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fauxsota t1_j3yxrqu wrote

So it’s the Rutland Rutlands?


fjwjr t1_j3zo4o5 wrote

According to the Department of Redundancy Department, yes….


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j3yx34u wrote

From “Raiders” to “Rutland”

A solid choice.

Good move, Rutland.


2q_x t1_j3z2qcs wrote

Ah good. So now, Rutland Rutland rutland Rutland Rutland?


grimesms t1_j3zamc0 wrote

Rutland ruland Rutland rutland, rutland Rutland rutland.


sorryidontdoreddit t1_j3ztet0 wrote

If the mascot isn’t a disheveled addict pushing a shopping cart full of trash bags then they’ve done the name a disservice


KITTYONFYRE t1_j414d6s wrote

have you been to Vermont before? Rutland isn't some shining beacon of degeneracy. it's pretty par for the course. basically every town in the state gets dunked on for having the exact same rural small town problems.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j4glgya wrote

Uh... Rutland has a reputation for a reason.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j4gnn8v wrote

no, it doesn't. it has a reputation for how it was 30 years ago, maybe. how often do you go to rutland and actually participate in the town?


sorryidontdoreddit t1_j41ejyk wrote

Have you? Because I lived in Rutland for 5 years and this mascot epitomizes the sights in my neighborhood morning, noon and night. Unless, of course, we want to add a Rutland County Sheriff chasing down said disheveled addict.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j41qb4h wrote

Cool, I've lived in Rutland for 24 years and still do. Maybe you lived in one of the bad neighborhoods, and I sympathize with you on that. Every city in Vermont has bad areas. Pretending Rutland is some extra shithole is ridiculous though.


zonitronic t1_j41md1y wrote

And you probably moved here 5 years ago to get state benefits...


sorryidontdoreddit t1_j41q5dk wrote

Haha no I wish! Haven’t lived in Vermont for a few years now. Miss it dearly tho. Plus it sounds like I’m missing the golden age of rutvegas!


zonitronic t1_j41sopx wrote

"Golden Age" is probably a stretch, but a lot of good folks have been trying awfully hard lately. We finally started to get a handle on the opioid problems in the last few years, only to have the state start placing all of their homeless in our vacant hotels, effectively destroying a lot of the progress we made. The state houses all these poor folks with us, but doesn't provide any support systems what-so-ever, so all of their financial burdens beyond housing are put upon our city...most of the crimes being committed in Rutland are by people not originally from here.

My apologies for taking a swipe at you; I should not have assumed. I am sick of folks trashing on Rutland for things that have been beyond our control, and it got the best of me.


VThillbilly t1_j41bh9g wrote

Rutland is pretty much a shit show has been for awhile and it's getting worse


KITTYONFYRE t1_j41dhb1 wrote

rutland is hella nicer than it was a decade or two ago. rutland is getting much nicer overall. yes, every town has ugly areas, and those are definitely still ugly. no, it is not getting worse overall, not even close.

the sky is not falling.


poopshipdestroyer1 t1_j3zejhw wrote

Sterile and inoffensive


19Vinny_The_Vet92 t1_j40lse6 wrote

I’d be offended having to call myself that. The hell they gonna do for a mascot?


Happybirthdayrick t1_j40rd9g wrote

Some Rando' from Walmart


19Vinny_The_Vet92 t1_j40tgmo wrote

Complete with the stains and slippers?


Happybirthdayrick t1_j40zwjj wrote

Oh yeah, and they're talking on the phone (speaker phone) about how they "can't get the money to ya' right now" , whilst hauling around several cartons of marb golds.


bullitt-bee t1_j418xao wrote

Rutland hasn't had an actual mascot since the transition from the Native America to the arrowhead symbol


chad_bro_chill_69 t1_j4113ab wrote

I know this appears like a lose-lose situation for both sides of this issue, but I actually don’t hate the outcome.

Seems like one side (the new school board members) were for Raiders or bust. The change the name folks were, obviously, not keeping the Raiders in anyway. So, we now have no nickname.

This isn’t dissimilar to DC’s NFL team who removed their (IMO much more offensive mascot) and just went with The Washington Football Team for a few seasons. They now have a new “official” nickname and mascot again, but I think many people think the WFT was actually better.

We can just be Rutland HS for a while, and maybe a new nickname will enter parlance organically, like how many sports mascots had originally come to be.

Hopefully this puts an end to this (lol) and the rest of the state can go back to making fun of Barre for a while.


wholeWheatButterfly t1_j417c4c wrote

Yeah I agree. I mean the fact the Stoodley (quoted in the article) is finally willing to move on says a lot about the development on this issue.


bobsizzle t1_j45i9mt wrote

I still don't get why raider's is racist. You don't have to be of any particular culture to be a raider by definition.


Dadfart802 t1_j414d91 wrote

So it’s actually nothing like the Washington football team because they actually have a name and I’d much rather be the Commies than the Rutland football team


Clamato-n-rye t1_j40yu9g wrote

The way I read it is, they just don't have a mascot. it's simply Rutland and tbh I kind of like it. You aren't Bears or Eagles, fools, you're kids who go to a high school with a name. That same name is the name of your team. End of story.


TheTowerBard t1_j42axk5 wrote

When I played school sports in VT we always just used the town name or school name anyway. I went to MSJ and Rutland was our "cross-town rival." I don't recall anyone ever calling them the Raiders. It was just Rutland.

Also, the "green wave" is a dumb name. We all hated it then. We were just MSJ. Reflecting on my experience and all of this hoopla, it seems clear to me that parents are the only ones that actually care about any of this. Any kid claiming they care is just parroting their ignorant parents.


chad_bro_chill_69 t1_j42ij5z wrote

I do recall plenty of people using the Raiders nickname. Green Wave seems only used for articles in the Herald; we almost always call MSJ the Mounties.


TheTowerBard t1_j42inl5 wrote

Jesus Christ I’d totally forgotten the Mounties nickname. Good call. It’s uh… been a while.


zonitronic t1_j41lciu wrote

Originally, the students voted for a progressive name change to "Ravens". A bunch of conservative adults then spent a lot of time and money to get elected to the school board for the sole purpose of changing the name back to "Raiders"; they succeeded, and also succeeded in turning the school board into a political shit-show that has accomplished nothing for the students they were elected to serve. The following year, some new folks got elected to the school board, and now we see the naming decision being punted back to the students, who have wisely chosen to have no mascot at all, because they are sick of the entire embarrassment.


CanVast5274 t1_j41x54c wrote

You would be surprised at the amount of fellow peers in my school wanted it to change back to ‘Raiders’. It was like 60%.


Dadfart802 t1_j420cyu wrote

I wouldn’t at all looking at the test scores and reading the newsletter weekly.


CanVast5274 t1_j420hy9 wrote

The test scores are probably me, lmao sorry


Dadfart802 t1_j422vd8 wrote

It’s cool, getting off Reddit during class would help!!


CanVast5274 t1_j422xpk wrote

I’m literally not in class. 😃


Dadfart802 t1_j423hhy wrote

Just messing, my point was moron parents have moron kids and if you don’t believe me, sit in the bleachers at the football games. Kids hear how important the Raider name is/was but it only matters to the people that peaked in HS or never left Rutland. Don’t peak in high school


CanVast5274 t1_j423nbp wrote

Don’t have to tell me about moron parents. The amount of conservative boys in my school is horrible. I get cat called everyday and nobody does anything. The school is just trash point blank.


random_vermonter t1_j3ze83g wrote

Why didn't they go with Rough Riders?

Rutland Rough Riders? I wouldn't mess with those. Rutland Degens a good second.


MarkVII88 t1_j41bty6 wrote

Rough "ribbed for her pleasure"???


Dadfart802 t1_j414hi6 wrote

We missed an opportunity with “Red faced retirees” as our nickname.


Emerald_196 t1_j3ziph9 wrote

Rutland is a trashy sounding name on its own. Hey someone had to say it. Rut Land. Land of ruts. Woo hoo. School pride.


Dadfart802 t1_j413zn6 wrote

Our mascot should be one buttcheek because we half-ass everything in this town


wholeWheatButterfly t1_j413ohp wrote

This is the first I've heard of them actuallysurveying students on this issue, which they should have just done from the beginning.


zonitronic t1_j41eqcf wrote

They did the 1st time. The students chose "Ravens". Then some so-called adults on the school board took it as a personal attack on their Raider glory days and voted to change it back to Raiders.


[deleted] t1_j42c6oa wrote

Should have changed it to "opiate addict junkie hillbillies."

These morons should stop trying to trigger the libs and focus on the fact that you can't even go to the Starbucks bathroom in town without asking for the keycode because it needs to be locked so people don't overdose in it. I know that nobody ever leaves the town they live in but the Starbucks in the worst neighborhood of New York City doesn't even need to lock their fucking bathrooms.


HomeOnTheMountain_ t1_j4349q0 wrote

This is fine. It's a school team. I don't know why people invest such emotion into such trivial things.


jimmyjoe58 t1_j438bb6 wrote

Proctor Phantoms or just plain Phantoms here.


bobsizzle t1_j45hz5v wrote

It's just as lame as the Washington football team.


Moto_919 t1_j40n40j wrote

Wow thats so.... creative 😒


fjwjr t1_j3zosnv wrote

People calling ‘Raiders’ a racist term are like the annoying kid in high school who turns every word into a sexual innuendo.


wholeWheatButterfly t1_j4170x6 wrote

I mean, you can say what you want about its meaning now, but it was originally very racist in origin. Read old news articles and it's all, "the Raiders brought in more scalps at the game this weekend...", like, come on.


fjwjr t1_j41bp3f wrote

Um, when you search definitions you get everything from Vikings, to ships, to pirates, to Civil War. So this is literally just a case of cherry picking your outrage.


wholeWheatButterfly t1_j41bv9z wrote

No, I'm saying, articles about the Rutland Raiders specifically. That is the opposite of cherry picking lol. Like, Vermont newspapers had headlines about the Rutland Raiders scalping their competition.


fjwjr t1_j41e226 wrote

OK, so now that’s two words that are not necessarily ‘native’ to Native Americans. See how ridiculous this is getting?


inthepines3000 t1_j41opa3 wrote

No. This is Vermont before 2015 we're talking about. Of course it was racist. Same argument they made about Rebels at SB. Though the flag of choice at SB games was of the Confederate variety.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j414za6 wrote

it was rooted in some pretty deep racism. if in 2005 they changed the logo to a pirate instead of an arrowhead I bet it would've stuck. whether it's racist now is up for debate, but the native American expert who was brought in to comment said it wasnt super cool.

as a white dude, who am I to argue? who are you to argue?


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_j433gp1 wrote

Hanover (NH) did have a pirate for a mascot (they called their teams the Marauders), and they just changed to a bear. Raiding and pillaging is no longer considered acceptable behavior.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j434z7j wrote

fair enough, maybe no logo change could have saved it. raping and pillaging isn't a super cool behavior overall I suppose.

in general... who gives a rats ass. bunch of grown ass adults getting riled up over the high school sports team mascot. lmfao. pick up a football, get a fuckin hobby. jesus christ.


Kitchen_Nail_6779 t1_j416euv wrote

It was the logo, not the name. U32 is called the 'Raiders' as well but they don't have an arrowhead or anything related to native Americans as their school logo.


pv_punisher t1_j41qikt wrote

Nah, still the Raiders.


Impossible-Bend-7456 t1_j40q1zb wrote

Beyond ridiculous and a prime example of intelligence.....


wholeWheatButterfly t1_j416tul wrote

They polled the students and teacher, which should have been step one when they first considered a name change. And, as silly as it sounds, if it's what the majority of students want, I think it's a good decision.


zonitronic t1_j41gdvc wrote

It was step one. They did the first time. The students chose "Ravens", and had that as a name/mascot for over a year. Some of the locals were upset about the change and ran for the school board to change it back to Raiders. They succeeded and have turned this into a political shit-show. Basically, the students voted for a progressive name change, and a bunch of conservative adults spent a lot of time and money for the sole purpose of getting elected to the school board to change it back. Now, some other folks got elected to the board, and we are seeing the naming decision being punted back to the students, who just want to be done with the whole embarrassing debacle, so they chose to have no mascot at all.


Fun-Midnight1010 t1_j412ld7 wrote

I know there’s been tons of school shootings. But vt is peaceful. when I’m driving I see police cars in parking lots. I


BoringAccountName78 t1_j3zhbwp wrote

And because of this move by the Rutland school committee, racism is officially over.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j414st1 wrote

damn dude. we can keep the racist name and get dunked on for being racist, or we can make a small change that's undeniably not a bad thing and get snarky comments like this. no way to win.

you're totally right. we should rename to the red raiders and go back to the native American costume, because who cares?!?!? makes no difference!!!!


alfonseski t1_j40wlej wrote

"Lets go Rutland Rutlands, clap clap clap clap clap!, Lets go Rutland Rutlands, clap clap clap clap clap!


KITTYONFYRE t1_j4154dc wrote

it's just gonna be Rutland, dumbass. nobody said "let's go Rutland raiders!" before. it was "let's go raiders". now it'll be "let's go Rutland".

don't be obtuse.