owen Newitt would have is if he were banned from saying things like that. One of my favorite episodes is the swear jar episode.


TepidHalibut t1_iqrzut1 wrote

But, going further back, The Goon Show REALLY shook things up, and set the scene for the Pythons, Pete n Dud, etc. Spike Milligan is the perfect illustration of the thin, blurred line between genius and madness.


Cetun t1_iqsecwv wrote

"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me"


angry_old_dude t1_iqsun4l wrote

Some tiskits, some taskets, she's has giant, uh, baskets


D3monVolt t1_iqswp6w wrote

what do you get when you stuff fig leaves in your ass? Basket


Alsaki96 t1_iqzwqnp wrote

When my great aunt was in primary school she was on a trip one day and unexpectedly saw her father (affectionately known in the family as dirty Bertie) pushing a pram with their nanny. Turns out he had a whole other family and she still talked about the 'baskets' up until her death a few years ago. Had never heard it anywhere else!