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Unique-Public-8594 t1_ivrn8c3 wrote

Welcome. Hope people have been kind and welcoming.

If you like it in stick season, just wait.


Syncope7 t1_ivrrflz wrote

Do your best to preserve it.


metaldeathtrap t1_ivryf82 wrote

hi op I am also new here! down in rutland county. welcome!


Haltmaw t1_ivs17t0 wrote

I like that you like stick season.


Dr_Moonglow t1_ivszrpt wrote

You are now a steward of our state. It’s beautiful because we keep it that way, which takes work. Roll up your sleeves, participate on green up day and enjoy what VT has to offer.


Generic_Commenter-X t1_ivt4eo4 wrote

It's a dangerous thing to do. No matter where I drive in Vermont, I wish I lived there. I don't have a view of the mountains, but I have a brook that runs immediately behind my house with a bridge to my barn. I'm jealous of neighbors with a view, my neighbors with a view are jealous of my bridge and brook.


bond___vagabond t1_ivt70cw wrote

We moved here a few years ago for my wife's asthma (cleanest air in the USA) never would have guessed I'd end up here, but it fits us really well. I grew up in Oregon, so mud wasn't a shock, and the snow and sun in the winter is easier to do than warmer, but rainy and grey. Wife has more cold tolerance than I do, if we didn't work from home, and had to move snow before work, that would be rough, but we don't. Treat yourself (and others, for their safety, hah) to some winter tires. Figure out an outside winter activity you like, doesn't have to be downhill skiing. Have a way to heat your space too hot, it will help you get outside more if you know you can warm up real good after. I just need to build myself a heated shop, for wrenching in the winter and I'll be as happy as a pig in slop, hah.


Vermonter623 t1_ivtbe75 wrote

Try r/newtovermont. Thats where all the flatlanders that overpaid for their homes ensuring that natives who grew up here can’t afford to buy and stay, go 😉


mycophdstudent t1_ivte41t wrote

My neighbor sold his home for $870K in June. He renovated the basement and updated fixtures and made his porch fancy with a fireplace. He originally paid $480K in 2018. Maybe I can do what he did and sell my house for that price to then go live in a van down by the river.


TripodsInTheWild t1_ivtg3n8 wrote

Everyone loves fall here. But my favorite season is winter. I think it's more beautiful covered in snow than colorful leaves.


Hell_Camino t1_ivtnmyx wrote

The first Saturday in May is Green Up Day. Folks collect the litter that strewn along roadsides, in parks, on public lands, etc. There is usually an organizer in each community who can provide you with green trash bags. With those bags, you can fill the bag and leave it along the side of the road. Someone will come along later to collect those green bags. Or you can just use your own bags and haul it away yourself. Regardless, it’s a great community event that tidies up the state ahead of summer.


sound_of_apocalypto t1_ivtnps4 wrote

Welcome. Just don't start using that awful term "stick season". You won't sound like a real Vermonter.


Climate_Face t1_ivtoppj wrote

Just wait until there are leaves on the trees


jsudarskyvt t1_ivtzg9e wrote

Make sure every time the sun shines between November 1 and March 31st to get it on your skin for five minutes to keep those Vitamin D levels up and to prevent SADness. The hardest adaptation to living here is our winters lack of sunshine. It has sent many newcomers packing after one winter.


ThalassaLuna OP t1_ivu25kl wrote

You think this is ugly and dreary? I think it's absolutely gorgeous! My partner and I are absolutely floored by all the natural wonders here. We feel very fortunate to be here 😊


demariusk t1_ivu97x2 wrote

I’m in awe every time I visit!


Impressive_Big_9906 t1_ivucqkf wrote

Welcome - I’ve been here in Windsor County (near the White River) for 18 years. Small bit of advice - take some time to get to know the area and your neighbors before jumping in with your own opinions. It takes awhile to acclimate. That being said, I never want to live anywhere else.


sugarplummed t1_ivum07q wrote

We are prepping to move to Vt for health reasons also. We spent 10 days touring VT this past May. Absolutely gorgeous everywhere we went and the leaves weren't quite on the trees yet, still just gorgeous. I'm now obsessed with covered bridges. We visited about 20 or so while there. They're like pokemon for me now, gotta catch em all. Apparently there's about 100 in the state so #goals, hah


sound_of_apocalypto t1_ivus9th wrote

Life long Vermonter here and I only heard it for the first time maybe 10 years ago. It seems weird because we have fall, winter, and spring which are all recognizable for their unique features, but then we have this term that to some degree or another could apply to all three. Maybe it just feels a bit too bleak to lump all those seasons together around such a stark image.


dumbbitchvibes t1_ivv0oq3 wrote

Would you have any advice or words of wisdom to someone that’s thinking of moving to Vermont (from the Midwest)?


ThalassaLuna OP t1_ivv1mrm wrote

I say go for it! I've lived in a ton of places within the US, pretty much every part of the country. But I'm finding that Vermont has this unique, ineffable quality that I haven't found anywhere else. If I could sum it up in one word, I would say it is peaceful here. And for someone like me, that is huge. I needed to slow down and just enjoy the small moments in life. I really feel like Vermont is conducive to that so far. 😊


ScotsDale213 t1_ivvfcio wrote

Let me extend caledonia counties welcome to you! Hope you like it here!


ametsun t1_ivvm3hd wrote

There is literally no foliage. This dude is the literal opposite of a tourist. lol. I'm confused.


timberwolf0122 t1_ivvpklq wrote

Welcome! I hope you like craft beer, farm to table, winter sports, lovely summers, beautiful nature, friendly folks and seasons affective disorder


deadbalconytree t1_ivvq7bz wrote

Welcome. Though I’ve only been here not quite two years myself.


Ok-Fun9346 t1_ivvrt9v wrote

As someone from Vermont who moved to Minnesota for a few years (before moving back) I have some advice!

Be prepared for a bit of culture shock. Vermonters can seem much colder and unfriendly compared to the Midwest. It's true that you're not as likely to find people willing to engage in small talk and they'll probably seem a bit blunt. But if you're ever in need, we'll be right there to help. And once you get to know us, you'll have friends for life who will do anything for you. (When I moved it was a real challenge at first when trying to make friends. People would say that they wanted to get together to be polite, but not mean it for example.)


Total-Bag-8973 t1_ivw0dtd wrote

I can't wait to retire to VT in 5 years and 2 months...but, who's counting?


FutureVermonter t1_ivw1073 wrote

I never lived in a place where I was in awe of the beauty everyday until I moved here. It’s incredible.


BothCourage9285 t1_ivw232g wrote


FTR All that reddish brown stuff on the banks is Japanese Knotweed. Invasive but supposedly has potential as a natural treatment for lyme disease


[deleted] t1_ivw2jj5 wrote

Vermont's beauty is varied and endless, with always a surprise around the next corner. The landscape and the people are the best America has to offer.


Total-Bag-8973 t1_ivw4b6g wrote

One of the things I am most grateful for is my father's love of this awesome state. He passed that love down to me.

When he was single, my father used to travel from our home in Western Massachusetts to Burlington almost every weekend to visit friends.. He would travel via Route 7.

He'd be amazed at how it is now.

Thanks, Dad!