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clitcox t1_j5xw43w wrote

I'm organising my crayons for how tasty they are frens.


[deleted] t1_j5yizcf wrote

Is it down like 63 percent from its peak


Robincapitalists t1_j5zfbba wrote

I think it's down even more haha.


[deleted] t1_j5zfugl wrote

I’m buying puts next quarter. I think many people are pissed and holding off from buying Teslas since the dropped their prices in some places.


Jimmyking4ever t1_j605v07 wrote

Here I thought it was because they wanted to sell all the cool parts of the Tesla as a monthly subscription


Miserable_Top3497 t1_j5zmozy wrote

Q1 will be nuts due to price cuts and model y qualifying for the EV incentives. Sale will be through the roof imo


Robincapitalists t1_j5zp8gi wrote

Maybe. We're seeing erosion of the brand in statistical data, people's financial circumstances are different than 2020, 2021, 2022, competitors rising (in Europe, China where other EVs are available, Tesla's share has been obliterated), backlog is gone.

Even if they sell a lot. Might be net down earnings on lowered margins.


Miserable_Top3497 t1_j5zxc07 wrote

I thought they were able to bring cost down on model 3/y production. The price drops are significant with 7.5k EV incentive included on the model Y. Also, Europe best selling car has been model 3/y, I don’t see things slowing down there.

Despite the financial circumstances, Q3/Q4 have exceeded expectations. Q1 sales numbers will be higher with affordability . Also, this is speculation but their next car will be a compact cheaper alternative.

Competition is no where near, I rarely see a ford lighting, Mach-e or ioniq 5 because of their production being sub-par


Robincapitalists t1_j605z4y wrote

>Also, Europe best selling car has been model 3/y, I don’t see things slowing down there.

Their market share rapidly declined in Europe. My point about that would be, the expectation that Tesla will continue forever growing 50% is wrong and it's likely to see a big leg down on the rate soon.

> Despite the financial circumstances, Q3/Q4 have exceeded expectations. Q1 sales numbers will be higher with affordability . Also, this is speculation but their next car will be a compact cheaper alternative.

They beat lowered estimates. And only by 5-6% (far lower than the average 20-25% beats they've had for a long time).

Next car? Tesla's pipeline is a clear weakness. In that, they don't have one.

> Competition is no where near, I rarely see a ford lighting, Mach-e or ioniq 5 because of their production being sub-par

Tesla market share dropped from 74 to 65% in US in 2022. By 2025 year end it will be less than 25%.


Dozekar t1_j5zyvo8 wrote

> I thought they were able to bring cost down on model 3/y production.

This has been claimed but no meaningful substantiation has been provided. It is equally likely that they are just taking the L.

> Competition is no where near, I rarely see a ford lighting, Mach-e or ioniq 5 because of their production being sub-par

That doesn't mean the competition isn't seeing rapid growth and sales, this just means they don't have rapid growth and sales in the past. This is mistaking rate of change for raw numbers. Raw numbers are still good for tesla, but growth is rate of change, not current values.


Sdubbya2 t1_j64xse0 wrote

> ford lighting, Mach-e

I've been seeing a lot of Mach Es personally haven't noticed any lightnings but they look so much like the regular F150 that I wouldnt of noticed unless I was paying really close attention I guess. It is true they need to ramp up production better htough


MrULTRALONG t1_j62zrbw wrote

Tesla insurance in europe is bigger than bentleys. So forget it.


Year3030 t1_j622igj wrote

If you need to pickup a night job I hear the marines are hiring.


HardtackOrange t1_j5xu047 wrote

She did it again. How tf is Tesla +33% YTD ?


BeerPizzaGaming t1_j5ypaaz wrote

Wait until 2 quarters from now. Lots of pull forward demand. These were accounting tricks that were used to bring in revenue and profits early for last quarter from this quarter (something which could not be done if in a dealership model).
Tesla will likely do the same for this quarter based upon how much actual demand/ sales there are. Tesla is likely to hit this quarter due to the IRA applying through March. IF Tesla's do not qualify come April due to the battery sourcing requirements, OR if there are enough materials to source from the Tesla graveyards around the country, we could see a slump the following quarter or revenue and profits beat due to the sale of those raw battery materials to others.
I would never invest in the company because it is way, way overvalued in my opinion, but I will give Tesla credit they are maneuvering nimbly and staying in the news. They are keeping their investor base happy despite some really negative news stories and yet they are able to distract just enough from anything bad that comes out to keep it from impacting the stock price too much.
I honestly think this might be some shady xxxxx investment fund propping up the price due to some back door dealings (not that back door you degenrates).


RobertsonvsPhillips t1_j5ypnrw wrote

How is it up +33% YTD? a cult, I mean a group of loyal followers dumping money in continuously...


MetamorphicHard t1_j5ywv0y wrote

Bro is using YTD and it’s not even the end of January yet. A true regard


ndvDogeDiamondHands t1_j5yx8wo wrote

Did you notice this is WSB? I mean the place where we pride ourselves in the cult of failed enterprise such as BBB Y, GM E, WKH S and God knows how many more...

We freely help ourselves in 0DTE of pre-Ch11 walking dead and you suggest that buying a profitable company is a cult?

I beg to disagree and take my upvote thanks to your display of outstanding regardation.


HoneydewInMyAss t1_j5z018b wrote

That's not the question...the question is, how did she know?

Insider trading is just an open secret now.

Everyone was calling her a fool a month ago, but now she's a genius?

No, she's fucking corrupt.

People will talk shit about Pelosi all day, but pretend Cathie Wood is getting mystical tips from biblical numerology?

They're all just nakedly corrupt.


HowdoImakemoney1 t1_j5za3m8 wrote

Bro what she’s been getting killed for over a year. She lowered her cost avg on tsla that makes up a strong % of her fund. No insider you’re just pissed


Mpy71 t1_j5y9u7e wrote

It dropped like 40% in a few weeks for no material reason, just speculative fud. Not surprising at all.


Magnasparta1 t1_j5ydigu wrote

You mean the fact that Elon sell shares like crazy and keeps doing so? Oh wait he said he wouldn’t anymore and he’s not lying this time right?

No quarrels with the company but Elon is like a looming threat and boon at the same time. Imagine the stock price rn if he didn’t troll investors with twitter. Crazy.

Even without all that, still wouldn’t buy TSLA. Not yet, keyword: Yet. Consumer buying power is being demolished on a global scale. I just follow the cash and credit lines and a bubble is forming. Unless he cuts prices more idk how people are going to afford to pay. I don’t think the market has priced this in and others can’t convince me otherwise.


Cramerhater t1_j5yfmf1 wrote

Have you seen the price of a GM or Ford truck lately? They are off the charts.


Magnasparta1 t1_j624sis wrote

Trucks can have that kind of pricing power because typically they are bought as a business expense. I expect retail sales to slow from trucks dramatically.

Also I don’t think comparing a truck to an electric car is helpful for prediction of TSLA performance.


wondersparrow t1_j5yfea4 wrote

If every unit made, is sold quickly, how is it time to lower prices? We saw one adjustment when sales slowed, I am sure more will happen when the time comes.


Magnasparta1 t1_j624f37 wrote

Im not saying it’s time to lower prices right now. I just think there will be another time where lowering the price again might be necessary to make sales. Consumer spending power is peaking, not destroyed yet.

Americans are spending what they don’t have. Units will be sold until banks aren’t willing to lend anymore.


BeerPizzaGaming t1_j5ypxwh wrote

With the number of Tesla graveyards they are poised to make a killing once the EV battery material sourcing requirement kicks in. They will keep just enough raw materials for their own batteries and then sell the rest to others at a huge premium. People are literally paying $22K for a new battery assembly when the can fix some issues for less than $10 from their local hardware store if they knew what to look for and do.
If there is a case of "right to repair" against Tesla (or Apple and Samsung) then load up on as many Puts as you can.


RetardGoneDumb OP t1_j5xu9ff wrote

It's literally -47%


HardtackOrange t1_j5xuaor wrote

Year to date?


RetardGoneDumb OP t1_j5xv2h1 wrote

22/01/24 $300, 23/01/25 $150. Roughly. Now what's that? +33% or -50%?


WR_MouseThrow t1_j5xvag3 wrote

Relevant username lol.


RetardGoneDumb OP t1_j5xvbu3 wrote

Feels like home here


a_seh_01 t1_j5y10nt wrote

Ytd stands for year to date(1st jan to current date), not year on year.


RetardGoneDumb OP t1_j5y13wu wrote

That's what I mixed it up with, but several others already stated that thanks 🤷🏼‍♂️


EatsRats t1_j5ylvx4 wrote

So year to date means the star of the year (January 1, 2023) to today.


duxpdx t1_j5xw0lo wrote

YTD is Year to date which means from the start of the current year to the current date. That is January 1st 2023 to the current date.

It is not the performance over the past 365 days.


Melodic_Fee5400 t1_j5y5kp4 wrote

Let’s meet again at the end of the year 🤡


titusmorlad t1_j5y8owm wrote

...anyone who bought puts a year ago on ARKK would be my guess...


ChippyChalmers t1_j5yignr wrote

ARKK is down nearly 40% from pre-covid peaks. Recency bias anyone?


lionheart4life t1_j5z3fb0 wrote

Not everyone buys everything at their peak lol.


ChippyChalmers t1_j5z69ii wrote

lol that's hilarious. But yeah, still down massively so .. I'm still laughing at ARKK


my_user_wastaken t1_j5y41mg wrote

Still down 64% from its peak, and 53% in a year

Nice for people who bought only/mostly in the past month, but that definitely wasnt her, and isnt most people here

I am laughing now img especially if Elon keeps attacking libs on twitter while theyre his primary customer base. Republicans are fighting over gas stoves you think they're interested in electrical cars? img


my_user_wastaken t1_j5y5ecy wrote

Not surprised there, more at how much she sold before it dropped. But she still lost money on it, looking at their site they owned ~half their total stock in tsla as it fell, whether this gain makes up for it idk.

I assumed shed bought based on this post, but didnt realize they sold basically all they had as it fell. Cost basis 108 now so not bad but they also sold 90% of the shares they once had, bit easier to have good cost basis when you essentially 4x your ownership.


ASUS_USUS_WEALLSUS t1_j5z0rc6 wrote

You think “libs” on Twitter actually care in real life? Or republicans? Everyone buying a Tesla regardless lol. Y’all dumb.


Redbeard_Greenthumb t1_j5yc7ed wrote

Yes, yes they are.. I know a few pretty far right wingers that are HARD for daddy Elons toys.


TendiesMeWant t1_j5z042t wrote

Maybe this is some crazy psy op to make right wingers want to buy electric vehicles. In any case it has the same effect lmao, keep going Elon. He can win pyrrhic victories on Twitter all he wants as long as he's advancing the green energy front and making it palatable to the climate change denying right.


g1ucose t1_j5y3lhw wrote

Lol, whats her average


RetardGoneDumb OP t1_j5y3soq wrote


Soldacki t1_j5z0max wrote

Average COIN price $206? GUHHHH


Spare-Competition-91 t1_j5z2v8z wrote

I know a guy who kept buying COIN when she did. I bet his average is around that too. maybe in the 100s. But yeah, he definitely bought on hype.


Mikerk t1_j608pl9 wrote

There is some serious loss porn in there. I stopped counting how many are down 60%-80%

FATE is the winner

~$68 average price

Realized some losses selling 7m+ shares for ~$15

-92% for her remaining 4m shares.


HODLDogeCoin2 t1_j5y2ytm wrote

Has anyone told you about the year to date thing? This meme is good though, thats what really matters.


StrongDongKong t1_j5xzjzy wrote

Mommy Cathie still got it.


testlipidesmu92 t1_j5z3lhk wrote

SPY 5 year return: +40%

ARKK 5 year return: -10%

Yeah, she's definitely got something.


TheMcBrizzle t1_j5z56e7 wrote

Hold up, God himself gave her those sick tips, who am I supposed to believe, someone whose data says ARKK is 50% lower than the S&P in the last 5 years or someone who gets stock tips from God.

Checkmate atheists


Vince9099 t1_j5xusxp wrote



TheAuthorBRPL t1_j5z4fdp wrote

She is freaking gorgeous for someone of 70 years old. It frekin unvealivable how different she is from all the 70 year old babcia I see around here in Eastern Europe


edaduas t1_j5z2931 wrote

Why'd she be laughing? My ARKK bag is down 70% since I got in a year or so ago.


Boostlagg t1_j5ylg3h wrote

can't wait for the bear market rally to end


dreamtim t1_j5z63pv wrote

come back in 2 weeks


Few-Statistician8740 t1_j5zak5k wrote

1 year return -45%

5 year return -10%

Meanwhile this clown is using 4 weeks of numbers...


Misha-Nyi t1_j5zj7v9 wrote

I’d bang her in all three pictures.


sol364 t1_j5zwi0z wrote

She is absolutely beautiful


LuisTechnology t1_j5z6oj7 wrote

She’s a rock star 💫 lol 😂 I know some will disagree but she has more bolas than some other ones in investment/strategy


renok_archnmy t1_j5z7xt2 wrote

I set my alarm to go off 5 minutes before markets opened and sold all my ARKK 1/27 37.5 C for +140%. Still down 57% whole portfolio over 365 days though.


donny1231992 t1_j5zc87m wrote

As of now she has a 5 year return of 0.3%

Very good fund manager!


NissanSkylineGT-R t1_j5zdzsc wrote

Let’s just ignore that big gap on the daily chart from yesterday


yorklebit t1_j5zff88 wrote

When I look at a 3 year chart, I'd say those who got in during the covid crash and got out a year ago. Or possibly shorts.

Or was this whole post tongue-in-cheek/regarded?


AJDillonsMiddleLeg t1_j5zha78 wrote

Bro she's still holding massive bags of TSLA at like $400 average cost. She belongs here.


cletus_ t1_j5zicb1 wrote

Down 65% but up 16% and life is good? Makes perfect sense. 🙄


realnovo t1_j5zk2zx wrote

She looks like something that would come from a Skyrim draugr cave.


First_Place_Finish t1_j5zkuux wrote

LOL>. she shouldnt be laughing.. if you invested wih her 5 years ago you would break even now.


coupbrick t1_j5zne33 wrote

Alexa, play Baby Come Back by Player


santropy t1_j5zod9i wrote

She is always laughing at you regard. It's not her money she is investigating. She makes money either way.


kman_tx t1_j5zpyu3 wrote

Still down 45% on year.


Turbiedurb t1_j5zq89w wrote

I bet aunt Cathh has done all right for herself over the past few years.


sweenster83 t1_j5zrawy wrote

Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Dozekar t1_j5zyeju wrote

Cathy is an irrational idiot. The market is widely known to stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

There is no possible fundamentals based valuation that make Tesla a good buy. It's a speculative gamble, and there's nothing wrong with making those as long as you know you are and you keep your head up to needing to GTFO that gamble.

The dumbass gambler that buys the winning ticket still wins, that doesn't make tickets a good idea for you to buy with your rent money.


IneoMors t1_j60a3ow wrote

so glad I didn't of the few times I didn't fuck up...I thought maybe under $200 - then well maybe at $150 or 100 then $50 ....should have maybe went for it at around $33? but still just not seeing how CB stacks up against any other fact reports all over their service is terrible....I can see this going back down into the $30's range short term if the company doesn't fail entirely long term...


HasSpareChromosomes t1_j60ulf0 wrote

Tesla bears thought it would go down in a straight line forever


patricio87 t1_j61b9nn wrote

Cathy is regarded but she did buy a bunch at bottom. But she also bought a bunch at 250 lol.


Pristine_Finance_320 t1_j61ecsd wrote

How can Elon say they are overwhelmed by demand when the lots are full of cars. All that stuttering fuck knows how to do is lie and fail.


Observ1 t1_j61mhuy wrote

Exactly who is laughing now?


Jifeeb t1_j61sfle wrote

She keeping L’Oréal hair dye in the black


Turok1134 t1_j61wd5u wrote

She's laughing at rubes like me who bought into her funds at the peak.


backruptcyfomo t1_j61zfb6 wrote

I mean some of the stuff she said came true


Ok_Song_3939 t1_j620c5u wrote

Not for too long, this market is not done looting money from so-called retail Investors AkA (dumb money.) All of these people on CNBC and other Financial professionals are just cheerleaders. They have no shame in their game. Bitcoin and all of Crypto are just Ponzi Schemes.


JabaTheSlut_69 t1_j625ydo wrote

You know it’s down like 70% from its peak right….


MrULTRALONG t1_j62zpf5 wrote

We will laugh last after joow fed meeting


Finance_Analys t1_j63s2of wrote

Perfect opportunity to short ARKK it is and will continue to be a garbage ETF and a darling for puts . Temporary market exuberance doesn’t mean unreasonable P/E values will be supported in long run


sam_mufasa_ t1_j64ao56 wrote

Her only right call was tesla lol


UsingiAlien t1_j65gl2l wrote

How does she get from young to old to young again??


kingbitchtits t1_j67jp1m wrote

The years just started! Give her time to work her magic.


Izzylizzy_101 t1_j69t5vc wrote

Besides ARKK, what do you guys think of ARKF?


Hairy_Obligation_787 t1_j5z1k1h wrote

She should just sell all of her holdings and yolo all in on Tesla. It’s literally her only performer.


v0lkeres t1_j5xuyqy wrote

money and a vision - makes people smile :)


spacebrrr577 t1_j5y3mii wrote

Cathy just rap*d your ass :D
