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InflamedLiver t1_j1wo4ao wrote

Hell yeah, my username is definitely relevent here.


DickweedMcGee t1_j1wo5yd wrote

Is it because they died from the booze and smokes before they had a fair chance to get thyroid cancer, maybe?


thomasnomad t1_j1wpph7 wrote

Good to know. I often tell the people at work that I smoke for their health. Stand between me and my nicotine and I'll rip your throat out.


Potatortots93 t1_j1wqpi6 wrote

Boo frickity hoo lung cancer kills you just as bad as thyroid cancer, and you know strokes and copd, what are the other benefits to this dangerous addiction. What a hot crock of bullcheese


transporterpsychosis t1_j1wusrw wrote

"I swear mom, I'm not an alcoholic chimney I'm just trying my best to prevent thyroid cancer."


Doomstang t1_j1wuylm wrote

Can't die of thyroid cancer if you're already dead from lung cancer! #toosmart


BrokenEye3 t1_j1wv0b2 wrote

I didn't know cancers had a "there can only be one"-type arrangement


pfeifits t1_j1wvq1d wrote

This is like saying cut off your head to avoid a headache. Most thyroid cancers are extremely treatable. The multitude of cancers from smoking are much less treatable (lung, larynx, mouth, esophagus, throat, bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, pancreas, colon and rectum, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia). The most common thyroid cancer, papillary carcinoma, has a 99 to 100% survival rate if detected early. The most common smoking cancer (lung cancer) has only a 56% survival rate if detected early, and only 18% if it is non-localized when detected. Don't smoke folks.


PopeHonkersVII t1_j1wz8fr wrote

Smoking also prevents certain types of colon cancer that stem from ulcerative colitis (although it significantly increases the risk of colon cancer overall) and may prevent Parkinson's disease. There are a few tiny corners of the body that benefit from smoking but it will tear apart virtually everything else.


DoctorBlazes t1_j1x8u7p wrote

Non smokers also have a higher incidence of post operative nausea and vomiting than smokers.


dadbod001 t1_j1xgktp wrote

Also aids in ulcerative colitis iirc


LakersFan15 t1_j1xl5t4 wrote

Nice. I'm korean and do both. Thanks for the positive reinforcement!!!! 🙏


ttspapa t1_j1xndmt wrote

Guess I won't die of thyroid cancer then.. 2packs a day, 12pack of beer a night....woo hoo


tamim1991 t1_j1xoly0 wrote

Thyroid cancer giving lung cancer a dirty look on the way out


opiate_lifer t1_j1xqpo3 wrote

Could this be a correlation does not equal causation situation?


Telemere125 t1_j1xxlis wrote

Smoking is also linked to causing Grave’s disease (a form of hyperthyroidism) and Hashimoto’s disease (a form of hypothyroidism). Even if it reduces the chance of that particular type of cancer, it increases the chance of fucking that organ up in different ways. Cancer isn’t the only or even the worst thing smoking will do to you.


Swagastan t1_j1xyj1m wrote

Potentially also reduces the chance of developing Parkinson’s


justasmalltowndad t1_j1y2dez wrote

Doctor: your dad is dead...

Guy: lung cancer?

Doctor: yes...

Guy: I kept telling him to quit those cigs...

Doctor: .... He has an emmaculate thyroid though

Guy: ?


mrpawick t1_j1y3g4w wrote

So my dad (72) had thyroid cancer (squamous cells) which don’t originate in the thyroid. Both a heavy drinker and smoker for 50 years. Had a total laryngectomy after 4-5 months on a trach and peg.

So now he’s almost healed and cancer free, but I’ll never hear his voice again. (And he’ll never swim, but wasn’t much of a swimmer)

Don’t smoke, it’s not worth it.


EmirFassad t1_j1y4vc6 wrote

At what age is thyroid cancer usually detected? Could it be that smoker-drinkers just don't live long enough to contract thyroid cancer?


Giggingurl t1_j1y5qo5 wrote

So avoid thyroid cancer and get lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.


PettyLikeTom t1_j1y9olz wrote

Is this like habitual smoking or like once in a blue moon?


belac4862 t1_j1ybrsv wrote

Ah shit, I knew i should have started smoking when I was 5 years old. Maybe then i wouldn't have gotten thyroid cancer when I was 17!


joshylow t1_j1yfrwl wrote

Eh. Average of a few years. Those would probably be shitty years anyhow. I'll take the early check out and look cool doing it.

Actually I quit years ago, but there's always a little part of me that thinks quitters never win. Wish I never started.


Evan_Fishsticks t1_j1yjq4a wrote

I'll still take a small uptick in thyroid cancer risk over the Pandora's Box of whatever bullshit smoking would do to my body.


_Weyland_ t1_j1yzpn4 wrote

I used the cancer to destroy the cancer


nim_opet t1_j1z0cgj wrote

I mean….yes, the lung cancer gets you first


ppitm t1_j1z6a4r wrote

Reduced risk of the most survivable form of cancer, in exchange for the most lethal cancer. Yippee!


toooooold4this t1_j1z8bw8 wrote

Thyroid cancer is rarely deadly and is often operable. Lung cancer, not so much.


SplendidPunkinButter t1_j1z8mgx wrote

Is it because you die of other types of cancer before you have a chance to get thyroid cancer?


DonCheadleThree t1_j1z9zua wrote

But the thing is, the most common form of Thyroid cancer, papillary thyroid carcinoma has an extremely high survival rate and an extremely high prevalence, and in most cases will not be clinically noticable, unless you perform thyroidectomies and actively go looking for it.

In Korea they actively went looking for such cancers and then did thyroidectomies, however this ended up doing more harm then good as the people with these cancers were clinically fine and unlikely to experience death from it (you'll die of natural causes before it progresses), but now required external thyroid hormone because they had no glands.


zorg42x t1_j205y4x wrote

Being so toxic that even cancer cells won't survive. Where do I sign up?


nobidobi390 t1_j208xsv wrote

goodbye thyroid cancer! hello~ liver cancer/failure